• Published 20th Oct 2013
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(SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love - Brian Jacko

After fasting and giving up sports and exercise, Rainbow Dash needs to get back into shape for her training with the Wonderbolts. Her friends tag along for the work out as well, but trouble finds Rainbow Dash along the way.

  • ...

Risking it All for Redemption

Soarin' flew through the hospital and the medical staff didn't' even have to ask any questions when they saw her body. They instantly took her away into the intensive care unit. They didn't allow Soarin' to go back with her at first, but he was obviously incredibly upset and demanded that he be by her side. After a bit of arguing, they decided to let him in. He was a big celebrity star anyway.

The doctor stood next to Soarin' after he finished examining her body and looking at the x-rays.

"Please tell me that she'll make it through this and will be OK," Soarin' pleaded.

"The doctor pushed his glasses up on his face with the tip of his hoof. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but she will die very soon." He turned and put his hoof on the door.

"Wait!" Soarin' cried out. "Isn't there anything you can do for her?"

"I'm sorry, Soarin', but the damage is too great and there's literally nothing I can do for her. Please, I have other patients I need to see whom I may be able to save, but I can't save her. You have some time right now to say goodbye to her. I recommend you go do that now before it's too late." The doctor opened the door and left.

Soarin' stood there in shock. His mind refused to believe what was told to him.

A few nurses bowed their heads in sympathy at Soarin' before leaving him alone with Rainbow.

Soarin' sat there next to her bed with his two front hooves on her front leg. He watched her chest rise and fall as he listened to the beeping of the heart monitor. He looked at how broken down, burnt, and beat up her body was. He had seen some freak accidents with other Wonderbolts, but this looked really bad. She was hooked up to machines and she had an IV going into her front leg. The clear tubes from the nasal cannula were wrapped around her ears and provided a steady flow of a mixture of air and oxygen into her nostrils. She was still in her Wonderbolt's uniform, but it was so ripped and torn up that they didn't even need to take it off of her. Soarin' kept repeating prayers over and over in his head. His ears perked up when he saw her open her mouth as if she wanted to say something. She coughed up some blood and Soarin' quickly wiped it off of her lip. She probably had some internal organ damage from that great fall. Soarin's back legs kept shaking with much fear and anxiety. He put his front hoof on her front leg and asked, "Dash, if you can speak at all, please say something."

Rainbow Dash did not open her eyes, but she opened her mouth and spoke in a weak voice, "Soarin'?" she asked.

Soarin' held onto her front leg tighter and said, "Yes! It's me Dash, please tell me what I can do for you."

"What happened to me?"

"You got into a really bad accident," Soarin' nervously answered.

"Am I going to be OK?"

Her question almost brought tears to his eyes because the doctor had examined her already and said that there was nothing he could do for her. He also said that judging from her injuries, she was guaranteed to die soon. He sat there staring at her and couldn't get the words out of his mouth. His mouth was trembling, but nothing was said.


Soarin' closed his eyes tightly and said, "I'm so sorry, Dash! The doctor told me that you're very much likely to die, but I refuse to believe that!"

"I-I-I want you to tell my sister's in Christ that I love them and..." Rainbow's words trailed off.

"What do you mean by that, Dash?" Soarin' asked. "You'll be home with them soon enough once we get you out of here."

Rainbow Dash did not answer his question. She opened her mouth again and said, "And I want you to know that I'll love you always.......forever. I think I'll be going home now."

"Going home now?" Soarin' asked. "Dash, you just got here, I think the pain killers are messing with your mind." Soarin' thought about something else that they could talk about. "Hey, Dash, remember the good times we had together when we first met? Let's talk about the wonderful things we did together and how much more fun it will be when we get you out of here." He paused and waited for a response, but there was none. "Dash?" he asked.

There was still no response from her. She simply lay there silent, no longer communicating with him.

He shook her gently and called her name a few times, "Dash? Dash? Please talk to me."

He watched her mouth closely, yet nothing was said nor any movement was made by her.

Reality kicked into Soarin's mind and he realized that she probably meant going home as in her eternal home. He began to accept the fact that she very much likely will die here very soon no matter how much he couldn't acknowledge the thought before. Soarin' fell over her body. He was distraught and prayed over her. "Dear God, why do You have to take her away from me? I don't want to go on in life without her. Please, You are the same God who raised Lazarus back to life from the dead, I beg that somehow You would graciously let me keep her. You used her to show me Your love, but I just feel that it's too soon for me to say good bye. Please Father, consider my prayer and don't take her away from me." Soarin' opened up his eyes and looked at Rainbow Dash, but there was nothing. She lay there lifeless and still. The only sound that was heard was the beeping from the heart rate monitor.

The door to the room flung open and a pony with a straight mane and tail and a coat that was a very dark shade of pink came barreling in. "Dashie!" she cried out.

In stepped the rest of Rainbow Dash's other friends.

Pinkie Pie came over and picked up Rainbow Dash's head and burrowed it into her chest. "Dashie! Please speak to me!" Pinkie Pie cradled her friend in her front legs and rocked her back and forth and began to cry.

Twilight and her friends hit the floor in unison and began to mourn when they saw Rainbow Dash.

No words were said. Each pony silently prayed around Rainbow Dash because no pony could control their sobbing to be able to speak.

Pinkie Pie was the only one who knew something terrible had happened because she got a brand new bizarre Pinkie sense that involved the feeling of her heart breaking in such a terrible way. She was the one who made her friends come and she somehow knew that it was about Rainbow Dash.

A certain orange Pegasus pony snuck in quietly and stood behind the scenes. She watched as Rainbow's friends mourned over her. She wanted to go and apologize, but she was terrified of being persecuted. She was fearing for her life right now. She didn't even know if Rainbow Dash was alive or dead right now.

Pinkie Pie looked over at Soarin and spoke. "She's going to be OK, right?"

Soarin' picked up his head from praying and ran his front hoof through Rainbow's mane. "No," He said, refusing to take his eyes off of Dash. "She's going to die. I can't believe that she's not going to be with me anymore. I don't understand God's ways and I don't know why He will take her away from me like this. The doctor said that there's nothing he can do for her."

Tears welled up in Risk's eyes. The guilt had overwhelmed her and even if they would kill her, she knew that deep down inside, she deserved it. She ran up and threw herself onto Rainbow's body. "I did it! I am responsible for harming her. Please don't hurt me! I am so sorry!"

Soarin' became filled with rage when he realized that it was one of the two Pegasus ponies fleeing from the scene. "You no good dirty murderer! I'll have you thrown into prison for the rest of your life! How could you even think to harm her in the first place?! I will make you pay!" Soarin' got up and Twilight began to panic because it appeared that he was literally going to hurt her. "Applejack! Stop him!"

Applejack sprung into action and tackled him to the floor just before he was able to reach her. She stood on top of him and kept him pinned there. He struggled so hard to break free, but Applejack was stronger than most stallions out there, even when it came to the top athletes such as the Wonderbolts.

Twilight Sparkle came over and said, "Soarin'! Please stop! Your behavior is not Christ-like. We have a pony here who is repentant and we haven't even heard her story yet."

"But she tried to kill my girlfriend!" he shouted.

"She was our best friend too and was our sister in Christ, Soarin'! Do you think Rainbow Dash would want you to behave like this? Did she ever tell you that she wanted to give her wings or even her whole life for just one pony to know the love and peace that Christ gives to her? Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry," Twilight said.

Soarin' shut his eyes tightly and two tears streamed down his face. "I-I-I remember that so well. She told me that often. I'm sorry. I just let anger and bitterness overcome me. Please, let me go."

Applejack looked over at Twilight Sparkle as if to silently ask her if it was OK to let him loose again.

Twilight Sparkle nodded her head OK and Applejack let him go.

Soarin' slowly stood to his hooves and looked down at the floor. He couldn't even look Risk in the eyes because of the precious life that she tried to take away from him.

Risk Taker coward low when the mares circled her. "I'm so sorry. I killed her and my friend helped me do it, but she flew away. Please, have mercy."

"We're not going to hurt you," Twilight said. "We just want to understand and help."

"Help!?" Risk asked. "Help!? I'm far beyond being helped. I'm a murderer!" Risk cowered even lower when Twilight Sparkle put her front hoof out and touched her body.

"Let us pray for you then," Twilight Sparkle said. Each pony put their front hoof on her quivering body.

"Are you girls crazy?! Why aren't you locking me up or hurting me? Why don't you hate me?" Risk asked.

"Because we are called to forgive others since Christ has forgiven us. Rainbow Dash would want us to do this for you anyway."

"This is not normal! What makes you all like this?" Risk asked.

"The love of Christ does," Twilight answered. She put her other front hoof to her mouth and whispered, "Shhhh, let us pray for you now."

The ponies each began to pray over Risk.

Soarin' stood by Rainbow Dash's side, refusing to take his eyes off of her. He stood there watching her for a long time while praying over her. After his prayer, he took off the wires that were attached to her chest and kissed her chest right where her heart was. For he could no longer bear to listen to the heart rate monitor beep slower and slower. "You had a pure heart of gold, Dash," he whispered to her. He then laid the side of his face down where her heart was. He couldn't leave her side. Rainbow Dash showed him what it meant to truly be loyal, and now he didn't want to let her go. Soarin's ears perked up when he heard the sound of something beat and he felt something pulsate against the side of his ear. He thought he was imagining things, but he felt it again, and then a third time. Soarin' picked his head up off of her chest. "Dash?"

There was no answer from her.

He put his ear back down to her chest and listened. He could now hear her heart beating and feel it pulsating. Some hope shined through his heart and he perked back up with excitement. "Dash!" he cried out as he very gently shook her. "Dash! Can you hear me?"

Twilight's ears perked up and she and her friends turned around to see what was going on. They had just finished praying over Risk Taker.

Rainbow Dash's eyes opened slowly and Soarin' almost jumped back in fear.

"Soarin'?" she asked in a weak voice.

Soarin' wrapped his front legs around her body and kissed her cheek. "Jesus, thank You! Thank You for this miracle!"

Everypony else stood there in shock, unable to move or speak.

"Soarin'?" she asked again. "I love you."

"Thank You, Jesus," Twilight managed to say under her breath.

Rainbow's friends said a thank you to God for this miracle. They were all stunned that she was not dead.

Pinkie Pie's tail and mane instantly became puffy again and she ran over and embraced her friend. "Oh, Dashie! You're alive and it's so good to hear you talk again!"

Twilight Sparkle came closer to the bed and said, "Easy, Pinkie Pie. She still might be in a lot of pain. We don't want to hurt her." Twilight looked at Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash? Can you speak to us? How do you feel?"

Rainbow Dash slowly looked at Twilight. "I don't know. All I kept hearing were words of love and I was thinking about all of you and Soarin'."

"That's wonderful! Praise Him! We are so glad you're able to talk," Twilight said with a beaming smile.

"I can't believe it," Soarin' said. "The doctor swore to me that she was going to die and here she is with her eyes open and talking to us again."

Risk Taker fell before Rainbow Dash and said, "Truly, I am so sorry for what I have done, Rainbow Dash. I don't know how I'm going to be able to pay for your medical bills when you sue me. I don't think there is any possible way I can afford it."

Rainbow Dash was deep in thought for a moment and said, "I'm not going to sue you."

"What!?" Risk asked.

"I don't know how I'll afford this all, but I will," Rainbow said. "I want to pay for your wrong doings because Christ had paid for my sins. I know that no work or payment can ever be as great as compared to Christ's work on the cross for us, but I just want to show you compassion and show you how awesome my God is."

"B-b-but what if you're not able to fly again," Risk asked.

"That would hurt me very much, but I want to tell you something. I often prayed and told my friends that I would gladly give up my wings and even my life just so that a pony could feel and know the love and peace that I have that can only come from God."

"T-t-that's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard," Risk said with tears in her eyes.

"She is truly a saint," Soarin' said.

"And so are you," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Huh? I don't understand how I can be a saint," Soarin' said.

Twilight spoke up. "The word saint does not have the cultic concept nor does the saint posses a quality that allows him or her to claim divinity. The term is applied to all believers. The saints can only approach God because he or she has obtained a righteous standing or position on the basis of Christ's work by means of faith."

"So she's not something special? Doesn't she deserve to be appointed as an Apostle or anything major?" Soarin' asked.

"Oh, no! She is very special, but I think that you are misunderstanding these terms and are trying to put her a little too high. An Apostle is not appointed by ponies or commissioned by anyone, but by Jesus Christ and the Father who raised Him from the dead. An Apostle is one who is sent out on a mission with fully delegated authority by his master, just as the original disciples whom Jesus selected were sent out. Apostles had full authority in oral and written proclamation. We need to remember that it is the doing of God's will that gives him pleasure and glory."

Soarin' looked down and nodded his head in understanding. Right now, he cared more about having Rainbow Dash by his side and seeing that she was being taken good care of. He could always ask questions later.

"S-s-so is this really all happening? You not only forgive me whole heartedly, but you also don't want me to pay for my crimes against you?" Risk asked.

Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded her head yes. "But you forgot one thing," Rainbow said.

"What's that?" Risk asked.

"I want to be your friend because Jesus is a friend of sinners and He cares for you just as much as He cares for me," Rainbow said.

"I still don't understand," Risk said.

"You don't have to understand," Rainbow said. "None of us can understand how God can even love us in the first place."

"I want to give my entire life to this God," Risk said. "What must I do?"

"Well, you can talk to Him right now and surrender your life to Christ. Accept His death and resurrection, confess your desire to want to be His child and He will give you His helper, the Holy Spirit," Twilight said.

"But I don't know what to say, I have never prayed before."

"Just give it your best shot. We can help you out if you need it," Twilight said.

Risk got low to the ground and began her prayer. "Dear God, I have done so much wrong and today, I have been shown amazing grace and mercy. I don't understand this, but I want to learn just how You transform these hearts of ponies. I literally almost killed a pony today out of jealousy and anger, but now she seems to be better again, and she has somehow forgiven me because of You. Any normal pony would give me the hate and judgment that I deserve. I have probably ruined her career as a Wonderbolt. Please God, would you heal her damaged body? She deserves to be healed and I deserve to be in her position right now. She said that she would pay for her own medical bills and not sue me even if she's not sure that she can afford all of this. Truly, I ask that You take full control over my life and change my heart to be more like Rainbow Dash's. Please forgive me of my sins, for they are atrocious and I don't know how I will move on in life. I feel like I will suffer with guilt for the rest of my life. Please help Rainbow Dash, and please help me. Amen."

Risk opened up her eyes and lifted her head up slowly to signify that she was done.

"Very well said for your first prayer. You prayed from your heart, Risk and I welcome you into God's herd," Twilight said.

"Thank you. I feel this burden lifted off of me. I feel sorry for what I have done, but I do not feel guilty about it anymore. I almost feel.....at peace."

"That's because you're experiencing His grace and love right now. Grace expresses the cause, God's gracious work, and peace, the effect of God's work. The grace of God that brings salvation to sinners effects peace between them and God. This same grace also endures believers to live peacefully with each other."

"I want to dwell with you ponies. May I hang out with you since Rainbow Dash asked to be my friend?"

"Sure!" Twilight said. "We have our Bible group studies at my library and I'd be more than happy to have you come over!"

Risk looked down and said, "I wasn't the only one involved in hurting Rainbow Dash. My friend, well, former friend, fled to Manehatten. She said really nasty and horrible things when we saw Rainbow Dash lying on the ground from our attack on her. She had no remorse and she hoped that Rainbow had died. She used to be a good friend of mine, do you think there is hope for her?"

"Of course there is," Twilight said. "The best we can do is pray for her."

"I don't know exactly where she went, but I have ideas."

"I'm sure the authorities will look into the matter," Twilight said. "Let's just pray that she has a change of heart."

Risk nodded her head and then hugged Rainbow Dash. "Back then, I used to believe that all Christians and religious ponies were the cause of all of the problems in the world. I am so sorry for this."

"No, I'm sorry," Rainbow Dash said.

"Huh?" Risk asked as she let go of her.

"I apologize for my brothers and sisters who sin and do not act in a truly Christ-like manner. The hate, the fighting, the sex scandals in the church. These are all terrible things."

"That's not your fault, but yes, those are some of the reasons why my heart was so angry. Thank you for showing me how Christ wants you and all of us to behave."

"Hey, I still screw up sometimes too, we shouldn't look down on others. Just because some ponies may sin differently than us, doesn't mean that it makes us any better than them," Rainbow said.

Twilight Sparkle wiped a tear from her eye with the tip of her front hoof and smiled. "You have come a long way, Rainbow Dash. Praise be to God."

Risk put her head down. "I don't know what's going to happen to me when I have to deal with the authorities. I assume that I'll be locked up in jail for a very long time."

"I'll fight it," Rainbow said. "Jail is supposed to be rehabilitation for the inmates and I know that you have already been rehabilitated through Christ. You are no longer a threat or danger to other ponies now, so you should be free. Remember the story of Paul? He never went to jail for his crimes in the past, but later on, he was locked up in jail and suffered great persecution for the truth. Christ came and changed his heart on the road to Damascus, and I feel that He has fully changed your heart as well. We'll speak with Princess Celestia about all of this anyway. Don't you worry about anything. We're all going to be here for you."

Risk nodded her head OK.

Rarity had left for a short while and then came back in with a tray on wheels full of food and a drink for Rainbow Dash. Behind her, were nurses and doctors who were stunned to see that she was still alive and was talking. Rarity pushed the tray over her bed and adjusted its height for her friend. "I bet you're hungry and thirsty, Rainbow. I know this isn't exactly gourmet eating, but I thought that I would get you something to eat."

Rainbow Dash tried to lean forward to grab the food, but she let out a moan in pain. Everypony had felt so sorry that she was still suffering even with the pain killers.

Soarin' picked up the fork and knife and helped feed Rainbow Dash little by little.

The nurses and doctors began checking her vital signs and her condition. She was going to live after all and be OK. They had heard of miracles happen before, but this was the first major miracle that any of the nurses or doctors had seen there.

The ponies stayed the entire day and through most of the night with her.

Twilight and her friends asked if she wanted them to stay with her over night, but Rainbow Dash said that they could leave and come back to visit her again. She only wanted Soarin' to stay and he was going to stay regardless if she asked him to stay or not.

Risk would be going back with Twilight to her library for additional prayer and support before speaking with the Princess.

Rainbow Dash was in a lot of pain, but she was very grateful. For a pony came to know the Lord today and her heart leapt with joy for her. She tried to stay awake for as long as she could, but she soon drifted off to sleep shortly after her friends had left.

Soarin' watched her chest rise and fall as she slept peacefully. For he would not leave her and wanted her just as much regardless if she was not able to fly or even walk again. For he was dedicated to Dash and this was his precious Princess that he loved so much. Soarin' started to get tired himself and drifted off to sleep in a chair nearby. His day was incredibly stressful and full of worry and the sounds of the hospital put him to sleep quickly. He hoped that she would be able to pull through all of this and he hoped that he could be there for her to help her through her new challenges in life. He had no idea what new challenges they would face together, but he would not give up on her just like how she had not given up on him.