• Published 25th Sep 2013
  • 4,562 Views, 89 Comments

Night of Redemption - Rated Ponystar

AU to To Love a Mare: Twilight's disgraced father, Night Light, has lived five years in regret for his mistakes against his daughter and Princess Luna. However, he now has one night to fix everything, but it will come at the biggest of sacrifice

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Chapter 1

Night of Redemption

By Rated Ponystar

Edited by Elric of Melnipony and TimeLord_Whooves

With permission from Mayhem Darkshadow


In a lone, desolate bar on St. Ponysburg Street in Vanhoover, a single unicorn was finishing his eighth glass of the hard liquor that warmed his throat, but not his heart. At such a late time of night, it wasn’t hard to find stallions wanting to drink their troubles away -- some more than others. Everypony in the bar knew the guy; some hated him and said he got what he deserved five years ago. Others pitied him, having made their own mistakes long ago, hence their reasons for ending up drunks like him. The only true friend he had was the bartender, a unicorn who took the empty glass from the the poor drunk and frowned.

“That’s enough, Night Light. You have work tomorrow, and you told me your boss said that if you showed up drunk again at the docks, he was gonna fire your sorry flank,” said the bartender, shaking his head.

“It doesn’t matter. Work is gonna be cancelled all week. One of the big cranes came loose and damaged some of the surrounding area,” said Night Light, trying his best to stay on his seat.

“Ouch, anypony hurt?”

Night Light shook his head. “No, just a couple of bruises and cuts. Safety inspection and insurance is gonna be crawling all over the place so we’re on standby until they leave. Makes me wonder how I’m gonna pay for next month’s rent though...”

The bartender looked at Night Light, wishing his poor friend could have some good luck after five years of misery. He had known who Night Light was from the moment he had first moved into the neighborhood; hay, everypony in Equestria knew. After all, it wasn’t every day that a pony manages to piss off both princesses of Equestria. He previously had Canterlot ponies before in his bar, poor saps who lost their fortunes through one stupid way or another, but never like Night Light.

Like everypony else, he tried to stay away from the guy until he managed to hear Night Light’s side of the story from his own mouth. The guy was clearly feeling guilty for everything he had done, having lost his wife, son, and daughter because of his actions. Yet it was too late to fix everything, no matter how much he wanted to. Ever since then, the bartender had tried to be a good friend to him despite others telling him to not bother.

“Listen, Night,” said the bartender, quickly thinking of a plan to help his friend. “Maybe you can work for me. Those guys down at the docks have been treating you like manure ever since you came to Vanhoover. Low pay, low benefits, not to mention I’ve lost count of how many fights you’ve been in. You need to be treated better.” Night Light looked unconvinced, so he tried another idea. “And my sister, you know Jasmine, right? Well, she’s been interested in ya and maybe the two of you can go out together. I know you love your wife and all, but now that you're single again, maybe you can try to make another fam-”

“Shut up!” screamed Night Light, striking his hoof across the counter, knocking a ketchup bottle to the floor. Everypony went quiet as Night Light looked at the startled bartender straight in the eye. “Don’t... ever... say that again! I only had one wife! One son! And one daughter! And even if they never love me anymore, I will never, ever, replace them!”

The bartender bit his lip. “Night, listen to yourself. I’m trying to help you get your life back together. Don’t you want to be happy? Have a new life?”

“No, I don’t,” muttered Night Light, slowly looking up at the ceiling. A tear dripped down his eye. “My family was my life. And I hurt them all. I hurt my daughter. I broke my little Twilight’s heart because I was so blind and stupid!” He covered his teary eyes with his hooves and began to weep. A few frowning faces softened upon seeing this, but nopony said anything to the crying stallion. “Why didn’t I let her just be happy?! How could I have... my own daughter... oh... Twilight...”


“Stop!” yelled Night Light, slamming his hoof on the counter and turning around, glaring at the other drinkers. They turned away, but their ears were still focused on him. Turning back to his only remaining friend in the world, Night Light said, “I’m grateful that you want to help me, but if you start hiring me, you’ll lose business. I can’t let another pony suffer for my sins. I just can’t...”

Sighing, the bartender rubbed the back of his neck, eyes narrowed in frustration. “Then at least promise me you’ll find a new job. Something better than the docks.”

Night Light chuckled before pulling some bits out of the pockets of his long coat and placing them on the bar. “I doubt anypony wants to hire Night Light, the worst father in the world.”

“You’re not a bad father,” said the bartender, levitating the bits to his cash register. “Ya just made a bad mistake...”

“Yeah, but that mistake cost me everything,” muttered Night Light as he made his way towards the door. Once he left, the entire bar instantly became much more chatty, with friends talking to each other in normal tone rather than the whispers they had been using earlier.

The bartender frowned at this, but knew he had no right to tell his customers what to think -- no matter how much he wanted to tell them to lay off the poor guy. He was about to start cleaning glasses when a young earth pony in winter garb signaled him over. Walking towards the caller, he asked, “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, who was that stallion that just left?” asked the earth pony, motioning his head towards the door. “I’ve seen him a few times, but everypony tells me to stay away from him. Not to mention I was overhearing you two talk and I couldn’t help but be curious. What did he do that got him into such a state?”

Although he felt reluctant to share Night Light’s past, he figured his friend could use another sympathetic soul. “You know Princess Twilight, right? The new alicorn? Element of Magic? Princess Luna’s marefriend?” The young drinker nodded. “That’s her father.”

The earth pony spat out his drink and coughed a bit before staring at the bartender in disbelief. “W-what?! Are you kidding me? What’s a guy like him, the father of a princess, doing here?”

“You haven’t been in Equestria the past few years, have ya?” asked the bartender.

“No, I was raised in Saddle Arabia most of my life. I came to this country a few months ago. Still can’t get use to this cold,” said the earth pony, shivering in his winter clothes.

“Well, Night Light had everything a stallion could want: a home, fortune, a loving family. But then when he learned his daughter was dating a mare, he flipped. Couldn’t stand the thought of his daughter being a fillyfooler,” said the bartender, using that disgusting slur that made his mouth dry up. “Anyway, it started a big fight in his family, and what’s worse, it turns out he hired a gang of bad ponies to cause tension between Princess Luna and his daughter so they could separate. Eventually, he saw the error of his ways, but it was too late. Damage was done.”

“He tried to pay the gang off, to stop them, but they went along and hurt his daughter anyway. There was a trial, but Twilight forgave him and was able to convince Princess Celestia to grant him mercy instead of jail time. So she ordered that he leave Canterlot, never to return, and was to never involve himself in Twilight or her family’s lives ever again.”

The earth pony was shocked again. “She did that? After everything he did to her, the princess just forgave him?”

The bartender shrugged. “I guess she still loved her father. More so than everypony else does. His wife divorced him, he’s dead to his son, and even the princesses only let him off with a light punishment because of Twilight’s pleading. Although rumors say that if he gets out of line one more time, or even breaks the rules set against him, he’s going straight to jail with no chance of a trial. That guy really bucked up and he’s been living with that guilt for five years. Wasting away and getting drunk in regret.”

To his credit, the earth pony frowned and nodded. “That poor guy. I really hope things turn out better for him.”

“You and me both, kiddo.”


Ever since he was a colt, Night Light had always loved the night sky. The stars were like a sea of wonder and when he was little, he used to talk to the Mare in the Moon whenever she appeared. His love of the night had helped him discover his special talent in astronomy, and it was during the night that he first confessed to Velvet his feelings. To his disappointment, his wife and his son never expressed much interest in nightly activities, preferring to stay in the sun. However, he finally found somepony to share his love of the dark when his daughter, at only a few months old, pointed at the wallpaper in her room and said her first word.


Ever since then, he took Twilight out to see the stars whenever he had the time. It was their own little thing together. She picked up his love of astronomy and began to learn just as quickly as he did growing up. Even after she had left his home to become Celestia’s student, she never stopped looking up at the stars; she would even sneak home to watch them with him.

Night Light felt a tear fall down his cheek. Now he would never have those experiences again with his beloved daughter. His little star. His Twilight. Rising up from his haunches, he pushed off the wall he was leaning on, ready to head back to his dump of an apartment. He then cursed, feeling a rising tension in his bladder. Knowing he couldn’t hold it very long, he quickly looked around on the street to see if anypony was nearby. With the coast clear, he turned to the wall and began to relieve himself.

So this what I have been reduced to? A stallion, hated by all, who now has to pee on a wall like some hobo instead of his own toilet, thought Night Light, shaking his head. No, this is just. I deserve this and so much more.

He only hoped that nopony would spot him and alert the authorities of his crime of ‘public urination’ or ‘indecent exposure’. It wasn’t a secret that he knew the authorities of Vanhoover were watching him, waiting to arrest him the moment he did something wrong. Princess Celestia had made it very clear after his trial, in private, that if he did anything wrong -- even littering -- she would throw him, without a second thought, in jail for all the eight years he should have been serving.

Night Light had done his best to keep his hooves on the right side of the law, although more than once, he had been accused of crimes and then released when it was proven he wasn’t guilty of them. And while he was relieved that he wasn’t in jail, he couldn't help but feel that his punishment wasn’t enough to make up for his mistake. Nopony, outside of Twilight, had been able to forgive him of his crime. Not even himself.

With the last of his urine released, Night Light sighed in relief and prepared to return home when he suddenly heard screaming. He paused in his step, waiting to see if it was just his imagination. When he heard another scream, Night Light cursed and rushed down the alley. He turned the corner only to freeze at what he saw. Three stallions, two earth ponies and one pegasus, were beating up another earth pony who was covered with bruises all over his white coat. His red mane had been torn up and both eyes had big shiners on them.

Night Light was curious as to why he was getting beaten up until one of the earth pony assaulters said, “Yeah, keep screaming like a filly, fag! Scream like when your coltfriend bucks you in your plothole!”

“Bucking colt cuddlers! You're all pathetic and messed up! Society is better off without you faggots!” screamed the pegasus, smashing his hoof against the downed stallion’s face.

“P-please! I didn’t d-do anything! Augh!” cried the teary-eyed stallion as he got kicked in the gut.

“Shut up! I think this guy was looking at my crotch, boys. Why don’t we smash his own genitals so badly, his cocksucking friends will have to use a spoon to get some!” shouted the other earth pony, grinning maliciously.

Suddenly, Night Light began to see things differently. Those three were replaced with the same stallions that he had once hired long ago in Canterlot. The crying colt cuddler was replaced with his daughter, Twilight, who was looking up at him and begged. “Help me... Daddy...”

Roaring like a beast, Night Light charged forward, scaring everypony in the alley. With rage fueling him, Night Light spun and kicked the first earth pony in the jaw, sending him flying into the wall and knocking him out instantly. The other earth pony tried to fight back, but Night Light hoofed him in the stomach before slamming his head against the bastard’s muzzle, breaking it. He finished the thug off by grabbing his throat with his magic and hurling him into a dumpster before closing the cover on his head.

The pegasus, seeing his buddies down for the count, took his chances and began to fly. Night Light, not wanting him to get away, grabbed a trash can with his telekinesis and hurled it at the pegasus. Nailed in the head, the pegasus was distracted enough to fly into a wall and soon crash-landed. Night Light quickly got on top of him and began to slam his front hooves into his opponent’s face.

“You! Will! Never! Hurt! Another! Pony! Ever! Again! You! Mother! Bucker!” screamed Night Light, his hooves going down faster with each word.

“Sir! Sir! Stop! You’re going to kill him!” cried the wounded earth pony, dragging Night Light by the tail despite his struggles. “Sir! It’s over! They can’t hurt me anymore! You won!”

Night Light slowly began to take deep breaths as his anger began to fade. He looked at the pegasus in horror, barely able to make out his face with all the blood covering him. The only signs that he was still alive were the rising of his chest and whimpers from his mouth. Night Light felt like he was going to be sick. The earth pony, helping Night Light up to his hooves, dragged him out of the alley. “Come on, we better get out of here.”

“Wait,” said Night Light before lighting up his horn and shooting a red flare out into the sky. “Now somepony will come find them and give them medical attention.”

The earth pony nodded and the two proceeded to quickly escape the area. When they were a few blocks away, they slowly began to relax and sat down at a nearby street bench. The earth pony, turning to his savior, reached out his hoof and said, “I’m Whisper Keeper. You?”

“Night Light,” he said, shaking the hoof. “Why were they beating you up?”

Whisper Keeper winced and looked at the floor in shame. “I... I was coming out of a bar not too far from where you found me. It’s... it’s a bar for stallions trying to find other... stallions.” He started to tear up. “You heard them, didn’t you? Calling me fag and coltcuddler? Like I’m some kind of... freak!”

“Don’t call yourself that,” muttered Night Light, shamefully trying to fight back his own memories of his outrage upon learning of his daughter’s sexuality. “There is... nothing wrong with you wanting to be happy.”

“But I’ve only just accepted this! How can...” said Whisper Keeper, shaking his head. “How can I keep doing this if ponies like that are gonna keep saying such awful things or keep beating me up!”

“.... there is always gonna be horrible ponies; ignorant ones who will never understand,” said Night Light looking up into the sky, the stars shining down upon him. “But there are those who will accept you for who you are, and want what’s best for you.” He looked at the pony he rescued and asked, “What about your friends and family? Do they support you?”

Whisper Keeper shifted in his seat. “I don’t really have friends. That’s kinda why I went to that bar today. Some of them were really cool. As for my folks? They divorced when I was little and I haven’t seen my mom in years. My dad, Shadow Whisper, he’s confused on how to feel and doesn’t like talking much about my... interests.”

Night Light stared at the sullen teen for a long time before finally making up his mind. He nudged Whisper Keeper. “Show me to your house. We’re gonna have a talk with your father.”


After some reluctance, Whisper Keeper agreed to show Night Light his home, which wasn’t far from where they were sitting. Nervously, Whisper Keeper knocked on his front door with Night Light right beside him. It soon opened, revealing a black-coated earth pony with a red mane similar to Whisper Keeper’s. Immediately, Shadow Whisper gasped and grasped his son in a hug, looking at his injuries in horror. “Oh, Celestia! Son, what happened to you?!”

“Well...” whispered Whisper Keeper, struggling to find the right words.

Night Light decided to step in. “He was attacked by three ponies, but I stepped in and helped him out. He just needs some rest and he’ll be as good as normal.”

Shadow looked at Night Light with a confused look before nodding in thanks. “Thank you, but... why did they attack my son?”

“They... saw me coming out of the bar, Dad...” muttered Whisper, sounding ashamed of his actions like he had done something criminal.

“Oh,” said Shadow, looking at the ground for a second before sighing.

Seeing this made Whisper tear up. “Dad, I know this is hard for you but-”

“Stop.” Shadow Whisper held his hoof up and covered his son’s mouth with it. “I know... I know I haven’t been that easy to deal with. You have to understand, this is... this is still shocking to me.” He slowly put his hoof down and began to smile. “But you're my son. I love you. If you want to find a stallion to love instead of a mare... then I accept it and will support you all the way.”

Whisper Keeper’s eyes widened before he hugged his dad, tears streaming down his face as he smiled with joy. “Oh Dad... thank you... thank you... I love you so much!”

“I know, Son. I’m just sorry it took so long for me to accept you,” said Shadow, hugging his son and kissing him on the cheek.

Night Light stood there with his own smile, but it soon faded when he asked himself, Why couldn’t I be like that for Twilight? Why did I have to push her away and cause her so much pain? This father... he’s better than me.

Whisper Keeper was told by his father to get inside and take a bath, but before he did, he turned to Night Light and bowed. “Thank you, Mr. Night Light. I will never forget your kindness.”

Although he smiled, Night Light quickly saw the shocked look in Shadow Whisper’s face. He knows who I am.

Once Whisper was inside, Shadow Whisper and Night Light stared at each other. One in shock, the other impassive. Finally, Shadow asked, “Are you... really the Night Light? The one who...”

“Yes,” muttered Night Light, deciding there was no point in lying.

“But then,” said Shadow Whisper, scratching his head, “why did you help my son? After what you did to your daughter...”

Night Light closed his eyes and tried to fight back the tears that threatened to spill. “Because... I’ve learned from my mistakes... I just learned them too late...”

“I see...” whispered Shadow, who placed his hoof on Night Light’s shoulder. “Regardless, I owe you for saving my son. If there is anything you need, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me.”

“Thank you, good night,” said Night Light, hurrying off the porch and back into the street. Walking towards his home, body weary from the night’s events, he began to imagine Shadow and his son, happy at home together, and soon replaced them with him and Twilight.


Night Light opened the door to his apartment and shut it before fumbling for the light switch. When it was turned on, he quickly looked at his small, messy apartment and resolved to clean it tomorrow. Since there would be no work for a while, it gave him something to do. Not bothering to take off his long coat, he walked over to his kitchen, took a beer out of his fridge, and opened it. He sat down at his desk and stared at the three only photos he had left of his life in Canterlot before his exile.

The first was his wedding picture with him and his now ex-wife, Twilight Velvet. The second was during his son’s wedding with all of his family, his new daughter-in-law, Twilight’s friends, and the princesses all smiling together on the happy day. The final one was his most treasured, a picture of his little daughter reading her first book. Tears dripped down his face as he took the photo and gently caressed it, remembering how she asked him to read it to her. She soon memorized it word for word and found the joy in reading, a trait she got from her mother.

It was all he had left of the world he had once treasured, a world he destroyed with his own hooves. Almost all of his friends and family hated him, and wanted him out of their lives for his mistake. All but one at least.

He slowly reached for the right side drawer and opened it, revealing a series of papers that were carefully laid out and sorted by order of date. Levitating one to his face, he slowly read it...

Dear Daddy,

Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve! I tried again, asking Celestia and my family to let you come down to Canterlot or at least for me to visit you, but they said no, just like last year. They keep telling me to forget about you, but I can’t. You’re my dad, and despite what they think, I know there is still some good in you. I know you feel sorry for what you’ve done. I just wish we could be a family again, but Mom says that we are still a family. Just... one short...

Luna and I are doing well, she’s been helping me adjust to my wings and alicorn magic since the coronation. She’s even planning on taking us to the Wintra Resort in the Griffin Kingdom for a vacation. I’ve been thinking a lot about our relationship for the past five years. It’s been quite a journey and I can’t believe how far we’ve gotten. I love her so much, Dad... I... I want to marry her. I haven’t told anypony about this, Dad, not even Spike, but I think she’s the one.

I’ve thought about doing it this Hearth’s Warming Eve, but I chickened out. I’m afraid to ask Mom how you proposed to her, because she doesn’t like talking about you that much. (And Shining Armor and Cadance are too busy taking care of the Crystal Empire while handling their new daughter.). And I’d ask you, but it’s hard enough sending you these messages in secret. I don’t want to risk getting you into more trouble.

I wish I could give you a gift, but it’s too risky. If Celestia or anypony finds out I’ve been sending you these messages... I don’t want to think about it. I just wish they’d forgive you already. I forgive you, and I should be the one most angry.

But when you tried to save me, how you tried to make things up, and even when you apologized during your trial, I knew that you still loved me. Maybe you made the wrong choices, but I know you're sorry and if there was a way I could prove that to everypony, I would do so.

I just hope you’re safe and not feeling too lonely.

With Love,

Twilight Sparkle

Covering his eyes, Night Light wept as he read more of the letters his sweet daughter sent him. It only made him question himself over and over again. How could I have done this to her? Why did I have to harm my baby filly?

The words of his darling daughter were the only bright light he had in his life. She had sent letters to him, under careful notice, to let him know that while everypony else had given up on him, she didn’t. She still loved him. He was still her father in her eyes. Of all ponies in the world that should have hated him, Twilight had forgiven him long ago.

She never gives up. She keeps pushing to let them welcome me back, and despite their resistance she never gives up on me, thought Night Light, looking up into the ceiling. Oh, Twilight. If I could take back everything, I would do it in a heartbeat. Anything to have you, Velvet and Shining back in my life again.

He read the last letter again. His daughter wanted to marry Princess Luna. He had long ago dreamed of being the father of the bride, to walk his daughter down the aisle. It would have been the greatest moment of his life as a father and now he would never get to see that happen. Twilight would try. She would try her hardest, but if she failed to convince her family and the princesses to let him come to her coronation, and his granddaughter’s birth, then chances were that it wouldn’t happen.

And Luna. For a while, he had cursed her and was willing to blame her for everything, but he realized he was only fooling himself. Luna had done nothing bad to his daughter, only given her love and comfort. If he had to be honest, he had been worried when Twilight started hanging around more and more with the Night Princesses. She had many political enemies who still saw her as Nightmare Moon, or were against her policies. He was afraid that Twilight would be a target, more so than she already was, but still respected his daughter's wishes to befriend Luna.

But when Twilight announced she was dating the princess-- his thoughts quickly turned to Whisper Keeper and how he was nearly beaten to death. That was what he feared most for his daughter. That was why he had wanted to break them up. That was why he was willing to do anything to see his daughter safe and sound. And yet it took losing everything, including the love and respect of his entire family, to realize he had done it wrong. He had become those ponies who were beating up Whisper Keeper. He had become what he feared.

A knock on the door nearly made him fall out of his chair. The pony behind it shouted, “Open up! Now!”

“J-just a second!” shouted Night Light as he shakily put the letters away, just as they were before.

He soon opened the door, but his heart sank when he saw who it was: three royal guards. One of them, a pegasus, stepped forward, “Night Light? Princess Celestia has ordered us to bring you to Canterlot at once. Please come with us.”

“... am I under arrest?” whispered Night Light, trembling at the thought of the jail cell he had been forced to occupy for days before his trial.

“Just come with us, please,” ordered the guard again, his expression never changing.

Night Light slowly nodded and looked at his apartment one more time before closing it. He wondered if it was the last time he would ever see it again.


Throughout the entire chariot ride to Canterlot, Night Light couldn’t help but sweat in fear. He gazed at the guards, hoping to find some hint as to what they were planning to do with him, but they showed no emotion. When he spotted the coming lights of his once home city, Night Light closed his eyes and silently wept. He was going to jail. The only reason Celestia would be calling him back was to deliver her promise to him.

Had they found out about Twilight’s letter? Or was it the fact he beat up three ponies? Maybe he could get Whisper Keeper and his father to vouch for him, if he could get in contact with them before they slammed him into a cell. He could only imagine the devastation that Twilight would feel when she heard her father was in the prison he deserved to be in, not to mention the satisfaction of Luna and those who hated him.

The carriage began to get lower and lower, making Night Light squirm in his seat. He closed his eyes, waiting to land. When they finally did, he opened one of his eyes to see his new dark home for the next eight years… only to blink in surprise at what he really saw. It wasn’t Canterlot Prison. It was Canterlot General Hospital.

Before Night Light could ask questions, the guards ordered him to get off and follow them inside. Now curious, he complied and entered the main lobby with them. It was late at night; barely anypony was around except for a few workers in the night shift. But one pony stood out above them all and nearly made Night Light shiver in fear: an emotionless Princess Celestia.

Night Light stood there in terror as the guards saluted their princess. Celestia nodded. “You may go. I’ll take care of this.”

They nodded and retreated back to the carriage outside. For a long time, Night Light and Celestia stared at each other. He could tell, from the glimmer in her eyes, that she didn’t want him here, that he was the last pony on earth that she wanted to speak to. If that’s so, then why am I here?

“Follow me,” said Celestia, almost like an order. Night Light, not wanting to piss off the sun princess, followed. They pushed through the double doors at the back of the lobby and entered the main hallway of the hospital. It was so creepy to hear such silence, broken only by the occasional moan from a nearby patient. Once in awhile, a nurse or doctor would pass them, quickly bowing to Celestia while paying Night Light no heed.

Then, out of nowhere, Celestia stopped and Night Light barely managed to stop himself from slamming into her flank. Turning around, Celestia looked at him, but now a hint of sorrow could be seen in those eyes. It was almost as if she was showing her age. “Do you know why you are here?”

“N-no,” answered Night Light, shaking his head.

Celestia closed her eyes and huffed. “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t be letting you near her. But she requested this... and at her stage... not even I can deny this right.” She glared at him. “You have no right to be her father, but she still calls you such, which is beyond my understanding. Nevertheless, I will respect Princess Twilight’s wishes...”

Night Light’s worries soon redirected itself from him to his daughter the moment he heard her name. Fear in his tone, he asked, “What’s going on? What’s wrong with Twilight! Tell me!”

Celestia said nothing and just looked at the ground in silence.

Growling, Night Light stomped his hoof and demanded, “Dammit, Celestia! Tell me what’s going on!” He didn’t care if he was acting rude to her. Twilight was in trouble and he would take on all of Canterlot’s army before he let anything happen to her.

Finally, Celestia asked, “Have you been keeping up with the news?”

Night Light shook his head. “No, ever since that article about me... and my crime... I’ve been kicked out of every newspaper store in my neighborhood. Most of what I get is just second-hoof rumor stuff from listening at work or at a bar I go to.”

Celestia closed her eyes, her lips trembling. This only made Night Light worry more as he waited with halted breath.

“... Twilight is dying.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for the reading the first chapter of the Alternate Ending. I'm really looking froward to see how fans of the fanfic enjoy this. This story is three chapters so expect the next one sometime in October. Thanks to Mayhem for giving me permission to do this.

There is one important thing to note. I'm looking for an artist who would be okay for doing four small art work prices for this story. But it has to be for free since I have very little cash on me. They don't have to be amazing or big, just four small art pieces I can put in the chapter to make it look good. Please message me if interested.

That's all for now. Later