• Published 25th Sep 2013
  • 4,551 Views, 89 Comments

Night of Redemption - Rated Ponystar

AU to To Love a Mare: Twilight's disgraced father, Night Light, has lived five years in regret for his mistakes against his daughter and Princess Luna. However, he now has one night to fix everything, but it will come at the biggest of sacrifice

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Chapter 3

Night of Redemption

By Rated Ponystar

Edited by Elric of Melnipony and TimeLord_Whooves and ugugg93

With permission from Mayhem Darkshadow


The single sentence silenced everypony in the room. Night Light was fairly certain that nopony was even breathing. Then at long last, Night Light let out a sigh of relief as his tears silently fell from his eyes. He could save Twilight. He could save his baby girl. No more pain. No more being on the edge of death. She would live and be happy again.

Realization then hit him like a blow to the head about what this meant. If his heart was compatible with Twilight then that meant his life was all but forfeit. Most ponies would be scared of being told they had to sacrifice their life, but how many of those ponies were fathers? How many of them had been waiting everyday, praying every hour, for a chance to fix all the wrongs they had committed. A chance to finally do something right once again.

A chance at redemption.

Looking up, he saw the shocked faces of those that had been cursing at him only seconds ago and were ready to toss his sorry flank into a cell. If he had the strength, Night Light would have chuckled at the sudden turnaround. He watched as his former wife, jaw open and wide eyed, slowly turned from Princess Celestia to himself. In those eyes, he saw hope slowly rising, past the sorrow and despair that had to have been there for who knows how long. He could only imagine what Velvet had been going through all this time. If his feelings earlier were of any indication, then Velvet’s were just as bad, if not worse. This was the life she had brought into the world from her own womb. To see it slowly die, unable to have the power to save it, there was only one sense of feeling a mother could have. And now? Here was the pony who had wounded her and her family, torn them up because of his mistakes, who forced her to split and divorced from him with but merely an ounce of hesitation, and who was the only one that could end that suffering she had been forced to go through day in and day out.

The others were of similar expressions., but the one that caught his attention the most was his son. Shining Armor just sat there, still as a statue, completely zoned out as his entire world had just been rocked over. It had to have been pretty world-shattering to find that the one pony you once called Dad, the one who you swore was dead to you and wanted nothing more to do with, was now the one pony you had to rely on. Night Light knew his son had always held a grudge to ponies—it was a bad trait he always had. If you hurt somepony close to him, in his mind, you were an enemy for life. He was like that with the bullies Twilight had to deal with growing up or the changelings that had invaded on his wedding day. Even after it had been revealed only a single hive had been responsible, his son didn’t trust any of the shapeshifters, innocent or not.

That’s why Night Light knew, out of all the ponies he hurt, his son hated him the most. He was the one who Shining Armor had looked up to growing up. He could still remember Shining’s toast to him at the wedding reception, saying that everything he was, he owed it to his father. And then his own father had betrayed him by hurting his little sister, shattering the image he held of him. Night Light knew he had every right to be hated by his son. He could still feel the blows of his son’s hooves as he wondered what was going through Shining’s head. He set his entire life to hate me. And now? I’’m the one thing that can save his sister.

Finally, Luna broke the silence by asking, “Sister, are you... are you speaking the truth?”

Celestia nodded her head. “We confirmed it. Night Light’s heart has the right conditions that none of us have. If he gives up his heart, it will save Twilight.”

Night Light could feel every single one of their eyes on him. Each was looking at him with mixed emotions, but each commonly held desperation and worry. And he knew why.

They’re afraid I’ll say no. They’re afraid that I’ll just do it to get back at them.... do they really have so little faith in me? Even knowing how much they despised him, it still hurt to know how low he was in their eyes. It doesn’t matter what they think. Twilight is all that matters.

“This... this has to be a joke,” muttered Shining Armor, biting his lip. “You mean to tell me that... that guy is the only one who can save Twilight?”

Celestia grimly nodded. "Indeed."

"And we're just going to accept that!?"

Again, Celestia nodded. "Indeed."

“After everything he’s done?!”

“Dear, does it matter? This is something we’ve all be waiting for, a chance to save Twilight,” urged Cadence, trying to sooth her shaking husband.

“But why him?!” shouted Shining as he glared at Night Light. “Why is it have to always be you?! She’s always talking about you! Always mentioning you! Always begging us to forgive you! Why can’t she just stop talking about you?! Why out of all the ponies in the world does it have to be you?!”

“Because she still loves him,” whispered Celestia, lowering her head. Everypony looked at her as she raised her eyes to him, and shook her head. “Because she’s the only pony in the world that I know will forgive others so easily and still hold them close to her heart, even if they hurt her. No matter how hard we tried... I tried, we couldn’t stop her from loving him.”

“But he’s... he...” Shining tried to say something, but Cadance held him by the shoulder and shook her head. He frowned before turning away as he muttered to himself.

“Night Light,” stated Celestia, getting his attention. “I know this is not an easy decision to make, considering the consequences. But unless you are willing to—”

“Celestia, cut the horse apples. I’m willing to give my heart to my daughter,” interrupted Night Light.

Again they stared at him in shock, Velvet even gasping. “But... Night Light, don’t you understand what will happen?”

“Yeah. I’ll die. So what?” answered Night Light.

“So what?! How can you be so dismissive of this?! This is your life we’re talking about!”

“No, this is Twilight’s life we’re talking about! Our daughter!” shouted Night Light. “Would any of you hesitate to do the same if you were in my position?!”

Nopony answered.

“I have been given a chance to finally do something right for my daughter, don't’ take this away from me,” muttered Night Light. “I am her father, whether you all acknowledge that anymore or not, it doesn’t change the fact that Twilight needs me, and I will not let her down again.”

“You truly hold no fear of death?” asked Luna, looking no longer at him with anger, but with pity.

Night Light lowered his head in shame before he slowly used his magic to unbutton his jacket and tossing it away. Gasps and cries of horror came from the others as they all looked at the his body. All over his body, from his hooves to right above his heart, and even close to his neck, were lacerations. Scars from knives, razors, broken bottles of glass, and anything else sharp he could find. He looked at his body in shame, knowing the conclusion of what he had done was as clear as the sun in the sky. Five years. Five years of regrets. Five years of just self-inflicted punishment for himself over and over again.

“W-why?” muttered Luna.

“Because I thought, you know, it may be was better this way,” whispered Night Light, closing his eyes. “If I was gone, then you could go ahead and forget about me for real. Just bury me, spit at my grave, and forget I ever existed. Maybe the guilt of knowing what I had done to all the ponies I ever loved in my life would finally fade away and I’d know peace in death.” A tear dripped down his eye. “Only one thing ever kept me from finishing it.”

“Twilight,” muttered Celestia.

Night Light nodded. “I kept thinking... that maybe, just maybe... I would have a chance to redeem myself. A small hope in the world was knowing that my daughter loved me and that I hadn’t lost everything. Her love was all I needed to survive… and now I have that chance to save her. If I have to die to do it, then I’m fine with it.”

A sense of relief waved over Night Light, having said what he wanted to tell somepony for years. Keeping his eyes closed, he continued. “How long until you can prepare the surgery?”

“Now? Don’t you want time to prepare anything before you...”

“The sooner we do this, the sooner we can save Twilight,” muttered Night Light as he turned toward the door and made his way outside. “I’m going to enjoy the fresh air one last time... not gonna need it where I’m going.”

“Do you really wish to die this badly, Night Light?” asked Luna, her eyes slowly misting.

Night Light paused in his step. “No. I want to be a good father.”

With that said, he left.


When he walked out the door, he noticed the two guards who were ready to take him away look at him nervously. It didn’t take a genius to guess they overheard everything. All was silent until Night Light couldn’t take the starring anymore and he asked to be alone. They nodded in reply, but not before one of them handed him a carton of cigarettes. Although he had never smoked before, Night Light figured he might as well, seeing as it wasn’t gonna kill him.

No, something else was.

A single knife was gonna carve up his body, take his heart, and put it in his daughter. Funny enough, the thought of it didn’t scare him. He didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he had put the knife to himself so many times, coming close to just giving up, that the fear of death was nothing to him anymore. Maybe he was taking comfort in the fact that he was finally going to get a chance to right all the wrongs he had done.

Or maybe because he was a father and this is what a father does for a child he loves.

“Night Light?”

He closed his eyes, finishing the stick in his mouth before he spat it onto the snow and turned around, looking at the one mare in the world he loved liked no other. He couldn’t remember the last time Twilight Velvet looked at him with worry; for the past five years all he could remember was the bitter hatred and the sorrowful question of why. Why had he done this? Why had he hurt her? Why had he ruined their family?

He gave his reasons, told his fears, and begged for her to forgive him. Then at court, before he left for exile, she uttered that the papers for their divorce would be in his new home when he arrived. Now, here they were, five years later with their daughter dying and him ready to give his life away to prevent that.

“You shouldn’t be out here,” muttered Night Light. “You’ll catch a cold.”

“I wanted to speak to you, before you...” Velvet tried, choking up halfway through.

Night Light chuckled as he finished for her. “Die? I didn’t think you would care, seeing as you hate me.”

“Oh come on!” shouted Velvet, stomping up to his face. “Do you really think I would hate you that much to see you dead! I don’t want to see anypony dead! Not Twilight, not you, not anypony! I just... just...”

Night Light nuzzled her tears that started to come down her cheeks. “Hey, hey. I’m sorry. Please, Velvet. Just... I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry,” she whispered as she slowly raised a hoof and touched his scarred body. She whimpered upon feeling every cut that spoke a thousand words each. “Did you... did you really suffer this much?”

Night Light closed his eyes. “If I told you even half of the horror’s I’ve been though, you wouldn’t sleep for days.” He shook his head. “But it doesn’t matter. I deserved it and it’s all in the past.”

“You did not deserve these!” shouted Velvet, gesturing at the cuts. “Nopony deserves to go through this! How can you say that?!”

“Because what else can I say?! Or do?! What else did I have to go through for what I’ve done, Velvet?! Do you know how many times I wished I could take everything back?! How many times I’ve hated myself?! Cursed myself?! Let myself get trash talked, beaten in some alley, or mistreated because I deep down knew that what I did was the most horrible thing a father could ever do?! None of that mattered because I had to live with the shame that I hurt you and our family! I didn’t even...” Night wiped a tear from his eyes, “... I didn’t even deserve Twilight’s forgiveness. I should have gone to jail and rot, but she... she...”

Suddenly, two warm forearms wrapped around him as he felt the embrace of his ex-wife once more. A feeling he had almost forgotten after five years sleeping alone in an uncomfortable bed. He didn’t hold back. He hugged her as tight as he could and cried. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

“I know... I know...” Velvet, whispered, stroking his mane. “I even knew it back then that you were sorry, but I couldn’t help but hate you. I just wanted you away from my baby. I wanted to think that the stallion I fell in love with was still there, but after what those horrible ponies did to her, I lost all hope. I thought you were gone, all I could see was a monster, trying to trick me into thinking that all he wanted was a second chance.”

She slowly looked into his eyes, eyes that still loved her even if they no longer held any for themselves. “I wasted five years trying to forget you, to make Twilight forget she had a father, but she never once stopped trying to get us to forgive you. She said that you were sorry for everything, that you were still good. Never once did she ever stop showing how much she loved you. We fought sometimes, me and Shining against her. Sometimes we didn’t speak to each other for days. I wanted her to forget, so I could forget and the pain could go away.”

A smile slowly grew on her lips as she held and nuzzled him. “But she was right. All along, you did love her. You were sorry. I never would have... that you would do this...”

“I’m her father, Velvet,” Night Light firmly said. “I love her with everything that I am. Her, you, Shining and everyone else I love.”

“I know. I just wished it didn’t take you dying to realize that,” whispered Velvet.

“Velvet, I don’t care if I was gonna die or not, just hearing you say that...” he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Her response was to only close her eyes and cry some more. “That’s enough for me.”

“Is… is there anything I can do for you, Night Light? Anything at all?” begged Velvet. “Do you want me to tell you I forgive you, because I do, I really, really do. To kiss you one more time? To make sure that everypony knows you were a good father in the end?”

Night Light knew only one thing he wanted from the mare who he loved with all his heart. “Hold me one more time, Velvet. Just one more time.”

She slowly nodded and the two embraced. Feeling an old spark that neither had felt for five years. A familiar spark that they once swore to hold for each other on the greatest day of their lives that only was rivaled by the day their children were each born. A spark that had created a loving family that neither would give anything else in the world for.

It was this spark, on this last night together, that they treasured once more.

“Excuse me.”

The two quickly separated and turned around to see a blushing Luna, watching them from the entrance. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Celestia just wanted me to come and tell you that... the operation can begin whenever you're ready, Night Light.”

He nodded before turning to his ex-wife and stroking her cheek once more. “I love you. Velvet. Always will, even if I’m not your husband anymore.”

Velvet remained silent before turning away and walking into the entrance, ignoring Luna all the while. From his place in the cold he could see more tears streaking down Velvet’s cheeks. He turned to look at Luna, the princess who had stolen his daughter’s heart long ago—something he couldn’t accept back then. If he did, if he had just given them a chance, would all of this pain from both ends never have happened?

Still, if I’m gonna die I might as well make up for everything while I’m at it, Night Light thought as he walked up to the princess of the night, whose eyes never left him. Yet they held none of the anger she once held only moments ago. Just sorrow and pity.

“Luna... before I go, I need to ask: did Twilight ever speak about me?” asked Night Light.

Luna closed her eyes and nodded. “Always, or at least whenever she had a chance to bring you up. At first, I tried to get her to forget about you, told her that she was better off trying just forgetting about you for what you did.” She sighed. “We... had a few rough arguments. It was then I realized that I couldn’t get her to forget, so I just stopped getting involved in the fights. Don’t get me wrong, Night Light, what you did to Twilight, my love, was horrible and I would gladly defend her from you again and again for what you did. I held nothing but utter contempt for you.

“I always had a fear that you would try to do anything to see Twilight again, even hurt her if need be, and that is why I objected to you seeing her again. Cadance and my sister even shared the same feelings, but I think we all realized that we could never have Twilight renounce you like we did. It was Shining and Velvet, however, that tried their hardest to force Twilight to forget about you as her father, but still she refused.”

“I didn’t think I was causing so much trouble, even when I wasn’t there,” muttered Night Light.

“There was one time we had to spend Hearth's Warming Eve alone, just her and me, because Twilight stubbornly refused to celebrate it with any of her family unless you were there with them.”

“I know, she wrote about it to me,” whispered Night Light.

“Yes, I’ve seen her letters,” said Luna, shocking the stallion. She smirked. “You didn’t think that after living with Twilight for so long that I didn’t know what she was doing? I suspected it at first, as did my sister at times, but when I saw her once writing a letter, she looked so happy. I couldn’t take that away from her, despite my feelings. Thus I put my own sister’s worries to rest with a few lies.”

“I... thank you,” replied Night Light, bowing. “If I never had those letters, I would have given up long ago.”

“The reason you are here now, ready to save Twilight at the risk of your own life, proves that we were all wrong. That you are willing to go so far to redeem yourself... it makes me ashamed, because I too have done horrible things, yet I was forgiven as well,” muttered Luna, bowing her head. “I love Twilight, but it shames me because I never had faith in her own instincts about you. I just wish that this wasn’t how it came to be.”

“Luna, don’t blame yourself. you had every right to hate me, all of you did,” chided Night Light, looking at the stars that the princess herself moved for this night. “You were protecting Twilight, and I can’t blame you for that. I would have done the same. I was only trying to protect her, but I went about it the wrong way and ended up hurting everyone. Don’t apologize, but do promise me something.”


He closed his eyes, feeling the sharp, cold wind against his face. He could already imagine what Twilight’s reaction would be when she learned he was gone and it felt like his heart about to be crush by that sorrow alone. She was going to be devastated beyond belief with his death, maybe even end up breaking her. He hated not keeping his promise to her, but in some ways he was. He was going to be right there inside of her for the rest of her life, making sure she was healthy and strong. Not just because his heart was going inside of her, but because he would watch over her the rest of her life above in the stars.

“Twilight is gonna need her loved ones, more than ever after this. I want you to promise me that you will be there for her when she cries, when she falls, and when she gives up. Find someway to make her smile again, because you are the best thing that has happened to my daughter since I can remember. And,” He raised his head up before giving a soft smile, “I think I know how.”

He took her hoof and held it in his own. Looking at her with the most serious of expressions into her stunned eyes, he said, “Princess Luna, I ask that you marry my daughter.”

“W-what?!” screamed Luna, her eyes shooting open.

Despite the mood around then, Night couldn’t help but to chuckle at her reaction. “Not right after I die of course. There must be time for her to grieve.” The smile on Night Light’s face faded as he continued. “But my daughter loves you and believes you are the one for her. I will not let her suffer in misery, so I beg you, when the time is right, please marry my daughter so she can be happy. All I ask is that you love her everyday of her life.”

A sad smile grew on Luna’s muzzle as she hugged her soon to be late father-in-law. “Yes, I will... I will marry her...”

Night Light smiled, knowing that Twilight would be alright in her hooves. They soon separated, and Night Light sighed before looking at the entrance to his final fate. “I’m ready... let’s do this...”

“Are you sure?” asked Luna, biting her lip.

Night Light paused for a moment before slowly nodding. His final decision made, he walked toward the doors, Luna by his side with tears in her eyes, and made his way back inside.


When they entered the building again, all eyes were once again upon Night Light, except for Shining Armor, who was still staring at the ground unable to look at his father. Cadance was there, whispering to him and stroking his shoulder, but he was unresponsive. Celestia trotted forward and lowered her head. No longer was she looking at him as a criminal, but once again as one of her little ponies with great sorrow in her gaze. Even Cadence looked like she was sorry for him, all trace of her hatred now gone.

“Night Light, the doctors are ready. Are you?” Celestia asked softly.

He looked at Luna and Velvet, who each put a hoof over his shoulder for comfort. Strangely, he felt more relaxed and happy than he had in a long time, despite knowing that his life was going to be over soon. It was comforting to know that, at long last, he had earned forgiveness in the eyes of those he once held close in his heart. Now he would find it in himself, giving Twilight a chance to be saved.

“I am.”

Night Light turned to Velvet and kissed her on the cheek. “Take care of our daughter. She’s going to need you after I’m gone.”

“Night Light,” said Velvet, taking his cheeks into her hooves and kissing him gently on the lips. “You are a good father. Never forget that.”

“T-thank you,” whispered Night Light, smiling as a tear slipped down his face.

He then turned to Luna and hugged her. “Her heart is now your’s, Luna. I leave her in your hooves.”

“You will always be inside her, Night Light” said Luna, nuzzling his cheek. “Never forget that a part of you will be there for the rest of her life, guiding her and protecting her.” She kissed him on the forehead. “May you find peace, Night Light. A true father.”

Night Light smiled, before walking to Cadance and Shining Armor, the later once again looking away. He turned to his daughter-in-law and smiled. “You were always like another daughter to me, Cadance. Thank you for everything. I just wish I had a chance to see my grandson.”

Cadance, wiping the tears from her eyes, hugged him and whispered, “I’ll make sure he knows that he had the bravest grandfather I ever knew.”

All that was left was Shining Armor, who looked confused and conflicted. He knew there was only one thing to do for his son, and that was to hug him as tight as he could. He closed his eyes, remembering all the great times they had growing up, father and son. How he taught his Shining how to impress a girl, watching sports together. He even chuckled back then when he snuck his son his old copies of Playcolt. He would never have a chance to feel that same bond they once had, but knowing that he made him such a strong stallion who defended his family from a monster, namly himself, was worth knowing that he raised him right.

Shining Armor stood still, not even breathing as Night Light told him. “I know you hate me, and I deserve it, but remember this: I am proud of everything you have done to protect your sister and mother. You’re the stallion of the family now, and I know you will continue to make me proud, because even if you hate me, I love you son. I always have.”

“Dad...” whispered Shining as he hugged his father, saying the word he swore never to utter again. Night Light could feel the warm tears from his son dampen his coat, but he still held on. Never saying anything else, because there was nothing else to be said. He didn’t know how long he held onto his son or who let go first, but at long last they separated, allowing Night Light to follow Celestia out of the room to his final fate. The sad and torn ponies who had once come to hate him, now mourning for him, were left behind.

Silence reigned between Celestia and Night Light until the former said, “I will make sure your sacrifice is known throughout all of Equestria. I will make sure your good name is restored.”

“Celestia, I don’t care about my good name. I’m not doing this for my good name,” Night Light said with a sigh, “I’m doing this for Twilight.”

“I know, I know.” Celestia then stopped and her horn glowed. Paper and quill appeared as she handed them to Night Light. “Is there anything you want to write? A last will or letter?”

Night Light took both objects in his magic and thought long and hard about what he wanted to write. His final words. The last deed he would do before he was gone. He knew that Twilight needed to hear this. She of all ponies needed to know why he was doing this. He only prayed that she would forgive him for this.

Celestia patiently waited for him to finish writing until he rolled it up and gave it to her. “Give this to Twilight when she wakes up.”

“I will,” promised Celestia as the two of them continued until they stopped at a door with the word ‘Surgery’ underneath.

Night Light felt his knees shivering. This was it. He wasn’t even on the table and already he could see his life flashing before his eyes. His colthood, his time at school, meeting Velvet, their marriage, the birth of his children, raising them, loving them and caring for them. He could remember meeting Cadence, his daughter being accepted as Celestia’s student, his son’s graduation from military school, his rise to captain, Twilight hailed as a hero, Velvet kissing him on their anniversary while and saying they were the proudest parents in their lives, seeing his son become a married man with everypony in his family and friends happy and full of life.

And finally, seeing his little Twilight, in her hospital room, sleeping without a care of the world. Just like when she was a foal.

I’ve lived a good life, even with all my regrets, thought Night Light as he took a deep breath and looked at Celestia with a calm smile.

“I’m ready.”


Twilight could feel her consciousness returning. For some reason, she felt like she had been asleep longer than usual. She tried to remember last night as a moan escaped her lips, suddenly she felt a small smile return to her lips. Her Daddy had come to see her. After five long years she had finally seen her father again and she prayed it wasn’t for the last time. She knew she didn’t have long left, and she wanted to make the days she had remaining as wonderful as possible before it was over.

“Everypony! She’s waking up!” shouted a voice that Twilight quickly recognized as her lover, Luna. A tear dripped down Twilight’s eye. She was proud of Luna for being so strong in all this, but she knew that, deep down, the love of her life would be devastated watching her fade away. If there was any regret she had, it was leaving Luna to live the rest of her near immortal life without her, left to linger in so much pain and sorrow. She only prayed that she would find somepony else to love in the future, one that loved her just as much as Twilight did.

Opening her eyes, Twilight was greeted with the joyful and teary-eyed expressions of her family, minus her dad, and the princesses who were looking at her with such warmth and love that she hadn’t seen from them for quite a while. Another thing she noticed was that she seemed to be in less... pain. Like during her early days back in the hospital when her condition was starting. She hadn’t felt so good in months. Must be a sign things are gonna be good today.

As soon as she raised herself, everypony gently hugged her and started speaking at once that it made it hard to comprehend anything. “Quiet! Enough! I can’t understand you all.”

Luna was the one who stepped forward and proclaimed. “Twilight... we found it. We found a heart... and... it worked!.”

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock, her hoof slowly heading towards her chest where she could feel the both a patch of bare skin that had been shaved and stitches, clear evidence of a surgery. “This... this is real... you found a donor? A real heart for me?!”

“Yes, Twily,” whispered Shining Armor, wiping tears away from his eyes without a care of who saw them. “The surgery was days ago. You’re... you’re going to live!”


She was going to live.

She was going to live!

She had given up all hope, readied herself for death, but she was going to live!

Tears of joy cascaded down Twilight’s cheeks as she looked at her family, who were all beaming, Celestia was crying, and Luna was already nuzzling her neck. Twilight looked into those beautiful eyes that shined like the stars she controlled and kissed her with Luna returning the favor. Their kiss was already bringing new life to Twilight as she felt herself melt under the lips of the night princess.

Ending the kiss, Twilight looked around with a smile on her face. “I can’t believe this! I can’t wait to tell Spike and the girls! And daddy! I need to tell daddy!”

All of a sudden the atmosphere in the room turned from joy to despair as everypony lowered their heads and grew quiet at the mentioning of her Night Light. Instantly, Twilight knew something was wrong—horrifically wrong—as she felt her spine shiver. They were sad about her dad, her mom and brother even breaking into tears suddenly. Not once had any of them in the five years she had begged and pleaded, cried or show any emotion for her father other than disgust. Now, they were torn apart in a split second. Celestia looked away from her, her face showing nothing but shame in herself. Shining was actually crying the hardest, looking ready to fall apart if not for Cadence here to hug him. Her mother, was holding her hoof and looking at her with big, teary eyes while Luna lowered her head.

“Twilight, your father...” whispered Luna, but couldn’t find the strength to continue.

“What happened... where is my daddy? He promised he would be here to see me.” whispered Twilight. She got no answer which only fueled her worries. “Tell me!”

“Twilight... dad... he..” muttered Shining Armor, but this only made Twilight’s worries increase.

“You... you called him... dad...” whispered Twilight, slowly moving back from her brother who reached out to hug her, but she declined. “You haven’t called him that in five years. Why now?! Where is my dad?! Answer me!”

“Twilight,” Celestia said, taking a deep breath. “Your father... did the one thing none of us could do.”

It took only a second for Twilight to realize what she meant and quickly felt the scar on her chest. “No... no.. NOOOOOOO!”

“Twilight!” shouted Luna who tried to grab her but Twilight’s magic sprang up, blasting beams of light everywhere as she continued to scream.

“No! Not like this! Give me back my daddy!” Twilight shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Her family and Luna soon held her down, hugging her and begging her to calm down. “He’s not dead! He can’t be dead! I want to see him! I want to see him!”

She screamed, she cried, and they cried with her. After fifteen long minutes, fatigue and pain finally set in and she stopped, flopping into her lover's arms and resting in her chest as her family held their silence. In mourning of the stallion who proved to be the better pony in the very end. The one they were all grateful for, but crying for as well.

Twilight, held by Luna, continued to sob openly as she whispered to herself over and over.

“Daddy...don’t leave me... please don’t leave me, Daddy...”