• Published 9th Oct 2013
  • 2,389 Views, 71 Comments

A Simple Story - Sabellion

The not so simple love story of Rarity and Spike, in their later years.

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“Do come in, just make sure to wipe your feet of on the mat, dear. Don’t want to track anything nasty all over my carpets, now do we?”

Spike complied, wiping his feet off as he looked around the massive house. He whistled, his head leaning all the way back to see the roof.

“Nice. How did you afford a place like this?” He said as he stepped into the house. Rarity motioned her hoof at a counter top where he could lay the box of donuts he carried.

“Well. Having a husband be a member of the Royal Family does come with some benefits.” Rarity said.

“Right. Tell me more about this guy. You said he’s royalty?” Spike said as he set the box down, opening it to reveal the riches inside.

“Well, a great-grand cousin or something of Princess Celestia.” Rarity said, “You don’t want to get him started on that lineage of his, but he is related to the crown.”

“Interesting. This isn’t that Blueblood guy you met at the Grand Galloping Gala, right?”

“No, but that is his younger brother.” Rarity said, “You should have seen him at the wedding, he was livid, whining the entire time. A peasant, marrying into the family?” Rarity acted out his posh mannerisms, flinging her hoof over her forehead

Spike chuckled as he said, “What’s his name?”


“Hmm.” Spike said, “You want a donut?”

“I guess.” Rarity said, levitating one out of the box, sniffing it.

“Rarity, it’s good. Just try it-you might like it.” Spike said.

She nibbled on the end, letting the taste stew in her mouth. Her eyes widened.

"This is…” Rarity said, “Amazing!”

Spike simply smiled as he took a bite of his donut as well. “Say, you have anything to drink?”

Rarity’s face scrunched up as she said, “Water, tea, Silverblood might have some beer...and wine.”

“Wine and doughnuts?” Spike said, “Strange combination if you ask me.”

“Sometimes strange combinations work.” Rarity said.

“Mmm,” Spike hummed in agreement, “Yes, yes they do.”

“Should I fetch the glasses then?” Rarity sang.

“I can do it if you want me to-although I don’t know where they might be.” Spike said.

“Oh, don’t worry, dear. Allow me.” Rarity said as her horn began to glow.

Across the room glass cabinets swung open, accompanying the clink and clank of crystalline glassware and the signature slide of wood against bottle.

“A white wine might go perfectly with this, don’t you think?” Rarity said as the top popped off, the sparkling clean liquid glogging its way into their separate containers. She clinked them together before sending one spiralling off towards Spike. “Sweet, creamy, aged well.”

Spike caught it in his hand, raising it to admire it in the light, winking at Rarity as his sight descended back to the conversation. They nibbled on doughnuts and sipped their wine, laughing and exchanging stories.
Soon only crumbs remained in the box, and the first bottle of wine was already gone, quickly replaced by another of a darker variety-Spike could not remember for the life of him what it was, having never really been drunk before.

“Spiiiiike….” Rarity moaned out, as she hobbled over to him. “I’m cold.”

“Then allow me to warm you, my lady.” Spike said as he shot a quick breath of flame towards the fireplace. Rarity curled up beside it, spreading herself across the thick soft carpets, rubbing her back into it, nudging her way into a comfortable position. She closed her eyes as Spike looked on.

“Spike,” Rarity said, “My back is still cold.”

“I could light it on fire.” Spike said, but before Rarity could fully twist herself around to face him, he was already above her, hands supporting him as he lay over her. “Or...I could join you.”

She didn’t say anything. She just looked into his big green eyes, murky and twisting with effervescent care and...she couldn’t dare think it. A smile spread across his lips as he descended to her side, his warm scales rubbing against her.

Something inside told her to fight, but instead she merely relaxed, sighing as his arms wrapped around her, pulling her into beautiful, warm bliss. The world was so fuzzy and comfortable, so perfect.

They spoke, but she couldn’t remember what about. He played with her mane, twirling his claws through their soft locks as he whispered sweet things into her ear. Perfect things. How he had dreamed of her every night, how he always felt so lost and alone without her. He sang to her in that perfect tenor voice, so sweetly.

She was looking him in the eyes now. There was something deep inside of them, something that she felt only pity for. He drew her in closer, and closer. She could feel the immense heat of his breath on her neck as he nuzzled it, gently kissing her nape, before his eyes lidded and sparkling met hers as he came in for the final blow.

“Spike?” she whispered.

He pulled back briefly as he said, “Yes?”

“What are we doing?” Rarity asked.

“Being in love.” Spike said as he tried to close the gap between them again.

A spark lit in her mind, an engine firing itself up after spending too long in the dark. She pushed him away.

“What?” Spike asked.

“Is this what this is about?”

“What are you talking about?” Spike asked.

“This. What is this?” Rarity said, as she tried to stand. He helped her to wobbly knees and shaky hooves. She walked away from him, sitting down on the nearby couch. She looked back up at him as he sat down beside her. “Please, just...tell me what this is.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Spike said.

Rarity sighed as her hoof rubbed circles into her forehead. Her mind raced to catch up with her, playing back the memories of the past few hours in her head. Disbelief shook her-how could she have let it-

She shook herself awake as she looked back down at Spike.

“What am I doing? Cuddling, by a fire!” Rarity said, “Eating doughnuts, which you bought, after dancing the night away? What am I doing?”

“You don’t want this?” Spike said, his face briefly twitching.

“I am married, Spike.” Rarity said. “I can’t do things like this. By Celestia, what have I gotten myself into?”

“Hey, you were the one that went along with all of this.”

“Only because you insisted, Spike!” Rarity said, noticing as his hands began to clench. “I shouldn’t have…”

“Shouldn’t have what?” Spike shouted, “Flirted with me? Danced? Known me?”

“No, Spike-I didn’t-”

“Then what, Rarity? Am I not what you want in a stallion?” Spike demanded.

Rarity’s mouth hung ajar as she looked him in those terrible irises.

“Everyday for the past five years I’ve been thinking of you. Working in every way to make myself exactly what you wanted. You may have not noticed, but I listened to everything you said to me. Strong, courageous. A dancer and romantic, willing to go the extra mile to make you happy. Muscular, but not a body-builder. Generous, funny and spontaneous.” Spike shouted. “Is that not what you wanted?”

“Yes! But-”Rarity stammered.

“Then what is it? Is it that I’m not like you? That I’m a dragon, not a pony? A nightmarish monster? Do I disgust you now, Rarity?” Spike asked, his voice dropping to be like metal scrapping through rock, “With fangs, claws and scales?”

“Spike, no! It’s nothing like that.” Rarity said. “I just-”

“You just what.” Spike screamed. He slammed his fist into a table, sending a vase crashing to the floor, the glass flying through the air as he shouted “YOU JUST WHAT!?”

Rarity backed away from him, clinging to the wall. Her eyes were wide and white trembling like glass in an earthquake. His were black as night, tightened into terrible slits.

His chest was heaving. Her mouth hung open, breathing heavily as she slid down towards the floor, away from the looming mass of muscles above her. Spike’s face dropped as he backed away, his pupils shrinking back to their more ovaloid shape. He began to hyperventilate, looking at his hands in shock.

“I’m sorry.” He faintly whispered, eyes glistening before he dashed towards the door.

Rarity shook her head, as she watched him run away. “Spike!” she yelled after him, “Wait!”

But he was already out of the door. Running through the sudden rain, as each drop slammed into him like punches and jabs of pitchforks, his mind suddenly aflame with the horror of what he had done. He swore to protect-he swore to obey-to love-to-

He went tumbling, crashing into the steel canisters that lined this shadowy alleyway, their putrescence staining the air. He decided to just lay there. He could hear his voice shatter through his mind, telling him he deserved to stay there.

Luna’s moon broke through a crack in the thunderstorm. The silver liquid tapping his face when another tapped his shoulder. He turned his head around, and she stood before him, a concerned smile spread across her face. He returned the favor for a brief second as he hobbled to his feet.

“I’m a monster.” Spike said. “I shouldn’t have gotten angry like that.”

Rarity didn’t say a word as she wiped away the grime that covered his scales. She then reached out from behind her and pulled a small object glistening in the rain towards him. He peered at it for a second before the light finally caught it.

A gold necklace, a fire ruby the size of his fist burning in the center, shaped like a heart.

“You gave this to me long ago.” Rarity said, “It brought the best out from you-take it.”

He reached out and wrapped it around his neck.

Rarity said, “Now, come on, lets get out of the rain.” She turned and walked onto the sidewalk, but he remained, the rain slapping against his scales as he looked down at the gem in his hands.

“Rarity.” Spike said, “Wait”

“Yes, Spike?”

“I love you.” Spike said as he looked back up at her.

“I don’t what to say to that, Spike.”

“Your feelings haven’t changed?”

“I-what?” Rarity said.

“Do you love me?”

“Spike. I’m married. Despite what I may have done tonight, I will always love my husband. We had something once-and we are still friends. Isn’t that good enough?” Rarity said.

Spike glanced to the side as he choked out, “I thought…”

“You thought what?”

“I thought tonight changed things.” Spike said.

“Did you honestly think that after all this time, after I found somepony else, after all of this a simple conversation would change things?”

He couldn’t look at her.

“Tell me Spike! What did you think would happen?”

“I don’t know, Rarity!” Spike shouted, “I...I don’t know...”

The way he said it hurt the most. His voice strained and struggled past the lump in his throat that he kept trying to restrain. She should have been angry, her chest should have filled with fire. Instead, she wanted to rush over to him, hold him close, tell him that she was sorry.

But she stayed. How could she move?

“Spike....” Rarity said, reaching her hoof out, voice near inaudible behind the steady pounding of the rain. His pained face, hiding in the shadows let loose streams as his broken heartstrings bled the blues.

He couldn’t see, could barely breath, and with each drop he shivered as the dragonflame in his heart died away. Cold seconds of silent sound filled not with her voice but only with downpour wracked his ears

He felt a hoof touch his face and raise his gaze from the ground. She was standing in front of him, inches away, mane soaked, her sapphire eyes adorned with sympathy.

“Rarity...” he whispered, “I’m sorry...for everything.”

“Spike…”Rarity said, putting her forehead against his. She felt him stir, and she opened her eyes to see him pulling her face towards his. She pushed him away.

“What in Tartarus?”

“I’m sorry. It seemed like the-”

She shook her head, wiping her mouth although their lips had not touched. She looked down upon him as though he were a criminal, a traitor.

“After all that talk of being sorry.”

“I’m sorry, Rarity, I just-”

“I gave you the benefit of the doubt more than enough, Spike. Just…get out of here.” Rarity said. “I can’t believe how selfish you are.”


“But what, Spike?” Rarity said. “I trusted you! I gave you a second chance, and what do you do? What do you do?!”

Each word crushed him down lower and lower.

“Go…leave. I can’t deal with this right now. I’m not even sure I want to see your face again.” Rarity said, shaking her head. He looked at her, as a scolded dog would. “Go!” Rarity shouted.

Spike didn’t even feel his wings unfurl before he was already in the skies. The rain and tears blurring into nothingness, just void, just light. Just illusions.