• Published 9th Oct 2013
  • 2,391 Views, 71 Comments

A Simple Story - Sabellion

The not so simple love story of Rarity and Spike, in their later years.

  • ...

Hope for the Best

His head was throbbing. His vision was muddled and grey, flashing in abnormal tempo. He was nauseous and his tongue tasted like rusty iron wool. He was sore and he was pretty sure he’d swallowed a pint of his own blood by now as the contents of his stomach sloshed slowly around, the taste lingering in the back of his throat.

But for some reason he knew this was all a good thing. If anything, pain meant he was still alive. He heard voices and saw eyes in the white-washed clouds that hung around the numerous suns that passed by like stars.

Then he felt nothing at all.

The overpowering bright white of the sun lay down upon his eyelids, the capillary veins illuminated against a sea of red-pink flesh. He exhaled, groaning. The soft fabric, thick and heavy against his scales, wrapped around him in a warm cocoon.

“Grab the Doctor” he heard someone whisper as he started to open his eyes. It took a moment to adjust to the light, the colors of the room faded out and bleached. A blue blanket with white sheets clung to the bed, silver bars around the sides of it. He heard the steady blips of a heart monitor and lazily looked at his arm to see a web of tubes connected to his arms, and snorted in surprise at the tubes that entered his nostrils.

A nice looking mare walked up to him, her white gown and headdress gleaming. She smiled as he looked up at her and she said, “Hey there, Spike. Welcome back to the world of the living.”

Spike grabbed his head, feeling the bandages that wrapped around it as he smiled weakly and said, “Hey...where am I?”

“You’re in Ponyville General Hospital.” the nurse said.

“Wh-what happened?” Spike asked.

“I’m not the one to ask. The doctor will be here in a moment though to explain everything to you.”

“Where’s Twilight? Is she safe?” Spike said.

The nurse cocked her head. “Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

Spike nodded.

“She’s fine, I assure you.” The nurse said, “But you need to keep resting, the doctor will be in to see you soon.”

The nurse then turned and left the room, closing the door gently behind her. Spike stretched, but immediately regretted it as pain stabbed him from basically everywhere. He lifted the sheets to stare down at his chest, wrapped in layers of cloth gauze, dark crimson filtering through the layers. He coughed, rubbing his eyes and forehead as the doctor entered the room.

“Good to see you’re finally awake.” he said, with a smile. “I’m Dr. Stronghoof, and I’ll be your head caretaker while you’re here.”

“Spike, nice to meet you.” the dragon said, trying to extend his hand out.

“And a pleasure it is to finally meet you.”

“How long was I out for?”

“Well, you came in about eight days ago, with extensive injuries; broken arm, multiple rib fractures, torn meniscus of the wing, severe internal bleeding, head trauma, collapsed lung, compound wing fracture, and that’s just the big things.” Dr. Stronghoof said, “Frankly, it’s a miracle you’re alive. We had to call in a specialist from Canterlot to help with the surgery.”


“Indeed. The surgery lasted more than nine hours. We induced a coma afterwards to help with the healing process and spare you the pain of the more invasive procedures.”

“Thats a blessing, I guess.” Spike said.

“Now, before we do anything else,I’d like to ask you a few questions to access your mental health. You came in with some head trauma and, you don’t just wander in with wounds like that and just be okay, if you know what I mean.”

Spike blinked and then nodded.

The doctor pulled out a little clipboard and pen and scribble for a second, flipping through the pages as he said, “This might seem a bit, well, childish and unnecessary, but its procedure. So,tell me, what’s your name?”

“Spike.” the dragon said.

“And how old are you Spike?” The doctor asked.


“And what day is it?”

“I don’t know.” Spike said, shaking his head. “I really don’t know.”

“Hmm.” The doctor said, scrunching up his mouth to the side of his face. “Very well.”

“What day is it?” Spike asked, “I’d really like to know.”

“May 15th” The doctor said.

“May!?” Spike sputtered.

“Yes. It seems from the reports I’ve read you’ve been missing for quite some time. Do you want to tell me what happened in that time?”

“I…” Spike shook his head. “Not really, no.”

“Very well. I understand. I’ll have one of our psychologists come see you eventually but in the mean time, do you have any questions?”

“Have any of my friends come to visit me?”

“We’ve had multiple requests, but we’ve had to tell them to wait until your condition was stable.” The Doctor said. “As you can very well under-what is going on out there?”

Spike’s eyebrow raised as Dr. Stronghood stood and walked towards the door. He then heard a commotion in the hallway outside. There were at least eight voices, the loudest saying that “No, not even you’re allowed in there right now-he’s in a very delicate condition-will you just please wait for-ma’am!”

The door slammed open, shaking the walls as Twilight stepped through the jamb. Doctor Stronghoof bowed and said, “Princess Twilight Sparkle! I-its an honor!”. She paid him no attention as her eyes locked with the dragon’s. He smiled.

The alicorn jumped across the room and wrapped her hooves around him. Spike mouthed an ‘ow’ but let his arms hold her too. She just held onto him for a minute as a nurse outside argued with one of the royal guards.

“Twi…” Spike whispered.

“Spike, oh, Spike.” Twilight said, nuzzling into him. He felt that her face was already damp.

“Twi...you’re crushing me.” Spike said with a cough.

“Oh.” Twilight said as she let him go and looked him over. He looked...terrible, really, but she couldn’t care less. “What happened to you?” She asked as she began to inspect and prod at his wounds, her horn already starting to glow.

“It’s a long story.” Spike said,

Twilight nodded. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore. The hug didn’t help.”

Twilight laughed. “I see your sense of humor is intact.”

“At least something is.” Spike said, with a grimace. He looked back up at her to see her eyes mist up again and she turned away. He reached out and rubbed her cheek, pulling her chin up and he said, “I’m glad you’re safe.”

“You know you didn’t have to-I could have-”

“Twilight, its okay. Maybe you could have, maybe you couldn’t. What happened, happened.” Spike said, “And I had to do something. Not just as your official bodyguard, but as your friend.”

“Just promise me something Spike.” Twilight said.


“Don’t ever do that to me again.” Twilight said.

“I’ll try.” Spike said with a grin. “Luckily for you, I don’t think I’ll be able to do much of anything for awhile, so make me a promise, for now at least.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t go fighting dragons until I’m better.”

Twilight shook her head. Their foreheads met as Spike rubbed her arm, and the dragon felt a wave of calm wash over him. Twilight wiped her eyes as she looked at the doctor.

“So, how long before he’s back on his feet?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure.” the doctor said, “I’m used to practicing on Ponies and this was my first foray into...well draconian medicine. From what I understand, and what the specialist told me, dragon physiology is tangentially similar to a pony’s, so if he rests and doesn't exert himself he should be out of here in about a week, and fully healed in about three to four months.”

“Four months?” Spike said, groaning.

“You don’t just break ten bones, collapse a lung and be fine the very next day, Mr. the Dragon. You should be lucky that you got here when you did.”

Spike then asked, “Speaking of, how did I get here? I don’t remember much-it’s all been a blur to me.”

Twilight raised her hoof to cut the doctor off before he spoke. She turned to him, “Actually, that’s something that I wanted to ask you.”

“Ask me what?”

“You...well you stumbled to Rarity’s.” Twilight said.

“Rarity?” Spike asked.

“She brought you here and contacted all of us as fast as she could. I just was wondering though what took you to her.”

“I was trying to find you.” Spike said, “I just followed that spell you put on the necklace I gave you.”

Twilight sat back, tapping her hoof against her chin. “Right. I gave that to her.”

“You gave her the necklace?!” Spike said, leaning a little bit forward. He winced as he shifted weight off his left arm.

“Spike, I...everyone thought you were dead.” Twilight said, “I thought you’d want me to give it to her.”

“We thought you were gone, Spike. I thought she deserved to know.”

“I’m never going to hear the end of this.” Spike said as he rubbed his temples. “Where is everypony else?”

“Outside. They wanted to see if I could get in first before they rushed you.” Twilight said.

“Well. I guess I’m going to be sore no matter what. Send them in.” Spike said as he sat back up, positioning himself so hopefully the bedframe would take the brunt of the damage if they decided to pile on top of him.

“I’ll just uhhh… go grab them for you, Princess” Dr. Stronghoof said as he scooted out the door. “Even though its against our policy…” he mumbled.

Twilight smiled as they heard the subdued voice of the doctor muffled in the hallway say that the visitors were allowed in. Spike looked down at himself, wishing he had something to tidy his scales up with. Maybe pull out the tubes in his face, but as he reached up to grab it, Twilight swatted his hand away. He rolled his eyes.

The door creaked open, an orange hoof with dirt still caught on it wrapped around the edge to reveal the pony with a stetson hat and a wide smile. Immediately behind her was the bubbly, about to explode grin of Pinkie Pie, with Fluttershy and Rainbow right behind them. They muscled their way in before Pinkie jumped atop Spike.

“SPIKE!” Pinkie practically yelled. The doctor gave her a stern look before she lowered her volume and repeated herself. “Spike!! Our little dragon’s okay!” She whispered as she hugged him around the neck.

“It is mighty good to see ya again, Spike.” Applejack said.

“I hope you’re alright.” Fluttershy said.

“Him? He’ll be fine! He’s a dragon for Pete’s sake-he’ll be outta here in no time, am I right?” Rainbow Dash said as she slugged him in the arm. “Oop, sorry.” She said as he winced.

“Its fine.” Spike said with a groan. They kept talking for a moment, with AJ chasting RD, but his gaze fell behind them to the white mare with a serene smile.

“Rarity!” Spike spat out, excitedly.

“You’re looking much better, Spike.” Rarity said, “I’m glad that you’re okay.”

“Thanks.” Spike said, “I’m so happy to see you; all of you.”

They hugged him and for a moment, all seemed right with the world. They talked, caught up on what they could before the doctor pushed them all out. “We’ll see you soon!” Twilight said before turning to one of the nearby nurses and all Spike could hear was “By Celestia, I’m a princess, you don’t need to….”

The door closed.

“You've got some great friends there, Mr. The Dragon”

“The best.” Spike said.

“Now, just rest. If you need anything, press the button on the bedside table, and barring that, I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you, changes bandages and the like.” Dr. Stronghoof said.

Spike nodded as he looked out the window to see his friends talking as they strolled down the road. Twilight turned back around, with a wistful smile and waved, whispering something under her breath. The others waited a moment before grabbing her, and all of them gave a friendly wave, except for Rarity who simply kept walking.

-------------- X -------------

The next week passed with all the speed that is possible when one observes every tick and tock of the second hand of a clock;that is to say just slightly slower than that of the average tree sloth, or perhaps just as fast as a broken bone mends. Spike’s salvation came in the form of books, often ones that Twilight dropped off every other day, and in the infrequent and all too short visits he received from his friends. Fluttershy and Twilight came by almost every day, Fluttershy to read to him and treat him just like a kid again-which while admittedly a bit pedantic was relaxing-and Twilight to talk to him and constantly inquire as to if the correct medical procedures were being followed perfectly. By the end of the first few days the doctor had his fair share of the princess. “Bloody busy-ponies” Spike swore he said under his breath as she left.

Pinkie came by a few times too, carrying a big bag of sweets with her, which led to a humorous confrontation with the doctor when he said that “Mr. The Dragon cannot subsist off a diet of cakes and pies, ma’am, despite your objections to the contrary. No Ma’am, ice cream is not included in a healthy diet. Not even low fat ice cream.”

AJ came by as well, bringing her little sister with her but now, she wasn't so little anymore. Spike was amazed that she was roughly the same size as AJ was now, with her own brand of that homegrown stubbornness. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came along as well, each of them now fully grown, beautiful mares in their own fashion. In fact, Spike nearly mistook Sweetie for her sister, but the light pink In her hair and her eyes gave her away. She also brought Big Mac, who commented briefly that it looked painful and gave him a stern nod. His own way of expressing affection, Spike supposed. The doctor was a little less than enthusiastic about having “a gosh-darn family reunion” in the small hospital room.

Rainbow dropped by on the third day and actually probably was the one that stole the newest Daring Do book that he was halfway through now that he thought about it. She said hospitals weren’t really her thing, and that she’d be waiting for him once he got his wings back into working order. He was glad though, she wasn’t one to give out sentiments and he got a hug from her right as she was about to leave. How she left? Through the window. Also how she came in. “Wonderbolts...thinking they don’t have to follow regulation” The doctor said.

Rarity however, never appeared once. Spike would wake each day and read, the corner of his eye fixed perfectly on the road that wandered to the main entrance. Every time something or someone came down the path, he’d quickly look out. Yet she never came.

By Tartarus, two other princesses came to see him. Cadence and Shining Armor came to see him on the third day, saying that as Hero of the Crystal Empire, their citizens had already sent thousands of flowers and cards that would be waiting for him once he was released; Dr. Stronghoof had to explain rather forcefully that due to allergy concerns and considerable lack of space that the “the new royal gardens addressed to Mr. The Dragon will have to be held elsewhere; anywhere, but by Celestia, not here. He’s already got a window garden as it is.”

The real surprising visit to Spike though came on the first night he was staying at the hospital. At least, the first one where he was awake.

The pale arc of the moon gazed down from behind the puffy blue clouds, dancing in the stars that surrounded it. Spike was slow to find a way to fall asleep. He couldn’t lay on his back, his wings would be stabbed with pain, he couldn’t lay on his side, his ribs would cry out with each breath and he couldn’t lift himself high enough to turn onto his stomach and even if he could he bet that the rib problem would still be present. He resigned himself to fall asleep sitting-he’d been sleeping in much worse conditions lately.

Yet as he struggled he heard the soft sound of hooves land upon the tile floors, the flourish of wings collapsing at this unknown ponies’ side. He opened his eyes.

“Princess Luna!” Spike spat out as he quickly tried to reseat himself.

“Shh, Spike.” Luna said as she placed a hoof over his mouth tenderly. “Do not move so quickly, or you will injure thyself. We meant not to surprise you.”

“It’s good to see you, Princess” Spike said.

“We’ve told you before, Spike. You may refer to me by my name.” Luna said, with a soft smile. “But, it is good to see you as well. We had thought you deceased. It left me bereft for quite some time.”

“I’m sorry.” Spike said.

“There is no need, Spike.” Luna said, “But I am still worried about you. Your wounds look dire.”

Spike cocked his head to the side, slightly.

“You must wonder what brought me here.” Luna said.

“A little bit, yeah.” Spike said.

“I came to...confess” Luna said. “I was amongst the leaders in the search to find you and we failed.”

“Oh...well, there is no need to blame yourself or anything. I was in Dragon Lands, I knew why you couldn't search there.”

“Some part of me knew you still lived, even after we had abandoned all hope.” Luna said, “Even from Canterlot, even when you were far from my reach, I felt your dreams. I felt anguish, I felt fear, I felt remorse. I told them you lived each and every night. I tried to catch glimpses in the dreamscape, tried to reach out but you were too far away.”

“My dreams…” Spike said, looking down at his blankets, “I dreamt of Ponyville. I dreamt of my friends….that was you, wasn’t it?”

“It worked?.” Luna asked “I tried to find yours, and what little I did catch was not enough to allow me to shape them as I would with one within my grasp, but I tried to guide them to better places.”

“Thank you.” Spike said.

"You should not.” Luna said as she shook her head and for the first time, turned away. He swore that she was tearing up.


“Because it was I who told them to end their search for you.” Luna said, “I could no longer feel your presence in the dreamscape and I...I assumed the worst. My sister took my word, and they were called off”

She turned back towards him finally. “I know I cannot ask you for your forgiveness-”

“I forgive you, Luna” Spike said, “I would have done the same...and it was never your fault to begin with.”

“How, Spike?” Luna said as she drew closer, “I made your suffering endure, made it linger far longer than it should have.”

“Well, that’s what happens when you get captured by Dragons.” Spike said, “I was going to be in pain no matter what, but all that time I thought I was alone out there. I guess its enough to know somepony had my back.”

“I only wish I could have been there to save you, Spike.” Luna said, “I feel, indebted to you, however. If you ever need anything, feel free to ask for me.”

“Hmm.” Spike pondered for a moment. “For now, I’d like to just fall asleep.”

“That is something I’m quite able to do.” Luna said with a true smile returning to her face as her horn began to glow. “Should you ever need me, you know where I will be.”

Spike felt his eyes grow heavy, and his limbs become weightless. He heard Luna whisper, “Sleep, and dream once more.”

The last thought that crossed his mind was that he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to dream again, or if he’d even want to. A black void of blinded senses overtook him.

Author's Note:

Derp. Working on the next chapter already. Maybe I'll get the next one out in a reasonable amount of time. School though...

More ponies!

Oh, also! I'm gonna edit and shift some things around in the previous chapters to make it a little bit more readable.