• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 66,789 Views, 2,491 Comments

Equestria's First Human - Ceehoff

A lightning bolt has teleported a human to a world full of happy, colorful, talking ponies. Holy....

  • ...

Chapter XI - What Have We Done?

Equestria’s First Human Chapter-XI

Written and Drawn by Ceehoff

Twilight hung her head.

Pinkie Pie’s mane immediately deflated from fluffy and curly to long and straight. Her lively pink color turned duller. A big frown cracked across her cheeks.

Applejack hung her head. "Ah feel jus’ horrible."

“He needed our help... He trusted us... We acted so selfishly and allowed the others to get to us,” Twilight said. “He was not the monster. We were the monsters."

"'We'?" Spike snorted.

He started walking to the door.

"Spike?" the purple unicorn noticed him. "Where are you going?”

"Out, where else?" he grumbled in response.

"Spike, this is no time to--."

"No time to what?" he whipped around to face the six ponies. "This is the perfect time! I just lost a friend, thanks to you! You all let your peers get the best of you and hurt Connor in the process! He trusted all of you. You all got some nerve!" Spike huffed. "And you called yourselves his 'friends'. I was more of a friend to him than you guys! That stupid sale was already over! You could've brought him with you! The princess would have loved to see him. I bet things would've changed a lot then. If he hadn't come, then the Princess would've been dead!"

Twilight flinched back in hurt. Feeling offended, she opened her mouth to argue. However, nothing came out. Coming to realization, she hung her head in shame.

Spike continued. "Connor and I had a lot in common. In fact, I feel the same as he does. Tch, whatever... I'm getting out of here before I become more like you guys."

Rarity stepped up. "Now, Spike, I can see that you're frustrated as well, but there is absolutely no reason to--."

"Just shut up," the little drake growled at her.

Everypony in the room gasped silently, utterly stunned at the sudden remark he flung at the white unicorn. Although, nopony was more shocked than Rarity. She stared at him with her mouth agape and her eyebrows bunched together in hurt. If Spike was able to say such a thing to the pony of his dreams without a hint of hesitation, then this was definitely serious.

"S... Spike?" she squeaked in disbelief.

"And don't try to stop me. You still have NO clue on how serious this is!"

He then walked to the door, touching the doorknob before he noticed something.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Take a look at this!" The dragon picked up the torn halves of the paper Connor had torn before he left in anger. "This is what he thinks of you now. Proud of yourselves?"

The torn halves belonged to a drawing the human had drawn. It was a picture of him and the others together, smiling like there was no problem in the world.

Applejack took off her hat in shame. Pinkie Pie hung her head. Fluttershy teared up. Rainbow Dash gently landed to hang her head as well. Rarity and Twilight cupped their mouths with their hooves.

"I've wasted enough time scolding you." Spike said as he turned the doorknob.

In the back of his mind, he knew that the six ponies were not the only ones who needed to have a talk. He remembered Connor's promise to never give up, no matter what happened. However, he felt that his words fell onto deaf ears.

"Spike, we're sorry!" Twilight reached to him. "We didn't know that--"

"If you are sorry, then you would fix what you've broken! You can run out there and apologize to him, that is if he is still within reach. Until you do, don't even think about talking to me. Now, if you will all excuse me, I'm getting the hay out of--."

The door suddenly opened, flattening poor Spike onto the wall. Four royal guards stood in the doorway.

“Twilight Sparkle! Princess Celestia sent us here,” said the tallest one with a tone of utmost urgency.

Surprised by the guests, he stuttered. “W-what for?”

“For protection. She does not want you to fall into the hooves of Dragonfire.” He turned to the other four. “Shut the doors and lock the windows! Make sure nothing gets in or out! Every nook and cranny!”

The guards scrambled about the room, slamming doors and windows shut. The loud clapping noises nearly deafened the six ponies standing in the room. After the tallest one shut the front door with a loud, 'slam!', he immediately whipped around, not noticing a pancaked dragon slither down the wall and behind the plant standing next to the door.

The guards formed a circle around the six mares. They stiffened their postures as they vigilantly watched the premises. Twilight was dazed and confused by the Princess’ sudden act of concern for her student. Never before had she taken her security to extremes. Still confused over what was going on, she walked up to the tallest one.

“Tell me again; why are you doing this?”

“Princess Celestia had given us strict orders to safeguard you from those filthy Dragonfire ponies. As the Princess’ most elite squad, we will do whatever is necessary to ensure your safety,” he said like he had been reciting it numerous times.

“That’s very kind of her, but what do those Dragonfire ponies have to do with me?”

“They find your talent in magic as a great asset for commencing their next attack.”

Twilight was getting nervous. “Just how of great importance is my power to them?”

The guard chuckled. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask them?”

She stared at him, tilting her head in confusion.

“In fact, ask one RIGHT HERE!” he shouted as he tore off his armor, revealing a blood-red cloak and hood. The other “guards” did the same.

The six ponies gasped in shock.

It came to Twilight that nopony saw the Dragonfire ponies' attempt to murder Celestia, because the guards were actually spies. They were aiding Dragonfire in their attack, making it look like a guard’s blunder.

Twilight crouched low to the ground, flaring furious magic from her horn. "You'll never get away with this!"

Seeing the purple librarian standing in defiance, the rest crouched low to the ground, readying for combat.

"Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way!" Rainbow Dash growled, hooves clacking together.

"Don't kill them," one of the cloaked ponies spoke. "We want them alive!"

"Yer not takin' us anywhere!" Applejack shouted, bucking at them with her hind legs.

However, her hooves only hit thin air. Turning her head around, she saw that nothing was there. A shadow crept on top of her, zooming into her. The pony twisted in the air, whirled around, and cracked his hind hoof across Applejack's face, sending her flying into an assortment of pony mannequins.

"Why, you--!" Rainbow Dash growled, launching herself at the pony who struck her friend.

Just when she was a foot away from the stallion, a beam of magic struck her side, making her veer out of her flight path. She collided into the wall and fell to the ground, being rained down upon by the debris from the hole she made.

The cloaked unicorn who shot her was about to give another blow until a beam of magic struck his head, knocking him down head over hooves. He staggered up and glared at Twilight, whose horn was glowing brightly.

In a matter of seconds, the foyer of the boutique became a miniature battlefield. Ponies were scrambling left and right, throwing punches, diving onto another, shooting bullets of magic at each other.

After a minute of fighting, the cloaked ponies were finally able to knock out each pony, one-by-one, shooting tranquilizer beams at them. Rainbow Dash was the last to be knocked out because of her nimbleness. But even that was not enough.

The four cloaked stallions stood over their neutralized targets, huffing and puffing.

"Damn it..." one of them panted. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to push myself so much just to capture some mares. They really put up a fight."

Meanwhile, Spike had just regained his swimming head after being flattened. He gazed drearily around the room, still sitting behind the pot. His blurry eyes caught four, red blobs standing a few feet away from him. After rubbing them, he saw the red cloaks with gold flourishes. He clapped his mouth shut with his palm, keeping silent.

"It would be their last once Lord Hellfire is through with them," the taller one spoke. "Get the sacks. We're taking them to the town hall."

Spike saw one of the cloaked ponies lift Rarity up with his magic, rudely pointing her head toward the opening of the sack.

“D... Don’t you dare... put me in that filthy... sack. My mane will... get dirty...” she mumbled before she finally lost to slumber.

Her body slid down into the sack, engulfing her entire body. Her silky tail peeked out from the lip of the sack before it was flicked in.

Spike could only watch each of the sleeping ponies get shoved into the crude sacks.

"Hey, wait a minute," one of them spoke after drawing the string of the sack that Twilight was in. "Wasn't there supposed to be six of them?"

"We're missing one," the other said.

Spike saw something pink hanging at the upper end of his eye. He looked up to see Fluttershy hiding behind one of the tarps that hung from the ceiling. Her forelegs gripped tightly around the rope that held it up. From up there, she had seen everything, which made her whimper.

"I thought I heard something!"

She gasped, nearly falling off the tarp. She tightened her grip, praying that her hooves would not give out on her. Her eyes shifted desperately around the room, finding a way to escape. To her dismay, the Dragonfire ponies had locked everything.

As she was still adamantly searching for an escape, her eyes fell upon Spike, who was coincidentally looking at her.

“Help us!” she mouthed, weeping silently. A large tear drooled from her azure eyes and crawled down her cheek. It stopped at the edge of her jaw and it had separated itself from her face. It fell directly on top of the tall pony's nose.

“What the…?” he mumbled, wiping the salty morsel off with his hoof.

He looked up.

"There she is! Up there!"

She squeaked in fright and lost grip of the tarp. She landed on her chest, directly in the middle of the pack. She whimpered in pain. The Dragonfire ponies surrounding her began to close in like a pack of timberwolves. She whimpered and shook, deathly afraid of the grim expressions on their faces. Through their legs, she saw Spike nod and run out the door. The shadows enveloped her.


“AHHHHHHHH!!!” Fluttershy’s scream pierced through the rain.

Connor stopped in his tracks, startled by the sudden shrill sound.

He turned to see a black silhouette behind a thick veil of rain.

Nothing good came from that scream. Was she in trouble? Should he go back to see what was going on?

He turned away, huffing through his nostrils. Water was flicked off from the tip of his nose from the rush of air.

"Feh..." he snorted rejectingly. "Why bother? Even if I did do something, it still wouldn't change anything. Those arrogant blowhards of ponyfolk don't know a good act when they freaking see one, so why even bother? It's their problem now..."

His foot got caught in a small pile of mud, forcing him to lurch forward. His hands and knees were coated with dirty water that resided in the creases of the dirt road. The human groaned in frustration as if everything he interacted with was against him. He pounded his fist in the dirt road, irritated with being subjective to such a humiliating event. He stood up, eyeing his wet jeans.

Well, he should not have anything to complain about other than the dirt in the water drying up, because he was already damp from the rain. His t-shirt was glued onto his torso like a wet tissue. His thighs felt cold from the breeze that brushed past his legs every step he made. He stood up, feeling the dirty water from the puddle drool from the knees of his jeans and down to his ankles, soaking his socks.

He scoffed in frustration. It would take a matter of minutes for him to start chafing like a bastard and feel his feet prune up in his damp socks.

However, those problems were not nearly as bad as having six friends stabbing his back.


What about Fluttershy? Since when did she stab him in the back?

Never. Not once.


Connor's stomach pruned the moment he saw her frightened, teary face hiding behind Rarity's legs in his mind. She was going to jump in to stand up for him, wasn't she? Yet, he had to say all of that in front of her before he stormed out?

He stopped in his tracks, crippled by the memories he had with her from the moment she bandaged him to the moment where they had their meaningful conversation while enjoying the scenery in front of them.

Without another thought, he walked off the side of the road and sat down in the grass. The rump of his jeans dampened, sucking up droplets of rain that slid off their smooth surfaces. His held his forehead in his hand.

Now, he really couldn't go back. He embarrassed her in front of everypony, being the insecure, timid, frail pony she already was, and he also managed to single-handedly make himself look like an ass in front of her, blindly blaming her in the mix. If he went back, who knows if she would ever speak to him again? Would she avoid him like everypony else as well? Would they never interact again?

"Dammit!" he hissed, hammering his other fist into a tree that stood directly next to him.

Something struck him on the top of his head. Grumbling and cursing in his breath, he turned to the culprit that rolled a few inches in front of him.

An apple...

Just like the one he ate when he first came here...

When he met Spike...

"You hungry?" he heard his youthful voice.

Which led him into thinking about the rest... Before everything...

“I’m always glad to have you here!” Twilight's voice rung out in his mind. He felt the nuance of her smile when she said it.

“Care fer another apple? Oh, the hay with it! Take an entire crate!”


“Yer welcome, sugarcube!”

Connor cracked a small smirk across his lips.

“You know, you seem pretty cool for a…uh…uhhhh…”

“Yes, human! Yeah, you seem pretty cool for a human. Can’t wait to hang out again! Make sure you bring one of those jet-thingies with you so we can race! Looking forward to it!”

He chuckled in amusement.

How the hell was he going to learn how to fly a jet in such a short amount of time? He huffed in ironic humor.

“Well, the customer is always right, after all. If you should come back, I will make sure I design you a shirt to your liking, darling! No need to repay me! It is a generous thing to do, is it not?” he heard Rarity say.

He clenched his fist.

“Anypony who is friends with my friend is my friend, too! Now, let’s PARTY! Want a cupcake? They’re super-duper-alley-ooper good! Om, nomnomnomnomnom!”

He could not help but chuckle at Pinkie Pie's bubbly, positive attitude.

"There you go. All better! Now, don't move it around too much, okay?" Fluttershy's soft voice said.

He felt a flicker of warmth in his heart, and his shoulder tingled, remembering the softness of her touch. Pulling his t-shirt collar to the edge of his shoulder, he saw the bandage, still wrapped tightly and warmly around his arm. Behind the dirt, sweat, and rain, Connor could still smell her scent wedged within the pores of the cloth.

He bowed his head. Just seeing her face in his mind would bring him closer to tears.

"Why did it have to be like this?" he mumbled to himself.

He pounded his fist into the grass.

A lightning bolt struck.

Time to take the train home. Connor stood up from his grassy seat and trudged back onto the road. He held out his arms wide, waiting for one lucky bolt to strike him. This was how he got here, and this was how he was going to go back.

He waited...

“Come on!” he growled. “Come onnnn!”

Thunder struck in the distance. It was about two miles away because it took ten seconds to sound. He shifted in his place, knowing that this was going to be a while. He wanted to get the hell out of this place. There had to be something to speed this up.

He looked around to find something, preferably something metal.

But…was it Twilight who summoned that lightning to fetch Connor in the first place?

No, it was a perfect idea. This was a magical land of colorful, talking ponies. Surely, the lightning should be magical enough, too.

To his luck, he found his conductor. A steel hoe with a wooden shaft was leaning against the other side of the wooden fence. Its end was sunk into the mud. He grabbed it and held it up high in the air with the steel tip perched into the sky.

Any moment now…

Lightning struck from a mile away.

Maybe the next one…


Not that one either…

Flash! BOOM! Connor gritted his teeth


Much farther away than the last one.



A lightning bolt struck an apple tree near him. From the force of the blast, it knocked him back like five hulky football players had run into him in unison. His ears rung, and his eyes were blurred. His hair stood up on his head, despite it being weighed down by the rain. His nose picked up a scent of burning wood. Blinking his eyes until they became clear, he saw an apple tree split right down the middle, smoke rising from the scorched insides. A large portion of the wooden fence next to it was blown to shards and burnt. If there was anything magical about that lightning bolt, it would help him have breakfast with his maker quicker than he would have wished.

Connor gawked at the tree, stunned and frightened. He dropped to his knees. He fell on all fours. He pummeled the wet, muddy ground with his fist. Each pound he made, the more he speckled himself with drops of mud.

“Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! IDIOT!” he yelled each time he pounded the ground. “Who the hell are you to kill yourself? It’s freakin’ stupid! It’s immature! It makes you look hopeless! IT’S PATHETIC!”

He nearly broke his hand after the last punch. Pain scratched the inside of the bones in his hand.

He stood up and sighed heavily.

It was no use. He couldn't go home on his own. He was stuck here for the rest of his life.


His head flinched up. He turned to see a short dragon pound his short legs into the muddy ground.

“Spike?" the human squinted in disbelief. "What're you—?”

The young dragon put his hands on his knees, panting heavily. “You…have….You….have to.”

“What? What is it?”

Spike gasped in a huge amount of air. “Those Dragonfire ponies! They-They've kidnapped Twilight! Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, everypony! I barely managed to escape! They're in trouble! You've gotta help me!”

So, they were in trouble, after all. However, Connor was less than enthusiastic.

“I can’t..." he replied grimly. "I'm not going back. Not after what they did."

“Please! You have to! I tried to find somepony else to help, but everywhere I looked, Dragonfire ponies were everywhere! They're taking all of Ponyville as hostage! You're the only one available!”

“And what do you want me to do?” the human replied angrily. “Go back and save them?? I'm still a freak to them! You saw what happened! Even if I do save them, they'll still treat me poorly, beat me, or whatever! I can't do it!”

“Of course you can!" he argued, throwing his arms up in the rainy air. "I don’t see you as a freak! We’re friends, remember?”

“I course I do, but I’m afraid that even in your comfort, I'm not going back. I don't belong there.”

“Please! They gonna KILL them! Fluttershy, too! PLEASE!”

Connor felt his stomach churn at the mention of her name. However, knowing the damage he had done, he knew he hurt her as well. Plus, Lord knows how many of those terrorist rebels were even in Ponyville now? Chances were, it was one out of one-hundred of a chance that he would be successful.

“I’m sorry, Spike. I-I can’t.”

The young dragon's arms flopped down to his feet in disbelief. He could not believe what he was hearing. His best friend was giving up on him. What could he say to change his mind?


"Spike... No..." Connor groaned.




“You won't make me go back...”

“Whatever you say." Spike crossed his arms. "Canadacanadacanadacanadacanadacanada!”

“Damn it, Spike! Stop it!”

“No! I'll stop when you agree to help me. Canadacanadacanadacanadacanadacanadacanadacanada…”


The little dragon flinched at his sudden outburst. Then, he stomped his scaly foot into the mud.

“Okay, fine! Don’t come and save my friends! Be a loser! This is exactly why everypony is avoiding you! You’re too big of a wimp to grow a pair and do something about it! This is the perfect chance to prove yourself to them, and this is what you decide?? You--!" he stammered from his anger, pointing a strong, hurtful finger at the sulking human. "You broke your promise!"

Connor's jaw tensed.

However, Spike wasn't finished. "I chose you to be my friend, so I could teach you to stop moping around and feeling sorry for yourself! I guess I have failed you, then! Spike angrily stomped off. "You know what? Do what you feel! I don’t care…”

“However,” he turned around once more. “I think the better decision is to PROVE to them that you are a great person.”

Connor’s eyes shot wide open.


Spike walked angrily away, leaving the stunned human all by himself.

“I’m a loser? A wimp?” Connor said to himself, gritting his teeth. “I am NOT a wimp! I--! I--! I am a wimp...”

As much as it hurt, he knew Spike was right. He did nothing. The only thing he did was sitting at a distance, expecting somepony to approach and smother him with affection. He was expecting Twilight and the others to do it for him.

Nonetheless, he hated being insulted.

“Well, I'll be a wimp, then…” he snorted, turning around to resume his way.

It was too late now. Everypony had to suffer for his or her unforgivable acts toward him. If they died, then they died. Everypony including Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and…


He felt the bandage clench around his arm.


“I must be out of my mind..." he said as he whirled around and chased after the little dragon.



Twilight yelped in pain as a heavy hoof slapped across her purple cheek, which was turning a more maroon-ish color. She shook, abstaining herself from weeping like a weakling.

“WHERE IS THE DRAGON?!” a Dragonfire pony yelled in her face, sprinkling her with specks of saliva.

Twilight spat out the blood that leaked in her mouth. "I told you! I don't know!"

“Bullshit!” he lifted his hoof in the air, ready for another blow.

Something grabbed it the second it launched.

“That’s enough! Beat her again, and you’ll kill her. We need to save these ponies for Lord Hellfire," another said, gesturing to the others.

The Elements were each tied to a chair each, shoulder-to-shoulder, in a line. All of their chairs were nailed to the ground, so they could not shuffle away. However, one was tied down more than most. Rainbow Dash thrashed in her seat, trying to escape from the thick bundle of large ropes. He neck was tied to the spokes of the backrest, so she could not chew her way through the rope. Rarity and Twilight were struggling to use their magic, but they were injected beforehand with a serum that numbed their horns, thus shutting down their magic until the serum wears off.

“Come on!" the brutish stallion snarled in the other's face. "Ever since the princess 'commanded' us to get off of that hairless thing, I had been dying to beat the living daylights out of something!”

"Ugh,” scoffed the unicorn. “Just shut up and wait for Lord Hellfire. Idiot...”

The brutish stallion snorted in reluctance.

The unicorn spoke again. “Since we lost the dragon, we will have to commute with the princess another way. But how?”

Another one of them walked up to them, overhearing their bickering. “I saw some loudspeakers downstairs. We just need a volume enhancement spell, and we should be able to contact her.”

“And just how will she able to talk to us? Care to tell me how we do that?” the unicorn asked testily.

“She won’t have to. We just need to deliver a little ransom to her. Plus, with somepony as protective as she is, she wouldn't dare to not answer it.”

The unicorn scratched his chin. “I see... A little inconvenient, but it just might work. Get the speakers up here!”

After five minutes, the large speakers were set up and arranged. All of the speakers pointed directly at the large castle built on the slope of the mountain. One of the cloaked ponies shattered the tall window for clarity. They sat around the six, tied-down ponies, eyeing them darkly in silence. None of them moved a muscle. They stood deathly still like ghostly statues and stalking specters. Silence, other than the rain pattering against the windows, filled their ears, nearly driving Twilight and the other five nearly insane. One of the rebels smirked venomously, brewing paranoia into the captives into fretting on what was coming up next. Were they going to be tortured? Were they all going to be beaten? The captives had no clue.

A door swung open noisily, making all but the cloaked ponies flinch. The rebels bowed their heads.

“Hail, Hellfire!” they all chanted.

The leader walked slowly and menacingly past his subjects and stopped in front of the six captives. Twilight looked up to see only a grim, blank muzzle peek out from the shadow of his red hood. The gold markings ornate on the hood reminded her the shape of an open maw of a dragon, baring its sharp fangs at her. She shrunk back, intimidated by his presence.

The stallion raised his hoof. The purple unicorn flinched, bracing herself for another strike. However, nothing came. His hoof was ascending up to his head. His hoof slithered into the opening near his cheek and pushed his hood back. Twilight saw a grim face of a stallion with a dull orange coat of fur. His cheeks were slender and sharp. The color underneath his eyes were a shade darker than his coat. His mane was raven black, straight, and long. His eyes were an ethereal blue. His sheathed sword lifted the left side of his cloak, making it drape irregularly.

“Talk about a great need of some tender loving care,” Rarity grimaced at the ghastly sight. She could not keep her mouth shut when it came to cleanliness.

In an eye blink, Hellfire was standing right in front of her. She gasped in fright as she saw the grim stallion glare at her with contempt. She leaned her head away from him, careful to not get too close to him. Raising an eyebrow, he looked up and down her body. So refined…so curvy…so desirable. Her face decorated with mascara, eyeshade, and smooth, silky, purple hair added on to her beauty.

Beauty that reminded him of somepony he had consorted with some time ago.

“You must be Rarity, Ponyville’s finest dress-maker, the one who crafts the most fashionable, desirable, and beautiful dresses in all of Equestria,” he said in a low, soothing voice. “And Ponyville’s most beautiful mare, as you proclaimed?

He inched near her. "Indeed, you really are a beautiful one. So perfect in every way…"

“Yes…” she responded, inching further away from him. “So I proclaimed...”

“Get away from her, you creep!” Rainbow Dash shouted. A hoof to the face by another cloaked pony silenced her.

Then, Hellfire lowered his head down to Rarity’s neck, nuzzling it. The white unicorn squeaked, shuddering at the thought of his filth getting into her perfectly groomed white coat.

“Such a smooth, swan-like neck. So smooth and soft,” he purred.

He gave it a small lick. Rarity whimpered loudly. Not only was his move so perverse, but she was worried that his saliva was going to stain her fur coat.

Hellfire spoke again. “Such a pity that it's going to be slit soon enough..."

He chuckled as he brushed by her up to his subjects. Rainbow Dash was snorting furiously at Hellfire, angry that he pulled such a move on her best friend.

“Where is the dragon?” he asked.

“We lost him, sir…”

Hellfire’s eyebrow twitched. “The dragon is our key to contacting the princess,” he said softly.

However, no good came from his voice. It had throat-slitting rage carved into it.

“B-but, fortunately, we found these loudspeakers. We just have to use a volume enhancer spell in order for it to reach the princess. It saves the time from, er... boring conversations...” he replied, gulping his nervousness.

Hellfire sigh rumbled in his throat. “So be it…"

“Yes, sir. Thank you for--GWAGHCK!”

The six hostages gasped in utter horror at the sight of the leader's gnarly blade escaping out the other end of the pony's chest.

“However, you still have failed me," he softly said in his ear. "You know the price of failing an objective. We are on the brisk of revolution, and mistakes are unacceptable. Remember that as you rot in Hell...”

He yanked the sword out and the pony collapsed dead on the floor with his blood pooling around him. Turning his sword, he wiped the sides of his weapon on the dead pony's cloak, cleaning it of the blood. When he finished, he slid his sword back into his sheath. A guard crawled up to his side while others were dragging the corpse away.

"Is the hydra in position?" the orange stallion asked.

"H-Hydra?" Twilight stammered.

RUUUUAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!! The blood-curdling sound came from outside.

“Yes, my lord," his subject replied. "Locked up and craving for flesh.”

“Good.” He turned to a pony near the speakers. “Turn them on. It is time to deliver the message.”

The speakers were flipped on, and then were covered in an aura of magic. Hellfire lifted the microphone up to his lips. Every word he spoke was booming like thunder.


He dropped the microphone onto the ground, echoing a loud pop and a shrieking sound in its wake. He glared at the tall utopia in the mountain.

"After months of waiting for the perfect opportunity," he said, glaring up at the castle. "Celestia will finally die by my hoof... The debt will be paid..."


Two figures stood agape on the dirt road. They slowly separated their fists from their fist bump.

“Did you hear that?” Spike gawked at the town in the distance.

"Yeah," Connor replied, gawking as well.

“Soooo..." the young dragon trailed off. "Are we still going to help?”

The human gulped. The real work for friendship was about to begin.

“Yeah…" he nodded. "But we will need some things to help us on the way. Come on.”

They ran off the road, disappearing into the foliage of the forest.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

EDIT: 1/21/16 Went ahead and edited some parts of this chapter, too.

Never really knew how many grammatical errors and cringe-worthy parts there were in this chapter XD

But anyway, I'll be back occasionally to fix things.