• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 66,785 Views, 2,491 Comments

Equestria's First Human - Ceehoff

A lightning bolt has teleported a human to a world full of happy, colorful, talking ponies. Holy....

  • ...

Chapter III- Introductions II

Equestria’s First Human- Chapter III
Written and drawn by Ceehoff

Connor was touching the bandage that the yellow pegasus wrapped around his arm earlier.

"Well, Fluttershy's pretty nice. I like her," he said with a smile.

“Who wouldn’t?” Spike added in. “She’s kind, sweet, caring...”

"Yes, she is," Twilight supported. "She wouldn't be Ponyville's graceful animal caretaker if she weren't."

"Animal caretaker?" the human repeated. "Huh! No wonder. She really knew how to tend a wound. It's actually starting to hurt much less than it used to."

"That's great!" she smiled.

"Glad to hear it!" smiled her scaly assistant.

As they walked, trees were starting to look more distant from each other, which meant that they were exiting the countryside. Soon, they were back in Ponyville. Once again, it was all too quiet. Jump ropes and other toys that belonged to fillies and colts lied on the street as if they were freshly abandoned. Even some carts that were carrying supplies were abandoned. They tilted forward, which caused some of supplies to spill out. The squashed apples and pastries were evidence that everypony left in a hurry just to hide from the human. Twilight frowned. It was so sad that everypony was still hiding and acting like a bunch of prejudicial, insensitive scaredy-ponies. Connor was different from what they thought of him. He had manners. He had feelings. He had potential. However, everypony else failed to see it. Unknown to Twilight, Connor was thinking the exact same thing, only he was more hurt and self-pitiful. What was everypony's problem?

“So!" Twilight broke the silence. "Who do you like to meet first?"

Connor shrugged. “Anybody. It’s up to you, I guess.”

She stopped in her tracks. "What?"

"I said anybody. It's up to you."

"I'm... sorry? What was that?"

Slightly ticked off, the human repeated louder. "An-y-bo-dy! It's up to you!"

"What's 'anybody'?" the unicorn asked, looking slightly confused.

"Wha... I... you... It's a pronoun! It refers to a random person. Any person!"

"Yes, yes, I know, but why do you say it like that? I think you meant to say 'anypony'."

"Nnnnnnno, I didn't. I meant 'anybody'. How else should I say it?"

"Is that how you say 'anypony' back on your world?" she curiously asked.

"Well... yes! Yes, we do. Heck, we also say 'everybody', 'somebody', that's pretty much it."

"Really? So, it's basically replacing 'pony' with 'body'?"

"I guess you can say that."

"Huh!" she exclaimed as she tilted her head in interest. "Very interesting."

Spike felt a flash of joy run through his scaly body. He zipped up to Twilight and asked with much enthusiasm, “Let’s visit Rarity! Please? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeeeezze?”

The unicorn rolled her eyes and smiled. "Okay, we'll visit Rarity."

Spike pumped his scaly fist in the air. "YES!"

“Does that sound good, Connor?”

“Well, you’re the—“

"WHAAAAAAAAAA!!" screamed a voice in the air above them.

CRASH! Something suddenly crash-landed right in the middle of the trio, causing them to jump, startled. When the kicked-up dust cleared, it revealed a light-blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail, all perfect hues. Her face was complete plastered onto the dirt ground like a pancake stuck to a griddle. Her wings twitched spasmodically. Her hind legs were flailing up in the air like blue weeds.

“Rainbow Dash! Are you all right?” Twilight ran up to the downed pegasus in worry.

"Mmm! Mihmmumm! Muhmm!" was all the pegasus could say with her face smothered into the ground.

Her legs kicked helplessly in the air until they were planted firmly on the ground. After much tugging and pushing, the pony's face snapped off of the ground like rubber. Her head swayed helplessly from the impact.

“Phhbtbtbtttt!!” She spat out a few pebbles. “I’m fine," she said.

She looked around dazedly, seeing double of everything. She blinked repeatedly to clear up her eyesight.

“What happened, Rainbow?” the purple unicorn asked.

“I was (ooh!) practicing a new (ugh!) trick. Guess I front-flipped one too many," she answered hazily.

Then, she saw some flesh colored orb float in front of her eyes. What the hay was that? She rubbed her eyes with her hooves, until her eyesight was crystal clear.

Frightened reaction in 3…2…1…


Then, she sprung herself up into the air and landed in front of Twilight and Spike like she was protecting them. She snapped her hooves up, holding them up in the air like a boxer.

"Stay back, guys! I'll take care of this!" She stomped up to the human, acting all tough. "All right, whatever-you-are, PUT ‘EM UP!"

She pranced around the human like a boxer, throwing a few air jabs to intimidate him. She huffed and puffed after each jab she threw. Connor could not help but smirk at her ridiculous performance.

However, the pegasus was not amused. "You’ve crossed the path of Rainbow Dash! That's right, Rainbow Dash! World's Fastest Flier and Future Wonderbolt! You mess with my friends, you mess with ME! HA! HOO! GRR! C'mon! C'mon!"

Connor snickered. A pony trying to fight like a man. How humorous.

“Ohhh-ho-ho! Taking me lightly, huh? You’ll regret that, you son of a mule!”

She launched at the “monster” but was stopped by a purple aura wrapped around her tail.

“Twilight!" she yelled. "Whaddaya doing?! Run! Get out of here! I can take him! You know I can!”

The purple aura disappeared and the blue contender dropped to the ground roughly.

“The hay, Twilight!”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight scolded. “He is not a monster. He’s a human.”

“A what?"

“A human."

"Never heard of that before. Just what the hay is he doing here??"

"He was teleported here by accident."

"And just how did he get teleported here?” she asked testingly, hovering in front of Twilight's face.

“We're not really sure, but our best best guess is that storm from last night."

"Oh, really?" the multicolor-maned pegasus said as she landed in front of Connor. She thrusted her face into his, glaring at him in inspection.

A little personal space, please? Connor thought as he backed up.

Was Twilight friends with this pony? She seemed pretty rude to him.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight cleared her throat. “This is Connor.”

As much as the pegasus' attitude disgusted him, Connor thrust out his hand and smiled politely, “Nice to meet you.”

"WHOA! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch where you're pointing those... thingies!" the blue pony said as she backed away.

“They’re fingers.”

"Yeah, but how am I supposed to know if you washed them or not?" she asked in an brash manner.

"Well, I wasn't able to find a sink, so... sorry about that?"

"Just don't touch me with those. I don't want to get sick with whatever you are carrying."

The hell was wrong with this pony? Didn't her parents teach her any manners?

“Rainbow,” Twilight interrupted. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

The blue pegasus flew over to her unicorn friend. They both turned around, so that Connor would not hear them.

"Geez, Rainbow... Honestly!" the unicorn began.

"What?" shrugged the flier.

"Show some courtesy! Why are you being so rude to him?"

"Have you seen him?? He's a monster! He's come to terrorize Ponyville! He could be one of Discord's vessels!"

"Just listen to yourself! You're jumping to conclusions way too quickly! You don't even know him yet!"

"But-- Whoa! Are you saying that I'm stupid? Well, sure I flunked the math test when I was a filly, but this is cutting it too close! I am not stupid!"

"Well, you sure are acting that way now!"

"Excuuuse me?! Look who's being rude now?" Rainbow said as she pointed an accusing hoof at Twilight.

"You see?? Somepony being rude to you doesn't feel good, does it? Just think of how he feels about you now."

The blue pegasus was about to argue, but her breath stopped short. She hung her head reluctantly.

"Well, now that you put it that way, no..." she sighed.

"I thought so," Twilight nodded. "Plus, I need your help."


"Spike and I are trying to help him get associated with the rest of Ponyville."

"Well, go on and do it! Why do you need my help for? Making friends with this town is soooo easy."

"That's the problem. Ponyville's gone and left him out in the cold. They were too afraid to face him."

"Don't mean to sound ignorant, Twilight, but no kidding! I wouldn't blame them. He's unlike anything I've ever seen before. Come to think of it, I don't think anypony has ever seen him before."

"He was the first of his kind to be here. That is why need to at least make him feel welcome as long as he's here."

"Since when did you grow sappy over this guy?"

"I wasn't the only one who did. Spike met him before I did. He even convinced me to help him. He said he was a nice guy, and he was. I mean, doesn't it break your heart to see somepony be rejected by many? I mean, you love attention, isn't that right?"


"And you'd hate to feel rejected and ignored, right?"

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash nodded, showing growing consent.

"Now, if you were him right now, wouldn't you want some help with making friends?"

The pegasus fell silent as she stared into space in deep thought. She knew exactly how it felt to be alone, especially when she was trying too hard to be a the town's hero during the "Mare-Do-Well Incident". Ponies started ignoring her because she was so desperate for attention.

"Well, you got me there, Twilight. I guess I'll help you, if you're so into it."

"Thanks, Rainbow! I knew you'd come around. Now, first things first, you have to get back out there and apologize for being rude earlier."

"Heh, heh... Yeah, of course," the pegasus sheepishly smiled.

Then, the two ponies broke out of their huddle and walked back to the human, who was just finishing his chat with Spike.

"Look, I know what Rainbow Dash said earlier was offensive, but just give her another chance. She tends to be sporty and obtrusive like that," the dragon said with his back toward the other two. "But other than that, she's a really nice mare once you get to know her. Just put all of what she said earlier behind you."

"Easier said than done, Spike," Connor said. "She really hit me right here." He bumped his chest with his fist.

"It's okay. Besides, it looks like she's about to apologize now. Just give her another chance," he said softly as he turned the human around, facing Rainbow Dash.

There was an awkward silence between the two as they struggled to find something to say.

The sporty pegasus was the first to speak. "Hey, uhhh... Sorry about earlier. I just... I just thought you were a monster who was about to (ahem) attack my best friends."

Connor was next to speak. "It's-it's okay. Thank you for, um, apologizing."



If there was a cricket nearby, it would chirp.


"So!" Rainbow Dash started again. "Uhhh... What was your name again?"

"Connor... And yours? Sorry, if I forgot..."

She always felt a beam of excitement course through her body whenever somepony asked for her name.

"Name's Rainbow Dash. Future Wonderbolt and Fastest Flier in Equestria!"

"Hey, erm, Rainbow Dash!"


The air jock was trying to think of something else to ask the human, while Connor was patiently waiting for something to escape her mouth.

"So, uhhh... How did you get here, exactly?" she asked.

"I don't know. I kinda forgot," the human replied.

"Did you fly here? Wait... You can fly, right?"

"If I had a plane, I would."

“A plane?”

“Yeah, a plane. Surely, you've heard of an airplane before, right?"

"Nope. No, I haven't."

So Connor was on a world full of talking, colorful ponies without planes. Well, why would they need them? The pegasi sure solved that problem, but what about the ponies who could not fly?

"Well," the human began. "A plane, also known as an 'airplane', is a vehicle that could travel in the air. It has wings like you do, but they are more rigid and don't move. They stick straight out to the sides."

"Then, how do they get off the ground?"

"They gain speed until they lift off of the ground."

"Oh, cool, cool. Wait, so you borrow wings just to fly?"

"Plus, it costs a lot of money just to fly in them."

"Pfft! That’s lame! Why borrow when you can have your own?” She flashed her wings pridefully.

“Oy, I wish! I always dreamed of having my own personal plane. Maybe even a personal jet. Travelling would be SO much faster... and easier!”

“Ok, now what’s a jet?”

“It’s like a plane, but faster."

How fast?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Really fast…Maybe even faster. Talking about supersonic speed here."

“Coooool! I did not know you guys had stuff like that! Ha! I just found me a competitor!” she laughed. “Hey! Hey, if you find a way to get back, make sure you bring one of those jet thingies next time you come here! We could race and see who the real speed demon is!”

“I could try. Flying them is not as easy as it looks, but I'll consider it."

"Cool, cool! Y'know, you're not half bad as I thought you would be."

The human was lost in words. "Well, um... Th-thank you! You don't seem as bad yourself."

"Thanks," she replied.

"Yup!" Connor smiled.

“We should hang out again sometime. Well, anyhoo, I better keep practicing. Gotta make sure I look awesome enough for the Wonderbolts, so they can ask me to be part of the team! Catcha later!”

She turned to walk away past Twilight.

"How was that? Did I do well?" she quietly asked her.

"You did great, Rainbow. Thank you so much for helping," the unicorn quietly answered.

"Hey, anything for my best friend! That's why I'm the Element of Loyalty," she whispered before taking off.

"So," Connor spoke. "She seems nice."

“Yes, she is,” she replied. "Once you get to know her, you'll be just fine around her."

Spike cleared his throat. “Ahem! Twiliiiight… Rarity’s?”

“Oh, right! Sorry, Spike.”


“Pretty festive house.” Connor said.

In front of him was a white, tall, house with flourishes of purple and gold yellow. The whole house was cylindrical in form and had statues of prancing ponies all around it. They were arranged around the house like it was a giant carousel.

“That’s Rarity for you! Looking beautiful in and out.” Spike chimed, eyes tired with love. Connor noticed the lovey-dovey expression on the dragon’s face. Out from nowhere, he pulled out a can of breath freshener, squirted some into his mouth, and walked up to the door with a overly-masculine swagger. The human tilted his head, astounded and confused by his attitude.

Connor and Twilight joined Spike at the door. The opened the door to reveal a vast room that was big enough to have an echo. Purple, dark pink, and violet silk drapes hung from the ceiling, giving it a rather medieval/classical touch to the room. One half of the room had a station which looked like a salon, complete with stations for hooficures, haircuts, and make-up appliances. The other half of the room was filled with fabulous, equine dresses fit for queens. Some were hung neatly on coat hangers and some were displayed on mannequins... or ponyquins... whichever suited better. Standing by one of them was a white unicorn with a glamorous, wavy, purple mane and tail. Her head was huddled down and her haunches were up in the air, as if she was deep into work. However, as busy as she looked, she could not ignore the sound of the bell that signaled a customer. She whipped around revealing a dignified and smiling face, complete with black, seductive mascara and baby blue eye shadow.

“Hello! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything here is chic, specific, and magnifi-que!" she chimed, pronouncing the last words like they rhymed with "boutique". She opened her eyes to see it was only the purple unicorn.

"Oh, Twilight Sparkle! My faaavorite unicorn!” she exclaimed. She had a mid-Atlantic accent.

“Good afternoon, Rarity!” smiled the purple unicorn.

Wait, her name is Twilight 'Sparkle'?? Connor thought. The title for the awful romance novel and a word that describes the vampires involved in that nauseating mush-pile of a love story? Motherfuuu…

“Hi, Rarity,” Spike blushed.

“Why, hello, Spike! How’s my little dragon do—WHAHAHAAAAAHA!"

After seeing Connor, she immediately ducked behind the dress she was working on.

They could only see her hoof waving from behind the dress as she spoke. “Don’t hurt me, you brute! Take anything you want, but just don’t hurt me! WAIT! I mean, don’t take anything you want! If you’re going to take anything, puh-LEEZE take those dresses over there! They so ran out of fashion a week ago! You can do with them, but just... don’t... HURT ME!”

Connor felt hurt. Twilight rolled her eyes, unimpressed. She should have expected that kind of reaction from the white unicorn. She walked up to the ponyquin, which was shaking from the fashion queen's quivering.

“Rarity, come out of there... He’s not a ‘brute’, and he’s definitely not going to take any of your stuff,” Twilight said like she said the exact same thing before.

"Oh, really? Just w-w-what makes you say that d-d-darling?" The white unicorn shivered, slowly peeking out from behind the dress.

"Because I know," Twilight replied. “This is Connor. He was accidentally brought here from his own world.”

“But, just what is he, darling?”

“He’s a human, and yes, I know what you are going to say: you haven’t seen him before. He's the first of his kind to arrive here."

"You don't say!" Rarity exclaimed, still shivering in fear. "Well, whatever are you doing with him?"

"I'm trying to help become friends with Ponyville, but the problem is that everypony just fled from him shamelessly when they laid eyes on him."

"Well, why not? He's definitely got that fierce, bloodthirsty, predator-like look in his eye, don't you admit?"

"Uhh... Thanks?" said a voice behind her.

"EEEEK!" Rarity jumped, finding Connor directly behind her. She grabbed the nearest weapon she could find. "Stay back! I just came back from the spa and I'm perfectly clean! If you ever get a single speck of dirt or a single scratch on me, you will pay!!!"

"A pin cushion?" he chuckled. "Really?"

Realizing how silly she made herself look for blindly grabbing for her "weapon", she blushed. This was the human's next chance to introduce himself. Even though it was hard for him to introduce himself on his own, he was in a more confident mood this time, because he was humored by the fashionable pony's silly little act.

"So, uhhhh... Your name is Rarity, right? I'm Connor."

He opened his palm for a shake. However, the unicorn was not convinced. She only stared at his hand in disgust.

"Pray tell me that you washed your, erm, paws, at least," she whimpered.

Oy, again with the germ pessimism. He was at the end of his rope.

"Excuse me," he said before he stood sharply up and walked to the nearest sink he could find.

He snatched some soap (which slipped out of his hands two or three times) and scrubbed his palms. He rinsed them with the flowing water and dried his hands. He marched back to where he was in front of the paranoid pony and opened his palm again.

"There! All clean! See?"

Rarity could smell the soap from his hands as he opened his palm. Plus, they were much brighter without the dirt covering them. Also, Twilight was eyeing her sternly, mentally commanding her to respond. She slowly inched her white, furry hoof out to meet the human's fleshy, fingered hand. The tip of her hoof rested on the tips of his fingers. Connor placed his thumb over the tip of her hoof and gave a light shake. Funny, her handsh...hoofsh... shake resembled a lady's handshake, the kind of handshake when they only grab around your fingers and shake delicately.

"So, uhhh..." Connor started. "Youuuuuuu make dresses?"

"(Ahem) Yes. I design... and make them. Yes," she replied awkwardly, tossing her mane.

"Cool, cool. So, uhhh..." he said, wishing he was better at keeping conversations flowing. "That's great! I mean, yeah. You must know a lot about fashion."

Rarity nodded gingerly.

"Yeah..." Connor finally spoke.

God freaking damn it! Why was this conversation going down the drain so quickly?? Well, he guessed it was time to do what he did with Twilight when he first met her.

"I like your fur coat! It looks very white and clean," he smiled sweetly as syrup.

"Oh! Uh... Thank you. Thank you, kindly."

That wasn't it. She still seemed pessimistic.

"I also like how you, uh... did your mane! How it's dyed purple like that, and how wavy it looks. I like it... a lot!" he crammed in.

The unicorn looked a little hurt. "I didn't dye it."

Oh, shhiiiii... He was going to bomb miserably. He had to recover and fast!

"WHOA! You don't say?! Damn, I mean, darn!" he exclaimed. "Sorry, I just figured that it was dyed because... it-it looks so rich in color! Hooo, man, that looks so awesome!"

Somehow, that last part slipped out automatically. Fortunately for him, it was enough to put an impressed smile on her face.

"Oh! You really think that?"

"Yeah, yeah! Mm-hmm! Oh, sure! Uh-huh! Oh, yes..."

"Well!" she exclaimed, slowly breaking out of her shell of insecurity for him. "I do work on it every single day, hoping somepony would notice."

"Whaaaaaat?" he gasped, deepening the compliments. "Nopony noticed?? Jeez, they're blind. How could they not notice all of that?"

"Well, I've had some, but not very many. I am certainly lucky that I get to meet another one of my admirers. Tell me, sir, what else about me?"

Man, this was going perfectly! The human was not believing his luck. He could not back down in making friends, especially if they were females. He had to keep it up.

"Well, I like your, uhhh... your eye shadow. Baby blue, is it? That's good! A good and original color. It goes well with your white coat, naturally baby blue and white being a good combination. Hell, white looks good with anything!"

"Hmm!" she hummed in approval. "Indeed, white looks good with anything. Anything else you have to say?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes in hope.

Man, this pony sure loved compliments. However, before he was about to shoot another compliment at her, he was interrupted by Twilight, who was nudging Rarity with her front leg.

"A-he-HEM!" she cleared her throat, feigning an enthusiastic smile. "So sorry to interrupt, Rarity. Even you just looooove ponies who ask about you, but don't you think you should be asking more about him and less about yourself, considering that he is a guest and guests are always first?"

The white unicorn smiled sheepishly. She tossed her mane and cleared her throat.

"Yes, of course. Now, good sir, would you care to tell me...?" her face slowly changed into a look of disgust as she looked down at his shirt.

"What?" the human asked.

"...What in Celestia's name you are wearing?" the unicorn finished.

“Oh, it’s a t-shirt,” the human replied.

“A ‘t-shirt’? Well, pardon me for saying this, but I say it looks simply horrid!"

“Well, it sure suits me,” Connor said, hiding his hurt.

“But, it just looks so plain! No matter what you say, I simply cannot allow you to wear such plain attire if you are going to be staying here. A newcomer deserves to look his or her best, so he or she can attract flies, if you know what I'm implying."

"Yeah, I guess. WHOA, WHAT THE--?" he yelped as he was suddenly lifted into the air like a limp doll.

He was yanked through the air and set on top of a podium with five, angled mirrors in front of it. The white unicorn started circling around him like a prowling shark, eyeing his bland, white T-shirt.

“This ‘t-shirt’ you speak of looks as boring like a plain bagel. Well, with my help, it is time to turn that plain bagel into a tasty, decorative, sprinkled doughnut!”

Needles, thread, gems and other decorative items hovered around Connor, surrounding him. He panicked when he saw the needles, those sharp little suckers pointing directly at him. It looked as if a ghost was about to gore him. Then, they all swarmed him, circling around him like angry bees. He yelped in panic through the barrage.

Seconds later, his t-shirt and jeans were covered with all kinds of gems, head to toe. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and was nearly blinded by how bright it looked.

“There we go! Not so plain anymore! Now you are ready to hit the streets, stunning ponies with your fabulousness,” Rarity beamed.

“Umm, Rarity?"

"Yes, darling?"

“If I want everybody, I mean, everypony to acknowledge me, I don’t want to blind them first. It was very kind of you, really, but to be blunt, I don’t think this sort of decoration might work with me.”

"Oh... W-well, of course! Well, then let's forget these decorations. They do look a little absurd for my taste anyway. The customer is always right, after all," she puffed her chest out, looking dignified. "But feel free to come into my shop anytime, darling! I can always set up a nice pair of clothes for you to your liking.”

She finished with a smile.

How generous. The fussy unicorn did not seem so bad, after all.

"Okay, I'll make note of that. Thanks!" Connor said.

“Now, let's get all of these gems off of you. Where are my scissors?”

Suddenly, in an eye blink, Spike appeared right in front of Rarity with scissors in his claw.


“Hey, Twilight,” the human whispered. “What's with Spike? Why is he acting so... weird like that?"

The dragon was literally floating off the ground, being propelled by the tip of his shovel-tipped tail. He had a huge, goofy grin slapped on his face as his eyes were only galway open.

“Isn’t it obvious?” She grinned.

Connor turned and looked at the dragon again.

“Nope,” he responded.

Twilight raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the human.

He felt a little hurt at her cynicism. “What? What do you want me to say? That he’s in love?? I don’t thi…….OHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh! Okay.”

The unicorn nodded.

“I mean, who wouldn’t? She is pretty, after all,” Connor said.

“Yes, she is, and she makes a really big fuss about it, too. Just pretend that you don’t know about it. He might think that I told you. He’s very secretive about it.”

Connor looked at the dragon, who was still floating. “Why is it such a secret to him?"

"I don't know exactly why. The ironic thing is, whenever he's around Rarity, he makes it so obvious that it doesn't even take a spilled secret to tell everypony."

"Well, he'd better stop making it obvious, then," the human shrugged, saying the only answer he could find.

“That’s what I said, but Spike just doesn’t seem to get it. Soon, all of Equestria will know of his little (she giggled) 'secret'.”

“Doesn't he even look at himself in the mirror? Maybe if he did, then he would get a clue."

“Oh, he does look at himself. However, he just poses in front of it, acting all dragon-ly, saying...” she crossed her eyes as she mimicked Spike's voice. “’Lookin’ good, Spike! Lookin’ reeeeeal good!’”

Connor snickered.

“And that’s probably another secret I shouldn’t have told you,” Twilight smiled sheepishly.

“My lips are sealed.”

“WHOA!!” Spike screamed.

“What? What is it? What’s wrong??” Twilight jumped.

“Sweet! A ruby!” he cheered, bending over to claim his prize.

He gobbled it down, before one could say "apples".

“You eat gems?” Connor raised his eyebrows.

“Yup! They're my favorite food in the world! I could eat any kind of gem."

“Since when did…? Oh, yeahhh! That’s right. You told me when we met. now, I remember.”

“Ooh, ooh! Another ruby!” he hooted.

He wolfed it down. Then another...

And another...

Twilight noticed there was a trail of rubies heading right toward…

“Follow me, Connor," she said.

The unicorn and the human followed the hungry dragon all the way to a two-story house that was decorated with sugary sweets. It literally looked like a legitimate gingerbread house. The way Spike was gorging on the trail of gems and nearing the house’s entrance made Connor think of a particular fairy-tale he heard a while back when he was a child back on Earth.

“Huh! Just like Hansel and Gretel,” he stated openly as he placed his arms on his hips.

“Who??” Twilight never heard of such ridiculous names.

“Hansel and Gretel. It’s a fairy tale of two, hungry, German kids wandering about the sketchy woods. They find a house made out of sweets much like this one, start eating it, and then a witch who lived in the house catches them in the act. She gets really pissed, and to teach them a lesson, she decides to cook and eat them both."


“But before she was about to place them in the oven, the kids give the witch the slip and push her into the oven, causing her to melt and die.”

“That’s good, but still, that's disturbing.”

"Heh, they were before Disney came in."

“Disney? Hmm, okay," she stated, passing by it. "That’s very interesting. You know, you should tell me more about your world. It sounds like there is so much more to see and know about there that I've never even heard before. Maybe you should tell everypony. Well, that is after you become friends with them."

“Yeah…" he glumly consented.

"Well, I happen to notice on how well you were doing in making friends with my friends. Maybe you should try with everypony else, and you will have a chance," she enthusiastically smiled at him.

"Oh, well, uh... I don't really see that happening."

"Oh, come on, Connor! It's worth to try! You're doing well at it, too."

"To be honest with you, Twilight, being forward isn't exactly... one with me..."

"I understand. I was like that, too, before I met the others. It just takes time to practice, but I assure you that it will be all worth it once you finally master it."

"Yeah," he said through his teeth.

That was the problem. He did not exactly feel like working really hard just to accomplish something, worth it or not. He dislikes excessive work. He hated homework, for God's sakes. He just did not enjoy being very forward. The only plan that worked for him was to sit in the shadows, hoping that some wandering, curious, pitying soul would come by and hold his hand through the tough times in his life. However, the plan was not working as well as he thought. Still, it worked for him. Besides, he liked the attention and drama.

Twilight's chuckling broke him out of his self-pitiful mind. “Anyway, I can assure you that the ponies who live in this house are not witches.”

“I had an inkling.”

Soon, Spike was at the front door of the house. Connor and Twilight joined him.

“Are there any more gems in here??” (It was apparent that Spike did not realize whose house it was because he had his full focus on the tasty gems.)

“Hey, Connor,” Twilight mumbled to Connor. “Do you like surprises?”

“Surprises? What kind of--?"

Spike opened the door, and the lights in the house suddenly flicked on. The sounds of a party horn squeaked, and a pink pony leapt out out of nowhere, wearing a party hat and throwing confetti in the air.

“SUPRIIIIIIIIISE!” her voice rang loudly.

The trio stood in the doorway in shock. Well, all except the purple unicorn. She knew that this was coming. However, what she did not see surprised her.

"Pinkie Pie, didn't you invite any ponies at all?"

That question caused a dramatic change on the pink pony's expression. She looked behind herself to see that there were no ponies to be seen.

“Hey! Where is everypony? I thought they were going to help with the surprise party. Unless, they missed the signal.”

She darted around the room, looking behind furniture, items, tea cups (Who would be dumb enough to hide behind there?), and even behind the chair. She darted right back to where she was, right in front of the three figures.

"Nothing! I don't see anypony!"

Twilight pointed with her hoof toward the back of the house. “Does that explain anything?”

The pink pony turned to where the unicorn was pointing and saw the back door open.

“Ooh! Are we playing hide-and-seek? Party games! WHOO-HOO!” Then, she darted directly up to the human. “'Welcome party pony' is the seeker! Turn around, count to fifty, and don’t peeking!”

"Uhh--," the human was speechless.

"Uh-uh! No peeking, Mister Cheating-at-Hide-and-Seeky-Pants! Close your eyes and count to fifty!" She was gone in an eye blink.

Twilight called out to the pink party pony. “Pinkie, I don’t think they’re playing hide-and-seek.”

The pony’s head peeked out of a mouse hole. “They’re not?” (Seriously, how the hell did she DO that?? Connor's head began to hurt.)

Twilight stuck her head out the back door and saw the clustered hoofprints leading away from the house. “I think they ditched you.”

Pinkie gasped. “What?! They ditched me on the welcome party I set up for your new friend?? Oh, that’s rude, rude, and beyond rude! I know every single pony in this town, and they suddenly had to act like that?! That’s two, two, two times the rude!”

“Wait,” Connor interrupted. “You threw this party for me?


“Then, why were you gasping and running away like that earlier?”

“Ohhhhh! Right! Well, when I first saw you earlier today, I thought to myself, ‘I know every single pony in this town, but I definitely haven’t seen you before, so that makes you new!'! Plus, I was so scared because I've never seen you before, so I ZOOM! went to find the others to warn them about you until I saw you with Twilight and Spike, and then I noticed that they were not scared around you, and then I was like, "(GASP!) Omigawsh! If Twilight and Spike are already friends with that new thingy, then that thingy is my friend, too!'! So, I went (GASP!) and I left so could throw you this super-duper-allyooper welcome party! Then, you came through the door and I was like, 'SURPRIIIIISE!', and you were like, 'DURRRR?!', and Twilight told me that everypony ditched me, and then I was like, '(GASP!) Why would they do that??', and then you were like, 'Wait, you threw this party for me?', and then I was like, 'Ohhhhhh! Right! Well, when I first saw--'."

"All right, Pinkie Pie, I think we get the idea," Twilight silenced the pink chatterbox.

Connor was stunned by either the fact that the party pony already decided to become friends with an unknown being like him or the fact that she said all of that under one breath.

“Anywayyyyyyyy, I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name, creature-that-I-have-never-ever-ever-ever-seen-before-in-my-entire-Pinkie-life? Huh? Huh, huh, huh?” she asked, smiling big.

The human felt a little intimidated by the pink pony, but at the same time, he was amused by her.

"Connor," he answered.

“Hiya, Connor! Hey! That sounds pretty funny when you say it over and over again! Connorconnorconnorconnorconnorconnorconnor…”

“DON’T!” Twilight and Connor shouted in unison. They could not stand to hear somepony incessantly repeat something all over again, thanks to Spike.

“Okey-dokey-lokey! Ooh! Are ya hungry? I got lots and lots and lots andlotsandlotsandlots of cupcakes and other sweet treats!”

“Oh, no thanks,” the human replied. “I'm fine. I don’t usually eat cupcakes. Too sugary, in my opinion.”

“Awwww, come on, party-pooper! Try one! It’s super-duper-looper good!” she smiled.

“I said I'm fi--MMPH!" Pinkie Pie shoved the cupcake into his mouth. At first, he was going to spit it out.

He couldn't.

Why? It was the best damn cupcake he ever had! It was moist, chewy, full of flavor, and the icing was perfection. It was not too sweet or too dull. It tasted sweetly airy and fresh like cold whipped cream. He swallowed it. How perfectly it slid down. He felt his spine shiver in orgasmic delight as it hit his stomach.

“Oh, sweet Lord, that's so good! Can I have another one? Please?” he begged.

“Sure! Eat all the cupcakes and sweets you want! It’s your party, after all!” Pinkie Pie smiled brightly.

His expression suddenly changed into confusion. “But... it’s hardly even a party. There's only four of us.”

“A company of four is still a party!” the pink pony replied.

“Plus four,” Spike spoke, noticing the arrival of four ponies. Everypony turned to Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash entering the room.

“Hooray! You came!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“We will never miss your parties for the world, darling!” Rarity replied.

“Neither will I!” Rainbow Dash added in.

“You kin’ always expect me to come on by!” Applejack smiled.

“Um…me, too!” Fluttershy grinned.

“Now that everypony is here. Well, that is, not everypony in Ponyville... LET'S PARTYYYYYY!!” the party pony shouted, launching herself in the air like a pink, paper rocket.


“Wherem ihf efhrypomny, Pihmkie?” Rainbow Dash asked with her mouth full of cupcakes. "You phehd you ihmvited efhrypomny here."

“They ditched us. They were supposed to help Pinkie Pie surprise Connor. Alas, they were too scared to stay around for the welcome party,” Twilight sighed in frustration.

The blue pegasus swallowed her cupcake before she spoke again. "Are you serious!? They ditched him even when they were invited to one of Pinkie Pie's parties? Pinkie Pie's bucking parties?? Man, that's a new low. Way to go, Ponyville..."

The party pony joined in. “I know! I said to everypony that I was gonna throw a big party for a new pony coming into town and that everypony was invited. I had everything set up and they all came. I turned off the light, told them to hide, and I said, ‘Here comes Twilight and the—well, whatever he is.’. Then, all of a sudden, I heard lots of shuffling, and I was like, ‘Oh! They’re finding a better place to hide!’, which I thought before they ditched me! Then, Twilight and Connor came in, and I was like ‘SURPRIIIIIIISE!’, and then ‘Where is everypony?’, and then, ‘Oh! Are we playing hide-and-seek??’, and then…”

“That’s enough, Pinkie,” Twilight cut her off, preventing her from rambling on. “And by the way, Connor’s not exactly a pony; he’s a human.”

“A human? Hmm, never heard of it!" Pinkie said as she placed a hoof on her chin. Boy, had the unicorn heard that phrase before.

"Yes, that's because he's the first human to ever come here." Boy, had she said that phrase before.

Pinkie's neck stretched all the way up to the bookworm's face. "REALLY?" her voice croaked in over-exaggerating surprise. "Ooh! This calls for another party! Happy First-Human-to-Ever-Come-Here-Without-Any-Idea-How party! I'll get more cupcakes!" She disappeared in a flash of pink.

The purple unicorn rolled het eyes. Then, she turned to the human, who was happily wolfing down some cupcakes. Something still bothered her ever since she first saw him: how did he get here?

She slowly walked up to the gluttonous human, trying not to be so intrusive. “So, Connor. Are you able to remember how you got here?”

Connor gulped down the delicious pastries. “Sorry, no. It’s still pretty fuzzy.”

“Are you absolutely sure? There must be some way that you can.”

“There isn’t, I’m afraid.”

“Maybe if you can just try—“

“Twilight, I can’t remember!" he hastily replied, which caused the unicorn to flinch back. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t. I'm really sorry that I can't be much more help.”

Twilight sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry…”

Connor smiled. “It’s okay! I’m just trying to enjoy my time here with you guys. It means a lot to me that you care about me. You have no idea.”

Twilight was concerned. Surely, he had some friends back in his own world, had he? She looked out the window.

“Looks like a big storm is coming up.”

Something started to kindle in the human's mind.

“Yeah, the weather company planned big one for today,” Rainbow Dash said.


“TWILIGHT!” the human shouted.

Twilight along with everypony else in the room was scared to death by his volume. “What? What is it?”

“I think I remember how I got here!”

Everypony gathered around the human, eager to hear what he had to say.


“So you were pushed out into the hail storm by those two guys? Those morons!” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“Oh, I know! They were, they were! And after that, just before I was about to scream at them, BOOM! a huge, purple lightning bolt crashed down on me,” Connor said, slapping his fist into his palm to emphasize the blast of the lightning bolt.

“And that’s what brought you here to Ponyville?” Rarity asked.

The human nodded in response.

“I guess you can say it was all very shocking! Ha ha haaa! Get it??” Pinkie Pie laughed at her own joke.

Instead of laughs, she got blank stares.

“What? It’s true! And that’s what makes it punny. Get it?? Hahaa! I just did it again!” she laughed hysterically.

Still, the blanks stares...

“Oh, grow a sense of humor, party-poopers! You could really use it to lighten up the mood.”

Applejack rubbed her forehead with her hoof.

“So you did fly here, technically,” Rainbow Dash clarified.

“Probably,” said the human.

“That’s wild!” Twilight exclaimed. “So that purple lightning bolt from last night was you! This is all so weird.”

“What do you think caused that lightning bolt to happen?” Rarity asked anypony.

“No idea, but we know for certain that it was no mere mishap of nature. This obviously is magic, and whoever launched it must be a very elite magician. But, who??"

Knock, knock!

“I got it!” Pinkie Pie squeaked. She hopped over to the door and opened it.

“Hiya, Princess Celestia!” She was suddenly knocked out of the way by a very surprised Twilight.

“Princess Celestia!” she bowed her head. “What are you doing here?”

A tall, white alicorn with a flowing, glittering, multicolored mane and tail walked regally inside the house. Luckily, she was inside before the rain started to pour. She was dressed with a glimmering crown, a gleaming chestpiece, and crystal hoof covers.

“I have a free hour, so I just came by for a visit to see how my faithful student is doing. Surely I've sent you that letter that notified you about it,” the alicorn smiled.

"Nnnnnno, I didn't get the letter," Twilight slowly said, confused.

"Really? I've sent it through Spike. How could it possibly not reach you?"


"Spike! Come on down here! You've got to help me with my research! I can't do this alone! Spiiiiiike!" Twilight called from downstairs.

The little dragon was snoring his nose off as he was sleeping in his small bed, which was right next to Twilight's larger one. The room was still dark, but yellow glows of the rising sun began to peek in through the windows of the room. What time was it exactly? Four to five 'o clock in the morning?

Spike was immovable. He was lying awkwardly in his bed like a puppy had just been dropped in. His scaly belly was facing directly toward the ceiling and the dragon's snoring mouth was wide open, causing his saliva-dripping, forked tongue to hang out.

"HHMPH! BURRRP!" Green flames sparked out of his snoring mouth and a neat, rolled scroll appeared out of the green flame. However, since it was launched directly up out of Spike's mouth, it fell back down and landed on his face. His snout wrinkled as he frantically brushed it off of his face.

"Nugh! Ugh! Big moth! Big scary moth on my face! Watch out, he's got zucchini!" he panicked in his sleep.

The scroll rolled off of his face and bounced far underneath Twilight's bed, camouflaged by shadow.

"Mmmmmmmmm, Rarity..." he softly moaned, puckering his little lips as he tried to kiss the beautiful, white unicorn in his dreams.


"Well, that is a mystery... Anyway, I am thrilled that you came, but isn't it kind of dangerous to go alone without any security guards? Who knows who will do something horrible to you?" Twilight said in worry.

"Don't worry, Twilight! It's all fine. Besides, I would like to visit Ponyville without anything over the top happening, like walking under a shade everywhere I go, or something like that. A girl's got to enjoy a little time to herself once in a while. I hope I didn’t come at a bad t—“ She stopped. Her eyes shot wide open.

Connor turned to see the tall, gleaming royalty staring at him.

Silence loomed in the air. Twilight figured Celestia would react that way.

Twilight wedged in gingerly. “Princess Celestia, this is Connor.”

The princess broke out of her silence and softly asked her student, “W...what is he?”

“He’s a human.”

“I...have never heard or seen this creature before! I’ve reigned for more than a thousand years, and yet, this creature is all so new! How could I not know of this? There has to be some sort of a slip-up.”

More than a thousand years?? Damn! Connor was stupefied.

“Yes, princess, he was brought here yesterday. He’s very new.”

“WHOA, whoa!” Connor interrupted. He could not withhold the urge to blurt out. “You lived for more than a thousand years?? WOW! You’re OLD!”

Silence… Twilight hid behind her mane in embarrassment. Pinkie Pie's mouth gaped open in shock, dropping the cupcake that was in her mouth. Rarity’s mouth hung wide open. Fluttershy covered her mouth with her front hooves. Rainbow Dash inhaled through her teeth, hissing. Applejack slapped her forehead with her hoof. Spike ducked for cover. Princess Celestia just stood there, staring at the human.

Connor winced. Did he just say that? Did he just freaking say that??

“Duh! Erm, uhh… yet, you look…” Oh, God! Think, think, THINK!! he panicked inside. “HOT! You look hot! So young and so hot! Whoo, did it just get hot in here, or is it just you? Heh hehehe...” Motherfuuuu… Immintrubble.

The alicorn princess continued to stare at him. Then, she blushed a bright red. Never before did anypony, especially an unexplained creature, consider her “hot”. She liked the human already.

She smiled, “Oh!...um, thank you! Thank you, kindly!”

Everypony sighed, including Connor. What a recovery.

"Oh, would you like to come in, Princess?" Twilight gestured inside. "We were just having a party in here."

"Yes, I would love to! What is the party for?"

"It's for Connor!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "It's a Welcome-to-Ponyville and First-Human-to-Ever-Come-Here-Without-Any-Idea-How party!"

"Sounds lovely! A very kind thing to do, Pinkie."

"I enjoy making other ponies smile! It's what Pinkie's here to do!"

The princess trotted regally and gracefully inside. She sat herself right next to Connor. The human caught a whiff of her scent with his nose from the air that pushed from her body as she sat down. She really knew which perfume to use.

"So, 'Connor', tell me. Where are you from?" the princess asked.


"Interesting. We call this Earth as well. Big coincidence, don't you think?" she smiled, being friendly.

"Really big," he chuckled.

"What about your country?" She had her purple eyes fixed on his.

"America. More specifically, the United States of America."

"Sounds promising! I like how the word 'united' is used in there. Your folk really must work really hard together just to keep your country running, don't they?"

Connor exhaled sharply in humor. "Yeah, they do. Other than the fact that there is still division... It's... really complex. I don't feel like talking about it. I don't want to bore you with such nonsense."

I understand," she said softly.

"Thanks...uh, I mean, thank you, your majesty...or princess...um..." he struggled to show manners. It was not everyday that he had a conversation with royalty.

"Oh, no need to trouble yourself. Just call me Princess...or Celestia, whichever you are most comfortable with."

"Princess. I prefer 'Princess'."

"All right, then," she grinned.

The other ponies in the room were surprised by how quickly their ruler became comfortable with the human. Well, she was the kindest, wisest, and most loving ruler of all, so it was not too much of a surprise.

Celestia turned to Twilight. “How did he get here?”

“A big, purple lightning bolt," she replied. "It was from that strange storm from last night.”

“Huh, that does seem strange. Lightning doesn’t usually do that.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Then, the princess stroked her chin. "That's weird. A strangely colored lightning bolt, and a strange visitor..." She turned to Connor. "No offense."

"None taken," responded the human.

Then, the princess paused. Being the wisest of all, she figured it all out. She had a very acute sense of memory.

"Unless..." she mumbled.

With her horn glowing a white glow, she turned to Twilight. She walked closer to her.

“Princess? What-what’s wrong?” the purple unicorn asked.

“Trust me with this.”

She slowly tilted her head down and touched Twilight’s horn with her own. She held it there for a few seconds before pulling it away. A glowing rope of magic was strung between the princess’ horn and the unicorn’s horn. After pulling her horn further away, the princess was able to flick out the aura from Twilight’s horn and into the air. It warped in the air until it took the form of a scroll, which unraveled in front of the princess. Her eyes shifted swiftly left and right, reading what was in scripted in the etherial parchment.

“What spell is that?” asked Twilight, woozy from the result of the magic.

“It’s a spell that reveals an entire record of all the spells the user casted. Date, time, destination…”

“What is there to look for, Princess? I don’t have anything to do with this.”

The alicorn's eyes stopped at a certain section of the spectral scroll. “That’s where you’re wrong, my faithful student.”


“Remember when you were accepted to my school of talented unicorns? When you got your cutie mark?”

Twilight remembered. She was a filly when it all happened. She turned into a magic berserk when filly Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom ignited. Startled out of her skin, she blasted purple bolts of magic all over the room: levitating the judges, turning her on-looking parents into plants, and turning Spike into a fully sized dragon. (He was a hatchling when it happened.) Princess Celestia saw it all and was impressed. She was able to calm the filly down with the news that she had passed for registration, as well as earning her cutie mark.

“What are you saying, Princess?”

The royal alicorn responded, “I’m saying that while you went berserk that very day, one of the numerous spells you casted was a special projectile teleportation spell. It shot up into the air and out into space. It must have flown through space and hit Connor at the right moment.”

Twilight shot her mouth and eyes wide open.

“So you sent Connor here, Twilight!” Spike pointed.

“I…I had no idea…”

Connor was surprised, too. “You…wow!”

“I’m so sorry, Connor! I-I had no intention! I-I had no idea!”

“No, no! It’s okay, Twilight! It was just an accident.”

“Whoa, nelly!” Applejack exclaimed. “I had no idea that Twilight was capable of doin’ that!”

“Holy horseapples!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy whispered.

“My word!” Rarity added in.

“Wait a second!” Twilight said, “If I sent the bolt when I was a filly, wouldn’t he have come right then, when I was a filly?”

“Good question!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, “All of this is so confusing, it’s making me hungry for cupcakes again!”

Princess Celestia continued. "The speed of light is still considered slow it you look at it in space. It flew in space for ten years until it reached Connor's Earth and struck at the right place and moment. Any more than that, than he wouldn't have been here."

"And what about the trip back? The retrieval?" Twilight asked. "Wouldn't it have taken just as long?

"My guess is that he went through some kind of portal which immediately sent him back without time altering the course. To put it simply, he's fresh out of the oven."

The human was flabbergasted. So, he was struck by a ten-year-old lightning bolt, which originally was a one out of a million chance to happen. Shhhiiiii...

“What a trip!” Pinkie Pie added in. “And I thought the trip to Fillydelphia was bumpy.”

“Well, Connor,” the royal alicorn turned to Connor, “I guess you can see why I have chosen this young unicorn for my personal student.”

Twilight blushed.

"However," the princess spoke again. "It's not confirmed that that really happened, but it's a possibility. Theoretical or not, he is here and walking amongst us."

"I think it is a well thought out theory. You are the wisest of all, after all."

“Thank you, Twilight," she responded before turning to the door. "I believe now is the best time to leave. I wish you all good luck.”

“Thank you, Princess!”

Just before she flew away, she glanced at the human, sitting in the middle of the group.

What an adventure this human has been put in. I wish him the best of luck. He’s pretty polite for an interdimensional being. Also cute, at that. She smirked, blushing a little. He called me 'hot'. Very kind of him, indeed.

She flew away.

To be continued...