• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 10,680 Views, 816 Comments

On My Honor - Honored Service

Honored Service, the human that saved Equestria from any evil you can name. A warrior at heart, who's special talent is killing and maiming anything that seeks to cause harm to those he cares for, is sentenced to a normal life in Ponyville.

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The Split

On My Honor
Chapter 21 The Split
Pre read/ edited by: Spirit of Harmony, BinaryTroll, Neon Scar

I dropped my head in shame and defeat as I walked away from Luna and Celestia. How could the griffons still blame me for everything that happened to their country? They attacked the Equestrians. I stopped them. And the fighting at the castle? They had captured me and imprisoned many others without just cause. They freaking hunted me like an animal to bring me back to their king, of course I was going to fight back.

“Keep moving.” I felt a pistol jab into my back that sent me stumbling forward.

“Poke me again and watch what happens.” I spun around and bared my teeth at the griffon and planted my feet into the ground.

“And you'll do what human? Launch Equestria into a war against the griffons? Do you really think that they will be able to handle another one so soon? And against an enemy who wields vastly more technologically advanced weapons than them?” The griffon with the metal helmet said, stepping forward past the griffon that kept jabbing me in the back. “Be a good little monster and get moving or we won't hesitate to start this war. We know we can win it.”

I kept my ground before a blinding pain erupted from the back of my skull and I felt my face impact the ground.

“Now get up monster. We have to see the king. I’m sure he would be upset if you were late.” The leader said with a dark smile as he looked at the blood coating the handle of his thunder club pistol.

I slowly got to my feet, the hallway spinning around me as I did so. I grunted and moved forward as the griffon gave a chuckle behind me and rammed the pistol into my back with more force than before, sending me reeling to the ground again.

“This is your judgment, human. And we will have our retribution.”

I watched as Canterlot castle faded into the distance as the griffon warship moved through the air. It seems that Equestria wasn't the only country to begin leaping into the future of technology. What had I done? I’m sure that my weapons had played a part in the development of these flintlock shit weapons.

My weapons.

This was bad. I had my magic, but most of the magic I used was still so foreign to me. My weapons were what made me great. Those were my tools of the trade. Right now I was just a diamond dog that could do magic tricks.

“How am I going to get out of this one?” I sighed and watched the countryside roll by underneath the airship. My friends. Tune. Selene. Luna. My Luna, how could I have been so careless? How could I have just given up?

I had to save them from war. I've done enough to harm them already.

“Why drag them into another pointless war? At least this will be the end then.”


This isn't the end. I stood up from the bunk in the cell and strode to the door. I'll be damned if I just roll over and take this.

I looked at the steel door and lifted the food tray flap and peered around. Two griffons stood across from the cell and I knew another two stood on either side of the door; I had heard them as I was led through the interior of the ship. They had been smart enough to blindfold me, but I had other ways of learning my way through the ship.

I walked back to the center of the cell and sat down with my legs crossed and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath. I calmed myself and began to summon my magic. It’s all I had with me so I needed it to function at its best.

I began going over all the books and lessons Twilight had shown and taught me. She had trained me in defense spells and defending magic, but had purposely left out fighting magic.

Good thing I did take the dark magic spell book. And I know I was told not to ever use it, but I could always resort to that dark void magic crystal stuff. I’ve seen Celestia use it before without going to the void, so why can't I?

I cleared my mind and focused harder, feeling the magic grow in my gauntlet and slowly expand outward, filling the cell with the gentle hum of my magic and a dull pulsating red glow.

They can take me, but not without a fight.

“We are on course sir,” the griffon said, looking over the map spread out across the table. “We will reach the capital within the day as long as the breeze continues with us.”

“Ah, excellent. Thank you Gralt, you may return back to your station.” Ruperts said, lifting the metal helmet from his head and placing it on the map table. He strode around the table and ran a claw through the light red feathers on his head. The Equestrian climate always seemed to ruin his feathers somehow. He clucked before turning to a communications center and flicked the switch on a broadcasting tube. “Breich, how is our captured creature?”

“He’s just sitting on the floor of his cell.” There was a pause before the tube came back to life. “He hasn't moved in over three hours sir.”

Ruperts tapped a claw on the table, slowly digging a hole into the wood as he lost himself deep in thought. That creature is strange. The scientist and the king know almost nothing about him, but not moving for three hours screams wrong.

“Breich, slide food into the cell, if he doesn't move still then use the neutralize system.”

“Right away sir.” The intercom went dead as Ruperts paced around the table. One creature capable of so much death, and he had came quietly. No a single drop of blood shed, well save for the human’s. He had this coming though. Thinking he could run from the retribution of the mighty griffon Empire. Everything must come to an end, and this would be the human’s.

Ruperts laughed at the idea and smiled as the ship continued on its way over the ocean, Grifflin bound.

“So really? For three hours?” Dread Rags said, looking through the food tray slot on the cell door. “He hasn't moved?”

“Not an inch.” Breich replied, shrugging his wings. “Little freak has to be ready to die. He knows he can't fight or we’ll crush the ponies. Its all over.” The griffons tossed their heads back and chuckled while walking away from the cell.

While inside the closed area the human was laughing madly inside his own mind.

Those idiots. They are so blind. I thought to myself as my magic finally expanded out and reached the far corners of the ship. It had taken just a bit to get the red glow to go down, but I had effectively been able to send my detect spell out and cover the whole ship. It was draining my power level, but I could keep it up for a couple hours at least. I could see and hear everything going on within the confines of the ship, all from my little cell. The griffons outside of my door. The captain at the helm plotting how I would die at the king’s talons. The poor engineer beating it behind the gem engine system. But that is what I needed.

If I can sneak a gem with me, I should be able to overload it and cause a magical build up flux failure. Oh my god. So this is what Twilight feels like all the time. Damn if only I had paid attention more to her lessons. Fuck. I thought while examining the security patrols marching around the ship. For a vessel carrying the sole enemy of the griffon Empire, they really don't have all that much security. I could easily use the dark magic killing spell and send every griffon on board into a killing frenzy butchering each other up until none are left.

But then again when the ship fails to return to Grifflin, they might realize I fought back and then attack the ponies.

‘FUCK!’ I screamed in my mind as I tried to reach out with my magic and give one of the spare gems in the engine storage room a tug. The power coursing through my body was straining to hold the level of magic. I could feel the gem begin to wiggle as I clenched my teeth. Come on. Almost there. Just a little more.

Just a little more.

More power.



I felt the gem pop loose from its container and jerk into the air. I grinned madly as I navigated the gem through the winding corridors of the ship towards my cell. The scanning spell that covered the ship also began to close in behind the gem as I released it slowly. Finally after what felt like hours I dragged the tiny gem through the food tray slot on the door right underneath the guard’s beaks. Idiots. They all will feel the wrath I will bring them with my power.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. That spell really put a drain on me. I really need to make sure Twilight knows how much I appreciate her teaching. And I need to really, really pay more attention next time so I can learn a little more.

I sat in the cell staring at the small gem clasped in my gauntlet. I smiled grimly at the door as I began to feed magic into the gem. I would have to push the limits of the gem as it took more and more magic into it. I was terrible at enchanting and this was somewhat an enchantment. Good thing I needed it to be unstable.

Patiently I kept waiting to land. I knew this was going to be a long trip. And I’m sure that whatever awaited me on the other side would be far worse than this trip.

Almost over now.

And then you shall know me.

Oh Honored. It’ll be nice to talk. So close.

Oh so very close.

“And make sure that he is kept at thunder point the whole way through the castle.” Ruperts spat out to the High Guards that would escort the human to its cell deep within the prison. The commander of the airship watched as the guards began filling the corridor leading to the cell of the human. As they neared the door, Ruperts immediately felt goosebumps cover his body and the temperature dropped rapidly to the point that he could see his breath in front of his face.

“Tell the engineers to fix the blasted heater here. This is ridiculous.” One of the younger guards joked beside the door. “It's been like this for hours.”

Ruperts looked at the solid steel door that contained the human. Shivers ripped down the elder griffon’s spine as he neared closer to the door. He stopped and shook his head before reaching out and sliding in a key. Everything seemed to slow to a crawl and every griffon in the area tensed up as weapons were pointed towards the door as the metal screeched open.

“Sweet Creator.” Ruperts mumbled as he looked into the cell.

Along every surface scrawled in dripping red lettering was one phrase. It was repeated thousands upon thousands of times all angling towards the center of the room where the human was sitting cross legged and staring right at the commander. Ruperts shuddered again under the human’s gaze as he slowly entered the room.

“Stand up creature.” Ruperts demanded, but it seemed to come out more as a question as the monster within the cell stood up perfectly straight, not once removing his gaze from the commander of the ship. The human looked unharmed, no cuts visible anywhere on his body.

‘Where had the blood come from?’ Ruperts wondered as he lead the human forward out into the corridor and away from the disturbing cell.

GOD HAVE MERCY, FOR I WON’T. Covered the walls. The floor. The ceiling. Everything. Ruperts looked back to the human who then gave a massive smile, blood dripping from his teeth as he bared them in a smile that would haunt the commander of the airship for years to come.

By the Creator. He used his tongue. What is this creature? What have we done?

‘Oh man it looks like he is about to shit his bricks!’ I mentally gave myself a high five for my insanely good mentally insane prisoner act. Psychological warfare 101. Fuck them up! Mind fuck them like they have never been mind fucked before! My plan was for the crew to tell all the other griffons when we docked about what they saw. It would sure be bound for some good old fashion chaos.

“Keep moving and obey everything said to you.” A griffon commanded as we entered what looked like the main hangar of the airship. This griffon was new looking. He wore armor on the main part of his body save for the wings and the joint connecting the wing to the back. Hmmm a very sensitive and painful weakness. All in good time my friend. The armor was dark green and had a trim of gold on it and a symbol on each shoulder showing a gold crown. A dark green cape flowed down half the griffon’s back and he had the same kind of metal helmet with a point that really screamed World War One Germany, freaking Pickelhaube helmet.

“You are to be brought before the king to receive his judgment.” The griffon held his beak up as if he thought he was better than me. “But first you will be stripped of all armor and clothing and be given an outfit fit for any monster.”

‘Oh hell no.’ I thought. My armor and magic were the only two things I had. I didn't pay attention to the conjure armor lesson Twilight taught. Damn it. Why did I waste my Twilight Time? Fuck me.

I soon found myself flanked by at least ten of these green armor wearing asshats. They certainly looked a little tougher than the other griffons aboard the airship. I wouldn't be making an escape with them around.

Or at least not an easy one.

No, not now.

I kept steady and focused forward, keeping the silent strong act that seemed to be working so far. I was marched straight from the airship towards a massive castle that rested in the center of the griffon city. I was surrounded non stop by at least twenty guards. These griffons were learning.

The castle loomed ahead of the group and I saw that even more griffons stood waiting by the entrance to the giant building. Damn. Without weapons this would be hard. Although if I could get ahold of some those old pistols and swords my odds might change a bit.

You will have no need.

“You will strip down once inside. Nothing. Even the gauntlet will go.” The griffon from before spoke.

“Sorry.” I said looking him dead in the eye, “but unless you want me to randomly teleport or explode you’ll have to keep it on. It’s the only thing keeping the magic inside of me from exploding out at random.”

Maybe I should have said that earlier because suddenly each griffon seemed to take a few steps away from me. Magic was feared I guess. Fucking stupid feathered assholes.

“Very well human. The gauntlet will stay. But everything else will be removed.”

“Sure.” I said with a roll of my eyes. What they expect to happen who knows.

As we entered the castle I barely had time to look around and admire the lovely stone cold walls with no decorations and the sinister looking claw torch holders before I felt two claws on each shoulder.


I felt a small part of me die as the worn and ragged duster that had been with me since Rarity had crafted it, ripped from my body. The times I had worn that and felt the wind catch at its tails filled my mind as I remembered romping adventures in it. I watched the two halves fall to the grown completely shredded and ruined. The armor plate carrier was taken and slung across the hall where it smashed into the wall and hit the ground. If only they knew how many times that thing saved my life. My pants and shirt were ripped in the same manner as the duster and tossed aside. I was left standing there in only my boxers as those too were ripped from my body and I was left naked standing before the griffons.

“Put this on.” I was tossed a filthy loin cloth that was made of scratchy burlap and was held in place by a thick cut of rope. I tied it off and felt more vulnerable than I had in long time.

“Now this monster.”

I stared at the piece held before me.

An iron collar. It was made to easily fit around my neck with the locking mechanism in the back. I slowly reached up and clasped the iron collar around my neck and felt the griffon snap a lock onto the back.

Death to all.

I internally sighed and then felt something else snap around my legs and arms. I looked down to see chains locked onto my feet and arms keeping them from moving more than a few feet at a time. I was a prisoner. I was captured.

The collar was tight around my neck. Not to the point of choking me, but it was always there. Tugging. Closing around my neck. I could feel it every step we made down that long hallway towards what I would assume to be some over the top throne room.

It will come off soon.

I moved forward, surrounded by griffons on all sides of me. I marched ahead, trying to keep confidence in my stride as the griffons seemed to take turns ramming into me and bumping me aside as we walked towards the throne room. How could I have let this happen. I could fight back.

Think of the ponies.

‘Right. I can’t hurt… the… ponies. What the hell. What just thought that.’

You did.

‘There again. I didn't think that. NIGHTMARE!’ I screamed internally and almost lit my gauntlet up in anger as I wanted to lash out against the voice in my head. How was he back? I killed him. I hadn't used any dark magic. What the flipping fuck was happening to me?!

No. I am not Nightmare. Nightmare was his own intetiny. I am your void magic consciousness.

‘What? What the hell does that mean?’

I knew this would be a bad time to tell you. Listen as you use void magic. Master it. Your own void being develops within your mind. You magic will create a separate magic mana being to control the different varying magics in your body.

‘Oh okay that makes perfect sense… English please!’

You are just the UGH. Okay. I am your void magic. I can help you tap into your void magic and control it. I am your mental ability to rein in the void magic that you have lost yourself to before. I am your mind now split into two parts, one in complete control of the void magic, and the other... Well that's you.

‘So where were you before when I could have used you?’ Shit the throne room loomed ahead and I could feel the excitement radiating off the griffons as the massive wooden doors swung open admitting us entrance into the mammoth room.

You were not ready before for me. Now you are going to embark on a journey that I wish you didn’t. I can not help you until you trust me. I am your consciousness of the void. Believe me, I am your own mind.

‘Ha, fat fucking chance man. I’m never trusting the void after Nightmare. I can handle whatever these turkeys have to offer.’ The doors slammed shut behind me and I jumped into the air at the sudden noise. I looked around and found the room to be surrounded with hundreds of griffons all wearing varying degrees of fancy clothing. There were everywhere. Benches, chairs, and some even dotted the rafters.

“So this is the human.”

I looked up to the throne at the center of the back wall where a large griffon wearing a large red cape and an elaborately decorated crown rested on a massive throne. He stared at me much as one would stare at a rat they found trapped and dying in a kitchen. He had a cocky smile plastered to his beak and his brown eyes screamed hatred at me. I stared back at him until I felt something sharp jam into the back of my knee. I fell forward, cursing as a spear was pulled back by one of my guards. Blood slowly dripped from the wound and onto the white marble floor, staining it bright red.

The surrounding griffon spectators cheered as I stood up and slumped to the right, now having to take pressure off the left leg.

“You don't seem like a great demon. The monster that plunged this mighty empire into chaos.” The king sneered at me before he leapt down from his throne and began to make his way towards me and the guards.

“Wasn't that hard to do with it being shit already.” I smiled back before red hot pain flashed across my face. More blood dripped to the floor and the crowd screamed louder as the king pulled his talons back and looked at the blood covering them. I could feel the three long jagged cuts that now covered my face and the blood that fell down from my cheek and towards my mouth and chin. I stuck out my tongue and licked my lips, tasting my own blood before spitting it out and onto the king. He recoiled backwards and glared even harder at me.

“I have seen all I needed. I condemn this… creature to death after extensive torture till all that he knows spills forth like tears from a youngling!” The king bellowed out to the griffons. The resounding cheer was deafening as the griffons yelled in excitement for my torture and death.

The griffons immediately threw me to the ground. I grunted out as my face planted against the cold marble. I coughed and stared at the red stained stone before something slammed into the back of my head.

And so the journey begins.

“Ah there you are. I thought you might not wake up from that hit.” I cracked my eyes open to find myself in a dark room lit only by a few candles covering a table before me. I reached out to rub my head but my arms wouldn't move. I struggled to move but found that I could not move at all. I looked up and felt the my eyes grow wide and tears begin to form. There was a mirror before me that was angled to show the mirror that was behind me.

“And that is so that you can see what will be happening to you.” The voice spoke again. It sounded happy. Like nothing was happening. This was just a normal day to him. But I was staring, through the mirrors, at my back that was sliced open. The skin was peeled back and the muscles were moved aside, cut apart so that I could see my lungs rapidly expanding and deflating behind my ribs. I could spot several slivers of metal placed between my spine and the thick coils of nerves within it.

“What… What did you do to me?” I gasped out, my eyes not leaving the sight of my back.

“Well after slicing you open bit by bit, so exciting by the way, I’ve never been able to look at the inside of a human. It seems I am digressing.” A griffon of average build strode forward, blocking my view of my back and gave me a smile. He wore a white lab coat that was covered in blood and other stains that I prayed were candle wax.

“After taking apart the muscles on your back, I then prodded and poked till I could find the nevers you used to control movement. Then with a simple snip here and a snip there, you were rendered paralyzed. No way you can break out from any chains or cells when you have no need for them.”

A monster.

I was the monster.

“And then using some magic we were able to reattach the pain receptors so that you can feel the glorious pain that will make you spill the secrets of your technological wonders. And with those we will take the griffon empire to new levels power.” The crazed griffon rambled on as he reached forward and picked up something from the table. He held out a white feather to me and then stuck it forward and moved it under my armpit.


I could feel nothing as he moved feather around my most sensitive places.

“And that completes the receptor check for pleasure or otherwise normal feelings. Now pain.”

The griffon moved to the side, grabbing a scalpel and holding it like an artist holds a paintbrush and moved to my side.

“Wait.” I choked out, but it was made in vain.

I clenched my teeth as the white hot pain exploded from my side as the little knife plunged into my side and was drawn upwards along my ribs. The pain pulled blackness to edges of my vision as I held in the scream that threatened to explode forth.

“You are a most resilient specimen. I truly am honored to be able to play with you.” The mad griffon doctor smiled proudly at me, like he was achieving his greatest work. “But I must get you to talk my sweet pet. It is time.”

The doctor moved to the side and displayed the table before me. Hundreds of shiny metal instruments glistened in the dim light of the room. I felt my soul slip as his taloon hovered over the table before selecting one of the tools that was shaped much like a simple spoon, but with razor sharp edges on it.

I clenched my teeth again and gave a loud groan as tears began to mix with the red blood on the floor.

Let me help! I’m not Nightmare! I am apart of you!

“NO!” I screamed out, causing the Doctor to jump back from me. “I won't give into the power again! Not now, not ever! I almost lost myself once. Not ever again!”

“My, my. Someone is feeling talkative now. But that’s not what I want to hear.”

A small scream escaped my lips as more pain erupted from my back as if there was molten metal trickling through my spine. I jerked my neck trying to stop the pain but I couldn't move and only watch in silent horror as the Doctor continued to pull and carve along my side before making his way down towards my thighs.

“A most interesting muscle system. The legs built for endurance running over long periods. How fascinating.”

I watched through the mirror as he selected a type of scissors from the table and then moved to my legs once more. He placed the blades against the bottom of my left calf and looked up at me through the mirror.

“Please.” I mumbled, desperately begging for some kind of mercy from this insane doctor. The ponies. They can't handle the war the griffons would bring them if they knew anything about my weapons. They had already developed flintlock shit pistols. They havoc that modern day weapons would cause. I had to stay strong for them. No snapping. No breaking.

“Still no talking of your weapons?” The griffon doctor ‘tsked’ once before snapping the scissors shut on my achilles tendon.

I screamed as loud as I could as the muscle rolled up into my calf and then into the rest of my leg. I yelled till I felt light headed and then closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness to take my vision.

‘Thats it. I give up. Nightmare take me. I submit to you. Help me. Please. End this.’

I told you.

I’m not Nightmare.

I’m your void mind.

I am Mars.

Finally to be able to help my carrier. He was a novice at best with Void magic, but he had a great abundance of the magic coursing through him. That Nightmare he speaks of did open his magic pool to the void. Well lets get this started. So much to do and so little time to do it in.

Oh it will feel nice to get out there and show them what a void mind can do!

My eyes slammed open and I took in a deep breathe as air rushed into my lungs. I quickly looked around to see the doctor backing up from me as the mirror before me reflected what had him terrified. My back was still split open but slowly, unfurling from the open wound, two large black wings that seemed to be made of black smoke with wisps of fog rolling off of them extended outwards. The spread out and flapped once, lifting me from the vertical table that I had been held to by a series of poles under my arms and legs.

I floated above the blood soaked floor as I felt magic exploded outwards and take ahold of my extremities. A burning itching sensation covered my back and legs as the void magic covered my wounds and began to mend the torn and destroyed muscles and skin back together. I kept my gaze locked onto the griffon doctor as the burning sensation continued.

There is nothing I can do about the feeling. It must repair such damaged tissues.

I reached out with my magic and quickly, faster than ever, pushed the magic through my body and out into the castle and began scanning just as I had done on the airship on my trip over here days ago. I was able to push my magic faster than I normally could.

I am able to grant you a better grasp on this void magic. I am your magic after all.

I found the gem. It was resting somewhere below the castle grounds in a storage room.

“It’s go time Mars.” I cracked a toothy smile and looked over at the mirror as I felt the magic slowly begin to pull back from my body and the burning sensation subsided, leaving my skin feeling cool. I floated off the floor on my black smoke wings that lazily flapped every few seconds. My skin was repaired and all the new scars were gone, leaving only the old ones. My eyes caught me off guard as they had turned into slit like irises in the center of my green gold eyes. The final change was the two fangs now poking out from my mouth that extended below my lower lip.

Well there are other changes from the void magic. Sorry.

‘It matters not.’ I grunted and then released the magic trapped within the gem.


The room shook and dust rained down from the ceiling as the explosion from the gem rocked the entire area. Good. I hope there were griffons trapped within that blast. They will all feel my might. Not for the pain and torture they had put me through, but for daring to harm the peace loving ponies that have done nothing to them.

They will all suffer.


‘Who dares to stand against me?’ I looked around the room as I made my way towards the door leading into the rest of the dungeon.

This is where you went wrong every time! You must not let the hate blind you! That’s how the void will overcome you. Listen to me! I want this just as much as you, but you can't go about this out of anger and revenge or you will be lost once more to the void, but this time you would stay gone as I have unlocked the full potential of the void magic resting inside of you.

I stopped and took a deep breathe. Anger. Revenge. Yes that was what I needed to do. I needed to- No! Mars was right. Every time I used void, I wanted revenge. I was fueled by anger and hatred. Peace, calm, tranquility. I need to protect the ponies. I need to Protect.

Yes! Protect them!

“Protect them.” I stated out loud and opened my eyes. Everything was focused. I knew how to control this void. Mars was my sense of protection. He was my magic. He was guiding me.

I reached out with my magic and ripped the door from its hinges before tossing it aside like a wad of crumpled paper. I glided out of the room and then dropped to the ground, folding my wings behind me. No sooner had I folded them, a quick burst of pain flashed across my arm.

An arrow stuck out from the wall behind me and I narrowed my eyes down the hallway at the group of griffons that stood blocking the way out of the dark dungeons. I raised my gauntlet and aimed it down the hall, an orb of pure black shadows formed, small sparks of red magic jumping off of it as I reared back and threw the sphere of magic like a baseball down the hall. It impacted the center-most griffon as he pulled another arrow back in his bow. The griffon opened his beak in a silent scream as a hole opened up through his chest and showed a perfect circle through him. He dropped to the ground and the other griffons looked back to me.

I jumped into the air, spread my demon like wings and flew straight at them like the arrows that had moments ago been speeding for my heart. I held my gauntlet out before me and smashed into one of the startled griffons, knocking him backwards where his back slammed into a wall. I dropped to the ground and spun around, firing a bolt of raw void through another griffon, leaving him missing a head. His body slumped to the ground, blood squirting out from his open neck.

I focused the void magic and dropped to the ground while spinning in a circle, the void magic still firing like a beam from my hand, creating a circle of death around me in the close quarters of the hallway. All the griffons stopped moving and looked blankly ahead at me. One by one they each fell to the ground, sliced in half easily form the pure raw energy of the void.

I continued on my way out of the dungeons, stopping all those that wanted to harm the ponies. At the end of the long stone hallway I found the result of my magical gem. There was a one hundred foot wide and fifty foot deep gaping hole dug out into the ground of the griffon castle. I could see the remains of many griffons in the depths of the pit. I sneered at them and jumped forward, my wings carrying me over the hole and into the air. From above I watched as twenty griffons moved to the opposite side of the crater and looked around for me. They held the new flintlock pistols in their claws as they scanned the area for me.

‘Are you ready Mars?’

I was always ready.

“Thats what I like to hear!” I shouted while aiming down and diving straight towards the griffons. I funneled the void magic into a powerful ball before me and readied for the impact as I rushed towards the unexpecting soldiers below.


I impacted the ground right behind my ball of void magic that caused a large explosion of dirt and dust to fly into the air. I rose to my full height to see fifteen of the griffons staring at me with wide eyes. I flashed them a smile and spread my new wings out behind me before jumping forward and slamming a fist into the nearest griffon, adding a bit of magic behind the punch that sent him launching across the castle grounds. I reached out and snagged his falling flintlock pistol as it dropped and spun around, leveling the antique weapon at the second griffon. I pulled the trigger and was rewarded by a large flash of smoke and gunpowder that sent the large circular bullet through the griffons throat, dropping him to the ground.

I flipped the pistol into the air and grabbed the barrel before swinging the sturdy pistol as a club into the chest of the griffon trying to flank me. He stumbled backwards before taking a hit from my void magic that sent him tumbling backwards once more, a smoking hole in his chest causing him to slowly drop to the ground.

I slid to the side as another pistol shot rang out and I could watch through my heightened reflexes, the bullet pass by me. It was like I was dancing through the battlefield, unable to be harmed by anything these griffons could throw at me.

You can still be harmed so don't get cocky Johnson!

“Right. Focus.” I leapt onto a griffon and began to slam punches into his head until he stopped moving. I reached to the side and scooped up his flintlock pistol and aimed it at the griffon charging at me from behind. I pulled the trigger and was angered as the hammer swung down but failed to ignite the powder.

“Fucking shit!” I yelled while hurling the dead weapon at the griffon that was surprisingly close to me. The pistol struck his front paw and sent him sprawling to the ground but not before he lashed out with his other talon and raked my bare and exposed chest. I cursed as I felt the pain rip through my chest and the blood began to pour. I shrugged off the pain and stood up, aiming the gauntlet at the offending griffon. I levitated him into the air and focused the magic into his center.

The griffon began to jerk around sporadically in the air before he erupted into a black explosion of blood, guts, feathers, and fur raining all over the remaining griffons. I stood under the fleshy rain and spread my arms, flaring my wings back as the blood covered my body. I levitated up a short sword from the ground and held it at the ready before diving once more into the fray surrounding me as more and more griffons began pouring from the castle in an attempt to stop me.

My mind ran on autopilot, thanks to help from Mars, as I moved from griffon to griffon, slicing and dicing my way towards the side of the castle. My void magic conjured a sword made of pure void matter as I wielded it from my gauntlet and sliced through any armor and any blade that dared be raised against me. I was fighting to protect the ponies form a threat that would not hesitate to bring war to them, but that didn't mean I didn't have to enjoy it. It did feel good to watch the vain attempt of the griffons to try and stop me. The looks on their faces as the blades whisked away their lives. It was… nice.

No! This is not what you are fighting for! You are doing this to protect. No joy. It is a necessary evil that you must do. Nothing more.

“Right.” I shook my head and again retrained my mind on the task at hand. Mars was really helping keep me from slipping back into the void mind that had consumed me before. I would have been lost way before now if it were not for him.

I reached the edge of the castle and looked up. The large dome of the throne room loomed before me. “There. Thats where we end this at the source. The king. Then we deploy the three step solution to these griffons.”

And you think that will work?

“Do we have any other option?” I quipped back. It was easy. One, kill the current king. Two put the Black Claw mercenary group in charge. Three, allow them to decide when the griffons would be allowed to rule themselves again. I’m sure as hell not helping to stay and establish a government.

I stepped back and propelled myself upwards with a quick flap from my wings before turning and dropping down onto the roof of the castle. I walked over to the side of the dome and peered in. I could see the king being guarded by a group of those High Guards. “Hmmmm.” I tapped a finger to my chin before turning around and smiling widely.

The throne room is that way! Johnson, What are you doing?!

“Chill my man. Its all about the entrance.”

I walked calmly up to the large double doors that only two days ago I had been lead through in chains. I looked at the door before rearing back and slamming a bare foot against the solid wood.


I pulled back again.


Oh I’m sure they must be shitting their pants. If they were wearing any.

THUD -crack-

I smiled as the wood began to crack down the center of the door.

THUD - CRACK- crack

Splinters began to rain around me as the door shook in its hinges.


More wood rained down around me as I pulled my fist back for the final blow and charged it full of magic.


The chunks of door rained forwards, showering the throne room with bits of wood and metal framing. Smoke filled the entrance as I walked forward, wings spread out behind me in a threatening fashion. A large griffon charged towards me, a huge two handed claymore grasped in his talons. I sidestepped easily around his first swing and slammed my foot backwards into his rear leg, savoring the resounding ‘crunch’ that echoed through the throne room. He tumbled forward, carried by his own momentum as he tried to spin around and deliver a rear slash as he fell. I raised my gauntlet and stopped the blade mid swing. I gripped the metal in my hand and felt him trying to pull the blade back. I smirked at him before quickly jerking my hand to the side and watching the metal shatter in my grasp and shards of sword fly everywhere.

The griffon looked at me in pure terror as he dropped the remains of the sword and backed up away from me. In the blink of an eye he then ran forward, well hobbling forward on his broken leg, and attempted to scratch my eyes out with his raised talons. I side stepped and slammed my fist upwards, catching the brave griffon High Guard in the stomach. I added magic into the punch and launched the griffon into the air towards the ceiling where the elaborate chandeliers dangled above the throne room. The griffon flew right into one of the hanging light fixtures and became tangled within its jeweled covered strands.

I sent my magic forward and ensnared his neck in the strands and pulled them taut as he continued to struggle against me. His eyes began to bulge from his head as the strands of jewels went tight and he dropped from the chandelier hanging at the neck. With one final jerk and spasm, he went still. I turned from the hanging corpse and stared down the remaining high guards and the lone king, all waiting for me at the opposite end of the throne room. They all stood tall and proud, unmoving, unbreakable; but their eyes showed nothing but fear and hopelessness. I squared off against these High Guards. The best of the best of the griffon army. Time to show them what one motivated human can do with the right amount of magic.

I ran forward, sprinting dead ahead at the group of enemies whose goal was to obviously protect the king. Two griffons ran forward to meet me in the middle of the room while the rest began to spread out to try and flank me and strike me whenever and opening presented itself. I leapt to the side as one of the first two slammed his sword down to chop me in half. A powerful strike, but uncoordinated and sloppy. It was met with a blast of void magic that cleaved his head in two and sent the body flying against the wall, blood and gore splattering against it.

The dead griffon’s partner swung a more planned attack but misjudged my ability to leap into the air thanks to the wings that popped out of my back. I somersaulted high over his head before landing behind him and coating my gauntlet in void magic, shooting my hand forward through his exposed and unguarded back. I reached down and latched onto the long spine and pulled my hand back with a sickening crunch, as his section of bone was forcibly removed from his back.

I now stood up, spine in hand, and looked to see myself once again surrounded on all sides by griffons. Swords were aimed directly at me and I was at their center.

Well it was a good show, but this is insane. You have found yourself in quite the pickle. Oh dear how are we ever going to escape this. Mars added sarcastically as I dropped the severed spine to the ground with a clatter. I slammed my gauntlet to the ground, void magic leaping across the ground and slamming into every griffon like a tidal wave, sending each one flying through the air and into the wall, marbled floor, and ceiling like rag dolls. The bodies impacted with such force that they all seemed to burst open and cover the area with blood and chunks of flesh.

Maybe a little less force next time.

“Yeah. Maybe.” I grunted out as I walked forward through the core encrusted room. The king stood rooted before his throne trembling at the sight before him. “Whoa. Deja Vu.” I chuckled as I raised my gauntlet and raised the king into the air with my magic where he began to flail around. He reached into his decorative robe and removed a pistol. Before I could knock it out of his hand he fired of a quick shot that grazed my arm, sending pain through my body and causing my magic to falter. He dropped to the ground and began to scramble away from me towards his throne. I recovered from the shot and growled at the king as he reached his throne and began to grab something from the side of it. He flipped around on his back and leveled a rifle at me.

My heart stopped in my chest. That rifle resembled a very crude and longer 1903 Springfield rifle. I quickly reached out and snatched the rifle from the king’s grip and tossed it aside. I ripped the king from the ground and hovered him over to me. “Where did you get that?” I asked him, my eyes narrowed in anger at him. That weapon was at least one hundred years ahead of those flintlocks they were using. How is this possible? How are the griffons developing these kinds of tools already.

“I… I wont tell you anything human. Youre a monster and now I have leverage -” I tightened my grip on his leg and focused the magic solely on the joint connecting his lion’s paw to the ankle.

“I think you'll find me very persuasive.” I grinned at him and increased the pressure. His face distorted in pain as he clamped his beak shut. “Still no? Then I’ll just take this.”

I maxed the pressure, causing the paw to pop of the leg in a splurt of blood that squirted across the ground. The king screamed in agony as the paw floated before his face. “Now you have three more and then the wings. So I’ll ask again, where did you guess that rifle?”

The griffon began to whimper before looking me in the eyes. “Beakerton. The weapons are being produced there.”

“Who designed this?” I asked raising the griffon to my eye level. His eyes screamed at me in fear.

“You did.” He muttered. “It is a copy of your weapons.”

“ARRRRGGGGGGG!” I screamed as the griffon king exploded into flames. He screamed out as the flames consumed his body, burning him alive as I tossed his burning body to the ground. I floated the semi melted crown from his body and draped the torn robe across my back and sat down on the throne and gazed at the mess I had caused to the throne room.

Fuck me. I had been the reason for them to make these weapons. The damned griffons. Son of a bitch! I was the reason that they were gaining the ability to craft such weapons. The rifle the king had would really be a problem to any nation on this planet if more of them were produced. Shit, no nation should have those weapons. I had to find this factory and destroy it. And I would have to hunt down every beginning that knew the designs of these weapons.

Fuck! That also meant that the Equestrians that were designing magic gem rifles had to be stopped. Oh God, why me.

To protect.

Yes. To protect, not just the ponies anymore.

I had to protect this world from what I had caused them to create.

Suddenly I found myself torn from my thoughts as the other doors to the throne room to my left flew open and the sound of hooves filled the room. With a quick burst of void magic, the cloaking spells vanished and I found myself staring at the Elements of Sanctuary and other members of the Equestrian Honor Guard. They all spread out and filled the room, carefully avoiding the gore covered areas from the dead griffons.

“Hail to the king baby.” I said while grinning and standing up from the throne. My wings extended out from behind me as I walked down towards the creatures that had come to save me. I stood before them and watched as they all stared at me in varying looks of fear and anger.

“Honored!” I smiled as Luna rushed into the room followed by Princess Celestia and Tune, but they all stopped short of me.

Oh fuck, thats right, I looked horrifying now.

They must understand that you haven't turned. That you have mastered the void, that is all.

“I’m glad you all came. I would like to leave this place. I have grown bored of these griffons.” I said walking towards my friends. They all seemed to tense up as I walked closer to them. “Now I know I may look different, but I have merely mastered the void magic.”

“IMPOSSIBILE!” Luna yelled at me, her loud voice forcing me back a few inches. “The void has never been mastered, and how could a novice like you master it!” Luna then lowered her voice and gave a bashful smile, “I mean, you're not very good with any magic besides combat magic.”

I frowned but then smiled. “Yes, you are right. But it seems that my magic, or rather my void magic, has manifested its own consciousness as to better control it.”

“Honored.” Celestia began as her horn charged up, “Is Nightmare back? Is he in there?”

I let out a laugh and smiled at her, momentarily forgetting about the wicked looking fangs in my mouth. I quickly shut my mouth and smiled with closed lips, “No he isn't in here, my mind or my magic created Mars to control the rampaging void magic within me.”

They all looked at me skeptically. “Anyway, did Twilight came with y’all? I’m sure she has read something about this. We should go see her.” No one moved in the room and I felt the tension build. “Okay, lets go see Twilight then.”

Celestia kept her horn glowing, Tune’s weapons were trained on me, Luna was following behind the two, the Elements of Sanctuary kept their distance, and the rest of the Equestrian Honor Guard kept their weapons unsheathed and ready. Why did I have to go through these physical changes?

This was going to be a long ride back home. Fuck. Where's a travel montage when you need one.

We all prepared for the long trek back to the airship knowing that the Equestrian forces would still have to go unnoticed as to avoid a conflict with the Griffons. Man this black op shit was dope. We moved through the destroyed hallways of the castle, myself being the only one visible as we moved around bodies and gore covered areas.

"So he says that he is simply my mind split in two. One being me and the other controlling the void and keeping the other me in check and not slipping to the void." I was trying my best to sum up what Mars was saying, but for being me he sure used a lot of big confusing words.

"That makes no sense at all." Luna said from across the bridge of Fast Skies. She was keeping her distance from me, well now that I was thinking about it, everyone aboard the ship was giving me a wide berth since leaving the throne room. Except for Tune, he was keeping the weapons along his body locked on to me.

"You can stop that now. If I was going to go all void it would have happened." I said staring at the barrel of a .50cal.


"Fuck you too Tune."

"Don't take your anger out on him." Quick Flurry snarled at me while twirling his Element of Sanctuary dagger around his hoof. "Not his fault you used the dark magic again and lost yourself."

"I didn't lose myself!" I screamed at them.

No. Stop that. No anger or hatred. Would you not be a little afraid or skeptical too?

I gave a deep sigh and collected my thoughts from myself. "I am still me, I simply have split my consciousness into two parts." I spoke calmly, trying to reach my old friends and dearest ponies in the world. And one robot.

"That is impossible." Celestia said with a frown. "Not even the most powerful unicorns in the world have been able to achieve that."

I was about to deliver my rebudle when Twilight, who had been sitting quietly off to the side leapt into the air and began to prance around proudly. "Starswirl the Bearded is the answer to this!"

We all gave her blank stares.

Except for Tune.

He kept pointing weapons at me.

"We just need to go to my library and I can explain there!" Twilight was absolutely beaming with the thought of teaching so many ponies, a human, and a robot something they didn't know. And for once, I was too.

“And that's why it is possible!” Twilight said with a smile as she bounded up the steps to the second floor of books within the shiny annoying castle. “Here in Starswirl the Bearded’s journal of the deep void magic, he speaks about a voice that came to him and offered him guidance in the ways of the void.” Twilight dropped the book to the desk surrounded by the two alicron rulers, a robotic war butler, and a demonic looking human. They all looked up from the book to the purple alicorn.

“Um, yes, well Starswirl added more about how he spoke to the voice to find it was really a part of him. He was essentially talking to himself. Thats all. His magic tried to help him understand it better, but he refused, saying he wasnt ready for such power. That no being should be able to grasp that power and use it with such precision.” Suddenly everyone around the table looked up at the human who held his hands up and flared his wings.

“What?” He said defensively. “I was being tortured for Christ’s sake. Cut me some slack.”

“He gets all the cool magic.” Twilight grumpled before sitting down. “I say, and as the princess of magic-”

“of friendship.” The human coughed with a smile.

“As an expert of magic,” she added, “I say that we watch Honored’s behavior before we dive into his mind and find out what is really going on.”

There were several agreements and the human breathed easier as the scrutinising eyes were lifted from him.

He had bigger things to worry about. Like new weapons entering the world and continuing his personal research on Tartarus. With a quick burst of void magic, Honored scanned the ancient tome of Starswirl the Bearded and made a direct copy of all the studies of Tartarus within his home. He had a lot of research to go over now, but a protector’s work was never done.

Author's Note:

I'm back, sort of. I'm currently writing from a phone as I was gone for three weeks with my army unit. I'm now one of the weapon squad's M240L gunners. That sucks. And now that I'm back from training, I moved and don't have internet, so that's why the phone. I'm still writing so keep reading! Thanks for your never ending support. Y'all are why I write.
Johnson aka #swagquickscope