• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 10,680 Views, 816 Comments

On My Honor - Honored Service

Honored Service, the human that saved Equestria from any evil you can name. A warrior at heart, who's special talent is killing and maiming anything that seeks to cause harm to those he cares for, is sentenced to a normal life in Ponyville.

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Five Finger Discount

On My Honor

Wrapping It Up

By: Honored Service

Pre-read/Edited by: CommanderWolffe, Duncan Zundel and Spirit of Harmony

The two soldiers fell backwards, frozen solid by the paralyzing spell that lashed out from the pistol in my hand. I tried to strap my M16 to my back, but with two weapons already there, I was going to have to dual wield it with the pistol. Or I could ditch the M4…

Nah. I wanted that shit.

I ran towards the door that the Private had left open and poked my head inside. So far I had frozen about fifteen soldiers, and I had no idea when the spell would finally wear off. And I’d rather not be here when the compound full of pissed-off soldiers woke up. Although I had gone this far without too much trouble.


I quickly turned to the right and snapped both weapons from my side up and leveled them at the person aiming an M4 at me from behind a desk.

“Patterson?” I quickly lowered the weapons and ran towards him. He stood up from behind his cover and met me half way, his arm outstretched. I swatted it away with my forearm holding the rifle and wrapped him in a hug. “No hands! Only hugs!” I whispered into his ear.

“Eww!” He shoved me back laughing. “What the fuck are you doing?” His laughing stopped and he looked at me. “I told you to move away, not find out where the people after you were at!” Placed the M4 down on the table and gestured at me. “You come in armed to kill and have slaughtered everyone to get here! Seriously, what the fuck.” The realization of what Patterson said caught up to him and he quickly scooped his rifle back up and aimed it at me.

“Whoa!” I said dropping my two weapons, “none of them are dead! I swear it. They are just paralyzed.”

“And how did you do that with a gun I watched you fire into their chests?” Patterson was slowly lowering the weapon, but still seemed upset. Granted I may be straining his whole ‘trusting your friend thing.’

“Um would you kill me if I said magic?” I held my hand behind my back and quickly began funneling my magic into my gauntlet and focusing it on his rifle.


“Well then I am using magic.”


The rifle in his hands fell apart into every single piece save for the foregrip and the pistol grip in his hands. Everything else clattered to the floor. “What the fuck?” he said looking at the broken down rifle. “How’d that happen?” He looked up to me as I then brought out my still red glowing gauntlet and aimed it at the rifle on the ground.

I picked up the pieces of the rifle and pulled the two out of his hands using my magic and then reassembled the rifle in midair, before floating it back to him. I then levitated the magazine into the magazine well till it fitted in with a faint click before then locking the charging rod back and then pushing the release switch, locking the first round from the magazine into the chamber.

“Magic.” I said and closed my eyes. I knew he wouldn’t do it, now he had proof.

“You… you…. You just did magic?” He stammered out before dropping the rifle on the ground. “That’s… that’s… impossible. You can’t do magic.”

“I can and just did.” I said smugly walking up to him and kicking the rifle away. “Listen Bobby, I am leaving in one day, but I have to make sure that whatever the military knew about the thing with the police is gone. They can’t know who that was or else my family will be targeted for research, and if they tell them how I did that, they will be locked up in the loony bin or something.”

“How did you do that?” He said looking at me and then at all the armor and weapons across my body.

“Really? You want to do this now?” I said with a deadpan stare as the alarms continued to sound off throughout the compound, I bent down and scooped up my pistol before firing it at the doorway right as a soldier ran by, freezing him instantly and knocking him to the ground.

“Well how about the spark notes edition?”

“Okay, but first we have to go to the main frame.” I looked down at my watch. It had been ten minutes since I had shot the first soldier at the gate, I needed to get this over with fast incase the spell didn’t last long. “Now.”

“Alright I’ll lead the way, but keep me at gunpoint so it looks like you’re forcing me to go. That will keep me from getting found out for helping you after this mess.” He sighed, “And commander is going to have one hell of a mess for me to clean up.”

“Yeah sorry about that.” I said before jabbing him in the back with my M16.

“Ow. Not so hard. Dick.”


“And skipping the yearlong cluster fuck of traveling montages, I fought another army, after dying, then getting my own magic and saving the day.” I quickly finished as my story as we turned down another corridor. I was at twenty minutes so I was betting I had five more minutes until the spell wore off with my luck.

“Well… sure I guess I have to believe you. You do like ponies. And you do now have magic.”

“Boo.” A pitch black head with blood red eyes and mouth appeared out of the wall next to the door we stopped at.

“AHHHHHH!” Patterson screamed before turning around and planting his face into the opposite wall.

“Shit. I knew I forgot to cover something. Damn spark notes edition.” I cursed aloud while dragging my friend Patterson into the mainframe room while Covert held the door open.

“Well once he wakes up we can delete everything about me from the police chase and any data they have collected on me.” I told Covert while Patterson slowly sat up, staring in shock at the Shadow Human standing next to me.

“Oh sorry about that Patterson. This is Covert, my shadow.” Covert gave short bow and then walked over to my friend who now resting against the side of a large black server tower.

“Hello Mr. Patterson.” Covert took his hand and gave it a shake. “I usually don’t get to scare humans, so I just couldn’t say no.”

“Um yeah sure.” Patterson gave the shadow an uncomfortable handshake before looking up to me, “Am I still dreaming?”

“I’m afraid not my friend.” I smiled and then picked Patterson up using some of that new strength I got from my Equestrian adventures.

“So can you log onto the main frame and delete everything there is about me and the last few days?”

“Yeah I can, but again you gotta put me at gunpoint. The camera over there,” he gestured to the camera mounted on the ceiling pointing right at the computer screen, “But this time, no barrel thumping please.”

“No promises.” I laughed as I held my rifle at him and he went to work typing away on the computer keyboard.

“And that should be… it. Okay as far as the data system shows, everything involving you and the last two days has been permanently erased. They only thing they can find is the password and login ID I used while being held at gunpoint.” Patterson said. As soon as we finished I turned and fired a round from my rifle into the camera.

“Well then, I say it’s time to move on to my secondary objective.” I said while firing a couple of rounds from the rifle into the computer equipment around the room. “Covert move on to your next position.”

“Moving.” Covert said before mantling into the wall and vanishing from the room.

“Where is he going?” Patterson said, watching the shadow leave the room.

“Oh nowhere. He’s just getting ready for the secondary part of the mission.” I said before turning to Patterson. “And now you have a choice to make friend.”

“And what would that be?” Patterson backed away from me as I stepped in front of the door leading out of the room.

“I’m going to give you a choice,” I said grinning from ear to ear, “I either have to rough you up a bit, or paralyze you.”

“Why?” Patterson said, looking a little relieved.

“Because, for the story to match the camera footage, I took you prisoner and forced you to delete me from the system, and in what story/movie/game does the hostage get away without being roughed up a bit?” Patterson remained silent as he thought about what I said. I looked at my watch. Twenty-four minutes, Shit, gotta speed this up.

“Paralysis it is!” I fired the pistol from the waist into Patterson who yelped in shock before hitting the ground frozen in his last position. “Sorry Bobby.” I said crouching down to him and gripping his locked outstretched hand. “I love you like a brother man. I couldn’t have done this without your help. And I know that you wouldn’t ever accept a gift from me, but I want you to have something as a big thanks friend. I reached into my pocket on my thigh and pulled out a small brown leather bag. I bounced it a few times as his eyes followed it. “Inside this bag is about thirty diamonds, two hundred solid gold coins, and a few other worthless gems. I have a cave full of this stuff back at my home.” I smiled and stood up.

“I’m hiding this stuff inside the back compartment of the mainframe, get it once the spell wears off. Thanks again Bobby.” I tucked the bag of riches into the back of the computer I shot full of magical lead from the rifle.

I walked out of the room after putting some rounds through the door, looking as if a fight had broken out. I made sure to use Patterson’s rifle so his half empty magazine would match the bullets scattered around the room, so hopefully it would look like he had fought back before I paralyzed him.

I went down the hall and turned to head out only to have Covert appear in front of me and begin running with me. “Did you find them?” I asked as we exited the main building.

“Yes.” Covert said, leading me to the left of the main building. “The armory is to the right and the small motor pool with the vehicles you described is this way.” We sped up our pace past the main entrance where I could see the bodies of the frozen guards beginning to crawl along the ground. The spell released the arms first, after twenty-five minutes then it spread to the rest of the body one limb at a time. I would have about ten more minutes before they first group of soldiers would be unfrozen.

“Well then,” I smiled and began to jog ahead of the shadow, “let’s go get suited up!”

Luna looked down at the watch the human had synced for her. Well the other human since she was human now too. It was strange being a different creature. The body makeup was strange and confusing, but the fingers.

Oh wow.

Luna wiggled them in front of her and smiled. They did make things a lot easier.

Luna quickly shook her head looked back at the watch. It was pushing close to 6:30. Honored had wanted to be gone by now. What was keeping him?

“I don’t care that you want the fucking green one!” I screamed out the window at Covert who standing next to a military drab green HMMWV or High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle. Better known as the Humvee. He like the green saying it matched Equestria better.

“Fuck the color! This is fine! Tan is the new green!” I screamed at him while using my magically sharpened bowie knife to slice the lock bar off from the steering wheel. I then punched the ignition on and the engine roared into life in the M1043 heavy variant Humvee. The fuel gauge was at the halfway mark and everything else was showing green. I jumped out and ran over to the passenger side and using my knife, hacked the computer system and military radio out. I tossed the tech on the ground, but left the am/fm radio in. Covert was curious as to why I was trashing the truck so he wandered over and watched as I removed the last bit of non-essential tech from inside the vehicle.

“Why are you destroying this stuff?” He asked, poking the computer screen with his foot.

“Because that stuff has the tracker equipment in it. And with it, the military can see where the vehicle is. And I don’t want to be found, not until I’m in another universe.” I said, checking to make sure everything had been stripped from the Humvee. I hopped back into the driver’s seat and then looked at Covert. “Now get in? Please?”

“Fine. Just so that we can get out of here.” Chimed the shadow-based creature, giving off an air of exasperation at the situation.

With the picky shadow now riding beside me, we tore out of the motor pool following the road down to the other side of the main compound. To the armory. I leaned down and removed a small ruby from my pocket and tossed it out the window where it smashed onto the road, a wisp of dark blue magic escaping the gem and flying off towards the woods.

Luna was about to give up waiting and just go check on Honored when she felt a small amount of her raw magic return to her body. Honored broke the gem signaling the final phase of his ridiculous plan.

But is it really ridiculous if it works? She thought while snapping her fingers together and a large machine gun appeared next to her floating in a blue aurora. “Why he never tried snapping his fingers to get the magic flowing is beyond me.” Luna stopped and thought for a second. “Well I never did tell him to try it.”

“Oh well. No matter now anyway.”

Luna jumped into the blue car and put the machine gun down on the hood of the car, holding it in place with a small amount of magic as the car tore from the hiding spot in the woods and raced onto the interstate towards the compound tucked into the wilderness.

“Okay grab those ones and toss them into the crate!” I yelled happily as I ran around the armory, scooping up any and every weapon that peaked my interest. I knew most of the weapons in the room. Pistols to shotguns. Carbines to assault rifles. Light machine guns to grenade launchers. Submachine guns to sniper rifles. This place was packed with goodies. And all the ammo to boot too. Covert was in charge of snagging the weapon while I grabbed ammo can after ammo can and threw them into the back of the Humvee which I may have backed up into a window, causing a few scratches on its bumper, but I was now filling that bad boy up with weapons ammo and gadgets for the weapons.

“Honored?” Covert asked from across the room while I loaded a few cases of 7.62 into the Humvee.

“What?” I said while turning around, my mouth dropping open.

“Should we take this one?”

“Yes.” I walked over and wrapped my arms around the weapon, letting the tears roll off my cheeks onto the smooth barrel. “Yes dear God yes.” I quickly looked around and my smile got even bigger, “Start loading those cans, all of them, and look for others that say the same thing.”

Covert nodded and began carrying the huge boxes to the Humvee and began stacking the large dark green cases into the back, one on top of the other. He stopped and opened one before looking at me and pulling out some of the contents. “Honored these are huge.”

“I know.” I said, heaving the weapon up to waist and then walking slowly to the door, the massive weapon system swaying with me as I walked. I left the tripod behind on the floor of the armory. I walked to the front of the Humvee and using my magic, levitated the weapon above the hood and towards the roof where I dropped the gun into the weapon harness and mount for it atop the Humvee. I wiped a tear from my eye as I stood looking up at the completed Humvee.

“Honored what is that?”

“That,” I gave another sob before sucking in a deep lungful of air to try and calm myself, “is a Browning M2A2 .50 caliber heavy barrel machine gun.”

“Where are you Honored?” Luna said as the car idled outside of the main gate of the compound. There was no one seen at the moment, but Luna had seen a few men running around inside the compound through the cracked open gate. Suddenly Luna heard a rumbling and she looked over her shoulder at the end of the road leading from the side road adjacent to the interstate to the compound main gate she was on. A massive truck with a huge weapon turned onto the road and then another. And another. Three trucks were heading right towards the gate.

“Oh no!” Luna gasped before slamming the car into drive and taking off through the woods, the side mirrors snapping off as she drove in between two trees. She heard honking of horns and the yelling of men but she stayed in the woods, within sight of the wall around the compound. She needed to find Honored. And fast.

“There, that was all of the ammo I could find for the roof gun.” Covert said as I loaded another box of M67 grenades onto the Humvee.

“Yeah I think we’re good. Let’s get out of here, Luna should be ready to go.” I smiled and stopped when I heard a familiar engine sound outside of the wall growing closer. “The fuck?” I climbed up on the hood of the Humvee and then onto the roof beside the M2. Sure enough I could make out a blue Firebird racing through the woods along the wall of the compound. “Luna?”

I quickly charged up my magic and teleported outside of the wall near some trees I could see from the top of the Humvee. Luna saw me as the Firebird came racing directly at me. “Please use the brakes.” I prayed as the car got closer and closer. I closed my eyes as dirt shot up and hit me in the face.

The car was parkerd sideways from me, Luna quickly climbing out of the driver’s seat and approaching me.

“Luna what are-“

“No time Honored,” She sounded panicked and upset, “three really big car looking things with more soldiers wearing the stuff you wear just got here. We need to leave!”

Oh shit. The Cavalry had arrived. So this is what it is like knowing that the American armed forces are about plow down on you. “Okay get in the car and head to the meet-up location Delta.”

“What about position Charlie?”

“Shit just got compromised.” I said before flashing back to the top of the Humvee.

Covert leapt into the passenger seat and I sat behind the wheel. The engne was still humming with energy as I shifted the beast of a truck into gear. The Humvee lurched forward, speeding towards the main gate.

“Covert,” I said turning and smiling widely at the shadow, “Hang on. It’s about to get bumpy.” I jerked the wheel so we were heading right at the steel gate in front of us. “Covert, keep us steady!” I yelled over the roar of the engine. I jumped out of the seat and reached around to the opening in the roof. I hauled myself up so I was standing on the gunners platform with the .50 in front of me. I reached out and grabbed the charging handle and racked it back once, the ghost round fed into the chamber. Racking it a second time dropped out a lone link and loading a round into the chamber.

I felt the magic growing in my gauntlet and I immediately poured the magic into the mammoth machine gun. “Here goes nothing.”

I depressed the butterfly trigger releasing the magic covered rounds at the gate.


The machine gun rattled the entire truck as the burning red hot casings and links covered the roof of the Humvee. The bullets glowed a neon red as the impacted the steel gate, molten metal falling from the steel looking like lava from a volcano.

“OH FUCK YES!” I screamed over the roar of the machine gun as a massive hole was melted into the gate from the molten hot rounds being spat from the weapon in my hands. I eased off the trigger as the barrel on the weapon poured smoke out into the air. I jumped back down into the driver’s seat as Covert scooted back over to the passenger’s seat. I aimed the front of the Humvee directly at the large weakened spot in the gate.

We smashed into the steel gate at the melted point, the Humvee roaring through the metal with a long metallic screech. We landed with a dull ‘thump’ on the other side, three other Humvees parked to the right side, every single one of the soldiers in and around them staring at me as we tore past them towards the interstate.

Suddenly the sound of other weapons began ripping through the air around me as the other soldiers mounted up and gave chase after us. I could see the bullets ripping into the trees around us as more rounds tore apart the road next to us and behind us. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” I mumbled as I swerved a pothole and hit a rough turn before skidding onto the interstate. I ran the Humvee full speed into the flimsy guardrail, sending us into the opposite lanes towards my home town. I poured on the gas and sped off, the other Humvees following.

I thanked the lord for early morning traffic because the machine guns of my pursuers’ died off as the civilians entered their lines of fire. I weaved around a smaller truck and then entered the shoulder of the road speeding towards Delta point.

“Aw yeah, this is my jam!” I yelled and looked at Cover you turned the simple am/fm radio up.

We dodged around a minivan that had three kids in it with their faces pressed against the glass. I smiled and waved before hitting the gas and speeding off, the three Humvees staying close to my ass. “We got to ditch these chasers.” I said through gritted teeth as we rode a turn around the interstate. Ahead of us was an eighteen wheeler. I smiled. Solution found.

"Covert grab the wheel, keep us heading to Delta!” I yelled at him as the music pumped in the background. I climbed up into the gunner’s hatch and grabbed the fifty, turning it to the left side. A few cars began honking their horns, yeah if that would stop a .50. Stupid people. I waited as we got closer to the truck. I smiled as we began to pass the truck. I quickly took aim and unleashed normal .50cal rounds into the truck’s rear tires, shredding the metal and rubber instantly. The large truck wobbled to the right before turning sharply and creating a roadblock across the two lanes of interstate.

“WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!” I pumped a fist in the air as two of the chasing Humvees smashed into the truck and other cars stopped behind it. The third one skidded to the right, onto the shoulder and continued it pursuit after us. The grass and asphalt to our right began to kick up as the following Humvee’s own .50cal opened up on us. I slammed my fist down on the roof of the Humvee, a brilliant umbrella dome of shimmering blood red magic enveloped the truck as the .50 caliber rounds bounced harmlessly off into the ground and sky. I quickly reached down into the Humvee while keeping the magic flowing and grabbed my Mosin propped up behind the driver’s seat. I turned around facing the closing Humvee and laid the rifle down on the roof and crouched down.

I pulled the bolt up and back, making sure it was empty. I then charged magic into the chamber, causing the shield spell to falter around us. The bullets continued to kick up around us, the heavy plating armor stopping most of the massive rounds. I aimed down the scope as the paralyze spell was readied in the chamber.

I lined up and took two quick breaths before exhaling a long one.


The light blue ball of energy traveled into the window of the Humvee and nailed the driver dead center of his chest. The Humvee veered to the right and ended up stopping in a ditch along the interstate. I swung the turret back around to the front of the Humvee and then slid back into the driver’s seat, the Mosin resting back behind me.

“And that’s how it’s done.” I smiled as I saw the blue Firebird stopped near the 11B exit sign near the off ramp to my town. I pulled up behind it and killed the engine.

“Hey Luna.” I said as I walked up to her. She smiled and looked at the Humvee.

“So that’s what we went to steal. A carriage?”

“And some weapons!” I smiled and looked at the blue car just sitting out in the open. “Why is the car that was just involved in a huge high speed pursuit just sitting there?”

“Oh that?” Luna scoffed at me and turned around looking at the car, her deep purple hair shining in the early morning sun. “I have it enchanted to look red to anypony… anybody else that isn’t you, Covert, or me.”

“Nice.” I said walking back to the Humvee. “I hoped you saved the magic, because now we teleport to the house. I’m sure there are some more military personnel inbound, and I doubt I can take down more helicopters.”

Luna smiled and nodded as we focused our magic together on the two vehicles. The magic pooled together and soon as we had enough to get us back to the cul-de-sac, I launched the spell.


“And that’s why I had you clean out the garage.” I said matter-of-factly to my dad, who was gawking at the Humvee wedged into the tiny space. The garage door just barely closed down behind the huge truck, preventing it from being seen. And with the tech removed, it would be impossible to track via any computer satellite imaging.

“And the Army is going to kick you out?” My dad said, still staring at the Humvee.

“Dad,” I looked at him and gave a cocky smile, “I think that ship has sailed.”