• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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The Lightsaber

Spike groaned as he finally stirred from his slumber, slowly cracking his eyes open so a sliver of light seeped in.

“Siphous? Siphous!” A voice called out, one that Spike quickly identified as belonging to Zule. “I think he’s waking up.”

As he said this, Spike managed to open his eyes fully, getting a better look at his surroundings. He was in the medical bay on the ship, the gun metal ceiling and the smell of antiseptic confirming that. Pushing himself up, he looked around properly, looking at the occupants of the room, namely Jedi knight Siphous and Zule.

“You had us worried there Spike.” Siphous Said, looking over to a screen, before nodding and looking back. “How are you feeling?”

“Like the morning after one of Pinkies parties.” Spike groaned, clutching his head. “How long was I out?”

“About fifteen hours.” Siphous said absently. “You took quite a hit on Illum.”

“Tell me about it.” Spike laughed weakly, rubbing his head, before shaking it and looking up. “So are we still on Illum?”

“No, we are currently in transit back to Coruscant. The others are waiting for you in the main training area if you feel you are fit to move around.” Siphous said, looking Spike over to check that movement hadn’t opened up any cuts around his head, before moving back, satisfied with his findings.

“It’s just a headache. It will pass.” Spike smiled, before sliding off the bed and standing up, arching his back until he heard a satisfying series of pops, before looking at Zule. “Why are you not with the others? You hate medical wards.”

“It was my shift.” Zule said simply. “We each said we’d take an hour at a time so that as soon as you woke up you could come and see the others.”

“Sounds good.” Spike nodded. “Well, lead on then.”

Turning on his heel, Zule quickly keyed in the door code, before walking into the rounded corridor of the Redoubt. The Jedi cruiser was old, and had been in service to the Jedi for over five hundred years, ferrying initiates of the order to and from Illum as well as providing an environment within which the padawans to be could build their first Lightsabers, all under the instructions of the one that Siphous referred to as Huyang. Spike had found it surprising that on the way out, they hadn’t seen or heard from this mysterious figure, but had reasoned that he probably liked to be alone. Maybe he was a powerful Jedi Sage, and had been meditating on the force on the journey out there, or maybe he was a mighty battlemaster, and had been developing a new form of combat.

Allowing his mind to wonder for a brief moment, Spike followed Zule until they reached another door. As they approached, the door slid open, revealing the circular training room beyond.

In the centre of the room, Tarhal was busy training, his eyes covered by the visor on his helmet, and training Lightsaber in hand, deflecting the laser shots that were being shot at the Wookie.

“Sleeping beauty’s up.” Zule smiled.

Instantly, the others looked over, including Tarhal, who received a sharp jolt of pain in his arse as the droid landed a shot on the preoccupied Wookie. With a slight growl, Tarhal tried to grab the droid, but missed, the droid quickly moving out of the way of his hand. With a smirk, Corinna raised her own hand, and the droid flew to it, quickly being deactivated and placed aside by the female Jedi.

“How’s your head?” Corinna asked, turning back to Spike.

“Throbbing, but I’ll live.” Spike smiled.

“Thank you Spike.” Tarhal said, pulling the dragon into a tight hug. “Without you, I would still be in the cave.”

“What? Big guy like you? Nah, you’d have broken out easily.” Spike said with a laugh that was quickly adopted by the others.

“I am glad that you are awake Spike.” Siphous said, walking into the training room. “But we have already gotten behind schedule. If you could all please place the crystals that you harvested on this table, then we can begin.”

Quickly, they each got out their crystals, placing them on the table next to Siphous.

“Very good. Now, I would like you to meet Lightsaber designer and architect, Huyang.”

As he said this, he stepped back, indicating a small alcove filled with shelves and drawers. Listening closely, Spike could hear the sound of servo motors whining, as a tall humanoid droid stepped into view. The droid was about the same height as Siphous, perhaps a bit taller thanks to the large head it sported. On it back lay a large metal rucksack type storage unit, with two arms resting upon it.

“Huyang’s a droid?” Asho asked in surprise.

“Is that a problem?” The droid asked, it soft masculine voice echoing around the small hold.

“N...no master Huyang.” Asho said, realising she had been rude. “It’s just…”

“I know, not what you expected.” The droid said, nodding to her, before turning to Siphous.

“They have all passed the gathering then?”

“All of them. Some in a particularly spectacular fashion.” The Jedi smiled, looking at Spike.

The droid followed Siphous’s gaze, his optic sensors resting on Spike and Tarhal.

“A Wookie?” he asked, approaching Tarhal. “I do not believe I have ever had the pleasure of instructing a member of your species.” He said in a kind voice, before turning to Spike. “And you must be the dragon that I have heard about. Interesting that you should be able to wield the force as the only discovered member of you race.”

“I didn’t ask for it.” Spike chuckled nervously.

“Of course not.” Huyang said, before straightening up and walking around. “From the fields of Trandak nine to the battles of Corbos, the Lightsaber has been the Jedi’s weapon of choice, and is a Jedi’s only true ally, unique to each Jedi who wields them. But how do they work?” He asked, picking up the crystal that belonged to Corinna and inspecting it closely. “The crystal is the heart of your Lightsaber, but right now it is simply a rock. To activate it, one must imbue it with the force, pouring their own power into it. I will show you how to do that while knight Siphous leads you in meditations. It is my job that before you leave this ship, you will not only have constructed your own blade, but be able to repeat the process if the need arises.”

Giving the crystal back to Corinna, the droid indicated that they should all pick up their own crystals, which they did. Walking in front of them, Siphous sat down and addressed the group.

“Sit. Clear your minds. Focus on the crystal in front of you. The act of empowering your crystal shall take many days. Let the force guide you as you attune it to yourself, making it your own.”

Nodding, Spike sat down on the floor, crossing his legs. Focusing on the crystal, he made it rise to his eye level, before holding it steady and closing his eyes, emptying his head of all images apart from the crystal. Even the sounds of the ship drifted away, as Spike slowly entered into the trance like meditation stance. The last thing he felt before slipping inside his own mind was his body lifting just a few feet off the floor, before all his senses became numb to the outside world.


Spike found himself in a perfectly black area, neither standing nor floating, rather, he simply was, a part of his own self-conscious. In front of him, the semi-transparent crystal floated, and he focused his force on it, steadying it as he pushed his force into it, attempting to channel no emotions into the precious stone.

“You are progressing well.” Came a voice from beside Spike, and if he had not recently heard it, he would of jumped in shock. Instead, he kept his focus on the crystal.

“You are still the form of Twilight?” He asked as the force-made image of Twilight moved into view.

“It is a form that resonates within your own mind. I have no say over the form I take, that is down to your subconscious.”

Slowly, Spike nodded, being careful not to lose his focus on the crystal.

“You are supressing your emotions.” Twilight said, stopping next to Spike.

“I learnt to, and now I know that you’re not real, I can keep my mental barriers up.” Spike said slowly.

“Who says I’m not real?” Twilight asked.

“You’re in my head.” Spike pointed out.

“Of course I’m in your head. But why should that make it any less real?” The image asked.

“I guess.” Spike nodded. “So what are you then? Memories? The Force? My conscience?”

“All of the above.” Twilight said. “I am simply an avatar of your own force powers, I can offer advice, but not knowledge of things outside your mind or the force.”

“Why Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? This mare Twilight, she meant more to you than anything else, so that’s what your mind imagines the force as looking like. Some see the force as simply that, an invisible energy source, and while that is true in your normal perception, it does not have to hold true in your own mind. Some see loved ones, others see siblings, you see Twilight. She is what you focus your power through. Like a sub-conscious power matrix that enhances your capabilities and powers over it. I am simply an avatar that you create to give a face to the force.”

“Makes sense.” Spike said, keeping his mind firmly on the crystal.

“You do know what you are supposed to be doing yes?” The avatar asked.

“Imbuing the crystal with the force.” Spike replied.

“Not just the force.” The avatar said cryptically. “The crystal is becoming attuned to you, and you alone. The more of yourself you pour into it, the more powerful it, and subsequently you and your saber, will become.”

“I thought you of all things would be telling me about supressing my emotions.” Spike said with a slight smirk. “Being the actual force and all.”

“As I said before, I am the force, I know all about myself, but about the outside world? I can only know what you know. Deep down in your mind, you don’t believe that emotions are bad, do you?” The avatar asked.

“Harmony made Equestria strong.” Spike nodded. “And we only got there by accepting emotions. The idea of rejecting emotion is more alien to me than anything else I’ve seen since I’ve come here.”

“Then open your mind.” The avatar said softly, whispering straight into Spikes ear. “Pour your emotions into the crystal, the memories of who you honour when you protect the week, and in whose name you will bring forth the light to the universe.”

Stunned, Spike looked around, looking for the avatar, loosing focus on his crystal, which lost the faint blue glow that it had been taking on before. Looking around, Spike hunted for the avatar, but saw nothing but blackness, not darkness, but pure black.

Turning back to the crystal, Spike decided to act upon the information that the avatar had told him, and began to focus on the crystal again. Once more, it rose in front of him, until it was just in front of his eyes.

Once again, he poured the force into it, but this time, did not supress his memories, and slowly, he could feel them slipping into the crystal. They started off small at first, but slowly got bigger and more important to him.

Burping up his first letter for Celestia

His time as the official castle dragon in Equestria

The first time he had ever eaten a fire ruby

Moving to Ponyville

Meeting the residents of the town



As the last memories burst forth, the crystal began to pulse with a faint purple light, getting brighter and brighter, and the pulses getting closer together, until finally the crystal emitted a rich purple glow of its own volition, instantly reminding Spike about Twilight.

“It is done.” The avatar said, suddenly appearing at Spike shoulder again.

“Where do you keep coming from?” Spike said, looking at the avatar.

“When you need me, I will be here. Always.” The avatar said.

“Well if that’s the case, you’ll need a name. I can’t call you Twilight when I know you’re not her.”

“That is understandable.” The avatar nodded.

“Moonstone.” Spike said after a moment of deliberation.

“A gem, and a name evocative of the word twilight.” The avatar nodded.

“What do you think?” Spike asked.

“I am a construct of you mind Spike, if you like the name, then I like the name.” Moonstone smiled. “Now, I believe your crystal is done.”

“But Siphous said it would take days.” Spike pointed out.

“It has already been one and a half.” Moonstone smiled, as she began to fade once again.

“Why am I not surprised?” Spike smiled as the avatar faded completely from view. With a sigh, Spike opened his eyes once more.


Opening his eyes once more, Spike stood up, grabbing the crystal out of the air. Around him were the others, not all of whom had finished meditating on their crystals, namely Zule and Asho, while Tarhal and Corinna were conversing with Siphous in hushed tones.

Quickly making his way over to the trio, Spike made himself known.

“You are done then Spike?” Siphous asked expectantly.

“I am.” Spike nodded, holding out his crystal for the Jedi to see.

“Purple?” Siphous asked in surprise. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Illum usually only yields green or blue crystals, other colours are harder to come by, hence their rarity.” Siphous explained.

The word played on Spikes mind as he smiled at the thought of his love, before simply shrugging his shoulders.

“I just poured my force into it. The force works in mysterious way I guess.” He smiled.

“Done!” Zule shouted, before covering his mouth in shock at the loud noise. “Sorry.” He whispered.

“It is no trouble.” Siphous said. “Now we are just waiting on…”

“Finished.” Asho called, walking over.

“Good. Now that you have meditated upon your crystals, Huyang will instruct you on the proper design of your Lightsaber.” Siphous said, before turning back to the table from before. “Please place your crystals back on the table.

Nodding, each of the initiates placed their crystals on the table once more, and Spike saw the each of them now glowed with a soft inner light. Besides his purple one, there were three blue crystals belonging to Zule, Corinna and Asho, and one green crystal, belonging to Tarhal. With the same whine as before, Huyang came into sight, slowly walking towards the crystals and inspecting them, his sensors being drawn towards Spike crystal, which he picked up to inspect more closely.

“Curious.” He said, turning the crystal over. “Tell me, which one of you is responsible for this crystal?”

Quickly, Spike put his hand up and Huyang walked over.

“The dragon. How fitting that your blade will match your own scales.” He mused, before placing the crystal down. “Now, please hold out your hand, and describe what you see your Lightsaber will be.”

“Well, I want it…” Spike began, but was cut off by the droid.

“No no, not what you want it to be, but what you feel inside. What connects with your own force, and will make you strong in battle, and humble in retreat?”

Concentrating, Spike half-closed his eyes, focusing on what he could feel in his hand. After a moment’s concentration, his hand contracted involuntarily, gripping around an invisible object.

“I see a Lightsaber with a handle off from the main body.” He said slowly.

“A second handle?” Huyang asked, releasing Spikes hand. “Are you sure? I have helped designed hundreds to thousands of lightsabers, and I have never heard of a design like this.”

“It is what I feel.” Spike insisted.

“I see. Let me see what I have then.” Huyang said, walking off and heading over to the shelves and drawers at the back of the room.

Grabbing hold of some of the drawers, the droid began to open them, looking inside them while unfolding the two arms on his back and opening other drawers. Quickly, he searched through numerous drawers, before nodding and grabbing a few pieces and walking back over towards Spike. Placing the parts down, Spike saw that he had brought over both a normal handle and a throttle style activator, as well as various innards of the Lightsaber.

“These are all the parts that you should need for your saber.” Huyang said, before the droid moved away from Spike, walking over to Tarhal and beginning to repeat the process. Scooping up the parts, Spike moved over to a work station, placing the parts down and looking over them. From what he could feel, his Lightsaber was going to be very different from the normal design, making it even more unique than the purple blade that the others said was rare enough.

Sitting down, Spike crossed his legs again, focusing on the parts and raising them up. Slowly, they began to circle around each other as the crystal moved into the middle of the swirling mass of parts, quickly slotting in to the primary crystal mount. After that, the other pieces began to slot in to place, slowly covering up the emitter matrix with the outer pommel. It was slow work, but it was work none the less.


Spike breathed fire into the furnace again, standing within the sealed metal room as he continued to heat it up. He had been in there for the past day, trying to remodel the parts of his Lightsaber from the generic into something that only Spike could imagine at the moment.

The Redoubt had been in orbit over Coruscant for the past few days, staying near the planets defensive fleet while the Jedi on board sort to work. Apparently it was part of the tradition that until they had completed their work, they would stay on board the ship.

Spike breathed out again, covering the white hot casing of the Lightsaber with flames once more, heating it to temperatures that would be next to impossible with conventional means. The parts that he had been provided by Huyang were good, and he didn’t doubt that on their own, they would have made a fine weapon, but to make the weapon that Spike saw himself wielding would require much greater crafting skills on his behalf.

Grabbing hold of the soft metal, Spike began to smooth the gap between the primary handle and the main body. He had already welded them together with a blowtorch provided by Huyang, but considering the fact that if it broke he would lose his weapon, he had decided to fuse them in a more permanent state. Now, after hours of in the sweltering heat, Spike was almost finished. He mused silently that if any of the others had wanted to build this weapon, they would have had to settle for just a simple weld or rivet job.

Nodding, Spike decided that the weapon was as good as it would ever be, and grabbed hold of it, making sure that he didn’t squash it at all. Opening the door to the furnace room, Spike quickly slipped out, before sealing it up and activating the coolant system in the room, before placing the hilt in a trough of water, drawing a nice hissing sound from it as the hot metal touched the cold water.

When Spike finally pulled it out, the hilt was unrecognisable compared to what it had started as when Huyang had provided the parts just a day earlier. Sighing to himself, Spike made his way back towards the central room, flexing his neck to get the kinks that had been building up in it. Reaching the door, Spike slid it open, walking inside and looking around at the others.

They were all working intensely on their own weapons, tweaking various parts of their weapons under the watchful gaze of Huyang and Siphous. Spike coughed slightly, causing the others to look around.

“Have you finished remoulding your hilt then?” Huyang asked, walking towards the dragon.

“I have.” Spike nodded, holding out his hilt for the droid to inspect.

“Interesting. The design is fluid.” He said, taking the hilt, before trying to bend it slightly, failing. “And strong. You have done well Spike. Now, place the innards in the Lightsaber, and show me your work.”

Nodding, Spike moved back over to his old workbench, placing the hilt down, and reinserting the crystal into the emitter matrix. Focusing on the other parts, they began to float around each other, before slowly slotting together.


It took almost another day for everyone to complete their weapons to a standard that Huyang was happy with, but eventually they were all finished, and congregated in the centre of the room. The droid hadn’t been kidding when he had said that each weapon would be unique, as none of them were even vaguely the same.

Asho’s for instance was a fairly standard hilt, with black leather wrapped around the hand grip. However, unlike most hilts, it sported a large blade protector sweeping up away from the handle, serving the secondary purpose of acting as a knife in certain situations.

Then there was Corinna’s weapon. This one did not have any sort of blade guard, but was instead a much more elegant design of two shades of brown flowing into a curved blade emitter.

While these two weapons were similar in many ways, the others were all completely unique, and while they probably worked the same, someone not versed in the ways of lightsabers would not see it that way.

Zule’s for example was not a straight hilt like the others, instead having a curve in it. Apparently it made it much more comfortable to hold, and was also easier to move around in combat, as well as allowing for near perfect flexibility and precision when wielding it, especially, as Zule was fond of saying, against others wielding melee weapons, although who these people might be and how any non-force user could beat a Jedi in close combat was beyond Spike.

That was when the more standard designs stopped, Spike and Tarhal both wielding lightsabers that even Huyang had never even dreamed of. Not that that was anything to be expected, as the droid had said that Jedi before them had devised their own designs.

Tarhal for instance, wielded something that at a glance didn’t look anything like a Lightsaber, but was apparently modelled off his ancient family weapon back on Kashyyyk, now forever denied to the Wookie due to his status as a Jedi. The handle was made entirely of wood from the Brylark tree, which was apparently the only known wood in the galaxy that was as strong as metal. However, that was not made it unique. The handle itself was long, necessitating a twin handed grip on it as if it was simply a quarterstaff, before the ends linked into two metal orbs, each one housing a separate emitter array pointed towards each other. Once the blade was activated, it would be a Lightsaber, but not in the conventional sense. Certain moves such as stabs would be impossible, but blocking shots and blades would be so easy for the Wookie, as well as playing off his strength.

Spikes however was much closer to a standard weapon, but was still unique, both in design and materials. At the advice of Huyang, Spike had constructed the Lightsaber from an alloy of two different materials that usually wouldn’t be able to be fused together, but under Spikes dragon flame, flowed together like water. A combination of both Songsteel and Neuranium gave the Lightsaber a decent weight, as well as giving it a metallic colour with black detail. However, the final detail that Spike liked was the small series of gems inserted in the hilt in the perfect shape of Twilight’s cutie mark. The rest of the weapon was normal, except for the main handle and the large red activator stud on the end of it.

Looking between the initiates, Siphous smiled, before drawing his own Lightsaber.

“You embarked on this ship with nothing but the objects imparted to you by the Jedi. Now though, you return with the most valuable item in the galaxy, each one unique to you, and you alone. Now, draw your weapons.”

At the command, each member of Nexu clan drew their own weapons, Tarhal slipping it off the holster he wore on his back, before placing it in the middle with the others.

“Ignite your blades, and show me that Huyang taught you well.”

Nodding, each of the initiates thumbed the activation studs, causing the room to be instantly lit up by the blades. Smiling, Spike looked to Siphous, who had activated his own green Lightsaber.

“Rise anew, Nexu clan.” Siphous said with a broad smile. “Arise, Padawans of the jedi order.”

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