• Published 9th Oct 2013
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The Dragon and the Force - FenrisianBrony

Spike disappears from Equestria, and ends up surrounded by Jedi

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Advanced Scouting

Spike looked around the Auran Jump station hanger bay as he walked down the boarding ramp of the shuttle he had taken from the dry docks. Looking around, Spike could already sense the presence of the Jedi who were on board, and made his way through the station towards the largest concentration of the Jedi, emerging into a large room that was bustling with activity. Spike could already make out a few familiar faces, and made his way over towards Revan and Alek, who were engrossed in conversation.

“Spike. It’s good to see you.” Revan nodded as the Dragon walked over.

“We missed you down on the planet.” Alek added. “We expected you to need a ride up here.”

“I had to check a few things over at the dry docks first.” Spike replied. “Is this everyone? I thought you said there were a hundred or so. There can’t be more than twenty Jedi here.”

“Not many on Coruscant wanted to defy the council.” Revan pointed out. “There are more, all around the galaxy, and they’re ready to stand up to this new threat.”

“You make it sound like we’re super heroes.” Spike chuckled.

“Just doing what’s right.” Alek countered. “We’re leaving now. Get your ship ready.”

“I don’t have a ship, well, not one that’s out of the dry docks anyway.” Spike pointed out.

“Alek doesn’t either. I have room.” Revan offered.

Gesturing for Revan to lead on, Spike followed the man towards the rear of the hanger, stopping in front of a small armed courier. All around him, Spike watched as other Jedi climbed into fighters or other small ships, and couldn’t help but sigh a little. He didn’t know quite what he had been expecting from the Revanchists, but the lack of any large ships seemed to make them look like…amateurs. When the order had converged over Yarvin IV to end the threat of Exar Kun, there had been hundreds of battle worthy ships, ready for war. This seemed, inconsequential, by comparison.

Squashing the thought, Spike remembered that it wasn’t the ships that made this movement important, hell, it wasn’t even the number. It was simply the fact that others in the order weren’t prepared to stand and let others suffer, and that spirit more than made up for the lack of heavy firepower.

Boarding the ship, Spike grabbed a hand hold just behind the pilots seat that Revan now occupied. Beside him, Alek sat in the co-pilots seat, before turning to face Spike.

“You can sit you know.”

“Really?” Spike deadpanned, looking at the small seat Alek was pointing at. “I think I’ll stand.”

“Suit yourself.” Alek said, before turning back to the controls.

“Is everyone ready?” Revan asked over the comm as the ship left the hanger.

Spike couldn’t hear the response of the other Jedi who were presumably following them, but assumed that they were ready, as Revan grabbed hold of a handle and slowly eased it forward, boosting the ships speed until the stars blurred and the Hyperdrive kicked in, shooting the ship into Hyperspace.



The world beneath Spike was beautiful, and even through the vast distance of space and the plate of reinforced glass that protected him from the cold of deep space, Spike could feel the peaceful aura that resonated off of the world. It was ironic in a way, how a world so peaceful could be behind so much bloodshed and war.

Even as Spike watched, Revan turned the ship away from the planet, angling it towards a space station where other Jedi were already docking. The amount of ships that were moving towards it was amazing, and Spike realised that Revan must have made at least some mistake with the amount of Jedi who had rallied behind his cause. There must have been over a hundred ships in the small area of space, and most of them seemed to be carrying more than one person. Maybe this would be useful after all, especially if the Republic military didn’t treat the Revanchists like the Jedi council did.

The ship touched down with a light thud, and Spike quickly disembarked, watching as the Jedi flitted to and fro across the hanger floor. They had come from all across the galaxy to be here, and their diversity showed, their ranks being swelled by aliens and humans, males and females of all walks of life. Some of them were wearing armoured body suits, their Lightsabers complimented by pistols or other weapons, making them look more like bounty hunters than protectors of the peace, while other wore long flowing robes in the tradition of the Jedi.

“Spike, Alek, if you would.” Revan said, brushing past the pair and walking across the hanger.

Following after the man, Spike caught sight of Meetra disembarking from her own fighter, the woman quickly running over towards the group. Together the trio followed Revan until they reached a small room dominated by a holo-projector.

“So why are we stopping here?” Spike asked, looking expectantly at Revan.

“The Republic has recently set up a defensive line along here,” Revan began, bringing up a map of the surrounding space and pointing out a thin red line, “the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line.”

“What’s so important about this world that it gets a full on protection detail from the entire republic fleet?” Alek asked. “I mean, with the resources here, the Republic could press the attack.”

“Mandalore spends years picking off unaligned Outer Rim worlds and no one does anything, yet when one of the Republics business opportunities is threatened, it throws the planet membership to the Republic and creates a line that is to big even for the Republic fleet to sustain it.” Meetra said distastefully. “At the end of the day, it always comes down to money.”

“Cynical, but true.” Revan nodded. “But that’s not why we are here. There are five Jedi Masters here, Lucien Draay, Q'Anilia, Feln, Xamar, and Raana Tey. Each of them are veterans of the Great Sith War like Spike here, and they are also dedicated to ensuring peace whatever the cost. I think that if we are going to get support from any Masters anywhere in the galaxy, these five are our best hope.”

“Not to mention they all have Padawans.” Alek pointed out. “Ten new members, five being Masters, wouldn’t be too bad. Better than Coruscant anyway.”

“Precisely.” Revan nodded. “I will be traveling to the surface soon, but we need a plan of action after this, regardless of whether these Jedi join us or not.”

“And that plan would be?” Spike asked.

“Investigation. Find out what the Mandalorians have been doing in these past few years. If what you say is true, the fleet that has been probing the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line is hardly a fraction of their true power. I want to know why the Mandalore is holding back.”

“We’ll find a planet to start our investigation on and move when you return.” Alek assured him.

“Good. If we can find proper proof, then we may be able to convince the council after all.” Revan nodded, before turning and walking out of the room, leaving Spike, Alek and Meetra behind.

“Well then, I guess we should get started.” Meetra said, looking back at holo-projector and pressing a few buttons.

Instantly, a picture of a large blue planet filled the projector, its surface wracked by blizzards and other heavy storms. A string words appeared beside the planet, and Spike leaned forward to read off it.

“Jebble. Ice world in the Outer Rim. Resource world affiliated with Taris. One of the worlds that is protected by the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line.”

“So far it hasn’t been attacked directly by the Mandalorians, but they’re pushing against its boarders quite heavily, just like the rest of the defence line.” Meetra continued.

“Won’t work for an investigation.” Alek pointed out. “It hasn’t had any activity on the planet, just more of the probing strikes to test our resolve.”

“Good point.” Spike nodded, before pushing another button and zooming the map out again, before focusing in on another planet.

“Vanquo.” Spike began, looking at the planet. “Mining world, affiliated with Taris and another one of the worlds protected by the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line.”

“Won’t work. Same reason as before, no actual activity on the world.” Alek pointed out.

“Maybe we should stop looking at the worlds that are being actively protected?” Meetra suggested, pulling up another hologram of a planet. “What about Suurja? It’s an Agriworld, sends most of its foodstuff to Taris, but is to far away from the planet to be protected by the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line.”

“That could work.” Alek nodded, leaning forward and pulling up for information on the planet. “Four battles have been fought over the world between the Mandalorians and the republic, led by one, Captain Saul Karath. None of the battles have been won outright by either side though.”

“So why do the Mandalorians want it so much?” Spike asked. “I guess it could be as good a place as any to start our search.”

“Well then, looks like we have our mission.” Alek smiled.

“Once Revan returns, we can leave then.” Meetra pointed out.

“Make sure your gears good, and the rest of the Revanchists are ready.” Spike said, before turning and leaving the room.


Spike focused on Dusk and Elusive as he slotted the Lightsabers back together, using the force to manipulate the sensitive components as it slotted together again. Grabbing the weapons from the air, Spike ignited both blades, bathing in the purple and white light as he held them along his arms.

Spike had been in the room for an hour now, meditating on the force while disassembling and reassembling his Lightsabers. The room was large by space station standards, but more than that it was empty, and that made it perfect for being alone or training.

“Interesting.” Came a voice from behind him, and Spike whirled around, instinctively raising his Lightsabers, before looking at the Jedi.

“You are?” Spike asked, deactivating his Lightsabers as he looked at the Zabrak.

The male Zabrak had bleached whitish skin covered in a complex pattern of black, flowing tattoos of stylized knots and strands, which encircled the eight small horns on his head. The pattern of the tattoos was odd, and made it look as if he had a mask across his blood red eyes.

“Acaadi. Knight with the Revanchists, and you are Spike, no?” The Zabrak asked.

“Everyone seems to know who I am these days.” Spike muttered.

“Oldest member of the movement and the only veteran of the Great Sith War. Can’t imagine why.” Acaadi smirked.

“I’ve never seen a Zabrak with your coloured skin.” Spike noted.

“And I’ve never seen a Dragon, guess that makes two of us.” The man shot back.

“Touché.” Spike laughed. “So you coming to train here as well?”

“I am.” Acaadi nodded, drawing his own weapon. “Didn’t think I’d meet anyone else with a unique weapon.”

“So you’ve got a big handle, that’s not that unique.” Spike pointed out.

“Oh contraire.” Acaadi laughed, before thumbing the activation stud on the middle of the large hilt.

Instantly, Spike recoiled from the weapon as a blade erupted from both ends, their brilliant blue light shining across the room. Spike instantly had his own weapons ready, the weapon brining back memories that he’d rather not have.

“That’s Exar Kun’s weapon.” Spike growled. “How did you get it?”

“I made it.” The Zabrak said simply. “Two Lightsabers welded together at the pommel, and yes, after Exar Kun’s weapon.”

“Why?” Spike asked back.

“Same reason you made different Lightsabers I’m sure.” Acaadi said, pointing to Spikes weapons.

“So, I’m guessing the weapon gives you more options?” Spike asked.

“No, it’s more limited in a lot of ways, but you think it does, so the effect is the same.”

“Anyone else use one of those?” Spike asked, not taking his eyes off the weapon.

“A few, mostly Zabraks like me, it’s similar to the Zhaboka.” Acaadi said, before holding his weapon tighter. “Would you like me to help?”

“You know, from what you’ve said, the greatest advantage of your weapon is surprise.” Spike said, before lunging forward, catching Acaadi by surprise and bringing his weapons down on the double-bladed one, forcing Acaadi to his knees. “But I have the advantage here, size, first attack, two weapons, and most of all, experience in fighting Lightsaber wielding oppoenents.”

Acaadi didn’t reply, instead dropping to the floor and rolling away from Spike, readying his weapon for the duel. Lunging forward, he brought the weapon around his head, bringing the rear blade at Spikes neck, only to find it blocked by Spikes Lightsaber, the Dragon holding the powerful strike off with one hand, while readying his own, deactivating the weapon before slamming the pommel into the Zabraks chest.

Acaadi let out a silent cry as the air was forced from his lungs, falling to his knees and deactivating his Lightsaber, before looking up to Spike who had deactivated his own weapons and replaced them on his belt.

“You may be good, but you’re not that good.” Spike said, offering the Zabrak his hand.

“Bloody hell.” Acaadi swore, grabbing Spikes claw and pulling himself to his feet. “So much for surprise.”

“My friend Tarhal, his weapon’s pretty similar.” Spike explained. “You think that a second blade that’s attached gives you an advantage, but really it’s a disadvantage. You’d think that your mind would try to keep track of each blade separately, but they’re attached, so you move one, and anyone who is aware of the weapon is able to know where the other blade is.”

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” came a voice from the doorway, and Spike turned to see Revan standing there.

“A small duel.” Spike nodded.

“Acaadi isn’t it?” Revan asked, looking at the Zabrak.

“It is Revan.” Acaadi bowed back.

“Leave us, I would speak to Spike alone.” Revan ordered, before walking towards Spike, discarding his flowing robe along the way and revealing the tighter outfit he wore beneath.

As Acaadi left the room, Spike drew his own Lightsabers, mimicking Revan, who ignited his own weapon.

“Purple?” Spike noted, looking at the blade.

“Indeed. Now,” he gripped his Lightsaber tighter in both hands, “shall we begin?”

Revan lunged forward, swinging his Lightsaber at Spikes leg, only to be blocked by Spikes weapon. Revan was strong, using the force to bolster his own strength, but Spike held it off, before spinning his own weapon, attempting a decapitating strike, only to find Revan ducking underneath it. Before Spike could follow up the attack, revan had already jumped upwards, reaching the ceiling before kicking himself back down, streaking through the air as he stabbed at Spike.

The attack only just missed, and Spike was forced to dive to the floor, Elusive skidding out of his hands. Standing back up, Spike readied his fist before lunging forward with his weapon, locking it together with Revans as the pair stared at each other.

“I expected as much.” Revan grinned, using two hands to hold up to Spikes single handed blow.

“You’re good Revan.” Spike admitted.

“Let’s take this up a notch.” Revan grinned, before suddenly drawing back one of his hands and thrusting it forward, pushing Spike back across the hanger, carving grooves into the floor as his claws dug in to slow him down, flapping his wings for the same reason.

“Ok, let’s.” Spike agreed, pulling his dropped weapon to his hand and replacing it on his belt, cracking his knuckles and preparing his mind for the coming fight.

Revan was strong, both in Lightsaber combat and the Force, but Spike had age and experience on his side, this would be a contest of raw skill versus honed skill. Diving forward, Spike used both the force and his wings to propel himself forward, slamming into Revan and knocking him from his feet. Recovering quickly, the man lashed out with his own attack, slamming his foot into Spikes stomach, before grabbing him with the force and lifting him from his feet.

Tensing up, Spike let a wave of force energy erupt from him, breaking Revans hold and dropping the Dragon back to the floor. Quickly getting back to his feet, Spike sprang at the man, wrapping a hand round his neck and lifting him from his feet. Spike grinned at the victory, before snapping himself out of the trance-like state he had been in. He had been moments from unleashing Desolation in the middle of the duel, and relaxed his grip slightly.

“I win.”Revan smirked.

“I have you by the neck.” Spike pointed out, before watching as Revan glanced down.

As Spike followed his gaze, his eyes fell upon Revans Lightsaber, the hilt held against Spikes stomach, and his finger hovering over the activation stud.

“A draw then?” Spike asked lowering Revan back to the floor.

“A draw.” Revan nodded, before turning towards the door. “Come on. Alek and Meetra have told me of your plan to investigate Suurja. We leave immediately.”

“Am I riding with you again?” Spike asked, walking beside Revan.

“Unless you have acquired a ship in the past few hours, I see no reason why not.” Revan replied.


“So this is Suurja?” Alek asked, looking around at the planet as he stepped off of the ships boarding ramp.

“Looks like it.” Spike nodded, looking around at the motley fleet of ships that had landed around Revans ship.

“How many battles did you say had been fought over here?” Revan asked.

“Four, all draws.” Meetra said, walking towards the trio.

“Interesting. I wonder…” Revan began, before scrunching up his face and holding his head in his hands.

“Revan! What’s wrong?” Alek shouted, rushing to steady his friend.

“A vision.” Revan breathed, shaking his head and getting back to his feet properly.

“Of what?” Meetra asked.

“Something I must do…alone.” Revan said, before turning back to his ship.

“Whoa, hold on.” Spike said, moving in front of Revan. “We came here to investigate together, not for you to run off.”

“I have to do this.” Revan pointed out, trying to push past Spike.

“Not alone. If you’re going to run off somewhere, then we’ll come with you.” Alek insisted.

“No, I need you here. Someone must lead in my stead, and I can think of no one I’d rather trust than you Squint.” Revan chuckled.

“Then take Meetra, or Spike.” Alek insisted.

“If you’re going to investigate something, then you’ll need someone by your side.”Meetra agreed.

“I want the three of you here. I can move faster on my own.” Revan insisted.

“One of us is coming with you.” Spike shot back.

“Fine.” Revan relented. “Alek, take command here, Meetra, stay by his side. Spike, you can accompany me, try and keep up.”

“Oh I will, it remains to be seen if you can.” Spike smiled back, before following Revan back into his ship. “So, where are we headed to?”

“The place the last Mandalore met his end.” Revan replied, sitting down and grabbing hold of the control stick in front of him.

“Duxn?” Spike confirmed.

“The Demon Moon of Onderon.” Revan nodded, before raising the ship from the ground and leaving Suurja behind, Alek and Meetra watching as the ship disappeared into the upper atmosphere and being lost from sight.

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