• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 21,699 Views, 187 Comments

A Miscalculation Gone Cute. - Night--Mist

Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust spend as day with Spitfire and something happens they didn't plan for, but aren't too mad about.

  • ...

Spitfire, Captain and Mother.

Before starting this chapter I would like to state a few things: One, the changelings never attacked or ever will attack. Twilight is a princess so no need for the elements of harmony to transform her. No major threats will be happening in this story, so no need for the elements. Babs Seed may or may not be in this story, I haven't decided yet. I may choose to keep the foal scenes in the clouds, or I might extend to Ponyville, depending on how I wish to approach this. Now onto the story.

As Soarin kept an eye on Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust, Spitfire made her way down to Ponyville. Thankfully, she had grabbed the potion before leaving the Wonderbolts' headquarters. She was on her way to Princess Twilight's place to ask her a few questions. She knew if anypony knew a counter spell to reverse the effects of her potion, it'd be Twilight Sparkle. After all of her latest feats she and Dash made with their friends, Spitfire knew Twilight would have it in her to conjure a spell to fix it if any at all, since her talent was magic itself. If not, there was always Zecora who could see if a potion could be brewed to reverse the effects of her own mistake.

She had placed the potion into two separate viles before leaving her house. She soon came upon Twilight's home in Ponyville and politely knocked on the door. Twilight soon opened the door, and had look of surprise on her face. "Captain Spitfire, this is an unexpected surprise visit. Do come in," Twilight offered.

Spitfire bowed, thanking her for the invite into her home. "So how can I help you, Captain?" Twilight asked.

"Please...just Spitfire will be fine, princess. Now, the reason I am here is because I need help, your highness," Spitfire stated.

"What do you need help with? Are your members not training well?" Twilight asked.

"No, they are doing their best. I'm here because of Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash," Spitfire said.

"Oh, I hope they haven't been causing too much mischief," Twilight said.

"No, it's not that. You see, the thing is... they have turned into foals.", Spitfire said. "What?!", Twilight said in shock. "Wow, easy your highness," Spitfire said.

"Huh? They...but I don't under--how did this happen?!" Twilight managed to say in a bit of a panic mode.

"Well, I had been brewing a potion in Cloudsdale at our headquarters for a long time. Now up there we balance out our ingredients to make sure that we don't get results that weren't intended for the potion," Spitfire said.

"But, what does balancing them out have to do with this?" Twilight asked.

"Well somewhere along the way, I must have made a miscalculation. Right after the girls volunteered, I ended up seeing foal versions of our newest members," Spitfire said.

"What was the potion meant for?" Twilight asked.

"It was to help you stay feeling young as well as slow the aging process. I wasn't expecting to have their ages reverse. I can't imagine what could have happened if they aged back any further than foals," Spitfire said.

Twilight calmed down, and also seemed to have a sign of guilt on her face, as if she was hiding information about something. Spitfire then told her that she had a vial of the magic drink, immediately hoofing it to her.

Afterwards, Spitfire told Twilight what she was going to do to stay on top of things. "Alright, well, I'll take the viel you gave me, run some tests, see if I can get any results that show if there is a way to reverse it through magic. Also, I'm pretty sure you already thought about this, but go see Zecora. She mixes up brews that may be able to help," Twilight suggested.

"That was going to be my next stop, your highness. Thank you for your help," Spitfire stated.

"No trouble, Spitfire. I should have an answer in the next three hours or so," Twilight said.

"Wow, that's fast! But the faster I have an answer, the faster I can prepare. Thank you once again, your highness. I'll be back after my visit to Zecora's place," Spitfire informed her before bowing once more.

"I'll see you then, Spitfire," Twilight said.

With that, Spitfire took off to Zecora's place. It seemed she and Twilight had the same idea that if Twilight couldn't find a way to fix it, Zecora might, giving her all the more doubt that there was a way to fix it. She soon trotted out of Ponyville, and was nearly to Zecora's place as she carefully made her way through the Everfree forest, contemplating what might be, if there was no way to fix the girls' age. Soon, she came upon Zecora's place, knocking on the door. "Do wait one moment, please. This brew I just mixed is not a breeze," said the rhyming zebra.

Zecora finished her brew, and allowed her guest entrance, though surprised at who wished to speak wth her. "Oh, Spitfire, what a surprise! I suspect you need me to advise?" Zecora said.

"Hello Zecora. I'm sorry for the unexpected visit, but I need your help with something," Spitfire informed her.

"Something troubles you? Please do tell, and I shall do my best to make you well," Zecora replied.

"It's not me who needs help, but Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust," Spitfire admitted.

"Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust! Nothing deadly has happened, I trust?" Zecora rhymed in an urgent worried tone.

Spitfire explained the same thing she had to Twilight. Zecora was surprised, but took it well. "A potion that has made them young? Such a practice is rarely done," Zecora informed.

Spitfire hoofed her the potion she had made, and Zecora inspected it. After looking at it for a while to see any physical nature that could give her an answer, she sniffed for a brief moment from the top, then looked at Spitfire. "This brew you made is one of a kind, and a cure for it I can not mix, nor find. I ask that you please not go insane, but the potions effects shall...remain," Zecora answered with a sigh.

Spitfire was a bit displeased that Zecora was unable to stir up a brew to fix her mistake, and had a feeling that Twilight may give her the same results. Hopefully, Twilight would have a spell to counter her potion, but the possibility was...hard to tell now. "Thank you for your help, Zecora. I'm sorry to have wasted your time," Spitfire said.

"No, I'm sorry I cannot make the brew, and thus in turn, I have not helped you. I do have a potion to help with the feeding, for it is mother's milk the foals will be needing," Zecora informed her.

Spitfire was in a state of shock for a moment. She had almost forgotten that Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust were far too young to have solid food. She truly needed something to fall back on if they weren't able to hold down formula, but breastfeeding was something she was...not all that sure she could do.

But, that wasn't what shocked her. She was shocked by the fact Zecora seemed certain it was mother's milk the foals needed, and had a potion for her to produce it. "Zecora...are you sure? I mean, I can get formula that I could feed them," Spitfire said with a raised eyebrow.

"Forgive if this may sound a bit rude, but formula is not a good source of food. Drink this only once and soon you will see, the milk that is needed for foals there will be," Zecora stated as she gave Spitfire the potion.

The more Spitfire thought about it, the more she knew Zecora was right. "Thank you Zecora. I shall drink it, so the girls won't starve," Spitfire said.

She gave Zecora a hoof shake, and took off into town while she drank the potion, just in case she needed it. She decided to head back to Twilight's place since it was around that time that she would be done. She hoped Twilight might give her what she needed to change the girls back, but the more she thought about it, the more far-fetched it seemed. She once again made it to Twilight's place, and knocked politely once again. Twilight opened the door, saying, "Hello once again, Spitfire. Please come in."

Spitfire bowed once more, and entered the library. "Well...I have good news and bad news, Spitfire," Twilight said.

"Okay, what's the bad news, your highness?" Spitfire asked.

"I ran the tests, and with a potion like this, I am afraid there are no spells that can counteract those particular effects. Even the simple age-changing spell Trixie used with the amulet cannot reverse this. It's like your immune system blocking any illnesses. It made them immune from any spells I know to reverse it. They are...stuck to grow up again," Twilight said.

"I was afraid of that. But...we shouldn't worry about that. Now, what is the good news?" Spitfire inquired.

"The good news is it won't keep them babies forever. The only way they'd be able to stay that way is if you had them drink it again after they get older. Don't get any ideas though," Twilight warned in all seriousness since she'd not be pleased with R.D. forever in diapers.

"I wasn't planning on it...yet," Spitfire offered a smile, slightly fearful of the mare.

"Well, was Zecora helpful in any way?" Twilight asked, happy in the flick of a switch once more.

"I wasn't able to get a cure from her either. She was able to give me this potion to help me produce milk for the girls since she said formula isn't good for them," Spitfire said.

"Well that's very sweet of her. It looks like I may have to make a visit as well if she's saying formula is bad for foals," Twilight said.

"Wait, you are with foal?!" Spitfire was amazed.

"No. Hmhmhm. A certain somepony decided to take a drink of a few of the potions Zecora brought over one day that was for testing only, and I have now ended up with a baby foal," Twilight said.

"Who is it?" Spitfire asked.

"My number one assistant," Twilight facehooved.

"Spike the dragon?!" Spitfire gasped.

"Spike the baby foal now," Twilight corrected her.

"Wait, he's not a dragon anymore? Now, how did that happen?!" Spitfire asked.

"He got into a fridge he wasn't supposed to be in, and thought a transformation potion was soda-pop I was hiding from him. You know how rebellious he gets sometimes with his rants about not acting like a baby. So, that's what made him a pony now, and in a paniced state, he drank another one of the potions to counter it, resulting in his regressed state. He didn't regress very far since he was a baby dra--er...foal already," Twilight said.

She waited a bit for Spitfire to take it in then continued, "The potion was, ironically enough, an age regression potion meant to take off a few years, sort of like what your potion was intended for, but take years off, instead of keeping your current age. Thankfully, he didn't drink it all. With him, since he was a baby already, it had some other effects I didn't expect, including his mental state. Now, he views me as his mom, and babbles a bunch of baby gibberish. That's one other thing I have to mention. Rainbow and Lightning may start to lose their memories over time in order to let their new life come into effect, so keep an eye on that, so it doesn't shock you out-of-the-blue one day."

"Wow, that's....that's a lot to take in. Well, I best get everything ready for the girls then," Spitfire said.

"I hope they don't give you and Soarin too much trouble.", Twilight said.

"Oh, we have ways to keep them in-line if they start to misbehave," Spitfire assured with a wink.

Twilight giggled as she saw the captain out. Spitfire bowed, and made her way to the next destination. Thankfully, most of the foal supplies they needed were at the house already, due to their thoughts about raising a child, but she was not heading to there just yet. As she made her way through Ponyville, she saw Scootaloo just finishing school with Miss Cheerilee complimenting her on how well she was doing in class. She watched as Scootaloo went to play with her fellow CMC, as they called themselves. It looked like Scootaloo was a very well-behaved filly who had an easy time making friends as she and the other CMC went to play with some of the other children. She also observed a few not-very-noticable bruises on the filly, coming to an assumption that she wished wouldn't be the case.

She thought, 'If that is what they are doing to Scootaloo at the orphanage, I would be the worst pony ever to send Dashie and Dusty to that place. They and Scootaloo don't deserve that kind of treatment, nor do other foals, so I must do something about that. I also can see why Rainbow Dash talks about her so much. She seems so great to be around, and I bet she is a big tribute to Dashie's success in the past.'

Soon, the building she had been looking for came into view. It was Ponyville Orphanage. The one place she had been looking for to take care of a few things. She walks up to the doors, opening them. "Oh, Captain Spitfire! What a surprise. Is there something I can help you with?" an orphanage caretaker named Topaz asked, hoping that Spitfire was here to help them with money issues they had been having.

"Yes, I am actually here to make an adoption today," Spitfire said, seeing right through her act.

"Oh, you are wanting to start a family, I see," Topaz said, a little less enthusiastic at what Spitfire wanted to do.

"Yes, there are three certain ponies I have in mind," Spitfire told her.

"Already picked out your choices? I like that. Who are these three ponies?" Topaz asked after having sarcasm in her voice about how Spitfire was already choosing her adoptees.

"Well, two are old enough to be on their own, but I thought it might be a nice surprise for them. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust are two of the trio," Spitfire said, feeling a little peeved at Topaz's attitude she was trying to hide.

"Oh, well, let me just look through our files," was Topaz's slightly frustrated reply as she looked in her desk's folders.

"L...l...l...here we are, Lightning Dust. Now for Rainbow Dash. R...r...r...r...here it is. Kind of odd to adopt them at their age, but all in all, a nice surprise for them after the loss of their folks," Topaz said in monotone, hoofing Spitfire the adoption papers, rather roughly, in the end.

"There is one more filly I have my mind set to adopt, Topaz," Spitfire said.

"And, who would that be, Captain?" Topaz asked with a bit of impatience.

"She's a pegasus filly with orange fur and a purple mane. She goes by the name of Scootaloo," Spitfire said.

Topaz seemed to be taken off guard by Spitfire saying the filly's name, which made Spitfire all the more curious. "I-I'm sorry, ma'am. But, she is not up for adoption," Topaz said quickly.

"Oh, since when is it the orphanage's decision on who can be adopted?" Spitfire asked bluntly, not accepting that response.

"Y-you don't understand, she misbehaves too much," Topaz says, trying to save her skin from suspicion, but Spitfire was on her all the more.

"Really? Because from what I have seen, she's one of Ms. Cheerilee's best students, well-behaved, and is a playful filly. Forgive me for being harsh, but I'm not one to be easily fooled, Miss Topaz. Now, I wish to adopt Scootaloo. If you have a problem with that, I'll take it up with the mayor, and have surveillance done on this place because also, from what I've seen, Scootaloo seems to have been given some mistreatment she didn't deserve. Now if you wish for this place to remain open, I suggest you wise up swiftly. Again, I ask that you give me the adoption papers, so we can get this over within a timely matter," Spitfire spat at Topaz.

Topaz cowered back a little, saying, "D-did I say she was not up for adoption? I meant to say let me just find her file, and then get the adoption papers ready."

"Thank you very much," Spitfire said with mock sweetness.

Neither pony had noticed a certain filly enter the building behind Spitfire, and had also watched the entire thing happen. Spitfire finished up most the paperwork necessary to keep the three home, after reading over the files of the fillies, and gave the proper payment to make the adoptions complete for now until she had to sign the rest tomorrow. She turned around to see Scootaloo staring at her with a look of surprise and disbelief on her face. "Scootaloo, how long have you been standing there?" Spitfire asked.

Scootaloo broke out of her shocked state, asking in awe, "Are you really a-adopting me, Captain Spitfire?"

"Yes, but there's no need for you to call me captain anymore. I'm your mother now," Spitfire answered happily.

Scootaloo then began to fall from fainting at the initial shock, but Spitfire was quick to catch her before she landed on the dirty floor. "Woooow, easy there. Look's like I'll have to carry you home," Spitfire said as she placed a dazed and unconscious Scootaloo on her back, and headed out the door.

As Spitfire trotted through town to get the few supplies she needed, a thought reminded herself in the back of her head, 'You know, I actually better have surveillance done on that place, anyways. I feel the other kids who stay there may be treated more badly than ponies are led to believe. At least, I have made one filly's life better. But, I have to do more. That will wait for another day though. Right now, I need to get the supplies for the girls and get Scootaloo home.'

Spitfire made her way through the Ponyville stores for the things she needed, and many ponies cooed at the way Scootaloo was passed out on her back. Spitfire only smiled as she watched Scootaloo sleep. Once all her shopping was done, she flew off towards home to let her three new daughters see each other. She knew that Scootaloo would be completely in a state of shock when she would view her new home and new 'little sisters'. Spitfire landed on the cloud yard of her home, and, almost on cue, Scootaloo began to wake up. "Oh, what a dream. I thought I was-" Scootaloo was cut short as she saw where she was.

On a cloud, riding on Spitfire's back!

Surprised by this, Scootaloo fell off quick onto the compacted cloud. "Oof," she said as she impacted softly. "I-I'm not dreaming? You really did adopt me?!" Scootaloo asked.

Spitfire chuckled, setting down the supplies she carried before saying, "Yes, Scootaloo. I adopted you. You don't have to go back to the orphanage ever again. And, there is another surprise I have waiting inside."

Scootaloo jumped up, and hugged her with joy. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you," Scootaloo said, totally excited.

Spitfire responded while returning the embrace, "You're welcome, honey. Now, how about we get inside, so you don't catch a cold, hm?"

Scootaloo nodded, releasing her hold on Spitfire. Then, the filly grabbed some of the supplies to help Spitfire, showing her appreciation. In less than a minute, they were inside the house. "Soarin, we're home!" Spitfire called out.

Scootaloo wasn't surprised about this. She knew Soarin and Spitfire were married, and that was part of the reason she had fainted earlier. It was so awesome she had two parents now! "Alright! I'll be out in a moment," Soarin shouted much louder to be heard through the closed door.

They heard him talking, and Scootaloo had no idea Rainbow Dash was on the other side, along with Lightning Dust. Soon, Soarin came outside, saying, "Hey! There's my new daughter! Come over, and give your daddy a great big hug!!!"

Scootaloo looked at Sptifire, and Spitfire motioned for her to go ahead. Scootaloo placed down the supplies in her mouth, and ran over to Soarin's open hooves. "So, are ya ready for your next surprise?!" Soarin asked after they eased on the hugging.

Scootaloo nodded eagerly, but Spitfire intervened, "Not until I get this stuff put away."

"Awww! But, mommy, she can hardly wait," Soarin joked, making Scootaloo laugh at Soarin's childish whine.

"Well, she and daddy are going to have to wait until I get these things put away," she said sternly at Soarin as she walked up stairs.

They waited for about ten minutes, then heard Spitfire walk back down the stairs. "Alright, is our little Scootaloo ready for her surprise?" Spitfire asked in a calmer and far more motherly voice.

""No, I decided surprises suddenly aren't cool," Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes with a huge grin on her face to tell them she wasn't serious.

Spitfire and Soarin laugh at their new daughter's sense of humor. Spitfire, grinning, put her hoof on the door, watching closely as the filly's eagerness intensified with every second. Finally, Spitfire opens the door to the nursery. Scootaloo is taken completely off guard by what she saw. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust look up from their current game to see Scootaloo in the doorway. They are surprised themselves at the sight of Scootaloo. Scootaloo feels the excitement rise in her as she sees Dash and Lightning. "R-Rainbow Dash, is...is that really you?" Scootaloo asked.

Dash smirked, and looked between Lightning Dust and herself before saying, "Weww, who ewse would I be?!"

Scootaloo's heart leaps for the stars, and she struggles to get the next few words out, "Well...it's just...I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Scootaloo said excitedly as she rushed over to nuzzle Rainbow on the cheek affectionately, "You're so adorable!"

Instead of being uncomfortable with this, Rainbow nuzzled back, saying foalishly, "Tanks. Oh, Scootsy! Meet my fwiend, Wightning Dust."

"Sister, actually," Spitfire stated, giving a small smile.

All three ponies in the nursery are completely stunned by her last sentence. "What?!" all three ponies asked in unison with a mix of shock and excitement.

"Yep, as of today, all three of you are our daughters, and are going to live with us, isn't that cool?!" Soarin asked, jumping up and down gleefully like his inner colt couldn't contain himself...as if he ever could.

The fillies were silent for a moment before bursting out in joy they also couldn't withhold. "Now, look what you did, Soarin. They'll never get to sleep after they have dinner," Spitfire said with a sigh.

"Speaking of food, did you get the formula for Rainbow and Lightning?" Soarin questioned.

"No, I spoke to Zecora, and she told me that formula isn't healthy for them," Spitfire shrugged at the end.

"Well, what will they have, then? They're too young for foal food," Soarin pointed out.

"Well...", was all Spitfire said before gesturing towards her flank.

Soarin then got the message that they needed mother's milk, "Oohhh, gotcha ya. I'll get me and Scoots out of the room, so you can...have some privacy."

He asked urgently to his new filly, "Hey Scootaloo, how about you help me with supper? Mommy needs to feed your sisters."

"Oh, okay," Scootaloo said, hunger getting to her.

She and Soarin walked out to prepare dinner. Closing the door behind them, Spitfire picked up the foals, and brought them to the couch against the room's eastern wall. Thankfully, she had drank the potion Zecora gave her before hoof on her way to Ponyville, so its effects should be ready by now. "Okay girls! Time to eat," She said to Rainbow and Lightning.

"What we eat, mama?" Rainbow asked, not exactly fond of eating anything regular foals ate. Spitfire lifted her leg, and exposed her breasts.

Rainbow and Lightning jumped a bit in shock as the realization set in that she was going to have to nurse them. Spitfire blushed slightly, not exactly used to doing this...though neither were Dash and Lightning. The trio sat in an awkward silence until Lightning spoke up hesitantly, "...Mama, why we not eat...uh, weal food?"

Spitfire sighed. She knew that both foals felt uncomfortable about this, and sympathized with them, but understood this was the only way. Spitfire said in a persuasive manner, "Well...because both of you are too young, and would get sick eating it. How would you even eat solid foods? You don't even have teeth anymore."

Dash and Lightning gave each other a pained glance, acknowledging their mother was right. Dash tried one last question, "Mama...you suwe thewe's no oder way?"

Spitfire shook her head, "I'm afraid not, my little Dashie. I promise that nopony will see you or Lightning. Okay?"

Knowing there wasn't much to argue about...along with their bellies rumbling like crazy, Rainbow and Lightning soon came to a decision...and nodded. Spitfire smiled, and kissed both foals on the forehead affectionately before setting them back down on the sofa. After a few long, agonizing minutes, Dash and Lightning crawled over to Spitfire's breasts cautiously, then stared up at her with nervous eyes.

Spitfire smiled warmly at the foals, and kept her promise as she placed a wing over the two as they began to nurse. The fillies had to admit their new mother's milk tasted very sweet, so delicious they didn't stop until full. When Lightning and Dash ceased breastfeeding, Spitfire removed her wing. She then burped each of them. Five minutes later, Spitfire gave them a run-down on what was going to happen now that there was no cure. The girls didn't take it well, at first. To ease their stress, Spitfire gave them a guaranteed access back into the Wonderbolts once they were old enough again. Rainbow Dash was a little high-strung when she claimed she would get into the academy at a way younger age. Lightning said how she would do the same, so her new sister wouldn't take all the spotlight.

Spitfire merely chuckled at their unchanged competitive natures. Before things went out-of-hoof, she reminded them it would be a long way off, which displeased the two. Soon, their high energy was overtaken by sleepiness. The little foals hadn't realized that the milk was actually making them feel a lot more drowsy now, and before they knew it...were passed out in front of Spitfire. Cooing at the precious sight, she gently placed both cutely snoring foals onto her back.

Exiting the nursery, she walked upstairs to her room, where the brand-new crib was. Soarin had set up the crib whilst Spitfire was away, though she already knew he would. She softly placed the two foals in the small soft mattress of the crib, then proceeded to cover them up with a warm blanket. Both loved the feeling, and snuggled closer together for body heat. Spitfire smiled lovingly at her new daughters, and leaned down, kissing each on the forehead. "Goodnight, my little ones," Spitfire whispered before quietly leaving, giving the foals some time to sleep.

Then, she came back downstairs to check on the rest of her family in the kitchen, and saw Scootaloo and Soarin already eating spaghetti with apple fritters on the side. "So, how is your dinner Scootaloo?" Spitfire asked.

"Way better then the orphanage's food, Spit--sorry, mom," Scootaloo said, gigglng with tomato sauce on her face.

"Don't apologize, Scootaloo. I know it will take awhile to call us mom and dad, but you'll get used to it," Spitfire said, wiping off her eldest filly's face.

They had a lot of small talk with Scootaloo, and she gave them her point-of-view on how the ponies that run the orphanage were mistreating all the foals, making Spitfire all the more enraged about the place on the inside. Scootaloo was still in a bit of disbelief, telling them about how she felt she couldn't look up to Rainbow as a sister anymore. She also believed this is just some joke they were playing, and that they were going to send her back eventually, if not tomorrow. Spitfire convinced her otherwise about how she would always have an idol or two to look up to, which was her new parents.

She then informed her about how she could be Rainbow's idol now. Spitfire said sweetly, "Scoots, we would never, ever send you back to that orphanage. You are our daughter, and that's that. You have to be the nicest and funniest filly I've ever met!"

Scootaloo finally believed them, truly happy to have a family that she never had before. As dinner was just about done, Scootaloo was starting to show signs of joining her little sisters in dreamland. "Looks like another little filly is ready for bed. Soarin, is the bed for her set up in the room next to ours?" Spitfire asked as she cleaned Scooaloo's face up once more.

"Yes, all set to go," Soarin happily responded.

"Okay. Now Scootaloo, you need to stay up a bit longer honey. We need to brush your teeth before you go to bed," Spitfire said with a motherly tone.

"O-okay," Scootaloo proceeded to yawn, fighting to stay awake.

Scootaloo was able stay awake long enough for brushing her teeth, but as soon as it was done, was out-cold. Spitfire carried her to bed, and tucked her in. Just like Rainbow and Lightning, she kissed Scootaloo on the forehead. "Sleep well, my little filly," she said before shutting off the light, then headed to her own room.

Once in bed with Soarin, she explained of the current situation, seriously glad she took precautions. Soarin spoke of how he was sad his two youngest daughters would not become his two oldest daughters. He then noticed the crib was sitting very close to the bed. "Sweetheart, is there a reason you had the crib set up in our room?" Soarin whispered with suspicion.

"Well, this may sound overprotective, but I just don't want to let the babies out of my sight right now. Just as deeply, I want Scootaloo in here, but...I don't know if she could handle being woke up in the middle of the night with foals crying. That's why I wanted her in the room connected to our own," Spitfire whispered back...somehow less loudly.

"You really got attached to all of them fast," Soarin said quietly.

"Well, who couldn't?" Spitfire asked.

"Touche'," Soarin admitted.

They both giggled softly, and joined their new daughters in slumber, now a happy family.

Author's Note:

End of chapter three. Wow that was a long one. Hope you all liked it. So, Rainbow, Lightning and Scootaloo are all sisters by adoption, and it looks like Scoots is the big sister now. And Spike is a pony. How will everything play out, now that he thinks Twilight's his mama? What will Rarity think now? No major events are going to happen that will put the ponies in jeopardy due to what has happened, so rest easy. I will update as soon as I can. As always stay tuned, give me some positive feed back and constructive criticism. You all rock. I also want to give a special thank you to SuperPinkbrony and Super-Stallion for helping me on ideas for the story.