• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 21,699 Views, 187 Comments

A Miscalculation Gone Cute. - Night--Mist

Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust spend as day with Spitfire and something happens they didn't plan for, but aren't too mad about.

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The Calm Before The Storm

After Rainbow's and Lightning's family finished their meal, they wiped themselves off. "*Burp* woops, excuse me," Soarin said. Spitfire then gave a big belch herself to make the family giggle.

"*Buuuuurrrrrp.*" Scootaloo covered her mouth in shock then looked at her parents who stared back. A few moments later, the whole family fell on the bed laughing. "I do believe we have a winner," Spitfire said.

"Yay Scootsy," Rainbow Dash cheered, raising her forehooves in the air.

"So, what do you all want to do today after a nice bath?" Spitfire asked. Before she could get an answer, there was a knock at the door causing all the family to turn towards the source.

"Hold that thought," Soarin said as he headed out to the door to see who was there.

"Well, how about you three?" Spitfire asked looking down at her little daughters

"Can we go see movwie," Lightning asked.

"Well, I can't let you go outside a lot yet. At your age it's too risky. Only reason I did yesterday was because I needed to get you home," Spitfire said.

"Well, can we watch movies here?" Scootaloo suggested.

"That's a good idea, but I'll have to tell Soarin to get some kids movies for you. A lot of the movies we have are not for little ones like you. I know you may still have your adult minds Dashie and Dusty, but a lot of foalish habbits are starting to take their effect on you. I think you may have nightmares if you watch them, even if you think they won't give you nightmares, so you need to trust me, okay?" Spitfire asked.

"Otay mommy," Dash said.

"Yeah, I want kid movie! not gwon up movie," Dust replied.

Spitfire was now starting to see more of their foal side was starting to take effect and wondered if eventually, they might not remember anything from before they had regressed. She had been thinking the night before that Twilight and her were a little quick to assume there was no cure. She was going to speak to Twilight about looking in the Canterlot library for a possible cure, if Twilight had not thought about doing it herself yet.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Soarin came flying back in. "Spitfire, I am sorry I have to cut our family time short, but, a storm is coming towards Ponyville and Clouds dale. Weather Ponies tried to veer it off course, but it was too heavy, now they have asked for Wonderbolt assistance to help get all the ponies in Ponyville indoors before it hits. I told them that you have little ones we're looking after, but I said I would offer some help. I would feel shameful if I didn't do this. I'll be back as soon as I can," Soarin said.

Spitfire and the kids hugged him and Scootaloo said, "Be careful daddy."

"Hey, I've flown through hurricanes tougher than this storm. I'll be okay sweetie," Soarin said.

"Be safe honey," Spitfire said.

"I will, anything we need once I am on my way home?" Soarin asked.

"Some kids movies if you could, and also, we need some night protection for Scootsy," Spitfire said.

"Okay, no problem. I'll see you girls later," Soarin said as he kissed his family on the cheeks.

Once he took off, Spitfire decided to give the girls a bath, and they had a splash war until they were taken out to get dried off. Spitfire looked at her daughters and found it cute when their fur went all poofy for a moment. "Well, looks like it's just us, so what do you girls want to do?" Spitfire asked.

"Wet's pway a game," Dash suggested.

"Okay, what do you wanna play?" Spitfire said.

Rainbow and Lightning looked at each other and smiled before they said in unison, "Dawing Do Quest!"

"Oh, I love that game," Scootaloo said.

"How do we play it?" Spitfire asked.

"Well, first one of us has to pick an object and pretend it's a priceless treasure, then one of us hides it while the rest wait. Once it's hidden, the ones who don't know where it is, have to go look for it while the other just follows to watch if they can find it. I always played it with my friends, and they love that game," Scootaloo said.

"Well then Daring Do Quest it is then," Spitfire said.

"Okay, well, let's pick what we'll use for treasure," Scootaloo said.

"Oh, oh, how abouts my paci?" Rainbow suggested.

"Hey, what abouts mine?" Lightning complained.

"How about both your pacifiers?" Spitfire compromised.

"Yeah, bowth ouw paci's," Rainbow said.

"Yay," Lightning said.

Scootaloo couldn't help but giggle at her little sisters excitement. Spitfire soon took the binkies and said, "Okay, I'll hide them first and you three can find them. Now I am only gonna allow it to be in Scootaloo's room, so close your eyes."

The three did as she said and Rainbow and Lightning giggled as they let their foalish ideas take hold. Scootaloo only smiled, now more used to the idea of being the big sister. After a while, Spitfire said, "Okay, you can open them now."

They removed their hooves and crawled to the edge of the bed. "Wow, slow down girls, don't get too eager. I don't want any of my little angels getting hurt," Spitfire said as she nuzzled them. Scootaloo got off and put her sisters on her back, carrying them into her room. Once there, she set them down and the three of them looked around.

Lightning Dust was the first to find the pacifiers and they continued to play this game for a while until Rainbow and Lightning showed signs of being tired. "Okay my little ones, it's nap time for you," Spitfire said.

"But Mama, I not ti..." Dash's sentence was cut short as she passed out in front of Spitfire.

Lightning followed soon after and Spitfire smiled as she picked up her daughters. "Sweet dreams baby girls," She said as she placed them gently on her back.

Lightning began sucking on her hoof, while Rainbow found her pacifier and began sucking on it. Spitfire carried them to the crib and laid them down gently inside it. As Lightning made sucking motions, Spitfire searched for her pacifier and then placed it in Lightning's mouth after cleaning it off.

She then motioned Scootaloo to follow her after she turned on the baby monitor. Scootaloo followed quietly and cooed at how cute her sisters looked as they slept. Once they were downstairs, Soarin came inside, carrying all the supplies and movies Spitfire asked him to get. "Brbrbrbrrbr, whoo, that storm came faster than predicted," Soarin said, not realizing Dash and Dust were asleep.

"Shhh, Soarin, not so loud, you're gonna wake the babies," Spitfire said.

"Oh, sorry," he whispered, blushing madly.

"Well, while they sleep, let's put a movie in that Scootsy would like to watch," Spitfire said.

"Okay, well, I got: Robin Hood, The Dragon of Notre Mare, The Great Mare Detective, Marelan 1 and 2, and The Princess and the Pauper," Soarin said

"I think I want to see Robin Hood," Scootaloo said.

"Good choice," Spitfire said.

Soarin popped in the movie and they watched as infamous Robin Hood robbed a noble prince of his riches, and laughed at all the comedy in the movie. Halfway through the movie, Scootaloo slowly drifted to sleep for a nap she needed and dropped onto her mom's belly. "Oh, looks like we got ourselves a tired little filly," Spitfire said quietly.

"I can take care of her," Soarin replied in a whisper.

"No, no I got it honey. You had a busy and hard day getting all those ponies to safety. Let me take our eldest little angel up to her bed," Spitfire said.

"Okay, I'll pop in the adult rated story of Robin Hood for us. I know you've been dying to see that one," Soarin said.

"Well, don't watch the beginning without me," Spitfire said.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Saorin said.

Soon Spitfire carried her sleepy little filly up to her room. Once there, Spitfire carefully slipped the night protection onto Scootaloo's flank, softly enough not to wake her. When she was satisfied it was on, she laid Scootaloo onto her bed and pulled the covers gently over her daughter. "Sweet dreams my little darling, I love you and your little sisters so much," Spitfire said as she leaned down and gently kissed Scootaloo on the cheek and nuzzled her before heading out the door and closing it quietly. She then headed downstairs to watch the movie with Soarin while their daughters rested.

Author's Note:

End of Chapter six. Hope you enjoy.
(1) These are Disney movie classics that are pony style in case anyone was confused. I do not own the movies or characters.
(2) This is the Robin Hood movie starring Russell Crowe, pony style as well. Once again I do not own the movies or characters.
As I told you in Pinkie Pie Cake, I am planning to make this part of a series, so the ending to this story will probably be in a chapter or two so I can focus on the other stories that lead to the sequel of all of them. Please give me positive comments and constructive criticism. I'll update when I can. As always, stay tuned.