• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 1,840 Views, 10 Comments

Chasing the Rainbow - nutcase4real

Pinkie Pie has something important to ask Rainbow Dash, but she has to catch her first. Can she keep up with the fastest flier in Equestria?

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Chasing the Rainbow

Chasing The Rainbow

Rainbow Dash was napping on a cloud over lunch one day, when she heard it.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash? Where are you?"

There was no mistaking who's voice that was. She looked around desperately searching for a place to hide, but te only place was the cloud itself, so she dug in. She tried desperately to hide herself within the cloud but her rear end was still uncovered. Pinkie Pie looked up and saw Rainbow Dash's hind quarters. She had always liked Rainbow Dash, and she would sneek a peek at her back side when ever she could.

Pinkie couldn't help but stare at Dash's plot. The plushness of her tail, and the way it fluttered in the breeze. The plumpness of her hind quarters, and the way it jiggled slightly as she swayed back and forth from the breeze. The toneness of her legs, showing off her attention to her body's fitness.

Pinkie's cheek started glowing bright red from these thoughts she was having of her friend.

'I've always liked Dash, but do I like like her? I don't know, but I need to talk to her.', Pinkie thought to herself.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, I need your help with something!", Pinkie shouted up to her friend.

"Ahh!", Rainbow Dash shouted as she took to the air to flee from Pinkie Pie.

She flew away from Ponyville in no direction in particular, until she came upon a small meadow a few miles away. She landed in the middle of the meadow and took a deep breathe.

'Whew, got away!', she thought to herself as she turned around.

When she did she came eye to eye with Pinkie Pie.

"Rainbow Dash I...,"

Rainbow took to the air again and thought to herself as she sped back to Ponyville, 'How did she do that?'

She landed on top of somepony's house on the outskirts of town. She turned around to see Pinkie once more.

"need your help...,"

Rainbow screamed and flew off at full speed towards Sweet Apple Acres, 'Seriously this is creepy. How is she keeping up with me?', she was thinking to herself.

She landed in a random apple tree.

'Why does this branch feel weird?', Rainbow thought to herself as she looked down and saw that she was sitting on Pinkie.

"with something important."

"Ahhh!", Rainbow screamed as she fell out of the tree and landed on her back with a thud.

"Are you okay Dashie?", Pinkie asked her friend with genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine.", Rainbow said as she started knocking the dirt out of her mane.

Pinkie jumped down out of the tree and began helping Rainbow remove the dirt from her mane and tail.

"So Pinkie, how are you able to do that?", Rainbow asked.

"Do what?", Pinkie asked in her normal overly enthusiastic voice.

"How are you able to keep up with me? I mean I'm the fastest flier in all of Equestria!", Rainbow stated matter of factly.

"Yeah! You're the fastest flier, but I'm the fastest runner. Why do you think I never run with the leaves in the fall?", Pinkie said while bouncing up and down.

"Oh. So what do you need help with?"

"I need your help planning a date I have tomorrow!", Pinkie said excitedly.

"Uh, Pinkie? Don't you think that somepony like Rarity would be better at this? You know I don't like mushy stuff.", Rainbow explained.

"No! You'd be perfect for the job! The pony that going on this date with me is almost exactly like you!"

"Oh, well, I don't know Pinkie..."

"Oh but you just have to help me. If you don't the other pony won't like me,"

"Okay, Pinkie I'll help you."

"and if the other pony doesn't like me I'll never get married,"

"Pinkie! I'll help you!"

"and if I never get married I'll be sad and lonely,"

"Pinkie Pie, I said yes already!"

"and if I'm sad and..."

Dash stuffed her hoof into Pinkie's mouth and shouted, "PINKIE! I'LL HELP YOU!"

Pinkie spit Dash's hoof out of her mouth and said, "Well you didn't have to yell."

The two friend's began walking back to Sugarcube Corner together.

"So Pinkie, who is the lucky stallion?", Rainbow Dash asked while gently nudging the pink mare's shoulder.

"Well, you see Dashie... my date... isn't with a he...", Pinkie said as her cheeks flared up again.

"Oh...", Rainbow Dash said. Not wanting her friend to feel to bad she reworded her question, "So... who's the lucky... mare?", she asked with a forced smile.

"I... I can't tell you.", Pinkie said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Rainbow Dash picked up on this, "What's wrong Pinkie?", she asked her friend.

"I haven't asked her yet.", Pinkie said in a low tone. She stopped walking and moved off to the side of the road and sat down in the shade of the trees of the forest.

Dash walked over to her side and placed her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder before sitting down.

"Why haven't you asked her? I thought you weren't afraid of anything?", Rainbow asked her friend half seriously, half jokingly.

"I'm not afraid," Pinkie giggled, "I just don't know if she feels the same way."

"Well the only way you're going to find out is by..."

Pinkie Pie cut her friend off as she jumped into the air and excitedly shouted, "Spying on her!"

Rainbow Dash wrapped her friend into a hug to hold her still while she finished what she had to say, "No Pinkie. You have to ask her, spying on her would only make her uncomfortable."

Pinkie Pie barely heard what her friend had said. She was to busy trying to controll her heart for she knew it was beating hard enough to explode. She felt the warmth that radiated off of Rainbow Dash and began to melt in her fore hooves. She wanted to tell her everything right then and there but she just couldn't. So she put on a small smile and regretably she broke the hug with Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks Dashie.", she said quietly.

Rainbow Dash looked into Pinkie's eyes and said, "Well... uh... I guess we better head back to Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash was feeling really uncomfortable at this point.

'Why me? Of all ponies she had to ask me to help her.' Rainbow thought as she and Pinkie stood up.

'Doesn't she know how hard it is for me to be around her, especially when we're alone?'

The two mares began walking back towards town together, but both were distracted by their thoughts.

'Doesn't she know that I'm in love with her? I'm sure that I've made it obvious plenty of times before.', the two thought simataniously as they shared a brief glance at one another.

The awardness only seemed to rise as they approached Ponyville. It seemed all eyes were on them as they walked through town. Both of the friends were sporting blushes from all of the unexpected attention. The two mares walked into Sugarcube Corner and stood in the eating area of the bakery.

"So... uh... yeah. Do you wanna... go up to my room?", Pinkie said in an unsure tone while she rocked back and forth slightly on her hooves, but she quickly thought of a good reason, "It would be quieter, and we could think."

"Uh... yeah. Lets do it.", Rainbow Dash said.

The two friends began walking up the stairs. Rainbow Dash stared at Pinkies plot, which was right in front of her. She loved the way it swayed back and forth with each step Pinkie took. She loved the way her tail was wild and unkept.

Pinkie glanced back at Rainbow and noticed that she was staring at her flank. Rainbow took notice a little to late, and looked away with a blush on her face. Pinkie looked forward once more sporting a fresh blush of her own.

After the two reached the top of the stairs Rainbow Dash tried to explain why she was staring, "Pinkie I... I was...,"

Rainbow was cut short by Pinkie's hoof being placed on Rainbow's mouth.

Pinkie removed her hoof and said quietly, "It's okay, I feel the same way."

Pinkie reached out and drew Rainbow Dash into hug. She began kissing Rainbow's cheeks and slowly made her way to what she really wanted. As she went to plant a kiss on Rainbow's lips Rainbow Dash turned away.

"Wh... what about your date tomorrow?", Rainbow Dash asked a little broken hearted.

"Oh, that reminds me. Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow? I don't have anything planned yet but I bet we can think of something together!", Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash smiled cockily and asked, "You had this planned all along didn't you?"

"No, not really. I was going to try to ask you after we planned my date, but things kinda..."

Pinkie was cut short by Rainbow Dash placing a firm kiss on her lips.

Pinkie broke the kiss and asked, "So I can take that as a..."

Rainbow once again broke her off with a kiss. The two of them stood there in the hallway in each other's loving embrace.

As the kiss finally subsided (because the two of them needed air), Rainbow Dash looked Pinkie in the eyes and said, "Yes."

The two mares basically danced into Pinkie's room and began planning their date together.

Comments ( 9 )

I saw the title and was like SKITTLES!

But no, you did something different. I applaud you fro that.

And, I just hate to do this, but this one line made it confusing

",and if the other pony doesn't like me I'll get married,"

Do you mean this?:
"and if the other pony doesn't like me I'll NEVER get married,"

And yes, I erased the comma, you had it 2x.

Don't mean to burden, but just wanted to help!


Thx, I hope you enjoyed the fic.

a very cute fic! That's for sure. Although, there were a few words misspelled and thing got repeated a little too much... but other than that, this was really good! I enjoyed it!:rainbowdetermined2::rainbowkiss:

(P.S.: :pinkiehappy::heart::rainbowkiss:)


Rd is such a player, oh well

Yes! A short and sweet PinkieDash story :) Nicely done!

Nice liked this one props to you

Love Is In The Air Except Its Not Valentines But Still Pinkie Dash (Or Rainbow Pie) Was One Of The First Ships That I Found In Mlp!

'Doesn't she know that I'm in love with her? I'm sure that I've made it obvious plenty of times before.', the two thought simataniously as they shared a brief glance at one another.

They’re more oblivious then twilight!

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