• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,934 Views, 115 Comments

Turnabout Reunion - unleashedtwilight

It's been about eight years since Phoenix proved Rainbow Dash's innocence. And a lot has happened during that time. Not just for Phoenix, but for the Ponies as well.

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Part 1 The Departure

Wright Anything Agency

June 9th, 1:04PM

“Where can Trucy and Apollo be…?” I asked pacing around the room.

“I have no idea…” Athena sighed as she was watching television. “I’m so bored, and there’s nothing good on right now…” she whined.

“What are you watching anyways?”

“The news…” Athena groaned. “There’s never any good news anymore is there?”

“If there was good news, it would be surprising. But the only good news that mostly comes up nowadays are sports scores and holidays… and that’s about it.” I said sitting next to Athena. “What’s on the news today anyways.”

“Apparently some girl is accused of murdering some other guy…” Athena tilted her head looking at the TV. “I’ll tell you what though, she looks really strange…”

“How do you figure?”

“Well for one thing, she has like… red and yellow hair, and her skin is… light orange…”

“That is strange…” I admitted looking at the girl as well. “Did they say her name?”

“I think it was… Sunset… Shimmer…?”

“Wow… strange girl with a strange name to boot.” I sighed. “What about the victim?”

“He has a weird name too…” Athena said. “His name was Flash Sentry…”

I swear, I didn’t kill him…!” Sunset Shimmer pleaded. “Why in the world would I ever kill my friend!?”

We have clear evidence that points to your guilt! And you have a clear motive!” Another person said… It looked like detective Fulbright. “Isn’t it true that you were together at one point, and he left you?

Yes that’s true, but that was years ago! Why in the world would I hold a grudge for so long!?” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed.

It’s obvious!” Fulbright exclaimed. “You were clearly waiting for the right moment to strike; when he least expected it!

No! Please!” She pleaded close to tears.

We even have proof that you killed him!” Fulbright exclaimed revealing a bloody pocket knife. This was found pierced through the chest of the victim, Flash Sentry. An analysis shows that it was your fingerprints on the murder weapon!

There must be some kind of mistake! I’ve used that knife before, but I lost it a month ago! Isn’t there any way i can prove it!?” She asked.

Well, you’ll have to hire a defense attorney I suppose…” Fulbright suggested. “And if you truly are innocent, I believe I know the perfect defense attorney to help your case.”


“Why, Phoenix Wright of course!” Fulbright exclaimed. “If you truly are innocent, then he will be the man to prove it!”

T…Thank you…” Sunset Shimmer said sighing.

“Well, looks like we have an investigation on our hands, don’t we boss?” Athena said looking at me with a confident smile.

“I guess so…” I got up from the couch. “I guess we should go see this Sunset Shimmer in the detention center.”

“Good idea.”


Detention Center

June 9th, 1:34PM

“You’ve been here a lot haven’t you?” Athena asked.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that… I was even sent here myself once for a crime that I was accused of.” I sighed. “And the one girl I thought would save me… the girl I thought who loved me… was only using me…”

“Mr. Wright…” Athena said looking as if she felt really bad for me. “I had no idea…”

“It’s fine… I just don’t like talking about it…”

“I understand…”

After a few minutes of waiting, Sunset Shimmer came into the room. “Uh… hi there.” I said starting the conversation. She just looked at me with complete sadness and a loss of hope. “Uh… so you’re Sunset Shimmer?” she nodded at me. “Could you tell me what happened…?”

“I…” She started. “I honestly don’t know… I was walking home from college, and as I’m walking… I was unlucky enough to run into Flash Sentry’s body down the street from the police station…” she said as tears were starting to form.

“Seeing him in that state must’ve been really hard…” Athena said.

“I guess this is just another punishment for what I did in the past…” Sunset Shimmer said hanging her head.

“What you did in the past?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

“D...don’t worry… it’s nothing…”

“Phoenix…” Athena interrupted. “I’m sensing some discord in her tone of voice…”

“Huh?...” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Sunset Shimmer, if what happened in the past is really important, then you have to tell us right now.” Athena said. “It may help us clear your name.”

Sunset Shimmer sighed. “It’s true what that detective said… Flash Sentry did break up with me…”

“W...What!?” I exclaimed.

“Please listen!!” Sunset Shimmer pleaded. “It was because of the way I acted before… before…”

“Before what?” I asked.

“...Before a friend helped me…” She finally answered. “She helped me realize what friendship really means…” Sunset Shimmer admitted. “Before I actually met her, I used to always tear other friendships apart… just for my amusement.”

“Wait, WHAT!?” Athena exclaimed. “That’s horrible!! You do realize this isn’t helping your case right??”

Weren’t you the one who said it would help her case!?

“I told you, it was before a friend helped me!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed. “A true friend…” she said taking out a picture, sliding it under the glass for me to see.”

“Hey… she looks… awfully familiar.” I said studying the picture.

Picture of familiar girl added to evidence

“I just don’t know what to do…” Sunset Shimmer broke into tears again. “I have no one to turn to… I feel alone…”

I can’t help but feel sorry for her… because I know how it feels to have no one to turn to… to feel alone… And I won’t rest until I help her! “Alright, I’ve made my decision.” Sunset Shimmer looked up at me. “I’m going to defend you in court tomorrow.”

All of a sudden, a look of hope shone from her eyes. “Y-you will!?” I nodded. “Oh, thank you so much Mr. Wright! You have no idea how much this means to me!”

“Don’t worry, if you’re truly innocent, then we’ll find the evidence to prove it.”

“Thank you…” Sunset Shimmer repeated with a warm smile.

“So, I’m guessing we head to where the body was found?” Athena asked.

“Yeah, let’s go and hope that there aren’t many people around…” I said walking out of the detention center with Athena.


Ponyville, Equestria

June 9th, 1:45PM

With everypony in the library, Princess Celestia was preparing her spell to send all of us into the human world. “So are we all ready?”

“I’m so ready!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “It’ll be awesome seeing Nix again!”

“Almost!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed stuffing her party cannon in her mane. “Okay, now I’m ready!!” I just looked at her for a few seconds processing what she just did.

“I’m also ready darling~” Rarity hummed carrying a suitcase with a bunch of her outfits.

“Uh, Rarity? I don’t think those will fit you…” I mused.

“What ever do you mean darling?” Rarity asked.

“I mean, You’ll be wearing clothes as soon as you get there, and you’ll like fine. Trust me.”

Rarity sighed and put her suitcase down. “Alright..”

“I’m ready too…” Fluttershy said with a nervous smile.

“We’re all ready to go Twilight!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Great,” I smiled looking at Princess Celestia. “How’s the spell coming?”

“It’s just about ready…” Celestia said with her horn glowing brightly. “I need all of you to get close to me.” everyone nodded and did as she asked.

“Oh and… remember what I told you about your bodies girls…” I warned them. “It’ll take a little time before you’re all completely used to them.

“Don’t worry about it Twilight!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “The only thing I’ll be upset about is not having my wings for a while, but that’s…” she sighed. “No big deal…”

“Alright…” Celestia said. “The Spell is ready, hang on…!” she exclaimed.

There was a bright, nearly blinding flash coming from Princess Celestia. After a few moments, we could all feel our bodies changing. Changing into the same human form I took last time.


Wright Anything Agency

June 9th, 2:00PM

When the light started to fade, we could start to see a glimpse of our surroundings. We were in a building… and wow, was it a mess. I then looked at myself and the girls to see we had all changed into our human forms. Even Princess Celestia who resembled Principle Celestia from my last visit. “Is everybody okay?”

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash spoke first. “I’m okay…” she looked at me in shock. “WHOA!” she exclaimed. “Twilight!?”

“Relax Rainbow Dash!” I said. “I told you this was how we were going to look didn’t I?”

“Yeah but… WOW…” was all Rainbow Dash could let out, struggling to get up. “Ugh…”

“Take it slowly Rainbow…”

I looked over at the others who were already up, but seemed to have a little trouble standing. Even Princess Celestia seemed uncoordinated at first.. and I couldn’t help but giggle at everyone. Spike of course was a dog again, and he was able to walk around like it was natural to him.

“This is going to take some getting used to…” Celestia admitted.

“I agree…” Rarity said as her legs were wobbling a bit.

“Why don’t you all try walking?” I suggested. “Maybe it’ll help you get used to it faster…” I watched them as they slowly took one step at a time slowly… all except for Pinkie Pie who was practically running as if she were human her whole life. “How… are you…?”

“It’s easy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a hop and then looked around. “Wow… this place really is messy…”

“Well, if I did my spell correctly, this should be ‘Wright and Co. Law Offices’...” Celestia said looking around. “But this just looks unprofessional…”

We suddenly heard the door open slowly and saw three other humans walk in… all of which looked at us with complete shock and confusion. There were two girls and a boy there with strange hair… and one girl looked like she was wearing a magicians outfit while the other was wearing an outfit that made the magician look normal… “Uh… hi?” I said breaking the silence.

“Uh… hey there…” the boy with the red vest said looking at all of us. “Are you looking for something…?”

“Well… actually…” I spoke out. “Uh… Isn’t this “Wright and Co. Law Offices…?”

“Well, it used to be…” the magician girl answered. “But now it’s called “Wright Anything Agency.”

“Were… all of you looking for Mr. Wright?” The boy asked, and we all nodded. “Well to be honest, we were supposed to meet up with him and Athena, but a detore sort of made us late…” he held his hand out. “i’m Apollo by the way. Apollo Justice.” I shook his hand. “And this is Trucy…” he pointed at the magician. “And Maya Fey.” He pointed at the robed girl.

“Oh!” Celestia Spoke out. “It’s nice to officially meet you Maya.” Celestia said shaking her hand.

“Officially…?” Maya asked. “You know who I am?”

“Of course. I know you very well being the master of the Kurain Channeling Technique.”

Okay, I’m officially lost… “The what??” I asked.

“It’s a technique that allows people like me to channel a dead spirit.” Maya answered.

“Wait a second!” I let out.


“Why do you ask? Is there no magic in your world?” Twilight asked.

“No, there isn’t…” Phoenix replied. “Actually, you could say there is…”

“Please do tell, you see magic is sort of my bread and butter, I want to learn everything there is no know about it.” Twilight stated.

“Well, I have been able to speak to the dead via spirit channeling.” Phoenix answered. “That can be considered magic I guess.”

“Spirit Channeling?” Twilight asked.

“It’s when the spirit of someone who departed possesses the body of the living. I have used it to keep in touch with someone very dear to me…”

“Oh, I get it…” Twilight said. “Hey! Phoenix, can’t you do it right now? We can get Ace Swift in your body and asked him who killed him.

“Heh, sorry, I forgot to mention you have to be a high level spirit medium in order to perform the channeling technique.” he stated. “My friend is the one who normally does it.”

“I see…” Twilight sighed. “Thanks for the information though, I’ll definitely look into it more.”


“I actually remember Phoenix telling me something about that…” I said. “It was during our first investigation for the death of Ace Swift.”

“Wait,” Maya interrupted. “You’ve investigated with Nick before?”

“Mhm.” I nodded. “It was about two years ago.”

Apollo then gave me a look of shock and confusion. “But… that’s impossible…”

“Huh? what do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked. “It’s true, he proved me innocent two years ago.”

“But… he didn’t even have his attorney badge two years ago… it was taken away before! In fact”

“W...Whaaaaat!?” I exclaimed then quickly pulled out the group photo. “But I’m sure he had that badge! He tried to present it to one of the guards!”

“This is strange…” Apollo said starting to think for a bit. “And what’s even more strange is I can tell she’s telling the truth…”

“Hmm…” Trucy started thinking as well. “I wonder why daddy never said anything…”


DADDY!?!?!” Everyone of us exclaimed.

“What!?” Apollo exclaimed confused.

“Since… Since when is Phoenix a father!?” I asked extremely confused.

“For a few years now… but I’m not his birth daughter…”

“Oh…” I sighed. “But wait… I have to ask… when was his badge taken away?”

“Well… around eight years ago.”


EIGHT YEARS!?!?” everyone exclaimed.

“What now!?!?” Apollo exclaimed.

“How can it have been eight years?? It’s only been two years for us!!” I exclaimed.

“What do you mean two years for you…?” Maya asked.

I just stood there for a moment. I guess if we’re going to make things easier on us, we have to tell them the full truth…


“WHAT?!?!” Apollo exclaimed now.

“Hey! calm down!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“After what she just said!?” Apollo asked. “You actually expect us to believe that??”

“Fine, if you don’t believe me…” ”...Then this will prove it to you!”

I then presented the group photo with me, Phoenix, and my friends. “It clearly shows Phoenix with me and my friends! This photo was taken after we proved Rainbow Dash innocent.”

Apollo took the photo with a look of shock and disbelief. “This… this is crazy!”

“I know it’s hard to understand Apollo Justice…” Celestia interrupted. “But it’s the truth…” she grinned looking at Maya. “In fact, if you channel Mia, then she will agree with us.”

Maya then looked at Celestia in Shock… and so did I. “Princess Celestia… who’s Mia…?” I asked.

“She’s… my sister…” Maya said still in shock.

Author's Note:

That's right everyone, the first official chapter is up!... and uh... sorry about the lame joke from before... :applejackunsure: