• Published 31st Oct 2013
  • 6,933 Views, 115 Comments

Turnabout Reunion - unleashedtwilight

It's been about eight years since Phoenix proved Rainbow Dash's innocence. And a lot has happened during that time. Not just for Phoenix, but for the Ponies as well.

  • ...

Part 3 Secrets

Detention Center
June 9th, 2:50PM

“Are you sure Sunset Shimmer is going to know something else Twilight?” Apollo asked.

“It’s worth a shot…” I sighed. “I still can’t believe it’s been eight years here…”

“Hey, I’m still finding it hard to believe that you’re a pony so…”

“She’s here…” the guard said as a familiar figure walked into the room. That state I saw her in nearly drew tears in my eyes. She looked like she was completely in shock and nervous… and I don’t blame her. After everything she’s gone through, and what she saw… I’m sure anypony would feel that way.

Sunset Shimmer looked at me, but she didn’t seem too surprised. “Why are you here…?” she asked me. “Don’t you have classes today?” Classes…? What is she talking about…. Oh wait, that’s right… there’s supposed to be another ‘me’ in this world.

“Actually, we’re both here to ask you some questions.” Apollo said.

“You cut class to help me…?” Sunset asked. “Since when does somebody like you do that?”

“I believe you mean some’pony’...” I sighed.

“Some… pony…?” Sunset Shimmer then gasped at what I just said. “T-twilight!? As in Twilight from Equestria Twilight!?!?”

“Yeah… It’s me…” I looked into her eyes. “It’s… been a long time since you’ve seen me, hasn’t it…?”

“Eight years…” Sunset Shimmer let out practically in tears.

“I guess things have only been harder since I went back home…”

“Let’s just say…” Sunset Shimmer began. “The other you doesn’t exactly share the same trait as you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, she doesn’t care about friends… all she cares about is her work… and getting things done by any means possible…”


“What?” She asked.

“Actually Sunset… that’s not far off from me…”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well… it all started before Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville…” I cleared my throat. “I didn’t really care about making friends at all. Even when ponies invited me to a party in Canterlot, I usually declined just so I can get into my studies.”

“That’s… just like the Twilight in this world!” Sunset exclaimed. “She never even tried to be friends with the others back when we were still in Canterlot High!”

I sighed. “Sending me to Ponyville is what really changed me for the better. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy have all been the best friends that anypony could have…”

“I guess that’s why Princess Celestia decided to make you a princess instead of me…” Sunset Shimmer sighed. “I just wish I could take everything wrong I did back…”

“You’re a changed pony now Sunset… You shouldn’t be worrying about what you did in the past anymore.”

“Sunset Shimmer…” Apollo started. “Could you tell us exactly what you saw?”

“What more is there to say?...” Sunset Shimmer sighed. “As soon as I saw his body, I was completely in shock and I… I just didn’t know what to do…”

“What was he wearing during that time?”

“Is that really important…?”

“Any piece of evidence could be vital…”

“Well…” She placed her hand on the back of her head. “He was wearing a black leather jacket over a plain old white t-shirt…”

“Wait… he was wearing a leather jacket?” Apollo asked. Sunset nodded. “Please tell me that you didn’t put you hand on him when you found him…”

“Well, what else do you think I would do?? I panicked!”

“You don’t understand! Leather preserves fingerprints really well… and your fingerprints being on it isn’t exactly going to help your case.” Sunset Shimmer just looked down, and looked even more upset than before.

“Twilight…” Sunset started. “I just want you to know that… if I do get a guilty verdict…”

“No!” I exclaimed. “Don’t think like that! I promise we will get you cleared of all charges!”

“But… why would you do that for me Twilight? After everything I did to you after I stole your crown…”

“Because… that’s what friends do…”

“H..huh…?” Sunset looked at me. “You… consider me as a friend…?”

“I do.” I leaned in closer. “I know you’ve changed… Phoenix and I are going to do everything we can to prove it. Besides… I don’t want to lose someone else…” I said as tears began to form in my eyes again.

Sunset Shimmer just looked at me emotionless. “It must’ve been hard hearing about his death…” She finally said.

I sighed heavily. “It was… How are the others though?”

“Oh well… Rainbow Dash went into college with a full scholarship thanks to her being so good at sports… Rarity went into fashion designing… Applejack never went into college, so I’m guessing she works at her farm… Fluttershy owns an animal shelter to help lost and injured animals… and Pinkie Pie… I’m not really sure what happened with her.” Sunset Shimmer paused to think for a moment. “Oh and the other you is in college for computer software and technology. She actually went into the same college Flash was in. Just not in Criminal justice.”

“How do you know that?”

“Well, I usually see them walking home together… but they usually didn’t talk.”

“Really, they never said a single thin to each other?”

“Well Flash tried to the first time he met her, but she just wasn’t interested. After that, he just gave up.”

“That’s strange…”

“Yeah…” Sunset Shimmer said feeling a little uneasy.

“Something wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing… I’m just having a hard time thinking why the other Twilight wouldn’t talk to him…” Sunset Shimmer said rubbing the back of her head.

“Yeah… me too…”

“Hold on a second Twilight…” Apollo said feeling his wrist. “My wrist just tensed up…”


“So, usually when that happens, it means the person we’re talking to is lying or hiding a secret.”

“Wait… huh?” I whispered. “Wait, so you’re telling me that she’s hiding something…?”

“It seems like it… I’ll have to check her…” Apollo cleared his throat. “Sunset Shimmer, do you mind saying that for me one more time?”

“Huh?” She replied. “What for?”

“I just need to make sure everything I heard was correct…”

“Well… alright…” she said clearing her throat. “No, it’s nothing… I’m just having a hard time thinking why the other Twilight wouldn’t talk to him…

“Sunset Shimmer…” Apollo Started. “Please, I want you to tell us everything that you know. Don’t even let out the smallest details.”

“But… I don’t know what you’re talking about…!”

“Oh really? Then how come as soon as you said you were having a hard time thinking why the other Twilight didn’t speak to him, you looked the other way and your left eye sort of twitched.”


“Please Sunset Shimmer, we are only trying to get the full story. Lies aren’t going to help us or help your case.”

Sunset Shimmer sighed. “Alright, I’ll tell you what happened…” She looked right at both of us. “It all started after you left this world, Twilight…”

“Huh?” I started. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how to explain it… but the day right after you left, the Twilight of this world showed up to Canterlot high. As you can guess, your friends here were surprised and automatically thought it was you… leaving the Twilight of this world speechless and confused. She then found that video I made about you on the internet, and by her judgement, thought it was her on footage…”

“Oh yeah… I still remember that… But wait, what does this have to do with her not wanting to talk to Flash?”

Sunset Shimmer sighed. “I’m sorry Twilight… I really am…”

“Sunset… what did you do??” Apollo asked.

“I… told her that Flash Sentry was already with someone…”

“Why in the world would you tell her that!?” I exclaimed. “I went home to Equestria and thought I wouldn’t see him again…!”

“I don’t know… I guess there was still some jealousy left in me after you left…” Sunset Shimmer sighed. “Why does this have to happen to me…? Why… why am I like this??” I could see tears dripping from her face. She… really is confused about this whole thing…… something feels wrong… a familiar feeling that I haven’t felt since…

...No, it can’t be… can it…?

“Apollo, I need you to call Mr. Wright here… now!”

“Huh?” Apollo asked in confusion. “Why? I thought he was going to investigate…”

“Please Apollo! This is really important!” I exclaimed. “I feel like it’s something only Phoenix can do. Please! Call him now!!”

“Alright, alright!” Apollo said taking out his phone. He then dialed the number and waited for an answer.

“Hello? Apollo?” Phoenix answered. “What happened? I was just about to head to the crime scene.”

“It’s Twilight. She says she needs you here at the detention center as soon as possible.” Apollo stated. “She says it’s something only you can help her with apparently…”

“Something only I can help with…? What does she mean?”

I then grabbed the phone from Apollo’s hand. “Phoenix please! I need you to hurry here and don’t waist any time! No questions, just please hurry!”

“Alright, I’m on my way.” Phoenix said hanging up the phone.

“Please… hurry…” I said clutching the phone in my hand.

“You wanna tell me what this is about, Twilight?” Apollo asked taking his phone back.

“If my theory is correct then… I’ll explain after.”

After around 15 or twenty minutes of waiting, anxiously pacing around the room, Phoenix finally arrived with Athena and both of them had a look of worry and confusion. “I’m here” Phoenix said walking to me. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Phoenix, give me your magatama.” I quickly responded.

“Huh? But… why?”

“Let me see it, please!”

“Alright, take it easy…” Phoenix said taking out the magatama and handing it to me.

I then turned back to Sunset Shimmer. “Now… you said you didn’t know why this is happening to you, right?”

“I.. I honestly don’t know why…” Sunset Shimmer said still in a look of shock. And just what I thought would happen…

I know I was expecting this… but it was still a shock to see… those again… dark locks that were also around Trixie… and I could never get them removed…!

"Twilight! What's the matter?" Phoenix asked.

"I...I see them... I see the psyche locks around her!"

"You're telling me that she was lying!?" Apollo exclaimed. "But wait... Why didn't my bracelt react to the lie...?"

"Phoenix..." I said staring at Sunset Shimmer. "They're black..."

"W... WHAAAAAAT!?" He exclaimed. "Black psyche locks!?"

"Yes Phoenix... Please you have to tell me what this means, because this isn't the first time I saw these locks..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The first time I saw them... Was when I sent you to Equestria..."

"Who did you see them on...?"

"...Trixie..." I sighed. "Please Phoenix... What do black psyche locks mean? Does it mean that person is hiding a really bad secret...?"

"Not exactly Twilight..." He sighed. "It's rare but, usually when a black psyche lock appears, it means that person is hiding something so deep, that person isn't aware of the secret themself. A forgotten, yet dark secret."

"So... How can I remove them?..."

"It's not that easy Twilight..." Phoenix sighed. "Removing a black psyche lock is a lot more tricky to remove than a red one."

"So what you're saying is... It's nearly impossible to remove them..."

Author's Note:

Yes, I am aware that detective Fulbright was and imposter. This case takes place before case four in dual destinies. Just thought I'd clear that up for all of you.