• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 4,785 Views, 142 Comments

A broken Sun - Twilight Best Pony

Even the smallest misunderstandings can cause the most terrible situations.

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Chapter 2

Luna looked over at her bedroom door thinking she saw a bright flash through the crack.

Was that a teleport?

“Is something wrong, Lulu?” Twilight asked, noticing her concern.

“Perhaps we should continue this conversation elsewhere, little star,” Luna replied, making way toward her room’s balcony. “I feel we may not be so safe from prying ears here, after all.”

“Whatever floats your boat,” Twilight said with a smile. The two stepped onto the balcony to enjoy the last vestiges of sunlight before Luna had to raise the moon.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, Celestia’s bed sheets were being drenched in her sweat as she tried her best to dispel the notion that her sister and student were scheming to eliminate her.

“Okay, what possible explanations are there for this?” She rubbed her temples in thought. “Perhaps I’ve just been ignorant as to how close they’ve been getting as of late. Still, to go so far as to use their pet names, have I really been out of the loop that badly?”

Damn them.

“And another thing, how can they expect to overthrow me and get away with it? Luna isn’t yet in the good graces of Equestria at large, and Twilight’s still relatively inexperienced with royal duties.”

Twilight’s got the brains to overcome that hurdle.

“What possible motive could they even have for doing it?”

Luna’s attempted it before, and now she’s roped in Twilight to help her succeed this time.

Celestia jumped as she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

“Tia!?” Luna called from the other side. “It’s time to bring forth the night.”

Celestia glanced over to the clock on her nightstand and saw that Luna was right. “I’ll be right there,” she called back. She got up out of bed and walked over to the bedroom door. She opened it to find her sister standing there with a smile that quickly evaporated upon noticing Celestia’s tense expression.

“Is something wrong, sister?” Luna asked.

As if she cares.

“Nothing, Lulu,” Celestia stepped past her and into the hallway. “Come on, let’s get to work.”

Luna stood still for a moment before shrugging and following her sister.

Once the night was brought forth to Equestria, Luna made way to the throne room where she would conduct the accompanying Night Court. Along the way, she happened across Guard Captain Iron Shield returning from the meeting

“Good evening, Iron Shield,” Luna greeted the Guard Captain, smiling. “How was the meeting?”

Iron Shield stopped and sighed. “It went on much longer than it was supposed to. Lieutenant Blaze Wing was trying to propose adding more onto the strength portion of the obstacle course. He needs to realize not everypony is as strong as him.” He grunted, then muttered under his breath. “Egotistical bastard.”

Luna had heard him clearly, to which she clicked her tongue. “It still amazes me that ponies today talk behind their friends’ backs like that.”

Iron looked up to her shocked face. “Luna, friends do it all the time; it’s a fact of life. Hay, even families do it from time to time.”

Luna gasped. “I would never do that to my own sister! I tell her everything.” She stated with pride in her voice.

Iron raised his eyebrow and chuckled. "Whatever you say, Luna; have fun in Night Court." He chuckled again and trotted off.

Luna just rolled her eyes and continued to the throne room. She opened the door and was shocked upon entering to find Celestia sitting on the throne, looking out a nearby window up at the moon. Celestia had teleported back inside once done lowering the sun, but Luna assumed she’d returned to her room to get ready for bed.

“Big sister,” Luna said to her, stepping inside the throne room, “why are you here and not preparing for tonight’s slumber?”

Another way of saying ‘prepare to die’, perhaps?

Celestia turned to face her sister. Luna looked up at her face and was slightly disconcerted to see a hint of anger in her expression. Celestia turned her full body to Luna and replied.

“I guess I wasn’t ready to give up the throne so easily.”

Luna raised a brow in confusion. “Ummm . . . what do you mean? What’s so different about tonight?”

This may be my last night alive, that’s what.

“Nothing, Lulu,” Celestia replied, getting off of the throne. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting longer than necessary.”

She prepared to initiate another teleport but was stopped by Luna who spoke up again.

“Big sister, is something wrong?” She made way toward Celestia, a look of genuine concern in her eyes.

Celestia cancelled her teleport and, with a heavy sigh, answered a bit more sternly than she’d intended. “I heard from Iron Shield that Twilight came to visit you.” She cracked her neck a bit before continuing. “Why? What did she need?”

Luna stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide with horror and legs trembling. To Celestia’s already paranoid psyche, this only served to further her suspicions. She glared down at the scared moon princess.

“I asked you a question, Luna,” she said, eyebrows furrowing in impatience. “You may not wield Honesty anymore, but I expect you to be truthful as if you still did.”

Luna didn’t respond, instead continuing to shake in her royal horseshoes and was now beginning to sweat a little.

You’re only shooting yourself in the hoof, Luna.

Finally, Luna chuckled nervously and resumed her trot toward the throne.

“Well, Night Court’s going to start in a few minutes,” she said, her voice laced with fear. “How about you go get some sleep and we’ll resume this conversation in the morning, okay?”

Because I’ll be dead before then.

“. . . Fine,” Celestia replied, and resumed her teleport. One white flash later and Luna was alone in the throne room. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in and rubbed the bridge of her muzzle.

“How does Applejack live like this?” she mused out loud.

Celestia reappeared in her room, startling her pet phoenix, Philomena. The fiery bird cawed loudly before realizing it was only her master and not an intruder. The bird’s relief turned to confusion when Celestia began pacing the length of their room, mumbling to herself.

“No doubt about it, Luna’s hiding something. If she and Twilight were discussing trivial matters there’d be no reason to hide them from me, but the fact that she’s reluctant to say what it was is damning.”

What else would Luna want to hide besides an attempt at overthrowing me? Wait a minute . . .

“If Luna wanted to overthrow me, she’d have to take over my duty of moving the sun in addition to her moon. She can’t do that; she’s not strong enough. I had a hard enough time moving both myself, and I’m more magically potent than her. Luna would need another pony strong enough to move the sun to help, somepony who’s: magically potent, can easily master complex spells, and is good . . . friends . . . with . . . her . . . . .”

. . . like a certain lavender alicorn, whom I granted ascension to help us in ruling Equestria.

Celestia stopped pacing at the realization she just had. At that moment, something within the dark recesses of her mind snapped loose and began taking over her psyche. What remaining strands of sanity she had were ripped away by the darkness and replaced with mad delusions telling her how to keep the traitor’s plans from coming to fruition. Celestia couldn’t help but listen to them, and the more she did, the more convinced she became it was the right course of action.

“I will not be cast down by a couple of damned heretics, even if they’re family.”

With that, Celestia lit up her horn and teleported for the third time that evening, while Philomena just shrugged and resumed sleeping.

Author's Note:

Here it is my friends!
Big help from Razalon for editing.