• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 4,785 Views, 142 Comments

A broken Sun - Twilight Best Pony

Even the smallest misunderstandings can cause the most terrible situations.

  • ...

Chapter 4

One complaint Celestia often had about Day Court was the endless whining from Canterlot’s elite about the most trivial matters imaginable. In all honesty, Luna would’ve been ecstatic to listen to such babble if it meant she could have more visitors during nighttime. Night Court, as opposed to its daytime counterpart, was uneventful. Sure, sometimes a sleep-deprived citizen would take the guaranteed opportunity for their voice to be heard, but most of the time Luna would sit on the throne bored out of her mind waiting for somepony to come up. Thankfully, she had a second activity with which she could keep herself entertained.

“Guards,” Luna said to the guardstallions on either side of her, to which they turned to look at her, “I’ll be spending some time in the dreamscape; if anypony comes up, feel free to drag me back.”

The guards saluted and watched as Luna prepared to enter the world of dreams. She called magic into her horn and used it to cast the dreamwalking spell of her own design. Her eyes shut tight, but if one were to open them in their current state they’d see the moon princess’ eyes were undergoing a special kind of REM; one which allowed her to cross between the physical world and the dreamscape.

Luna’s subconscious took over her psyche and she reopened her eyes to see the dreamscape before her. It very much resembled the night sky, with each star representing someone’s dream and the blackness of space representing the limit to the spell’s range.

Time to quell the nightmares.

Luna took off through the scape in search of ponies in distress. She stopped in the middle of a cluster of dreams and used her magic to connect her inner mind with them all, in turn allowing her to feel the emotions emanated from their respective hosts. If the host was feeling distress or fear, Luna would know they were having a nightmare and would promptly enter the dream to help them. As it was, though, this batch of dreams was free of nightmares so Luna disconnected from them.

Then Luna noticed something unusual. Off in the distance, likely at the edge of her spell’s range, was a dream isolated well and good from all the others. While isolated dreams weren’t too uncommon an occurrence, those she finds usually belonging to somepony who’s gone camping alone, this particular dream puzzled Luna. The location of dreams in the dreamscape was parallel to that of ponies sleeping in Equestria; the cluster of dreams she inspected before would’ve belonged to someponies sleeping in the castle or nearby homes in Canterlot. This one, if Luna’s calculations were correct, belonged to somepony located deep within the Canterhorn, which did nothing if not arouse the moon princess’ suspicions.

Luna promptly took flight toward the dream, all the while wondering what somepony could possibly be doing within the mountains which Canterlot rested against. Once she reached it, she connected her inner mind with it. She felt nothing. No emotions emanated from the pony’s subconscious.

Strange . . .

Her curiosity piqued, Luna synched her subconscious with that of the dreamer’s, allowing her to enter the dream.

The dream was as empty as its emotional output. Everywhere Luna looked she saw nothing but a black void, similar to the dreamscape minus the stars. She quickly began searching for the dream’s host, hoping she could help them if they were in some sort of trouble. After walking little more than a hundred steps, Luna spotted a shape materialize from the blackness in front of her. Squinting her eyes, she could easily discern it was a pony; the dream’s host.

Luna picked up her pace toward the pony. As she approached, more details began to show themselves to her: a purple mane, a lavender coat, a horn, a pair of wings, a- wait a minute!


Luna rushed over to the lavender alicorn. She grabbed Twilight and spun her around so the two of them were looking into each other’s eyes. Or, at least, Luna was looking into Twilight’s eyes; the smaller alicorn’s eyes were blank and unfocused as if she was blind.

“Twilight?” Luna said, shaking her a bit. Twilight’s eyes remained as they were, not showing any signs of awareness.

Luna shook her more forcefully. This time, a little bit of life sparked in Twilight’s eyes. Luna breathed a sigh of relief and continued shaking her until Twilight’s eyes were full of life and awareness. She blinked, and focused her gaze on Luna.

“. . . Luna?”

Luna smiled and embraced Twilight. “Oh, little star, I’m glad to see you’re alright.” She let go of her and looked Twilight square in the eyes. “What are you doing within the Canterhorn? Why aren’t you in b-“

Luna’s sentence was cut off as Twilight engaged the moon princess in her own, much more crushing, embrace. She was startled at the action, and was about to pry herself free when she felt soft, wet tears running down her shoulder, soaking into her starry mane. Realizing Twilight was in distress, Luna patted her hoof on the lavender alicorn’s back and whispered soothingly.

“There there, little star, let it all out.”

And she did for the next minute or so. When she was done, Twilight let go of Luna and wiped her eyes with a fore hoof. Luna took a moment to rinse out her ethereal mane of tears before speaking to Twilight.

“Now, what’s the matter Twilight?”

Sniffling, Twilight replied. “It’s Celestia. She’s . . . she’s . . .”

“She’s what?” Luna replied.

“She . . . I-I fell into a trap of hers.”

Luna took a moment to comprehend that. When she did, her eyes widened in shock and she spoke with a hint of panic in her voice. “You haven’t told her anything, have you?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I didn’t, but now I . . . I . . .”

“You what, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna was starting to get impatient. “What’s happened to warrant such sorrow from you?”

Twilight’s eyes watered up again as she replied. “She’s convicted me of treason.”

“. . . Come again?” Luna asked.

“She’s convicted me of treason, Luna!” Twilight shouted, startling the lunar alicorn. “She caught me shortly after we talked and brought me down to the crystal caves. When she began interrogating me, I refused to tell her what we were discussing, to which she convicted me of treason. She said I’m no longer a princess and all authority I have is gone.” More tears ran down Twilight’s face, dripping onto the floor and forming little puddles.

Luna’s eyes widened slightly in response to Twilight’s revelation. She really had expected her sister to resort to extreme measures to make Twilight reveal their secret, but going so far as to strip Twilight of her princesshood was something Luna didn’t expect from Celestia.

Twilight continued speaking after wiping her face again. “There’s something else, Luna.”

Luna returned her focus onto the weeping alicorn.

“Celestia also said she was going to take away my wings.” She looked at Luna with sorrowful, yet inquisitive eyes. “Can she do that, Luna?”

Luna took a moment to digest all that Twilight had just revealed. Then the width of her eyes doubled as the moon princess realized just what her sister had in mind.

“Luna?” Twilight said through tear-stained eyes.

Luna’s mouth set into a grim line. “This is very bad, Twilight. I knew Celestia would resort to extreme measures to get what she wanted, but what she’s planning for you is beyond anything I ever thought she’d be capable of.”

“What’s she going to do to me?” Twilight asked, whimpering.

“To answer your first question, yes, Celestia can take away your wings.” Twilight’s face shifted into a rectus of fear in response. It pained Luna to see, especially considering what she was about to say, but continued regardless. “And as for your second question, I’m afraid she’s going to do more than just take away your wings. If my assumptions are correct, she plans to undo your transformation into an alicorn altogether.”

As Luna expected, Twilight gained a look of absolute horror. But after a moment, it changed into one which was practically typecast for the lavender mare; studious curiosity.

“How does she plan on doing that?” Twilight asked, her previous sorrow almost forgotten, but still noticeable in her tone of voice.

Luna sighed, and began explaining. “This is just speculation on my part, but if I’m right Celestia plans on using a special crystal from the crystal caves. It’s rare, and only found in incredibly small veins, but it has a special property which allows it to absorb magic like a sponge. Even at this moment she’s probably searching for veins and collecting the crystals within to bring back to you. With enough of them, she can drain you of the magic sustaining your alicorn body, thereby reducing you to little more than a winged-unicorn. After that, it’s a simple matter of amputating your wings to turn you back into what you once were.”

Twilight took a while to digest all of what Luna said. When she did, the full implications of what Celestia could be planning crashed down onto her already battered psyche. As modest as Twilight always was in regards to her princesshood, she was still happy to have received it. To think that she could lose it, so soon even, was disheartening.

“This presents us with quite the predicament,” Luna continued, “as without the enhanced magical strength you received from transforming, the plan cannot proceed.”

Twilight looked downcast. “I can’t move the sun without it, huh?”

Luna frowned. “I’m afraid not, little star, at least not by yourself.”

Twilight looked up to Luna. “But what can we do?”

Luna smiled. “Worry not, for all we have to do is rescue you from the crystal caves before Celestia can finish what she started.”

“But what if Celestia’s still with me when you arrive,” Twilight replied, “what will you do then?”

“I have an ace for that,” Luna replied. “In the meantime, you need to stay strong and persevere through whatever else Celestia may have in store for you. Can you do that for me, little star?”

Once again, Luna’s words inspired confidence in Twilight. Her previous sorrow now completely forgotten, Twilight wore a confident smile and furrowed eyebrows.

“You can count on me, Lulu,” she replied.

Luna smiled back. “And with that, I shall take my leave.”


Luna cancelled her dream walking spell and opened her eyes back in the real world. She turned to her guards.


The bat ponies turned to their princess and smiled.

“Something . . . interesting has been brought to my attention.” She turned her gaze toward the throne room’s door. “I need you to fetch Discord for me, and quickly.”

The guards paused for a moment, then hesitantly saluted before making way out the door. About ten minutes later, a yellow flash appeared before the throne to which Luna instinctually shielded her eyes. When she looked back, the reformed spirit of chaos stood there wearing a straw hat, a floral patterned shirt, and comically over-sized sunglasses. In his talon he held a coconut topped with a crazy straw and an inside out tiny umbrella.

“You’d best have a good reason for waking me up from my beauty sleep, dear Luna,” he said, a hint of anger in his voice.

Luna blinked. “You were asleep?”

“Indeed I was,” Discord replied, then took a sip from the coconut. Instead of following the straw’s many loops and twists, the liquid broke through the plastic at the bottom and shot straight toward the top of the straw where it broke through the plastic again and into Discord’s mouth.

I’ll never get used to his antics, Luna thought before speaking.

“I have called you here because I’m in need of your help, Discord.”

The draconequus did a spit take through his nostrils in response. Upon recovering from his shock, Discord stared dubiously at Luna.

“You,” he pointed at her, “need my help,” he pointed at himself.

Luna sighed. “Yes, Discord, I need your help.”

“Well, I suppose there’s a first time for everything.” Discord snapped his talon and a beanbag chair filled with jellybeans appeared behind him, which he sat down upon. Opening a cap on the side, he let some beans spill out into his lion’s paw. Shoving them into his mouth, he continued talking while chewing. “Swo, whut’s tho probwem?”

Luna shook with disgust at seeing such immaturity, but kept composed and replied. “Celestia has convinced herself that Twilight Sparkle is guilty of treason, and plans on taking away her power and authority. Even as we-“

Luna was interrupted at Discord did another spit take, this time through his ears. The spirit of chaos stared wide-eyed at Luna as he spoke.

“What bizarre and twisted alternate universe am I in?”

Luna sighed, and rubbed the bridge of her muzzle. “As I was saying, even as we speak Celestia has Twilight held captive in the crystal caves beneath Canterlot. We must rescue Twilight and, if at all possible, convince Tia that she’s let her paranoia get the better of her.”

“I’ll say she has,” Discord replied while taking another, much larger, pawful of jelly beans. The beanbag chair deflated a bit as Discord shoved the lot into his mouth and began chewing. “Bu whut do ya nee me for?”

“I’ll need you to distract Celestia while I-“

Once again Luna was interrupted by a spit take. This time, Discord remained perfectly still while an audible ‘pffht’ sounded above them and a shower of chewed up jelly beans pelted the floor in front of them. Going with her better judgment, Luna kept her gaze forward and continued speaking.

“-free Twilight. Can you manage this, Discord?”

Discord stared blankly for a moment before shrugging. “Well, I did say there was a first time for everything.” He snapped his talon, to which the mess he’d made disappeared entirely. “I suppose I could play hero for once.”

Luna breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Discord.”

And with that, the two began to make way for the crystal caves.

Author's Note:

Here it is!
Little bit longer this time.