• Published 13th Nov 2013
  • 1,933 Views, 18 Comments

Two Nights Ago - Wolf8298

Rainbow Dash wakes up one morning with strange symptoms, and she believes she is sick. With the help of Twilight Sparkle, they find out exactly what's happening to her.

  • ...

Chapter 3

"Herpes?!" Rainbow Dash said loudly, her voice thick with disbelief. She was standing in Twilight's library. Twilight was standing in front of Rainbow, levitating a book in front of her with a little smirk on her face. Rainbow had been expecting Twilight to take her into her laboratory and run a full checkup, but no! Twilight had simply opened a book, looked at it, and then gave Rainbow her answer.

Twilight used her magic and flipped a page in the book. "Genital herpes, to be specific." She said matter-of-factly. Twilight then levitated the book back onto the table and and edged closer to Dash. "I knew something was going to happen with you and Soarin at that party." She remarked. "I can't believe you told me nothing happened between you two. Liar."

"I didn't know what I was saying!" Rainbow Dash cried in defense.

Twilight sighed and shook her head., whilst Rainbow Dash began angrily pacing around the library, her ears flat against her head. "I know I was roaring drunk," Dash growled, "but I specifically asked that idiot if he had any diseases. He said no! I can't believe him!" Rainbow Dash howled.

"I can't believe you took the word of a stallion who had over twelve beers." Twilight sighed. Rainbow Dash whipped around to glare at her friend. "This isn't funny! You have no spell to fix this! I'm going to have to be out for a week and then take giant pills for the rest of my life to prevent outbreaks! And it's all that stallion-whore's fault!"

She was really upset. She couldn't believe she hadn't found out earlier. Her father had always warned her about the dangers of herpes. In Equestria, herpes has no cure. You simply take medicine everyday to ease pain and stop symptoms. She was going to be stuck with this forever. Rainbow Dash felt like crying. This was so embarrassing and horrible she just could not believe it.

A hoof rested on Rainbow's shoulder. She looked up at Twilight, who was smiling at her. "I know you're upset and it's okay to be. Herpes is one agonizing disease, but you don't have to keep facing outbreaks without help. You have friends who are willing to take care of you. For whatever you need. "

Dash blinked, gazing at Twilight's purple eyes. The speed demon pegasus then sighed and hung her head. Twilight was right, she had friends who were awesome and always 20% cooler. Hope began to fill Rainbow Dash and she took he friend's advice and looked at the brighter side.

"You're right..." Dash muttered, standing up shakily. She coughed and looked back up at Twilight.

"When am I not?" Twilight said with a teasing smile. "Come on, I'll take you to the hospital and we'll get you the medicine that you need. Celestia forbid you do it yourself, you're never be specific enough about your symptoms...No offence."

"None taken." Rainbow laughed lightly. She knew Twilight was right again. She was bad with doctors.

Rainbow heard the sound of hoofsteps coming their way. Both Dash and Twilight turned their heads to see Applejack, a worker pony that worked on an apple farm, trot down the stairs. A smug look was on the earth pony's face."Did you tell the dirty pony what she's got?" Applejack scoffed.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes in anger and spread her wings, as if about to charge at Applejack. Suddenly, a yellow pegasus pony with a large light pink mane fluttered after Applejack and carefully slid in between the the two ponies. It was Fluttershy, who was a shy pegasus who took care of a cottage full of woodland creatures. Both were Dash's best friends.

"Now, now, girls." Fluttershy said in her soft voice. "Let's not get out of hand. Rainbow knows that she shouldn't of been doing that when she was so...umm...dizzy, I guess. And Applejack, you should know not to kick a friend when's she's already down." She said. Rainbow gazed at the two. "What're you two doing here?" She asked.

"They are helping me organize my upper library, it got a bit unorganized after study night." Twilight informed.

"Wait, wait!" Applejack said suddenly. A grin spread across her face. "There's a new disease going around with the birds. It's called..." Before Applejack could finish with her clever joke she began snorting out contagious laughter. Dash was surprised she hadn't fallen over in an ocean of giggling. Applejack finally managed to get her joke out. "Its called Chirpies" She snorted. After that she broke out with another swarm of laughter.

Twilight just sighed and shook her head, wondering if Applejack had been poking around the leftover alcohol from the party. Fluttershy shot a glare at Applejack. Rainbow Dash couldn't decide if she didn't like the fact that she had joked about herpes, or that Applejack had made a joke about birds.

Author's Note:

M'kay, I finished this sucker. I was planning on doing this entire fic in three days, but my laziness got the best of me. Needless to say, enjoy!

Comments ( 14 )

Well, besides slips out of character it wasn't bad, but it wasn't too good either. Maybe because STDs might not be the best story focus to start your writing on. :unsuresweetie: I could be wrong...

Oh well, keep writing maybe try something different for a focus. Someone had to give some feedback. I don't like seeing someone with so many dislikes and no comments.

What made you to write this!:raritydespair:

Well, I'll be honest. My Review:

Though not one of the most pleasant of Fics I've read, as I'm not too fond of fics that involve STD Discoveries like this, I do have to say, that this was indeed a very well written (save for the swearing and cursing) and very sweet story where the Main Character discovers something tragic about herself and she has the love and supprt of her friends.

And the character being Dash? Although expected in my own opinion, not like the other characters, who has a dream obviously, discovering this? Incredible in its own way.

I give this story a 4 out of 5.
* * * * -

My kudos to you, my friend.

that's what you get going out with Soarin!! haha! applejack's joke was epic! :rainbowlaugh: GREAT STORY!! :twilightsmile:


Thank you for the review. :)

I'm not really proud of this story, I'll be honest. I do believe it has so many dislikes because the out of character behavior, and maybe because it's about Rainbow Dash having STDS. While I was writing this I was worried it would offend some people, even though that's not the purpose. I really just took a shot in the dark with this story, and I suppose I rushed with finding a topic for the story.


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiesmile:

Great start on your first fanfic!!


What even drove yo to make this?!


Nothing, really. I was rushing to find a topic for the story, which was probably a bad idea.

You have potential as a writer, but this needs a lot of work. First off, the grammar and syntax are weird pretty much all the way through. Secondly, this needs to be longer. Everything is just way too abrupt and awkward. And speaking of awkward, I'm not sure if there is a way to make "Rainbow Dash gets herpes" work. You have a good feel for the characters though, and a good idea of how to write for them. Fix the grammar, and maybe pick a different subject matter next time, and it should be good.

3713459 Oooh, didn't really think when I wrote that. :facehoof:

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