• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 543 Views, 12 Comments

The Two Idiots Of Canterbury (Part of Equestria: Z) - SUPERCHARGER2001

Bob and Royce were the typical idiots that got shipped off to Equestria after the Black Plague from Europonia was claiming lives at a fast rate. So they settled into Canterbury after going through months of poverty in Equestria.

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Boggy Depot (Prologue)

“See Bob, there coming out of the wet-work! We've got to get something in order fast!” Royce yelled out.

“Oi-ahh! Shit, shut up Royce! What are you a fucking renegade or a martyr to the unit here?” Bob yelled back just as loud.

Both companies have been feeding off each others repressed anger for the last two days in a big empty building they were in holed up in.

They were inside a barn.

Sloan was the one mare with these two idiots and she was the one with the most skill in killing/or murdering other ponies. She had been doing it for a living in the last 15 years - since being discharged from the military, she needed a new avenue of income to support herself.

peeking through the barn door with their eyes; Bob and Royce looked at the mounds of infected ponies peaking through the bushes. At least several hundreds of them were toppling one another as they made their way to the helpless victim, that had his wing submerged under several large pieces of a collapsed building.

"Holy fuck Roy! That must be at least three hundred of those crazy bastards," Bob said. "and very antsy too I might add."

"Yeah but what about that stallion over there? Can't we help him?" Royce pleaded.

"Hey! Don't fill me up on that fucking train wreck. You left him there when I told you that you had two choices between a new set of armor or another able body in our group of three." He said.

"Don't include me on your crap! You fucking lunatics," Sloan started off. "I can't believe in all power of Celestia, that I'm stuck here with you two dicks!"

"Hey if we didn't pull you out of that herd, you would've been bare bones by now. Shit? That was back when there was less than a few stragglers in this whole town." Bob sat down on the wooden floor that was covered with piles of hay.

"OH no! OH NO! There near him! Bob we got to do something!" Royce jumped up and down in his usual frantic way of handling tough situations.

"What am I a fucking ventriloquist?" Bob retorted.

"If you have to be one, fine! But save this poor mans ass. Please!" Royce retorted.

"You guys are really messed up you know? Back in my training and the jobs I do now? We always, always had total control in an-"

"SHUT UP YOU DUMB MARE!" Both of the idiots yelled in unison.

They quickly looked back through the several small holes inside the door and watched sharply as the infected ponies were a few minutes away from the lone stallion.

"OH dammit Bob we can't just leave him there! He'll be eaten alive. We got to do something? Anything!" He shook his short partner frantically.

Bob shrugged off his friends broad shoulders in a Heep of rage, "What do you want me to fucking do Royce!"

Royce sat down while his friend sat up and grilled him with another lesson he was just going to have to accept in life.

"Look you read belly bastard! I love you and I love and hate that you are stupid. But you are being realllly fucking stupid right now, you know that?" Bob tried to reason with his friend.

"B-b-b-but how?" Tears were welling up between his eyes. Any moment he was about to burst out.

"You want to go out there and attract the fucking hordes of dead onto our little shin-dig Royce?! Nice. Just nice and peachy." Sloan stammered.

"Hey now you like the situation were in?" Bob cocked an eyebrow in half disbelief.

Sloan no longer leaned down at the far end of the barn and walked slowly to the two bickering fools. Her posture was kept perfect with each passing step.

"No. I don't like the situation where in. I don't like you and your retarded friend. And I don't like the fact that my simple job to assassinate one bloody mare was shot down by the likes of you two!" She fumed.

The other two blinked in unison. Minus the fact that Royce was already crying also.

"The worst part is," She sighed before taking a place beside Bob. "I'm not even going to get paid anymore..."

The silence around town had built up to the point where only, the loud noises of long droning moans captivated the air around the empty streets of Canterbury.

"You, okay Sloan?" Royce whimpered but his voice was more audible than a minute ago.

"Yeah Royce. Yeah. I'm fine." Her voice crackled during the last bit.

The moment finally arose when all three heard the loud screams of the one trapped blue stallion screaming out his final moments of life.

Even Sloan went to peek through the hole of the barn door.

Soon all three stood there at complete shock in revelation, when their eyes followed the toppling infected lunging themselves over the helpless pony.

It didn't fully hit their heads at the situation until they saw the first peeks of blood escaping the ponies neck and stomach.

Over 70 ponies were atop this guy. And only hundreds more followed behind them.

All the dead ponies had gaping wounds across their bodies, showing several signs of teeth marks and continuous gnawing at their bones and flesh long after they were dead.

Sloan turned her head in disgust after seeing the stallions wing get ripped out from its stem by three other infected ponies.

Bob had already turned his body away from the horror that his eyes had been subjected too.

Royce however kept his jaw down and watched the whole event unfold. His mind battled with thoughts of how they couldn't save this blue stallion nor how he could possibly forgive Bob for leaving this poor pony to the vultures that now choked on his flesh.

He didn't even turn away when a dozen or so ponies bit into his hips and pulled away his lower half with nothing but their teeth and jaws.

Bob Stooch and Royce Fillymoing were Canterbury’s little law enforcement; or more importantly. Canterbury’s problem.

These two idiots have been in power for more than two years and the town was sick of them. Sick of causing them more problems than they can fix. Their hooves were unclean, so to speak. And they were some of the dumbest the force has seen in a long time in all of Equestria.

Particularly Royce Fillymoing – as he was half mentality disabled all through his life since his accident when he was a small

colt. But Bob respected and loved the guy to the death. He even stole ID and forged his friends name from another Stallions birth certificate that made him entirely disabled free. Thus, it gave him a new avenue of dreams to endure. Meaning it was a chance to live a new life; so no one actually knew his real name –apart from his only family and Bob himself.

Bob Stooch on the other hand was a short guy while his counterpart was taller, muscular and bigger in size. His lifestyle was hard lived. He was a raging alcoholic and a severe druggy when it came to painkillers. An addict in retrospect. He had mild depression throughout his life and a mean temper. Thankfully his friend always kept him tamed and handled properly.

They both answered an ad one morning while they were nursing a miserable hangover in the city of Bayston. It was the day after the city had celebrated their own version of the grand galloping gala often known as, “The notorious party of the year!” The city was renowned for throwing down the sickest and craziest event filled with endless decadence and debauchery.

The ad talked about the deaths of two very well respected stallions within the community that only made the two idiots scowl with disgust.

At the end of the ad it finally discussed potential applicants as temporary relief law enforcement in a small ruddy town known as Canterbury. Giddy with delight, Royce immediately wanted in while the latter was skeptical about this position. Bob said that he would have to find some legitimate certificates and new green cards to register with; since they were among the thousands of immigrants that were being dropped off daily in Equestria from big carriers and ships.

After the black plague had started in Europonia a few months back. They needed to get rid of millions of uneducated ponies that lived in squander and poverty throughout the desolate continent.

The continent was literally tearing itself apart from all of the civil riots and the black plague that was dwindling its total population and resources.

When the idiots finally reached Canterbury after some setbacks they handed their applications and hoped for the best. Four days later they got the call after the mayor found Bob drunk in a ditch while Royce was playing with a dead mouse. Both were given weapons and armor and a handbook that displayed the meanings of being a lawman.

For the next two years they would wreak havoc on the innocent population of 900 ponies, and terrorize the citizens with complete decadence and stupidity.

Bob Stooch was the smart guy out of the two, so he always held a leash for his friend, while Royce in return. Would make sure Bob didn’t go over the limit and not swear as much. Usually that only worked when Royce cried in public; putting Bob in complete submission mode while he tended to his frantic friend.

Bob always loved his friend but thought he was a complete nuisance and a loud mouth sometimes. Always screaming when looking at simple things like a post card or a ladies rump. It got to the point where he had to keep Royce locked in the police department once and a while because he was such a fucking train wreck when it came to doing their job.

He would say the same thing that always made Royce cry each time before locking him in.

“Listen buddy. I got no time for your shit today, alright?” Bob started off. “Your scaring locals again and I don’t want to spend another three months looking for a job just to keep our rumps plotted down in one place again. Got it!”

“B-b-b-but I thought you liked me funny?” Royce quivered.

“Awe geez Royce, not this shit again! What I have to do this time, kiss your ass once more?” He said.

“Well, you did that one time. So mayb-” Royce was cut off mid-sentence.

“Sweet berry fuck Roy! It was one night, and we were both drunk. And I gave you a bit of hash for Tartarus sakes! Why does everything have to be so damn sentimental for you?” He stammered before slamming the door and locking the padlock on his friend.

“Please Bob! Don’t go! Don’t go! Please don’t. Don’t leave me alone!” He cackled before reducing to loud moans and soft sobbing that sounded so mute that no pony would’ve heard him from across the street. Royce was a man who didn’t rely on much in life, he didn’t care if he was broke or rich. Rich or poor. Lived in a box or lived in a homeless shelter. He only wanted a friend. A friend that he could be with and laugh and cry with. Nevertheless, he just missed Bob more than ever when he locked that door on him. He even told Royce that playing with the lights too much could cause a fire sooner or later. So he told him to leave the lights off at all times, even when it got dark.

Bob Stooch and Royce Fillymoing had heard various reports of the inevitable crossing paths over to Equestria and all around globally. Sometimes through letters from the federal law or rumors that spread around the town from several other different ponies.

They had heard that the plague of their old life was finally sprouting its devious wings and cross passing with the harmony and love of Equestria.

Of course they didn’t know the plague that was in Equestria didn’t start from their Europonia descendants, however. But it was another virus that was slowly sweeping up the nation one corner at a time. No one could've predicted how big it was going to get.

And certainly these two didn't know the events that had taken place in Ponyville yet.

Nobody in Canterbury liked them at all. Every pony hated the way how they handled the town from a peace officer stand point.

They were one of the worst units known to ponies.

And it didn’t help when Mayor Albuckroisky only hired them on the bet that they could chug down four whole litres of distilled liquor. Suffice to say, you should never start a contest when it comes with alcohol as the main sport; if it was involving these two idiots at least.

Aside from them being the temporary relief law enforcement. It already had passed two full years. And since the town was left with a small population and a higher death rate count than crime rate. Nobody in the force in Equestria wanted to be bothered with that shit.

In the end they never requisitioned a new set of units nor did they ever issued another letter back to Canterbury stating they will ever try again.

To everybody in Equestria? The country had abandoned the little hamlet of Canterbury from a budgetary standpoint.

Bob was talking to another pony about shoplifting at the candy store. She had stolen three gum drops and one large-sized chocolate bar by placing the contents within the whisk of her magic.

They were both sitting at a table booth inside the candy story with him explaining the lesson of not stealing. She told him why she had taken the treats with full intention.

“Look I only did it because we are making it through hard times,” She said.

“Yeah but stealing candy? Isn’t there some other shit you could be stealing if you’re in hard times as you fondly stamped out,” He blushed a little at his comical way of reasoning with other pony citizens.

“Look shouldn’t I be getting better treatment than this?!” She aggravated.

“What? Don’t like my mannerisms? Well SHHHHIT!” He purposely yelled as he hunched over the table right up into the mare’s face.

She didn’t like the taunting tone he was procrastinating onto her. She nearly got off her rump and stormed out of building when he tapped her leg with his hoof to focus back into the conversation.

“Listen, my young mare in need.

Her eyes darted off into a different direction before he slapped her into action,

“Look here missy! You’re going to answer some questions and I’m going to get some good answers, you dig?” He says.

“Fine you creepy incessant prick! What do you want?” She lashed out with every pony hearing them across the street and inside the shop.

“There! My kind of matters, now shall we get to business?” He left that question untouched as he cocked an eyebrow before blurting out the words that usually left his victims angered and annoyed.

My young mare in need…

“Gah! That’s it Mr. Stooch! I had enough of your shit for the day. Now good day to you, sir.” She said before getting off her seat and leaving with the treats under her magic levitation spell.

“Hey! Wait right there you red belly clever son of a bitch!” He spat out.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Fear racing through the minted green mare's veins.

“Now if you are going to leave? You must remember two things in this town. One: I always win and two: You haven’t returned stolen merchandise.” He raised his forehoof as she turned around to face him. Contents still hanging in the air from her horn. She would have gotten away with it too if this scruffy looking pony wasn't here.

She fumed out her muzzle in a heat of rage before taking place back in her seat.

Bob knew this women all too well.

She coldly dropped the assorted contents all over the floor, splaying across the pristine shiny coated checkered floor pattern.

She licked her lips and placed her forehooves over the table and huffed away her white mane that clouded a part of her right eye.

Bob smirked and grinned proudly at his tactic that suited his persona all too well.

He gloated one last time before beginning, “So my young mare in need? I’ll start first I assume.”

The mare gritted her teeth and stared at him with cold dead looking eyes that would seem all too familiar later on.

“Go…ahead.” She grind her teeth.

The other employees were hesitated to enter within the mare's reach in fear they would be slashed or swatted down if they got too near. Unfortunately the boss wasn't exactly keen on seeing his stock get trampled anymore for the day. So he ordered two young ponies to finish the job and get on with their work.

Both of them had severe acne problems and their faces blistered with dozens of zits that made Bob look much more presentable as a lousy drunk than these two teen aged ponies who probably jerked themselves to mare on mare magazines at night.

He licked his lips and began with a sharp tongue and cunning sense to aim at the head of his objective. In some ways, he always worked like the towns official detective. A quality that will leave his mark among the ponies of Canterbury forever.

He placed his forehooves over the counter too and smiled once more before officially beginning the mares’ trial.

“So…What’s this I hear about dead ponies?

Author's Note:

Hey I am back with another story that follows in vein with the Equestria: Z universe. So I am proud to announce that this is my first comedy/horror/thriller/action/slice of life all built into one.

This will be a short story of a minimal of 5-8 chapters, nothing more.

I hope you enjoy and do what you got to do with comments and what not.

The usual critical acclaim and critical failure. Whatever it is, you decide readers. You decide