• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 3,763 Views, 231 Comments

Diamond Tiara goes to Boot Camp - dungeonguy88

Diamond Tiara has been in, what could generously be called, a rivalry with Applebloom for sometime now. Now she's crossed the line once too often, forcing Filthy Rich to take drastic action. Can she become a better pony and make new friends?

  • ...

Chapter One: Disciplinary Action

Filthy Rich has had better days.

Oh, it was true that the weather ponies were at the top of their game today, having brought about clear skies and cooling breezes in perfect measure for the day. His business was having one of those rare days that didn't require much supervision on his part. And Filthy Rich knew that he generally had fewer reasons to complain than most ponies, due to his monetary success.

If only his precious Diamond had gotten the memo that the day was going to be a good one.

He could scarcely understand it, but despite his efforts she seemed to only be getting more and more...rambunctious.

Ms. Cheerilee had actually sent someone to get him from work for this latest incident. Worse than the usual antagonism between his daughter and the youngest Apple, the two had finally broken out into a full on brawl. In the middle of the classroom, no less. Over glitter.

That little detail had really gotten his blood up, during the little meeting he just had with Ms. Cheerilee and Big Macintosh. It had been little solace that little Applebloom's older brother had been so understanding, given the moment Filthy had started admonishing Diamond Tiara and spelling out her punishment, she had immediately started blaming Applebloom for it all. And naturally Applebloom reciprocated, which quickly led to both stallions holding them back from another brawl. Filthy Rich had doubled the time for Diamond Tiara's grounding right there, but it quickly lead right back to his daughter blaming “the Blank-flank” and vice versa.

He had been kind of relieved to find out that Diamond still had detention time to serve for the next couple of hours. Filthy Rich needed some time to clear his thoughts.

While Filthy Rich certainly trusted the Apples to address matters from their end, as things stood he just didn't know what to do from his own end. The schoolyard grudge was starting to drag others into the middle of it, and Filthy didn't even really know what had started it. Just last week he had a rather awkward conversation with little Silver Spoon's parents on the very subject; Diamond's behavior aside, her grades had been slipping and it seemed she was rubbing off more and more on her best friend.

He could understand them, his daughter and little Applebloom, not getting along, even if it was disappointing, given the long standing friendship between the two families. But the situation was getting out-of-hoof.

'Maybe, I should take my vacation early this year, maybe take on a more hooves-on approach...'

He wasn't particularly excited about the idea, as it would make it harder to take an actual vacation with Diamond Tiara, and spend actual quality time with his daughter. But maybe it was a bit late to keep taking half-measures...

...he would've kept mulling over this line-of-thought, had he not suddenly found himself rolling head-over-hooves into the ground.

'Well, that could have been worse...at least, I fell onto something soft...and warm...and groaning.'

Scrambling away, as he surmised that it hadn't been his own hooves betraying him that had led to his spill, he soon found himself tangled up in the other pony's dress.


This time it was Filthy with a confused pony on top of him. A pony princess at that.

“Oooh, I don't think Rarity's idea of dressing up more often is going to last.”

Filthy Rich's senses finally catching up with the situation, he began to take a more reasoned approach to sorting out this little faux pas. Working a bit more calmly to untangle himself from the purple alicorn's dress this time around “Sorry about that Princess Twilight. Really, very sorry. Here let me help you with that.”

With Twilight coordinating this time around they were both quickly on their hooves, with Twilight rubbing her head, and Filthy Rich trying his best to dust off the princess. Soon she waved him off, not overly concerned with the dress.

“It's alright. Accidents happen, Mr. Rich.”

“Hardly an excuse. If I wasn't so caught up in my own problems, this wouldn't have happened, Princess Twilight.”

“Just Twilight, if that's alright. And really it's fine, I wasn't really paying attention either. Probably shouldn't try reading and walking at the same time in the middle of the street.”

Quickly nodding at Twilight's request, used to having to deal with same issue of what he preferred to be called, he soon noted the scattered documents around them. “Oh, let me help you gather these back together, Ms. Twilight. And afterwards we can swing by my store and get you something new to wear, free-of-charge. I can't say it will be up to Ms. Rarity's standards, but we at Barnyards Bargains take pride in our quality products.” He chuckled a bit at that, scarcely aware that he had slipped a bit into advertising, even as he started gathering the scattered documents.

“Thanks, but you don't need to go through all that trouble. Rarity has been trying to get me into more and more clothes lately; I've got more than ever right now.”

“It wouldn't be any trouble at all.” The two of them soon had the documents into a relatively neat pile.

“Really, it's fine. You don't need to make anything up to me. Like I said accidents happen.” This time Twilight tried smiling to let the stallion know that everything really was fine.

“Well, if you're sure...well, even so if you happen to need to pick up anything you be sure to swing on by. Especially if you're planning on traveling.”

“I'm sorry?”

“You are planning on traveling soon, right? My apologies, but I caught a glance at a few lines here and there. Rather used to looking over paperwork you know.”

“Oh. Well, yes. I suppose I am going to be...visiting with some folk and-...”

“Say no more. Top secret work for our newest princess, am I right? Sorry for my nosiness.” Filthy Rich said with a wink.

“Oh, well...it's not really top secret. I'm just...anxious is all.” She finished lamely.

“About traveling or the folks you're meeting when you get there?” The stallion asked.

“Uh, mostly the second one.” Twilight smiled a bit sheepishly at that, as she started to head down the street again, Filthy Rich in tow.

“Really now? With everything you've done, I can't imagine what would make you anxious, Ms. Twilight.” Mr. Rich chuckled at that.

“Yeah, I suppose so. I guess it's just easier to not worry when things are spur of the moment for me. Most of the time, I don't have the opportunity to worry for very long.” Twilight admitted.

“My advice? Take your mind off of it for a little while, maybe get something to eat.”

“That's what Spike said. It hasn't really worked so far.”

“And naturally, I come along and interrupt your lunch hour. Here let me get out of your mane.”

“I wasn't really hungry, honestly. And I'm not really like Spike; eating doesn't really wash away my problems.” She giggled at that, knowing that Spike wouldn't give much mind to the sky falling if he had a nice pile of gems in front of him.

“If only it were that easy. I suppose we should hold up young Spike as an example then...anyway, I should let you get back to your business. Again if you need anything, you be sure to swing on by.” Filthy Rich was just about to walk away, when Twilight called back.

“Wait. Didn't you say you were having problems too?” Twilight asked.

Turning back, as his mind quickly turned back to the issues that he had been mulling over earlier, he quickly decided it best to not burden the young mare. “Nothing to trouble yourself with, Ms. Twilight. I'm sure you have much bigger things on your mind.”

“I want to know. Really. I mean you listened to me, right? Maybe I can help.” Twilight insisted.

“I really don't want to keep you from your lunch, when you seem busy enough as it is.” Mr. Rich continued to hedge.

“Well, we could always chat while we eat. And I really would like to know if I might be able to help.” Twilight offered.

Mr. Rich was about to spare Twilight his company, when his stomach grumbled mightily at the word 'eat'. He had missed his own lunch to his meeting with Cheerilee. Sighing as his gut turned on him “I suppose I can't say I'm keeping you from your lunch then, can I? Alright, but I insist on it being my treat.”


A little while later...

“...so here I am, wondering where I went wrong!” Punctuating this declaration by abruptly dropping his head onto his untouched plate of food, and getting the attention of several other patrons, Filthy Rich admitted to being at his wit's end.

Twilight gave an awkward smile to the other ponies around, before taking a sip of her hay-shake. Taking a breath, she leaned forward before using her telekinesis to lift Mr. Rich's face from the plate. Pushing the plate to the side, she wasn't really sure off the top of her head how to help the stallion, so settled for letting him set his head back on the table. She'd probably need to ask for extra napkins from the waiter in a bit.

She had no idea how severe the situation had become. Sure, she had been peripherally aware of the fact that her friend's younger sister had something of a rivalry with Mr. Rich's daughter. But she had always figured it was simply a foalhood issue, and nothing to be overly concerned with; she hadn't really gotten any indications otherwise from Applejack. But, apparently, they were breaking out into actual fights, sniping at each other in the middle of class, and dragging all of their friends into it, as well. Apparently, some of the more noteworthy-...disasters in Ponyville had been set off by their rivalry.

And she didn't want to take sides, but she had never really noticed any particularly negative qualities from Applebloom...well, aside from a certain over-eagerness in some of her pursuits. And a tendency to inadvertently cause a bit of havoc. And she did possess the Apple family stubbornness and pride.

'Okay, so little Applebloom probably bears a fair share there. But still, little Diamond Tiara sounds like a little terror.'

In any event, it wasn't a matter of assigning blame, but figuring out how to get the situation under control.

“Mr. Rich?”

“...I apologize for that little outburst there, Ms. Sparkle. I suppose I'm not used to discussing this kind of thing with other ponies.” Mr. Rich lifted his head, and started to take back his normal controlled posture. Soon he was brushing off the hayfries and adjusting his tie. “In any event, I thank you for taking the time to listen...”

Sensing that he intended to leave Twilight quickly reached a hoof forward to stop him “Wait! Didn't you want to figure out how to...address the problem?”

Blinking in surprise “I-...That's very kind of you Ms. Twilight. But I've already unloaded on you enough for one day. And you must have more business to attend to. I'm sure I do...”

“No, not really. I kind of make a point of being well ahead of most of the work I need to do anyway. I can take some time to brainstorm on this problem. And I want to help.”

“But...I'm not really sure how you could help. I mean, you're free to try talking with her, I suppose. But I've tried that myself. I've tried grounding her. Taking away privileges. More creative punishment. It seems to work right up until the two meet, every time.”

“Uhm, well, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy...but, I do know something about...impossible seeming conflicts. And if there's one thing I've learned is that there is always a way!” She punctuated her claim with a radiant smile, as she placed a hoof on the stallion's shoulders.

Smiling at the words of encouragement from the young princess “Well, I suppose you're right. Have to keep getting back on that horse. After all, you've faced dragons and all manner of troubles, maybe keeping two foals from tearing into each other isn't too great a challenge for Princess Twilight Sparkle...even if we need to call in the royal guard from time to time to keep them apart.”

Mr. Rich chuckled at the joke at the end. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that Twilight seemed to be staring blankly at him. “Ms. Twilight? Are you-”

“That's it!”

Exclaiming loud enough to cause nearly every pony in place to jump a few inches in the air, she scarcely noticed the disturbance she just caused.

“I know what we can try! Come on, I'll explain when we get back to the library.”

Filthy Rich blinked in confusion briefly, as he watched the mare run off, before shrugging and following after her.

Silence reigned over the patrons and staff of the restaurant as their discussion concluded. About a minute after the two had exited, one mare looked around and spoke her mind “So...do we just not involve ourselves or something? I mean, we could right? Not like we didn't hear what was going on.”

The ponies looked amongst themselves at the mare's question mumbling to themselves a bit, before the waiter gave his own piece “Probably best to let this play out on it's own for a bit.”

Ponies nodded and generally agreed with the assessment as they turned back to their meals. Aside from the mare who first posed the question, as she pursed her lips in consideration before saying to herself “It's not like the rest of us can't contribute...”

A few minutes later...

Soon, Filthy Rich found himself following Twilight into the town library, winded and bewildered. Leaning against the door frame as he got his breath, he took note of the younger mare making a beeline for her desk.

“Haaah, hah, huuuh...if you don't...mind me asking-”

“Yes! The timing is perfect!” Twilight soon turned back towards the stallion with a calendar held in her magic.

His brow arching at this, he decided to continue his earlier line of questioning “...-why did we need to run all the way here.”

“To check the date, of course.”

“...That's it?”

“Well, I mean-”

“I could have told you the date, Ms. Twilight.”


“Or we could have asked somepony.”


“Or checked a newspaper.”

“...Ok, so maybe running here was kind of unnecessary.” Twilight soon tilted her head at Mr. Rich's points. “I guess, I'm just kind of used to running here in the middle of every emergency.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head, mildly embarrassed by the admission. Certain ponies might have been right about her; it kind of said something about her, that in an emergency she usually found herself running to the library.

“Well...I guess I can appreciate how seriously you're taking the issue, though emergency might be too strong a word. Anyway, why did you need to know the date?” Filthy Rich asked, with a gesture of his hoof.

“Oh! Well, it just occurred to me that the timing seemed about right. All the foals are going to be getting out of school for the summer soon, right?”

“I believe so.”

“Well, it just so happens I know of the perfect solution, and it's going to be taking place over the summer.” Twilight announced with a smile.

Twilight soon filled him in on her grand scheme. With much gesticulating and reassurances, Mr. Rich scarcely noticed when Spike provided the two of them drinks, during their discussion.

As Twilight finished, Mr. Rich still had his reservations “...well, still. It seems a bit extreme, don't you think? Sending her off to-”

“Trust me, Mr. Rich, it's a great experience. My Big Brother used to go every year, and he would go on-and-on about it. He loved it. And you can't find a pony more disciplined or responsible than Shiny.”

“I understand, but...she would be away from Ponyville for an entire month? Away from home? And it doesn't sound entirely safe.”

“They have a great record though! And...maybe that's what she needs, Mr. Rich.” Twilight said.

Filthy's expression showed his doubts at the thought quite clearly. But before he could voice his opinions, Twilight pressed on “I mean, you seem like a very loving father and a good stallion. But you admitted not ten minutes ago that anytime you try to discipline little Diamond Tiara, it doesn't ever seem to sink in. She's too used to it coming from you. You need to take her out of her comfort zone, I think. And if nothing else, it'll be a month where she can be away from Ponyville. Maybe make new friends and grow up a little. I bet she'll even enjoy it!”

Filthy Rich considered this for a few minutes, not entirely comfortable with the idea. But...perhaps it was like Twilight said, and he too was stuck in his comfort zone. And that wasn't working.

Soon he nodded “Well, alright then, we can give it a shot.”


“But, I'm going to have to insist on getting in contact with those in charge.”

“Of course.”

“And I wouldn't mind getting in contact with your brother.”

“Not a problem.”

“And, I'll need to see the facilities.”

“That should be doable.”

“...well, great then. I guess it's off to-”

...One week later.

“Boot Camp!?”

Filthy Rich flinched and folded back his ears at his daughter's outburst.

“You're making me join the Royal Guard cause of that stupid blank-flank?!”

Filthy Rich scowled a bit at that, as he was quickly reminded of what was at stake. “It's not 'Boot Camp' it's Junior Guard Cadet Summer Camp. And it comes highly recommended for foals with disciplinary problems, by Princess Twilight herself. And her brother.”

“Princess Twilight?! She isn't even a real princess though! All she does is hang out in that silly library of hers.”

“That's enough, Diamond Tiara! You don't have to like this, but I will not have you disrespecting a fine mare like Ms. Twilight. Princess or not!” Filthy Rich liked to think of himself as a very patient pony, and very rarely saw a need to raise his voice, but he was quickly realizing that he needed to put his hoof down. His filly soon bit her tongue, not used to her daddy yelling, before her eyes quickly started welling up with tears.

“But-but daddy, I don't want to be a guardpony, and Summer vacation just started and Silver Spoon won't be there and what about all those dirty ponies?!”

Filthy Rich soon found himself rubbing his face with his hoof, as his daughter quickly turned on the waterworks. He had enough troubles trying to be strict with her, without her resorting to that.

“I understand this isn't what you were expecting, sweetie. But this is already settled. I've looked into everything, travel arrangements have been made, and all that's left is the packing. We're giving this a chance, and that's that.”

“B-but whyyy?” The filly punctuated the question with the most heartbreaking sniffles.

'And here we go. Celestia help me.'

“I think you know why.”

“So it really is because of those goofball blank-flanks?!”

'And we're back to square one.'

“No, it's because of this terrible attitude you've started taking with everything, especially little Applebloom and her friends. Picking fights, bullying others, bad grades. And I had to have a very uncomfortable conversation with Silver Spoon's parents about your bad influence on your friend. To say nothing of the Gabby Gums incident or Family Appreciation Day.”

“B-but, daddy!”

“No more buts, Diamond Tiara. I suggest you make the best of this week. Because you are going to be spending the next month learning how to be a grown-up.”

Next week...

'The week could have gone a lot worse, looking back.'

Despite numerous attempts on his daughter's part to sabotage things, he had managed to pull everything together in time, and was even now escorting his daughter to the train station.

Begging, bargaining, excessively good behavior, excessively bad behavior, the old “I'm Sick” routine, a runaway attempt that didn't even get out the door, attempts to delay the inevitable and an attempt involving a body double, had all been either thwarted or ignored by Mr. Rich.

Though admittedly not all of the delays and inconveniences had been planned by Diamond Tiara. It had come as a sobering realization when he had to, in detail, explain just what a sleeping bag was for, among other things. She had not responded well to the camping aspect of her coming trip, when she heard what was involved.

'Regardless of how this turns out, I'm going to have to start spending more time with her.' It had started to become painfully apparent just how sheltered his little filly truly was. And he was going to do something about it.

Glancing to his side, he soon noted that, once again, his filly had tried to fall behind in a last ditch effort to avoid going on her little adventure. “Diamond Tiara. Unless you want me to carry you like a newborn into the train station in front of everypony, I suggest you pick up the pace.”

“But daddy, all this stuff is too heavy!”

Rolling his eyes once more at his filly's whining, he soon cantered back down the road to where his daughter was making a show of struggling with her saddlebags and the pack of supplies he had purchased over the last week. In under a minute he had soon moved both the pack and his daughters saddlebags onto himself; if walking through town while loaded up with his daughter's notably pink supplies was what was required to make this happen, he'd accept it.

“There. Now you should be able to handle the short walk to the train station.”

Left without any sort of excuse to slow down their journey, and with her daddy keeping a constant scrutiny on her now, she did what most foals did when they were cornered. She pouted.

With the uncomfortable silence guiding them to their destination, they were soon stopping in front of the train that would be carrying his little filly to Junior Guard Cadet Summer Camp for the next month.

“Last call!” And just in time at that.

Realizing just how long their walk had taken, Mr. Rich hastened to the pony calling for the last riders to get on. He was relieved to note that Diamond Tiara had followed, perhaps entirely out of habit.

“Wait! We have one more rider. This is the train for the Junior Summer Camp, right?”

“Yessir. That's one of our stops, and you got here just in time sir...though ya seem a bit old for summer camp.”

“Oh, no. It's my filly here.” Quickly gesturing to Diamond Tiara, who sported an expression that suggested she was thinking about bolting.

Quickly placing a hoof behind his daughter he scooted her in front of him, before she could think to do anything rash. Quickly pulling out the ticket, Filthy soon passed it to the stallion.

Giving it a cursory glance he soon turned back to Mr. Rich “Looks like everything's in order. I take it that's her luggage. Let me go ahead and load that up for ya.”

Soon divested of his burden, Filthy Rich soon found himself alone with his little filly. The same filly that was looking up at him with big, watery eyes and a look of near panic.

Briefly tempted to just say 'screw it' and take his little filly back home, the father soon squashed that line of thought. Kneeling down, he soon wrapped her in a hug. He was relieved when she returned it a few seconds later.

“I know you don't think this is fair, and that you're a bit scared-”

“Am not.” Rather than an outburst, her voice was rather resigned to the situation.

“-but...I'm only doing this because I really think this is what's best for you. And I want you to know that I love you with all my heart, and I'll be waiting for you to come back. Alright?”

Sniffling again as she wiped her face in embarrassment, she managed to let out a quiet “Alright.”

Before the scene could continue much longer, the train let out a loud whistle, just as the stallion from earlier returned.

“Time's up, Mister. We gotta get your filly situated on board now.”

“Alright. Please keep an eye on her for me.”

“No problem.”

With one more hug shared between father and daughter, she was carried aboard just as the train started off.

About an hour later...

Filthy Rich had taken his time walking back to his home. There weren't any pressing issues and he had taken the day off to see Diamond Tiara off. And he needed the time to remind himself that this whole plan was the right thing to do for his filly.

As he closed the door to his rather large and comfortable home, he took in a breath as he considered how empty the house seemed when he knew that his daughter was miles away by now. And quiet.


Or not-so-quiet and not-so-empty. Startled for a moment as he considered what sounded like a cheer, he moved further into his house.

Soon standing in front of a simple door, he had to remind himself that he wasn't really all that alone and the house was far from empty. Still curious, he opened the door to his household staff's breakroom.


Ducking just as a wine cork was launched over his head, he soon turned back to take in the scene.

“Huzza- Oomph!” The latest cheer was cutoff as a mare, Fine Dining, elbowed the stallion that had popped open the bottle in the gut, Mr. Rich's Butler, Posh Polish.

The last occupant of the room let out a sudden squeak as she noticed her employer standing in the doorway. Mademoiselle, his Prench maid, quickly and quietly threw the cake she was eating in the trash, as she cantered in front of him and bowed “Monsieur Rich, was zere something you needed?”

Tilting his head, he considered the apparently celebratory cake sitting on the counter, the frozen and bordering-on panicked looks on the other two ponies faces, before facing his maid “Just wondering what the commotion is all about, is all.”

Mademoiselle soon opened her mouth, but halted as she realized she didn't know how to explain the party they were throwing. “It's a, how you say...a birthday party?”

Raising an eyebrow at this answer, he considered the three before turning towards Posh Polish “Posh's right?”

“Oh, oui. You remembered.” The other two visibly relaxed, as Mademoiselle quickly agreed.

“Wasn't Posh's birthday next month?” The other two visibly tensed up again.

“O-oui. W-well, you see. There was a...uhm...a time rift?”

“A time rift?” Fine Dining and Posh Polish were both staring in shock at Mademoiselle's explanation.

“Oui, Monsieur Rich.”

“I see...well, carry on then. And Happy Temporally Displaced Birthday, Posh.”

Filthy Rich soon stepped back out, closing the door behind him, catching the sounds of hushed words being exchanged on the other side.

He considered his staff's actions for a moment, before shaking his head with a chuckle. He wasn't an idiot. He could put two-and-two together well enough.

He supposed it wasn't all that surprising, his people were very loyal and reliable, but given recent events he had to admit his daughter was quite the handful when she wanted to be. Really, that they were trying to be as considerate of his feelings as they were, was kind of touching in it's own right. After all, they had never complained before.

'I can at least play along for now. And they have been needing a new coffee maker in their breakroom...'

Deciding to do something nice for the ponies around him, Filthy Rich headed back to town.

In the staff breakroom...

“A time rift? Really, Maddy?” Fine Dining was not pleased with the youngest of their group.

“Désolé. It waz just so sudden. You know zat I'm a terrible liar." The maid was nearly in tears over her slip.

Posh Polish was curled over the sink, sick with anxiety “We are so dead. He's going to have our hides mounted, I just know it."

Fine Dining sighed as she glanced between her two less composed comrades. Raising her hoof in a placating gesture “Alright. Alright. We just need to take a breath and calm down. For all we know, everything's fine, and he won't even notice that-"

She was soon cutoff by the sound of a sudden knock at the door. The three ponies glanced among themselves, stricken with panic at the sound. As another knock began, Mademoiselle jumped into action again.

Peeking out the door, she groaned in misery as she saw who it was. She opened the door to let the others see “Bonjour again, Monsieur Whooves."

“Thanks. And it's Doctor...Now which one of you told Mr. Rich about the time rift?"

Posh Polish and Fine Dining both got over their shock quickly enough to shoot identical glares towards Mademoiselle, who cringed under their scorn.

“Alright then. You three know the deal. Pack your bags, we gotta try it again."

Author's Note:

Alright, so first chapter of my second story. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

As before, questions and criticisms are welcome. I plan on this story being a bit longer than the first, Advanced Lessons, and the humor will be a bit tamer considering it's foals this time around.

Anyway, I've always found Diamond Tiara to be a rather interesting character, for a variety of reasons I'm not going to get into right here. So, I wanted to write a story focusing on her, and addressing some of her character flaws and strengths. Hopefully, I can even put an interesting spin on her, and help her develop a bit as a character in everyone's eyes.

As I mentioned, this story is taking place in the two month timeskip between Chapters 2 and 3 of my first story, Advanced Lessons. There is some connectivity between the two, and reading the first will provide some context for some of things going on in this story, but it's not really necessary that you read it to be able to appreciate this story.

Again, enjoy. And feel free ask questions and offer criticism. It's always appreciated.