• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 3,762 Views, 231 Comments

Diamond Tiara goes to Boot Camp - dungeonguy88

Diamond Tiara has been in, what could generously be called, a rivalry with Applebloom for sometime now. Now she's crossed the line once too often, forcing Filthy Rich to take drastic action. Can she become a better pony and make new friends?

  • ...

Chapter Nine: Relief Action

The camp showers had hot water.

Diamond Tiara had not been made aware of this till now.

As promised, Stalwart Gaze had escorted the pink filly to the camp proper well before most of the other campers were awake. There, she made this most recent discovery, finding out that the little markings on the shower handles were for more than simple decoration. And while the hot water had been a pleasant surprise, the implications left an unpleasant aftertaste.

What kind of barbarians would use up all the hot water before her? Just because she didn't get up quite as early or as quickly as the other campers, didn't mean she should have had to put up with that injustice. For over a week straight, she had been operating under the assumption that the shower water came in two varieties: cold and freezing.

It was simply in-equine...

...which was precisely the reason that Diamond Tiara made a point of using up as much of the hot water as she could, before any of the other campers could start to file into the shower stalls.

She was sure that would teach somepony a lesson.

It was still a far cry from the luxury she was used to, of course. But seeing the surprised, confused looks the other campers gave her, seeing her trot away from the showers before anyone else had even gotten into the other stalls, had been oddly satisfying.

She couldn't help but note that Stalwart Gaze had left after having escorted her to the showers...Not that she cared, as it wasn't as if she had anything to say to the stallion.

And besides, for once her hunger might actually be able to outpace her disdain for the camp's cafeteria food. She'd barely eaten anything the day before, and had basically skipped last night's dinner. With all the running about she'd been forced into lately, her tummy was grumbling for just about any sort of food. As simple and cheap as the camp's food seemed, she couldn't help but hurry a bit towards breakfast.

Diamond Tiara was just opening the door to the mess hall, when she heard a firm voice from behind her.

“Ms. Tiara. You seem to be up-and-about a bit earlier than usual.” Lancer calmly noted.

Diamond Tiara couldn't help but let the door close, as she backed away from the door to turn towards the pegasus mare. Her brief surprise quickly gave way to discomfort and a bit of anger, as the filly recalled the events of yesterday. Within the time it took to blink away her surprise, Diamond Tiara was glaring off to the side with her mouth clamped shut.

This wore on for several seconds, until Lancer cleared her throat, breaking the uncomfortable silence “Yes, well...don't let me keep you, Ms. Tiara.”

Lancer reached a hoof to the door, pushing it open.

It took the pink pony a moment to realize that Lancer hadn't yet passed through the doorway, and that the pegasus was actually holding the door for her.

Diamond Tiara didn't let herself give any thought to this, before stomping her way past the older mare and into the mess hall.

Lancer let loose a sigh that went unnoticed by Diamond Tiara.

The little pink filly's mind wasn't ready to accept the idea anyway, that the older mare didn't want to be her enemy. She was a bit more preoccupied with getting some food for her empty belly and was still too young too differentiate criticism from mean-spirited insults.

And they were serving oatmeal. Something normal, to Diamond Tiara, that wouldn't be casually dismissed as weird or gross. With the addition of some of the fruit, cinnamon, and butter the cafeteria was offering, the pink Earth pony filly might have gotten some, even if she wasn't starving.

And she would be the first one to hit the line, apart from a few of the early-rising camp officers, that were already sitting down to their own food. Admittedly, it was a fairly shallow pleasure, but there were few things as thrilling to a young mind as being at the very front of a line. It also meant she would be getting the food at it's freshest and get her pick of her favorite fruits, before any of the other campers could pick it clean.

She might never admit it, but waking up bright-and-early came with a few perks.

Diamond Tiara almost eagerly pushed her tray down the line, snapping up orange slices, grapes, and assorted berries to pile into her bowl of oatmeal, while pointedly turning her nose up at the apple slices. With a generous amount of cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter added to the bowl, Diamond Tiara was almost salivating and ready to slide the tray onto her back, when she felt a tap on her flank.

“Huh? What-” Diamond Tiara glanced back, expecting to see some impatient, impolite pony trying to prod her along. She was given some pause when it turned out there was nopony for her to berate.

She was about to dismiss the whole thing as just being her imagination, and return to her breakfast, when she felt another tap, this time on her other side.

Being quite familiar with this particular prank, Diamond Tiara abruptly turned around entirely, her hoof already raised in an accusing motion “Just who do-...huh?”

There was nopony behind her or to either of her sides. There were barely even any other campers in line right now, with just a few of the earliest rising foals getting started at the other end of the lunch-line.

“Oh, hey, that looks pretty tasty.”

Diamond Tiara stumbled a bit this time, as she quickly turned around to catch the culprit only to fall back on her haunches.

“You!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed angrily.

Sea Breeze gave an easy grin at that, as she continued to hover just above the lunch-line “Me!”

“What are you doing here?!” Diamond Tiara demanded.

“Oh, not much, not much. Thanks for asking, by the way. I'm just looking for something tasty to eat, is all.” The bat-pony easily remarked, as she set her hooves down on the floor. Taking a couple of sniffs at the air, the mare sighed, before approaching Diamond Tiara's tray of food “And, I gotta say, that does look pretty tasty...”

Quickly following where the bat-pony's eyes were glued, Diamond Tiara pushed the mare back with a hoof, as she got between Sea Breeze and her breakfast. Now shooting a glare up at Sea Breeze “Just who do you think you are, nosing in on my food?!”

“Oh, come on! It looks so good!” Sea Breeze teased, even as she tried to sidestep the pink filly.

“Quit it!”

“Just one bite? For the pretty kitty-cat's best friend?” The bat-pony pleaded, even as she tried to reach a hoof around Diamond Tiara's head.

The pink filly quickly batted the hoof away, before turning around and hovering over her food protectively “Why don't you get your own?!”

“Huh?...Oh, that's right!” Sea Breeze suddenly declared, as if she was just now remembering something. The bat-pony took a step back and turned to her side, revealing a tray deftly balanced between two leathery wings “I already got my own. Silly me, huh?”

“You had your own this whole time?!” Diamond Tiara angrily demanded.


“Then why were you trying to take mine?!”

“Well, that bowl of oatmeal does look pretty good...”

This prompted Diamond Tiara to resume her defensive stance, ready to defend her breakfast once more.

Sea Breeze shook her head at this, chuckling the whole time “...but, you know, you're just missing one crucial part of breakfast that I just can't do without.”

“What's that?” The filly asked, in a suspicious tone.

“Coffee!” Sea Breeze declared. And as if to prove her point, the bat-pony tilted her head back towards her own tray, which did indeed feature a big, steaming, cup of coffee at it's center.

“Wait...you actually drink that stuff?” Diamond Tiara asked, skeptical of the mare now. She'd once managed to sneak a taste of her daddy's own coffee one morning, curious as to what was so great about the beverage that necessitated drinking it everyday. She'd immediately spat-out the wretchedly bitter drink, and spent the next fifteen minutes or so trying to get the taste out of her mouth. Her maid, Maddy, eventually had to give her a glass of orange juice, just to clear away the terrible taste.

“Yeah, why wouldn't I drink it?” Sea Breeze asked of the filly.

“Uh, because it tastes terrible?” Diamond Tiara smartly supplied.

“Aw, it's not that bad. Also, I'm not really drinking it for the taste.” The bat-pony explained. The mare did look a bit tired, her motions a bit more sluggish, her eyelids drooping a bit, and her energetic manner a bit more subdued.

“It's still gross.” Diamond Tiara primly replied, turning away to slide her own tray onto her back.

“Heh. Come back to me in a few years, and tell me how gross it is then.” Sea Breeze suggested with a chuckle. The pink filly couldn't help but notice Sea Breeze following just behind her “So, kitty-cat, what have you been up to this morning?”

“...Nothing.” Diamond Tiara replied, after a few seconds.

“Really? So, you weren't wandering around camp a little over an hour ago?” Sea Breeze coyly asked.


"Really? Cause I could of sworn I saw you hugging-it-out with that nice filly from your cabin, or was I just imagining that?" Sea Breeze added, after a moment of thought.

"No!" Diamond Tiara quickly blurted out.

"Oh, so I wasn't imagining that? Good to know."

"Gya-...that wasn't what I meant!" The filly exclaimed.

"Well, what did you mean?" The bat-pony casually prompted.

"I-...it doesn't matter, cause I wasn't out there anyway!" Diamond Tiara replied, worried that she might get pulled into another verbal trap.

“Well, that's good. I would hate to have to chase after you again with another bucket of cold water.” Sea Breeze remarked, a grin audible in her words.

“Well, that's certainly a relief.” Came another mare's voice before Diamond Tiara could give any further response.

It was Rockette.

“Huh? Oh, hey, Rocky! How's the morning treating you?” Sea Breeze lightly greeted the older pegasus.

“It's going well, so far. I'm hoping it will continue to do so.” The former Wonderbolt remarked, cantering a bit closer to the two of them.

“Can't imagine why it wouldn't.” Sea Breeze remarked.

Rockette's smile was kindly, as she cantered up alongside the younger mare “Getting ready to get some sleep, Sea Breeze?”

“Heh. Guess it's kind of obvious, huh?” The bat-pony confirmed, not bothering to hide her exhaustion.

The gray pegasus nodded at this, before extending a wing out towards Sea Breeze. In the next moment, the bat-pony's breakfast tray was sliding onto Rockette's back, thanks to a bit of adroit wing-work.

“Hey-” Sea Breeze began.

“How many times have I spoken to you about drinking coffee right before going to sleep?” Rockette interrupted.

“Uh...like a few times, I guess. But-” Sea Breeze started to reply, still visibly eying the coffee mug.

“No buts. Your sleep habits are already terrible enough as things stand now. You don't need to keep making them worse.” Rockette replied, in a chiding tone.

“But, but-...caffeine!” Sea Breeze pitifully pleaded, even as she reached a hoof for the mug sitting on the pegasus' back.

Rockette wasted no time in slapping away the bat-pony hoof “Not while you're my junior officer. So, you'll just have to have something else to drink with your breakfast.”

Sea Breeze let out a defeated groan at that.

“And, I take it this is the filly that broke curfew a couple of nights back?” The older mare prompted, turning towards Diamond Tiara, as a way of explanation.

The bat-pony tilted her own head at this change of topic “Huh? Well, yeah-”

“The same filly that let loose that terrified screech, as you chased her through the camp?” Rockette added.

“I wasn't terrified!” Diamond Tiara interjected.

“You did let out some pretty loud screeching though.” Sea Breeze pointed out. Noticing the frown on the older mare's face, the bat-pony let out a bit of a gulp “I mean, there's the curfew-”

“We have a prescribed manner of punishing curfew breakers, Sea Breeze.” Rockette pointed out in a calmer, though somewhat disappointed, tone.

“Well, yeah, I guess...but, Lancer did say it was up to my discretion when it came to punishments for that sort of thing.” Sea Breeze reminded.

“Yes. Discretion, Sea Breeze. Chasing fillies around with buckets full of lake-water, is not showing a great deal of discretion. Now is it?” Rockette countered.

“I guess not...?”

“I'm glad you agree...Now let's see about your breakfast.” Rockette replied with a nod, before turning towards the staff table, along with Sea Breeze's food tray.

Sea Breeze and Diamond Tiara stood there for several moments in silence.

“...Ha-ha. You got in tro~uble!” Diamond Tiara sang, while pointing a hoof towards the bat-pony.

Sea Breeze raised an eyebrow at this, before cracking a bit of a smile. Before she could say anything in response to the filly's teasing, Rockette turned around “And Ms. Tiara?”

Diamond Tiara's own amusement immediately evaporated, as she recognized the pegasus' tone. She'd heard that same tone-of-voice coming from Ms. Cheerilee often enough...

“Don't take any of what was just said, as my disapproving of Sea Breeze bringing a bit of creativity in doling out punishments. If she can find another way to reprimand curfew-breakers, without waking up half-the-camp, she will have my unwavering support.” Rockette carefully explained, even as she pointedly sent a glance towards the bat-pony. Focusing back upon the filly now, Rockette leaned a bit forward “And, when I say that, I am including you, Ms. Tiara. Is that understood? ”

The pink-filly gave a quick nod.

“Excellent.” Rockette smiled at her quick response, suddenly back to being all sunshine and rainbows “Now, let's all get back to our breakfast. Most important meal of the day, you know.”

There followed another silence, between Diamond Tiara and Sea Breeze, as Rockette once more took her leave.

“...Ha-ha. You got in tro~uble!” This time it was Sea Breeze singing the little tune, while pointing a hoof at the pink filly.

Diamond Tiara scowled at this. Lacking any sort of proper retort though, the filly simply stuck her tongue out towards the bat-pony.

Her tongue had to quickly return to it's home, when the bat-pony began to playfully ruffle Diamond Tiara's mane, forcing her to adjust her balance to save the tray on her back “H-hey! Quit it!”

Sea Breeze obliged a couple of seconds later, completely unrepentant, despite the filly's querulous manner. Diamond Tiara, still glaring up at the mare, began running a hoof through her mane to straighten it “As if my mane hasn't suffered enough, you-...where's my tiara?”

“Huh?” Sea Breeze cleverly responded.

“My tiara! Where is it?!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed, while looking from side to side, hoping to spot it on the floor “It's- you must have knocked it off, when-”

“Uh, are you sure you were wearing it?” Sea Breeze supplied, bemused by the filly's reaction.

“Of course, I was wearing it! I always-...I mean- I almost-...” Diamond Tiara trailed off, as she started to process the question properly. She was kind of surprised to recall that, she had, in fact, neglected to put on her trademark tiara this morning.

That was unlike her, the filly couldn't help but note to herself, even as she ran her hoof through her mane again.

“Heh. Well, don't sweat it, kitty-cat. You look pretty good without it, anyway.” Sea Breeze remarked, before again playfully running a hoof through the filly's mane.

“Anyway, enjoy your breakfast, while I go chat-up the adults.” Sea Breeze said, not minding it when Diamond Tiara again batted away her hoof.

Diamond Tiara frowned, as she watched the bat-pony let out a yawn before trotting off towards the camp staff's table. The whole direction of that conversation had proven a bit unsettling...

So, she forgot her tiara. Big deal.

Not like it was the end of the world. She'd just go back to the cabin after breakfast and get it.

Totally, not a big deal...

At the staff table...

“You'll be happy to know, that the practice equipment was where it was supposed to be this year.” Arcana remarked, sipping at a mug of tea, as she set down her ever-present clipboard.

“I suppose that's something...” Lancer replied, popping another grape into her mouth, as she did so.

“...Don't tell me you're brooding now?” The unicorn irritably asked.

“Excuse me?” Lancer replied defensively, suddenly giving her full attention to the unicorn mare.

“You should know, by now, that I have no patience for moping. So...desist.” Arcana sharply demanded.

“Moping? Where are you getting moping from? Am I supposed to just start dancing on the table, because the equipment shed was in proper order this year?” Lancer countered.

“Well, I just have to assume you're feeling moody, given this reaction. You should, at least, be showing a little excitement at the prospect of getting to hit things.” The unicorn pointed out.

“You do seem a bit stressed out, Lancer.” Rockette noted, with some concern. A moment later, she batted a certain bat-pony's hoof away from a mug of coffee, without looking.

Lancer glanced towards her fellow pegasus at that remark, before letting loose a puff of air and rolling her eyes “For sweet Celestia's sake, I am allowed to be preoccupied.”

“Preoccupied?” Rockette prompted.

“I am just considering the best way to proceed with this year's classes, alright?” Lancer replied, aggravated by the prying.

“The same way we did last year. There, issue resolved. Now stop brooding.” Arcana quickly said.

“You know-” Lancer began, glaring at Arcana now.

“I do know. Many things, in fact. One thing you might like to know, is that I found a full-sized training spear in the shed, tucked away in the back. It should serve you well, for your demonstration.” The unicorn mare calmly informed.

“Demonstration?” Lancer asked, confused by that last part.

“Indeed. This seems like the perfect year for you to demonstrate some of your more impressive techniques for the campers. Before we get into the more boring, run-of-the-mill parts, that is.” Arcana elaborated.

“What? I'm not doing any sort of demonstration.” Lancer sharply denied, all too familiar with this argument.

“And, why not?” The unicorn countered.

“It might not be a bad change of pace.” Rockette added, in an encouraging tone.

“I wouldn't mind seeing that.” Brick Brawn remarked from the other side of the table.

“For one thing, it's hardly appropriate to turn this sort of thing into...entertainment. And for another, I'm not going to have time. Somepony still needs to carry Ms. Tiara through the basic course.” Lancer declared with some finality.

“I can take care of Ms. Tiara.” Stalwart Gaze suddenly spoke up.

“Excuse me?” Lancer asked.

“I don't mind taking Ms. Tiara through the basics of bucking.” Stalwart Gaze clarified, between bites of oatmeal.

“I can't really ask you to-” Lancer began.

“It makes more sense this way. I haven't handled any of the advanced classes before now, but I should be more than capable of teaching Ms. Tiara a bit about bucking.” The stallion pointed out.

“That is a fair point. This is his first year here.” Brick Brawn agreed.

“And that aside, I think the filly could use some distance from you, ma'am.” Stalwart Gaze added a moment later.

“How do you mean?” Lancer asked.

“She might be a bit too busy resenting you to pick up on what you're trying to teach her. Especially if it's in a one-on-one scenario.” The stallion explained a bit bluntly.

“That's...a fair point, I suppose. Fine then.” The burly pegasus eventually relented.

“Ah, good. I take it that means we won't have to listen to any more excuses from you, then?” Arcana asked, earning an annoyed look from Lancer.

A short silence reigned over the table, as the older unicorn pointedly ignored her friend's ire.

“Good morning, everypony!” Silver Shield enthusiastically greeted, as he approached the staff table with his own tray of food “Did I miss anything?”

“Coffee, now...need...caffeine...” Sea Breeze pitifully requested, as she slumped over the table, her eyelids heavy with drowsiness.

Rockette sighed.

A little while later...

“DT sure did look weird without her thing-y, huh?”

Scootaloo glanced to the gangly colt at her side, before facing forward again “Huh? Yeah, I guess. That was kinda weird...”

The little orange filly found a lot of things about that breakfast weird. Most of them pertained to Diamond Tiara.

“Do you think she lost it or something?” Snails pressed.

“What? Her tiara? How would I know that?” Scootaloo asked with a confused look.

“I dunno.” Snails admitted.

“I think she might have just forgotten it this morning. She, uhm...” Delicacy quietly offered from the pegasus filly's other side.

“Oh...but, isn't that kinda weird too?” Snails countered after a couple of moments.

“I don't know. And can we talk about something other than Diamond Tiara?” Scootaloo requested.

The trio of foals fell quiet at that, as they trailed after the rest of the campers towards the practice field, just as they did the day before.

After several seconds of this, it became evident to Scootaloo that her pink nemesis might very well be the only topic on anypony's mind right then. Including her own.

Diamond Tiara was really starting to worr-...weird-out Scootaloo.

First it was the thing with the Survival hike, then that fight she got into the other day over that older filly's teasing. Normally, Scootaloo wasn't one to complain when Diamond Tiara ended up getting herself into trouble or otherwise got her comeuppance. And it was only fair for the pink filly to have to deal with being picked-on and teased, after all of the times she'd done the same to Scootaloo and her friends. Still, it had become increasingly difficult for Scootaloo not to notice that it seemed to be getting to Diamond Tiara...

...probably, because she knew what it was like to be picked on.

She could tell herself that DT was just bringing it on herself, but it still left the pegasus filly a bit uncomfortable.

She didn't really have any particular expectations for this morning, but she didn't think Diamond Tiara would have ended up being all...quiet. No teasing, no complaining, no put-downs, just a pink filly slowly eating her food, while sporting a weird look on her face. She didn't even snap, or anything, when Snails started asking her where her tiara was, bringing attention to it's conspicuous absence.

Very weird.

And it did seem like the pink filly was aware of it's absence, as DT kept running a hoof through her mane, like she still expected to find it there.

What exactly did Ms. Lancer say to her yesterday?

After the fight the other day, she hadn't really had the opportunity to figure out if the pink filly was alright. She looked pretty out-of-sorts, by the end of the day, and Scootaloo would admit to finding Ms. Lancer a tad intimidating herself. What if the burly pegasus had gone too far or something? Diamond Tiara didn't say anything at dinner, last night. Nor did they get into any arguments back in the cabin, as they normally did, when they were all getting ready to turn-in.

Which, again, was just so weird.

And nopony could really ask Diamond Tiara right now, what was up with her. Right after the pink filly had finished eating, that older stallion came over to their table and took her away. He hadn't really clarified why he needed the filly, nor had Diamond Tiara put up too much of a fight.

Was Diamond Tiara in even more trouble? Was there something wrong? Why...did Scootaloo have to keep thinking about it?

Diamond Tiara was the enemy. She'd always had been, and always would be. Diamond Tiara was always gonna be the rich, spoiled, popular filly, that would always take the time to mess with Scootaloo and her friends. She'd always complain when things didn't go her way or if she got in trouble. And she totally didn't deserve any sympathy...

Scootaloo never really did get in a proper apology, the day before.

“Arrrgg! Just what is her problem?!?!” Scootaloo suddenly shouted, her eyes screwed shut. She was thoroughly tired of having to think about this issue.

“...Uhm, Scootaloo?” Came Delicacy's quiet voice.

“Huh?” The pegasus answered, opening her eyes as she did so.

“Is there something you would like to share with everypony, Ms. Scootaloo?” Came the gruff call from Lancer. Scootaloo had been so lost in thought, she hadn't noticed when she, Snails and Delicacy, along with the majority of the other campers had made it to the practice field from yesterday. She hadn't noticed the piles of small, padded, practice weapons piled around. She hadn't even really noticed the presence of her two cabinmates, at her sides.

What she did notice, was nearly every camper and camp staff member staring at her, after her little outburst.

She also noticed the snickers from the nearby foals, as they started whispering to one another.

“Uh...what is who's problem, Scoots?” She noticed Snails, as he prodded her side with a hoof.

“Well, Ms. Scootaloo?” Lancer called over again, with what looked to be some sort of padded wooden pole tucked under one of her wings.

Scootaloo had to swallow a growing lump in her throat, as she sat under the collective scrutiny of nearly everypony present.

Scootaloo shook her head.

Lancer didn't respond, and just instead kept staring her way expectantly.

The orange pegasus filly tried to clear her throat, as she realized that the older mare wanted a better answer than a shake of the head “N-no, Ms. Lancer!...M-ma'am!”

Lancer gave a nod at that response “...Good. Now if I can have everypony's attention?”

Author's Note:

Well, this turned out to be a bit of breather episode, which isn't a bad thing, I don't think. I originally wanted to carry things farther, but we've already had three chapters in a row with a heavy focus on Diamond Tiara. And sure, she's the title character, but I think we can stand to segue back to the others for a bit.

So there will be a short part focusing back on Diamond Tiara in the next chapter, before the main focus switches back to the others.

I am going to spend this coming week on a fic for Valentine's day. Probably going to be three chapters like my Christmas story, with the first one featuring Twilight, Prince Blueblood, Snails and Delicacy.

But, worry not. As after the first chapter of that story, I'm going to be back to writing a chapter for this story. And alternate like so, till the Valentine's day story is done. I feel like Diamond Tiara goes to Boot Camp has fallen a bit behind schedule.

As always, I welcome any criticisms and questions and I hope everyone has enjoyed this latest chapter. Thanks.

And, as always, you can expect some edits over the next few days, as I pick out typos and straighten out some of the writing.