• Published 11th Nov 2013
  • 1,447 Views, 13 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The Seekers of Truth - McMesser

A creature with no past and a uncertain future, he journeys to find out about his past and to survive what the future has in store for him and his friends.

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Chapter 4: Professor Osmosis and the Brothers Riddle

Fallout Equestria The Seekers of Truth

Chapter 4

Professor Osmosis and the Brothers Riddle.

Family. Family isn't just the ponies you're related to, they can be the friends who are so close to you that they'd do anything for you. Ponies who you couldn't see yourself living without. Ponies will do a lot for the family they have. They'll walk through fire, move the sun and moon and march through the gate of Tartarus and back for family if they have to. But when your family does something so wrong what do you do? When every fiber of your being is telling you that something isn't right, what do you do? Well, only one thing you can do. Find your way to the gates of Tartarus.


“Oh, hello again brother. It’s so good of you to come and see me.” said Truth Seeker from inside his temporary prison deep inside the Stable, as he looked up from his book to see Osmosis outside through the window.

“Seeker. We need to talk, I need you to tell me of your plans back at the Crystals.” the blue unicorn stallion said as he stared at the onetime bedroom that now confined his brother. The room was well furbished for a cell, a small table rested along one of the walls with several books piled upon it with a bed taking up the other side.

“Is that so?” replied Truth Seeker. The unicorn stepped down from his resting place on his bed and started to make his way slowly to the window. “Why should I tell you? This is the first time you’ve come to see me since we arrived here. So that means one of two things, doesn’t it? Either you’ve come to see what a mistake you made by helping that creature. Or, you’ve found something that troubles you and if it’s enough to make the all knowing Professor Osmosis worried it has to be something big. Am I getting close?” the stallion mocked as he stared into the eyes of his brother.

“We just need to know. What did you intend to do with Finishing Touch!? Were you going to attempt to control him for your own crazy plans!?” Osmosis said, the volume of his voice rising along with anger at his brother. The stallion took a deep breath attempting to calm himself.

“Oh. Well this changes things. You’ve found something out about our little smoozey friend haven’t you? How he can be controlled and used by others.” giggled Seeker “Oh this is too good. But I’ll tell you what you want to know, but on one condition.”

“What is it that you want?” replied Osmosis.

“I want him to be here. I want to look into the eyes of that creature, that shadow, as I tell you both what I would’ve made him do. That is all I ask, I have a feeling he’ll want to know anyway.” Truth Seeker said, a wide grin creeping onto his face.

“I’ll ask him. But he’s not the kind of creature you think he is, he’s not some pawn to be controlled for other ponies dark schemes.” Osmosis said as he started to walk away, stopping just as he was near the doorway that lead from the new cell.

“So you claim, yet here you are. Asking me for the answers that you seek, if you were so sure of him then you wouldn’t need ask. But how can you be sure of one such as him, he was used once. What if he’s used again?” taunted Truth Seeker.

“I won’t let that happen, we won’t let that happen. I’ll not give up on him, not now not ever. We’ll find a way to make sure he’s never controlled again. And a way to save you from what’s clouded your mind my brother.” Osmosis said as he turned and walked away as the crazed giggling of Truth Seeker filled the room.


“Ahh, here you are Touch. You’ve had me on quite the hunt looking for you.” said Professor Osmosis as he approached the smooze, the purple creature gazing out across the Wasteland from one of the newly erected walls that now surrounded the settlement of Arlington.

“Oh, hello Professor. I didn’t mean to cause you such trouble.” replied Finishing Touch as he shifted around to look at the new arrival.

“Think nothing of it my friend. It was nice to get out and about, I spend far too much time cooped up in my office. It’s good to see the town’s coming along so well.” chuckled the blue stallion as he walked up next to the smooze.

“Yes, the work The Seekers of Truth brought in has really helped get this place back up and running. It’s such a shame it was destroyed in the first place, I just can’t understand why ponies fight each other in this land. From what I’ve read everyone used to live in peace before the war, but I suppose things change don’t they Professor?” pondered the smooze as he looked over to his companion, who nodded in agreement. If they did this to each other, what would the world think of one such as him? Already he'd seen how most ponies treated him when they first saw him, with gunfire and hate. But he'd also seen the good way that a few ponies had treated him, had welcomed him as friends. It's such a confusing world, thought the purple smooze.

The two stood in silence for what seemed like hours, looking out over what was once a bright and colourful land. Now destroyed by zebra and pony alike many years ago, the ponies of today still paying the price for the mistakes made so many years ago. The town behind the two bustled with life and activity as ponies busied themselves with the day to day chores and the ongoing effort to build the small town into something bigger, something better. A place where ponies, gryphons and everything in between could come to start afresh and escape the pandemonium of the Equestrian Wasteland.

The sound of grinding metal rang out over the two as the gates to Arlington opened to grant a small caravan of traders and merchants entry to the town, a sure sign that word of the towns rebirth from the destruction that befell it at the hooves of the Steel Rangers not long ago was starting to spread.

“Listen Touch. I came to tell you I’ve been to see my brother. I truly wish you’d had the chance to see him before this.. This madness took a hold of him.” said Osmosis, breaking the silence that had once again fallen over the two. “I asked him what he knew about you and what he planned to do. He said he would tell me if you were present as well. If you don’t want to..” continued the Professor, only to be interrupted by Finishing Touch.

“I come up here to think about everything. To think about what would’ve happened if Truth Seeker had succeeded in his plans. But all I’ve come to realise is that I can’t run from the past. If it’s true that there is a way to.. A way to control me we must find a way to stop it.” said Finishing Touch as he lowered his head, looking as if deep in thought.

“I’m done running, I’m done being afraid of what might have happened. I’m done being afraid of what could happen. I need to find out what he knows. I need to face what he did to me, I’ll come to see Truth Seeker with you.” said Touch as he looked back up at Osmosis.

“Thank you my friend. Whatever we find out, we’ll face it together.” smiled Osmosis as he placed a hoof on the back of Finishing Touch who returned the blue unicorn’s smile.

“We’ll find a way to save your brother. If I’ve learnt anything it’s that everyone deserves a second chance.” said Finishing Touch as he returned the gesture, placing a gloopy hand on the hoof of his friend.

“You're going to see Truth Seeker?” Called out a voice from behind the two, making them both turn around in surprise as the small form of Featherjoy landed in front of them. “You’ve got to take me with you Touch!” called out the gryphon, her multi coloured feathers fluttering in the wind.

“Now Featherjoy, what’ve we told you about sneaking up on others and listening in on them?” scolded Finishing Touch as he pointed a gloopy purple hand at the young gryphon.

“I... I didn’t mean to. I just saw you and the Professor up here, so I flew up and heard you’re seeing Truth Seeker.” explained Featherjoy “But I’m coming with you to see him, please!” the small gryphon demanded, looking up at the two.

“I’m not sure...” started Osmosis, only to be once again interrupted by Finishing Touch, placing a hand on the shoulder of Professor Osmosis.

“Professor, actually... I think she should. This includes her as much as it does us.” he said, looking between the blue stallion and the young gryphon who was destined to be his companion for an eternity.

“Fine..” Osmosis said as he sighed in defeat. “We’ll see him in a hour, come find me in my office then. I need to make some preparations.” Osmosis finished as he started to walk off, leaving the two alone up on the walls of Arlington.

Featherjoy fluttered her wings, taking flight to cover the small distance between Finishing Touch and landed on his shoulders.She joined him in gazing over the Wasteland, and once again a silence feel upon the two.

“Touch, do you think we'll ever see Equestria as it was before the war? I wonder what it was like. I’ve read about it in some of the books that the Professor and Artifact have, it sounded amazing. But..” asked the inquisitive gryphon.

”We can only hope Featherjoy. But if more good ponies and gryphons like yourself, our friends and Miss Star stand up for what is right in this world I feel we'll be taking the right steps towards seeing as it once was.” said the smooze as he looked at Featherjoy, a smile starting to creep over her face.

“Now, lets head back shall we?” asked Finishing Touch.

As the two started to make their way back down the words of The Librarian and the two copies of her future selves echoed in her mind.The fear she remembered of seeing her dark self forcing her friend to change the world to how she saw it. Or the prospect of spending her potentially eternal life with him gone scared her just as much. A stern look briefly fell across her face as she once again vowed to herself the futures would never come to pass. She’d help change the world, but she would do it with her friends at her side and by doing what was right.


A short hour later Professor Osmosis once again stood in front of the room that served as the prison for his brother. But this time he was joined by two others, Finishing Touch and Featherjoy stood at the side of Professor Osmosis.

“Ah, brother. You’re back and you’ve brought the creature with you, what are they calling you now? Fleming Trout was it?” asked Truth Seeker, as the red stallion stood up from his bed and walked towards the window. The sound of another radio report from DJ-Pon3 started to fill the room only to be turned off as he went.

“It’s Finishing Touch.” replied the smooze as he glared at the one who once had him trapped in a cage not that long ago.

“Oh yes I remember now, I’m truly very sorry for what I did.” mocked Truth Seeker as he looked at the three new arrivals. “But you my dear, I can’t quite recall your... Ohhh. You’re her.” he continued as his mouth slowly creeped into a wide grin as he stared at Featherjoy, recognition flashing over his face for a second.

“Enough of your games brother, tell us of your plans. What did you intend for Finishing?” Questioned Osmosis as he moved closer to the glass, partially blocking his brothers view of Featherjoy.

“Of course, no messing around, straight to the point. Thats what I always loved about you brother. Oh, Flashing Trap...” Truth Seeker started as he leant upon the window, waving a foreleg around in the air, exaggerating his story.

“It’s Finishing Touch.” interrupted Featherjoy as she leapt up to the shoulders of the smooze, hate filled eyes fell upon the red unicorn as if she was hoping he’d drop dead from her gaze alone for what he did too her closest friend.

“Whatever. You should have seen little Osmo as a foal, oh he was so cute. He was always running off attempting to find lost knowledge or something for mother and father back at the university in Canterbridge, oh you should see the place, simply magnificent.” Rambled on Truth Seeker, his arm still waving around in the air.

“Seeker! This isn’t the time, you said you’d tell us of your plan.” called out Osmosis, interrupting his brother once again.

“Oh fine, I’ll tell you. Always interrupting, very rude wouldn’t you say my feathered friend? Right, where to begin, where to begin. Oh, I know, the first thing you’ll need to understand is that it wasn’t my plan you see. I was working with another pony, one much wiser than myself.” Truth Seeker said with a sly look at his at his guests, confusion slowly filled their faces.

“What? Who were you walking for then Seeker?” said Osmosis.

“Oh, I’m sure you know of him by now. I know that you’ve met some of his, well shall we just say past colleagues.” Truth Seeker said as he stared directly at Featherjoy, a slight smirk emerging on his face. ”But he’s a stallion of many names, The Puppeteer, The Deceiver and even The Fallen Hallowed. I’m sure that last one you remember quite well.” the stallion continued, emphasizing each name as he listed them.

“You.. You mean he’s still alive? H-h-h how..” said Featherjoy, fear making it’s way into her voice at the prospect of the one who once caused her friend so much pain still being alive, able to repeat his past crimes against her friend.

“Oh yes, my little friend. Or should I call you The Eternal now?” chuckled Truth Seeker, staring straight into the eyes of the gryphon cub resting up on the shoulders of Finishing Touch.

“How do you know that? What’ve you been told!” Finishing Touch said, the volume of his voice rising with his building anger.

“Oh he’s been to see me. What? You think a simple Stable like this can stop him? No, not much can stand in his way, Let’s just say he has a way of getting his ponies where they need to be.” chuckled the red stallion to himself.

“Your plan Seeker! What was it?” called out the Professor once again, the anger at his brothers games started to find its way back into his voice before he took several deep breaths, calming once more.

“Oh yes, that was a glorious plan. It’s a true shame that you and your friends messed things up. The spell, fuelled by the creature himself, was meant to bring what my friend called the ‘Onyx Control’ stone to us and force it into our friend here. That way we’d be able to make our little friend here do a little dance for us.” marveled Truth Seeker as he thought back to the events at the crystals, smiling to himself.

“So, it’s true then. There is a way for you to control me...” mumbled Finishing Touch.

"Oh yes, you would've spread the truth to all corners of this world. All that stood in your way would be consumed, freed of all falsehoods and bringing about an era of peace not seen before. It can still come to pass, if the one closest to you willed it." Truth Seeker continued, tossing a wink at Featherjoy.

“Thats not going to happen, not this time. Don’t worry Touch, we’ll find a way to stop all this. I won’t let them hurt you, let’s get out of here” said Featherjoy as she jumped down, flashing another hateful glare at Truth Seeker and leading Finishing Touch out of the room and away from the vile words of Truth Seeker.

“Heh, if only things were so easy my little gryphon.” chuckled Truth Seeker as he watched the two leave, leaving only himself and his brother left in the room.

“What happened to you brother? This isn’t like you. You were once a nice, kind and gentle stallion who had a great thirst for myths and legends.” asked Professor Osmosis, tears starting to pool in his eyes.

“Brother, if only you found what I did. The crystal cleared my mind of all falsehoods and revealed to me truth. We can make this world a better place and that creature can make it happen for us” replied Truth Seeker, tears also started to pool under his eyes, betraying his cold face.

“Wait, these crystals. What happened when you found them? Brother, listen to me I think something happened to you, I know you’re still in there.” asked Osmosis, hope starting to creep back into his voice at the idea that the brother he knew and loved was still in there somewhere.

“I.. I was shown the... The truth... Everything became... Ahhh!” Truth Seeker cried out in pain as he fell to the floor clutching his head between his hooves. “No! Ahhh, I was shown... Brother, help me. He’s inside my head, get him out please!” pleaded Truth Seeker, all the confidence and smugness of before leaving his voice, only to be replaced by the tone of one in great pain and deep regret. The knowledge of what he'd done flooded his mind, of how he'd almost killed his brother and doomed the world to darkness.

“Truth! Please, fight this. You can beat him!” said Osmosis, rushing up to the glass placing both hooves upon it.

“Osmosis, it hurts. I can feel him clawing in my head, he’s gaining back control.” cried out Truth Seeker as he looked back up at his brothers eyes, hope and the love only a brother could hold stared back at him, fuelling him onwards to do all he could to help the ones he'd wronged. “Listen. Theres a way to stop the Onyx Control stone, when he was in my head I learnt many things. But I... Ahhh. I don’t know what it means. All I know is ‘Go to the place where the drakes flew and the serpents flow, a fork in your path will yield a right to a forest long lost to vine and hate. The light that the sixth wields shall herald a choice, the darkness held shall be set free'... Brother, I’m losing it. Please help me, I love you” called out the red stallion as the pain and tears that shone through on his face slowly fell only to be replaced by the same grin he’d had before.

“Seeker! Listen to me, I’ll find a way to save you. We'll stop him, I promise. Brother, I love you...” said Professor Osmosis, tears now freely flowing down his face.

A laugh started to fill the room as Truth Seeker picked himself off the floor, turning around to stare directly at the professor as he continued to giggle.

“Oh how lovely, I do love it when we have our little heart to hearts. We need to have them more often brother. I think a nap is due for now, though. These little chats do get a bit tiring after awhile, but do feel free to drop by again.” smiled Truth Seeker as he started to walk back to his bed.

“I’ll find a way to help you brother, I will” mumbled Osmosis as he started to walk out of the room. The hope that he could save his brother burning bright in his heart, the tears from seeing the pain on his brothers face fuel to drive him onwards.


“So, we’ve been to see Truth Seeker. And what he told us is quite worrying.” started Professor Osmosis. leaning on the small table that filled the middle of his office. Looking around the room the faces of his new found friends, the new family he’d found looked back with worry on their faces.Two in particular. Finishing Touch and Featherjoy looked scared, for what Truth Seeker had said affected them the most. But looking into the eyes of the small gryphon he could see a determination that he had never seen before, a determination to save her friend from the peril of the past and the horrors of the future.

“He told us of his plan, but he wasn’t working alone. From what he said The Puppeteer is the one behind everything.” Osmosis continued.

“What? I thought he was defeated when the four alicorns with Celestia and Luna used the Elements to push back the shadow?” questioned Artifact, the researcher quickly grabbing a book from her saddle bag that rested on the floor. She started to read through a few pages, fervently searching for any clues hidden within.

“Either way, he’s back and from what Truth Seekers said he’s been to see him here or someone he's controlling has.” the professor explained. “He told my brother of our meeting with The Librarian and he hinted at knowing about Featherjoy as well!”

“Can we trust him? He’s tricked us before. He might be trying to again.” reasoned Iron sights.

“I thought the same at first. But now I think he’s telling us the truth.” said Finishing Touch. “He told us what he intended for me. The Puppeteer had something, something Seeker called the Onyx Stone. He said if he’d managed to get that into me... That The Puppeteer would’ve been able to control me like he did in the past.” said Finishing Touch, the slightest bit of fear and dread crept into his voice.

“We’ll find a way to stop him, Touch. We'll destroy this stone. He won’t hurt you again, I promise you.” said Featherjoy, standing up on the table looking at Touch straight in the eyes. The seemingly limitless determination seeped into the others around the table. Where once concern and dread dwelt now hope and faith that they would overcome this threat to their friend, to their family.

“Yes, you’re right Featherjoy. Right as always, thank you, thank you all.” said the smooze as he looked around the table, the smiling faces of his friends greeting his gaze.

“So what do we know of this stone? Did Truth Seeker say anything more?” asked Artifact.

“Yes, yes he did” said Osmosis as tears started to well up in his eyes yet again from the thoughts of his brother in so much pain flooded his mind. “After Finishing Touch and Featherjoy left something happened, I think The Puppeteer has some kind of control over his mind.” continued the professor, pain and anger started to seep into his voice.

“He told me he found some crystal and that everything became clear. That the truth had been revealed to him. I think I somehow may have helped him push The Puppeteer out for a short while, Truth Seeker always had a strong mind. For a few minutes he started to struggle with himself. Then the Truth Seeker I grew up with came back, it caused him a lot of pain but he told me something he learnt from The Puppeteer. A location of a way to stop the Onyx Stone or maybe where it is, he didn’t say. But what he said was ‘Go to where the drakes flew and the serpents flow, a fork in the path yields a right to a forest long lost to vine and hate. The light that the sixth wields shall herald a choice, the darkness held shall be set free.’” finished Osmosis, echoing the words of his brother hours prior.

Silence fell across the room, each in their own thoughts of the possible location that Truth Seeker spoke of. But for one member of the group it rang closer to home. The potential idea that she could soon be facing the crossroads that could lead to the futures shown by The Librarian worried the small gryphon cub. But reminding herself that she vowed that these futures wouldn’t come to pass strengthened her conviction, the face of her friends reinforcing her resolution.

“What could that possibly mean?” asked Iron Sights as he scratched the back of his head, his eye brows narrowed in slight confusion.

“Well.. I think.. It might be.. Actually I’ve got no idea.” Artifact said, a slight blush of embarrassment lighting up her cheeks.

“Lets split it up then.” said Featherjoy as she walked to the middle of the table. “The first part ‘go to where the drakes flew.’ Do we know of anywhere they used to go?” Featherjoy asked, looking once again to her friends for guidance and wisdom.

“Ermm, I remember reading something about a great dragon migration when I was a colt.” Iron Sights said, receiving nothing but perplexed looks from the others around the table. “Hey, I used to read loads as a kid!” yelled the stallion in an attempt to defend himself.

“All you used to read were comic books, I remember them being scattered everywhere over our room back home. Probably still are.” joked Artifact.

“Oi, I read other things as well! It was in the book uncle Shieldwall gave me. It was all about dragons and all that sorta stuff. I remember it had a bit of information about a mountain near Chicacolt. It was called ‘Drake Mountain’ as each year dragons came here with the migration thingy. They said you could see the young drakes circling the whole mountain as they learnt to fly.” explained Iron Sights.

“Right, lets see.” Osmosis said, sitting up in his chair as he lit up his horn, floating out a rolled up map and rolling it freely across the table. “So, here what’s left of Chicacolt. But there are several mountains near by and we don’t know which one it could be.” the unicorn finished, leaning on the table, resting his chin upon his hooves.

“Sorry Professor, I wish I could remember more.” apologised Iron Sights as he looked down at the table.

“Hey, don’t worry. You did great. You got us started, Sights.” said Artifact as she placed a hoof on the shoulder of her brother.

“Wait, look here.” Finishing Touch said as he pointed at a mountain a short ways from the city. “This one’s got a long river snaking out of it. Could this be the second clue?”

Turning to a bookcase on the side of the wall Researcher Artifact started to search through the books held within “No, no no, not that one... Ahh ha! Here we are!” called out the mare as he turned and slammed a old, tattered looking book titled ‘Rivers of the Equestrian mainland’ down onto the table with a loud bang, startling the small gryphon perched on the table.

“Oh, sorry Feathers.” apoligised the researcher to the young cub as she started to flick through the book, her eyes frantically searching for the information she knew was hidden within its pages. ”Ermm, ahh ha! That’s the Serpent River, named for the giant sea serpents that used to live towards the south of it. So, that must be the second clue, 'Serpents Flow' has to be a reference to the original inhabitants of the river.” Artifact said “But it’s a huge river and we still don’t know what we're after.”

“‘A fork in the path yields a right to a forest long lost to vine and hate..’ Look, if we follow the river as it flows it splits just before it gets to the.. The Everfree Forest.” said Professor Osmosis, a bit of fear slipped onto his face as he looked at the large forest on the map.

“So, thats the next part of the riddle. We’re so close!” said Featherjoy her wings ruffling in excitement.

“‘The light that the sixth brings shall herald a choice, the darkness held shall be set free.’ This part worries me. What’s the light? A certain time maybe or something... Wait the Tomb of the Alicorns. Featherjoy you must be the sixth, the light must be something like the blessing, like in the tomb.” Iron Sights said as he looked at Featherjoy across the table.

Silence fell across the room once again as Featherjoy looked upon the faces of her friends. The face of Professor Osmosis smiled back at her. The face of her mentor and guide in this dark world, she knew without doubt that whenever she needed anything he would be at her side in a heart beat. The faces of Researcher Artifact and her brother, Iron Sights nodded at her. The faces of the two who’d been with her every step of the way on this terrifying journey of change, knowing full well that they’d never leave her. No stone would remain unturned in Artifact’s search for the answers she would need and Iron Sights, the guardian who’d protect her no matter the cost to himself.

Finally she turned to the one who had the most to lose in all this. The smooze, her best friend and a whole lot more. Her adoptive feather she’d heard some say around town when they thought the two wouldn’t hear. This thought filled her with a feeling she'd not felt in a long time, love. The kind of love a daughter holds for a father, unwavering and true. But if they failed in this then.. No she told herself, no they won’t fail. She’d stand by his side and they would stop whatever plans The Puppeteer had. She would stand by his side as they pushed for a better future for all. She looked into his eyes, the deep blackness shone back in her own and hope filled her. For that’s what Finishing Touch held within, hope. Smiling and nodding at them all, the strength from each showing on her showing on her face.

“So, we start our search here. That’s very close to the Everfree forest, I just hope we don’t have to go in.” the Professor said, the tales he’d heard from merchants telling of the horrors of that forest filling his mind. But once again the determination and hope on the faces of Featherjoy and Finishing Touch pushed back the dark thoughts and reinforced the hope that they’d soon be done with this once and for all.

A knocking at the door pulled them all from the discussion. a young looking earth pony stallion entered with a strange look of confusion on his face. “Ermm, sorry for interrupting Professor.” said the new arrival as he looked around the room.

“Ahh, Spark Plug. Come in, how can I help?” asked Osmosis as he glanced up at the young stallion.

“Well, ermm. Theres a strange looking pony at the gates, the Mayor has refused to let him in. But he’s demanding to see someone called ‘The Shadow’ and ‘The Eternal.’ Do you know what he’s on about?” asked Spark Plug.

“Yes, I’m afraid I do.” said Osmosis, as he looked at Finishing Touch and Featherjoy. The two friends looking at each other in mild shock.

“Do you.. Do you think its him?” asked Featherjoy, the tiniest bit of fear creeping into her voice.

“I do not know Featherjoy, my dear. But whoever it is we will face him together, all of us. Now, we don’t want to keep our mysterious visitor waiting do we?” Finishing Touch said as he looked at each of his friends, his family. The three ponies who’d walk to Tartarus and back for him. The gryphon who over their short time together had become far more than the small friend he’d first made, but more like a daughter to him. A daughter, the very thought that he could call her that filled him with the love that a father must feel, unquestionable and total love.

One by one the group of friends stood, leaving the riddle that Truth Seeker presented behind for now. Now a new threat posed a greater importance to them all. But they’d overcome everything that’d been thrown at them so far, they’d overcome this as well by standing together as one.


A few minutes later three ponies, a gryphon cub and a smooze walked out of the Stable and out into the town of Arlington. The town had seemed to come to a standstill, the majority of the ponies stood around looking towards the main gate where sounds of shouting could be heard. The voice of the Mayor, Muddy Waters could be heard calling down to the other side of the gate.

“As I’ve said, we don’t know who this ‘Shadow’ is and we’re not letting you into this town. Now please leave us.” called the mare as she turned around to see the small band of friends approaching. “Keep an eye on him, I don’t like this one bit.” she said to one of the guards on the wall who nodded in response as she made her way down from the wall.

“What’s going on, Muddy?” asked the Professor as he walked with the others towards the Mayor.

“I was hoping you’d be able to tell me. As of about twenty minutes ago the guards saw a lone traveller walking towards the gates. But something wasn’t right about him, the way he moved. It looked like his actions aren’t his own. And all he’s said is that he needs to speak with ‘The Shadow and The Eternal’. I hope you know what he’s on about Osmosis.” the Mayor, looking around at the small group.

“We might just know of whom he speaks, let us talk to him.” the smooze said as he looked up at Featherjoy as she rested upon his shoulders, who nodded back with a slight smile on her face.

“Okay, we just want him gone. We cannot afford any more trouble, we’re so close to getting his town back to where it was.” the Mayor noded to Finishing Touch. The walls now had more guards than The Seekers had ever seen manning it, even some of their own guards were mixed in. A sure sign they weren't taking any risks with this new guest to the town. The small group made their way to the top of the wall, nodding at familiar faces among the guards as they passed.

“Ahh, The Shadow it’s so good to see you again and you brought The Sixth Blessed with you ” called a mangled voice, one that didn’t fit the body of the thin and pale green earth pony stallion, his eyes completely white, that greeted them from beyond the gates.

“Who are you? What do you want?” bellowed the smooze from atop of the gate.

“Me? I’m The Voice of he who frees the minds of lesser ponies. The one you’d call The Puppeteer.” the scrawny pony said as he jerked around, his legs being dragged in a mockery of equine movement.

“So, he still lives. How? We thought he was defeated when the Lights pushed back the shadow all those years ago?” asked Osmosis as he moved up next to Finishing Touch, placing a reassuring hoof on his shoulder.

“Ahh the humble Professor Osmosis, brother to the first enlightened of this age. How is Truth Seeker?” the pale pony asked as he looked at the blue stallion.

“What ever you and your master did to him I shall reverse it. He’ll be free of your dark magic again soon, I’ll get my brother back!” shouted back Osmosis, staring back into the blank emptiness of the eyes of The Voice.

“We’ll see, Professor, we’ll see. As for how my master survived, well after the four Alicorns he worshipped for so long fought against his attempt to bring truth to the world and their use of the Lights with the Sun and Moon he was pushed back along with your friend, The Shadow. Pushed back into the stone in which he arrived and banished to the stars for what they hope to be eternity. But their plans can be so easily changed. For even from within the stone, my master guided them back to this world. Yes it would take many years of waiting for the right moment, but my master is a patient one.” said the Voice as he shifted his gaze to Finishing Touch.

“He returned with The Shadow many years ago, but when he did he found he was free from the stone, but held little of his former power. But not The Shadow, for it still dwelt in the stone waiting. So again my master waited across the long years, but he didn’t anticipate how you ponies would change. How you had a tendency to find things you were meant to leave well alone. One of you found the stone and moved it to somewhere my master couldn’t find it. Magic concealed it’s location from him, but in the end all he needed to do was wait. For in the end you were freed by one who you would call friend. ” continued the Voice

“So, thats how you ended up in the museum Touch. Someone brought you to it, but I wonder who?” asked Featherjoy, looking at the smooze.

“So it would seem Featherjoy. Now, what do you want, why are you here?” the smooze asked, looking down at the strange looking pony.

“Sixth, my master asks if you would join him. You can help him reforge this world into a better place, make it how you want. Free of suffering for all. All you need to do is come with me, I’ll take you to the master and together you can use the shadow for it’s true purpose.” The Voice bellowed out, looking straight at the small gryphon cub.

“No, I’ll never help you! I won’t let the futures The Librarian showed me come to pass. We’ll find a way to stop you, find away to free my fath... My best friend.” said Featherjoy as she tripped over that last word, was she really about to call Finishing Touch her father? Touch looked up at her, his eyes wide with shock as he picked up on the word nearly said.

“Featherjoy? Did.. Did you..” started Finishing Touch, only to be interrupted by The Voice once from below. He made a mental note to speak with her about that later on.

“So what he said was true, you’ve seen The Librarian. Even after all these years she still has a card to play. So Eternal, what did she show you? A future where this world is yours, one where no evil exists? This world can become that one, all you need to do is join me and my master. You can make this world perfect.” called back The Voice

“I don’t care what you and The Puppeteer say. I will never join you!” yelled back the small cub, her wings flared and a look of anger covered her face.

“If this is what you wish Eternal, so be it. But after this day you will not get another chance at redemption. My master instructed me to leave a message for you Shadow. These ones you call friend, they will not always be so. In a world so full of hate and destruction for their own, how can they welcome one such as you? Everpony has a plan, something to gain for themselves. You'll see this soon enough.” the pale green stallion said as he turned to slowly walk away in the strange mockery as before.

"You know nothing of us, we'll never abuse or use him. He's one of our friends and we will stand by him through whatever you send against us!" Called out Iron Sights at the slowly retreating form of the pale pony.

“Touch... what are we gonna do now?” asked the cub as she looked down at her friend.

“I don’t know Featherjoy. But I’m sure the answers we seek are at that river. And thank you Featherjoy, thank you for standing by me.” replied Finishing Touch, looking up and the smiling face of his closest friend. “Now, lets get back. I’m sorry for bringing this trouble to your town Mayor. But we’ll fix it.” continued Finishing Touch as he looked to Muddy Waters.

“As long as none of this falls on the town, we’ll help as much as we can.” said Muddy Waters. “Now, Professor. I think you need to bring me up to speed on what’s going on.”

“Ermm yes, but we nee...” started Professor Osmosis as he turned towards the stairs.

“My office, now Professor.” interrupted the Mayor as she walked away followed by Osmosis and the others. Leaving Finishing Touch and Featherjoy once again alone on the wall staring out across the Wasteland, looking at the shuffling form heading to the distance


A short while later the two friends still sat on the wall, the small gryphon now resting upon the rallings with her friend at her side as they gazed upon the bleak wasteland. The words that were nearly said before still racing through the head of the purple smooze, how did Featherjoy truly feel? Did she feel the same way he did, that she was more like family, more like a daughter to him? Taking a deep breath, he turned to find out, to ask his friend one of the most important questions he'd ever asked.

“Featherjoy, before when we were talking with that stallion.” started Finishing Touch “When he asked if you would join him you nearly said something, you nearly called me your...” he continued, looking down at the young cub he’d come to see more as a daughter than a friend.

“Father... Yes, I guess I nearly did.” interrupted Featherjoy as she looked up at him and smiled. “I don’t know why, but I’ve... I love you a lot more than a friend Touch, you’re more to me than that, more like a parent to me...” mumbled the gryphon.

“Featherjoy, I, I love you the same. You’re more to me than a simple friend as well and in all honesty I see you more like a daughter as well.” he said, looking back at the gryphon, staring into her eyes.

“You do? You’d be happy me calling you... calling you my dad?” said Featherjoy, a small smile starting to creep onto her face.

“Yes. You’ve stood by me more than any other has before in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you Featherjoy. I’d be honoured if you’d call me your father.” said the smooze, smiling at the gryphon as she jumped up and embraced him in a hug. Tears started to well up in each others eyes.

“Thanks... Thanks dad, I love you. I don’t want to ever lose you.” cried the gryphon happily, nuzzling into the shoulder of her newly anointed father.

“And you never will Featherjoy - my daughter. I’ll protect you from everything and I’ll be by your side for it all.” the smooze said, hugging his daughter close. The two stayed in each others embrace for what felt like hours until the sound of someone clearing their throat pulled the two back to the real world. Looking up the two looked as Osmosis, Artifact and Iron Sights smiling at the two.

“Congratulations you two, it’s about time.” chuckled Iron Sights as Artifact walked towards the them, Featherjoy jumping away from her newly adoptive father and hugging the researcher as she laughed with the mare as the other two moved up to congratulate the two new family members as well. Showing that even in these trying time of darkness and hate, love and family can still emerge from it all. Bringing together and strengthening the bond that ponies, gryphon's and even smooze feel for one another.

After several minutes the friends separated, Featherjoy jumping to the shoulders of her father as Osmosis looked out over the wall. Fearing that what he was about to say would dampen what should be a happy occasion.

“Today’s been worrying. The fact that this Puppeteer knows where we are and has seen my brother, not to mention the fact that he can apparently control other ponies from where ever he is doesn’t help ease my mind. I’ve informed the Mayor of everything that happened, she’s offering us help in the form of any supplies that we might need. But she’s scared that The Puppeteer might attack the town, so she wants to keep everyone she can in town just incase.” the Professor said as he moved to the railing along the wall, looking out towards the Wasteland.

“We should get going as soon as we can, we still don’t fully know what we’re after or what we’re going to see out there and it's a long way to the river. The Puppeteer could be out there waiting for us, we just have to hope he doesn’t know what we know.” Iron Sights said as he moved to the railing, Artifact stepping next to him and resting her head against his neck.

“Whatever we face, we’ll face it together as a family. As we’ve faced everything that has been thrown at us.” declared Finishing Touch as he moved to join the others looking out with Featherjoy resting upon his shoulders. As always the fear of the future scared them all, but the prospect that this soon might be all over gave them the inclination to push forward.

As the five friends started to make there way back down from the wall a small group of familiar young colts came rushing from behind one of the small buildings, cheering and yelling as they played one of their many games. Upon seeing the strange sight of three ponies, a gryphon and a smooze the band of mischievous colts headed towards them, shouting and cheering.

“Hey, Featherjoy! How’ya doin?” asked the black coated colt, Urchin as he skidded to a halt in front of them.

“Hehe, hey Urchin. I’m okay now thanks.” replied the gryphon from atop her smooze shaped perch.

“You.. Ermm, wanna come and hang outta bit? Play some games wiv us?” he asked, a small smile and a light blush on to his cheeks as he scraped his forehoof on the ground in a small circle as the cheers of his friends behind him filled the void, encouraging her to join them in their games.

“Can I dad? Can I please?” she asked Finishing Touch, a smile still covering her face.

“Hmm, go on Featherjoy. But be safe and don’t get into trouble.” he replied, Featherjoy giving him a quick hug before jumping down from her father, the sound of the others chuckling to themselves filled the background.

“Thanks dad, I’ll be good.” she called as she landed next to Urchin and the others, a slight look of confusion on their faces.

“Wait, he’s your dad now? Since when?” asked Urchin.

“Well, since about twenty minutes ago I guess. We just, decided I guess. I’ve not had a dad in... In a long time now and now I do...” Featherjoy said as she looked up at Finishing Touch and smiled. One which he returned in kind.

“That’s great Feathers, now come on. Lets go see what we can do! See ya later!” Urchin called as he and his friends ran off again, no doubt to cause trouble for the residence of Arlington.

“Cya all later!” called out the gryphon as she ran off after the others.

A smile formed on all of their lips as they watched the youngest member of their family ran off to enjoy the young life she has, forgetting the troubles that’ve been dumped upon her young shoulders. Troubles that she shouldn’t have to bear. But with her friends at her side there was still hope for her, for all of them to make it through all this. The end was in sight, for the dawn of tomorrow signaled what would hopefully be the start of the end of all their troubles.

“Right, well we’re going to go and get everything set. We’ll set of tomorrow at first light. See you then, shall we Arty?” said Iron sights as he and his sister headed off to the Stable to prepare their supplies for their trip the next day.

“I’ll give you two a hand. You going to be okay Professor?” called Finishing Touch as he started to move after the other two.

“I’ll be fine Touch, I need to go inform the Mayor that we’ll be leaving tomorrow anyway” said Osmosis as he watched his friends walk off. His gaze turned towards the horizon, looking back towards his home all the way back in Canterbridge. Memories of him and his brother playing games as children flooded his mind, of them forming The Seekers of Truth and setting out to find the hidden secrets of the Wasteland together.

His gaze then turned to the Stable that was hidden deep beneath Arlington and images of his brothers troubled and clouded mind flooded his own. Memories of Truth Seeker with his friend Finishing Touch in a cage, of his fight with his brother and his eventual capture brought tears to his eyes once again. He’ll find a way to free him and he would make The Puppeteer pay for what he’d done to his brother, it was the least he could do.


Author’s notes.

This chapter started off just as another simple chapter, but it made me think about a lot more than just how it'd come out. It made me think about all the friends that’ve changed my life over the years and how much they mean to me. Friends in and out of this crazy little fandom, new and old. Many have changed the way I think and feel, been there for the good times and the bad on this road we call life. So, thank you to Wire and Volrathxp for helping me with all this wording stuff, as well as everything else and thanks to Lucky Star as well, you always seem to know just what to say to cheer me up. You're far more than friends to me, I’d say more close to family I guess..

And thanks to everyone who reads this, it’s been a real delight to write this. A little way to get away from everything that life can throw at you and just think about this story and nothing else. But we’re getting near the end of this little bit of the story, but don’t worry. More will follow.