• Published 11th Nov 2013
  • 1,449 Views, 13 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The Seekers of Truth - McMesser

A creature with no past and a uncertain future, he journeys to find out about his past and to survive what the future has in store for him and his friends.

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Chapter 5: Finishing Touch and the Road Untraveled

Fallout Equestria: The Seeker of Truth.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Finishing Touch and the Road Untraveled

To go on an adventure for some is a once in a life time thing. To walk a road that few have ever gone is a task a lot of ponies fear of. For some it's a case of what must be done, to walk the road less travelled, to help the one's you care about most in life. But when that road has never been travelled before or is mostly unknown, what is a pony meant to do? Well, the only thing they can do, keep moving forward.


“So, let me see if I’m understanding all this correctly, because quite frankly I think this is a bit crazy. For the past few weeks you’ve been uncovering... information about all these legends and myths that just happen to be about Finishing Touch here?” asked Mayor Muddy Waters as she looked around her very small office, now rather full with three ponies, a gryphon and a smooze sitting around her desk. “And that all these stories of yours date back thousands of years to a time when you were used to nearly cover the land in ‘shadow’.” continued the mare as she looked at Finishing Touch.

“Yes, Mayor. My actions weren’t my own, I was being controlled by the same pony that was using that stallion we spoke to yesterday at the gates. We know him as The Puppeteer and he’s making a move to gain control of me again as he had all those years ago.” replied Finishing Touch.

“Yes, the Professor mentioned something about a way to stop him. Something about a control stone?” the Mayor said as she stood up to look out of the large window that covered part of her office, gazing out to the town of Arlington below.

“Right, yes. From what we were told by Osmosis’s brother, Truth Seeker, we learn’t of what we hope is the location of this stone and if we have that we can hopefully destroy it so no one can use Touch again. After that we can look into a way to stop The Puppeteer once and for all.” answered Artifact.

“Where is it?” replied the mare looking over her shoulder.

“Well, it’s close to the.. the ermm Everfree forest.” mumbled Osmosis.

“The Everfree? You’re going to head into the Everfree forest, one of the most dangerous places in all of the Wasteland and with a child no less?” the Mayor said, disbelief filling her voice at the very idea anyone would willingly go into that forest.

“I know it sounds dangerous, well infact it is dangerous but we have to, Mayor Waters. And we don’t know what the Puppeteer will do.” called out Iron Sights from the back of the room “And the sooner we get going the better really, we don’t know what we’re really looking for or what we’re going to find.”

“I know, I know.” the Mayor mumbled as she returned her gaze outside “There’s no way I can really stop you I guess... We’ll give you what supplies we can. Food, ammo that sort of thing. Just promise me one thing, all of you come back from this. I’ve.. This town has lost so much recently and we’re just getting our hooves under us again and it’s down to you and The Seekers really, so please. Just come back in one piece?”

“We will, don’t worry about us Mayor.” Featherjoy replied, a big smile crossing her face as the Mayor led the group out of her new office and out to the streets of Arlington.

Throwing open the doors the group was met by a large mob of ponies, all of them residents of the town. Silence fell across them all as they gazed upon the sight of Finishing Touch and his friends. Fear. Fear was the first thing that filled the mind of the smooze, could what the Voice told him yesterday be true? Had the town come to fear him now that news must’ve leaked out about him? If they hold so much hatred and fear of their own, then now they must be terrified of once such as him. He had to protect his friends, his daughter from them, he had to do something.

“What is.” started Finishing Touch, only to be interrupted by a young voice calling out from the crowd as a young colt pushed his way to the front of the potentially angry mod. Had he rallied them to his side, did he fear for the town? For Featherjoy?

“‘ere they are! Told you they was seein the Mayor." Called out the voice of Urchin, a broad smile upon his face.

"What's going on here, what's the meaning of this?" Asked Muddy Waters.

"We heard that Feathers an the others were headin out soon, leavin again to stop whatever that thing was at the gates yesterday. We all wanna help." Replied Urchin, nods of approval and agreement rose up from the crowd with each word spoken by the young colt.

“ You’ve helped us all so much!" Called out a voice from the crowd.

"You really saved this town, if it wasn't for you we'd be gone." Rang out another's voice.

“We don't have much, but we'll give what we can." A grey earth pony stallion with a light blue mane said as he walked up and put down a small box of medical supplies. Slowly a small pile of supplies started to grow as all manner of ponies brought what they could, each telling a story of how The Seekers of Truth had helped them all, of how the small group had given them hope. Hope that they were now giving back.

"Thank you, thank you all so much. I don't know what to say." called out the purple smooze, a smile covering the face of him and his friends. The way the whole town had come out not in fear of him but to aid him and his friends, his family in his journey to rid himself of his burden.

"You don't need to say anything Touch, you and The Seekers are a part of this town now." said the Mayor as she walked to stand with her fellow towns ponies. "Right, let's get all this loaded onto the wagon." She said as she turned around to face the others as they all burst into action, starting to load up all the supplies onto the wagon waiting near by.

“Hey Urchin" called out Featherjoy as she jumped down from the shoulders of Finishing Touch, landing in front of the young colt. "I.. I just wanted to... ermm thank you for all this." Mumbled the young gryphon, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.

”Nahhh, don't worry about it. I just wish... That I could help ya more. Just promise you'll come back Feathers. I've seen too many friends go an’ leave me. I don’t wanna lose you too." The young colt replied, his gaze falling to the ground in front of the two only to have the small gryphon wrap her arms around the colt.

"Don't worry Urchin, I'll come back. We all will." Featherjoy said as she stepped back from the hug, the blush that was once only on her face had now spread to the face of Urchin as well. Giggling slightly, Featherjoy stood to head back to the others but a sudden, quick kiss to her cheek from Urchin froze her in her steps.

"Make sure that you do" said the black coated colt quickly before he charged off around behind the wagon and out of sight of the still shocked Featherjoy. The blush on her cheeks brightening even more from the sudden show of affection.

"Ohhhh looks like someone's got a colt friend" called out the voice of Iron Sights, breaking Featherjoy from her stunned state.

"Oh come on now Sights, leave her alone. Anyway, you're just jealous because you've not got a special somepony in your life." Joked Artifact as she nudged her brother in the shoulder. "Now come on, let's get back to it. Hop on Feathers, we're heading out soon." The shocked and surprised face of Finishing Touch and the chuckling grin of Professor Osmosis awaited them, ready to start on the task of stopping The Puppeteer.

The young gryphon nodded, flapping her wings and flying the short way to land on the back of Artifact as the mare started to walk back towards Finishing Touch and the Professor. A slight smile crept onto the face of Urchin, watching as his friend rode back to her family, hidden amongst the crates and supplies of the wagon.


Several hours later, as the sun started its final leg of its journey to give way to it’s sister, the moon’s night the now rather weary and tired group of travelers trumbled on. The light that once guided and light their way through the ruins of the Wasteland retreating and turning into shadows that filled the mind with worry of potential dangers and hidden horrors.

“Alright, I think thats enough for today.” called out the voice of Iron Sights as he pulled the cart, fully laden with supplies and a certain colourful feathered gryphon keeping watch from her impromptu crows nest high above the others. “You see anything from up their Feathers?” called the stallion once again, glancing back with a smile to look upon his small friend, knowing full well she wouldn’t see anything he didn’t.

“Ermm, I don’t think so Sights. Keep getting the sun in my eyes.” she complained, attempting to shield her eyes from the sun with a clawed hand.

“How about that small garage over there?” Iron sights chucked, still trudging along under the weight of all the supplies.

“Oh yeah, I see it now! I’ll go check it out.” Featherjoy said in excitement as she jumped from the top of the cart, only to be caught in the purple gloopy hands of her newly adopted father.

“Now Featherjoy, you know not to go running off when we’re outside of Arlington. It might not be safe.” scolded the smooze as he looked down into her eyes.

“I, I know dad. Sorry, I guess I wasn’t thinking. I'm just so bored, all we’ve been doing all day is walking and walking.” the gryphon mumbled as finishing Touch placed her on his shoulders.

“Well... Some of us have been walking, some of us have been riding in the cart all day.” laughed the voice of Iron Sights again, looking back at the blue face of the Professor Osmosis as he sat in the back of the cart rubbing his hooves.

“Hey, it’s not my fault I have delicate hooves, I’m just not made for long journeys. I much prefer lab work and research.” replied Osmosis, glaring at the stallion pulling the cart.

“Yeah, we know. This happens everytime he goes on a long journey. You should’ve seen him when we first left Canterbridge. Oh he wouldn’t stop complaining until we got him a space on one of the caravans.” whispered Artifact as she trotted up to join Featherjoy and Finishing Touch. The two silently chuckling to themselves.

“Well anyway, lets have a look in here. Professor, you coming? The rest of you stay here with the cart.” declared Iron Sights as he unhitched himself from the cart and drew his shotgun from his holster on his leg as he and Osmosis slowly slipped into the abandoned set of garages. A few minutes passed and no sight or sound of the two was heard until two faint zapps of magic rang out from inside, shortly after the two returned, a small smile across the lips of Osmosis.

“All clear inside, just a couple of radroaches that the Professor zapped for us. Seems like he hasn’t done anything like that for awhile...” said Iron Sights as he rejoined the others.

“Yes, been quite awhile. Quite fun isn’t it, Sights?” giggled Osmosis.

“Well, providing whatever it is doesn’t shoot back it can be. Now, lets get the cart in the back and start to set up camp for the night.” Iron Sights replied to the still smiling Osmosis as he pulled the cart the rest of the way into the garages.

Soon a small fire was crackling away and boxes were being unloaded when a small rustling sound came from the cart, making everyone freeze in what they were doing. Once again lighting up his horn, Osmosis and Iron Sights approached the cart. Iron Sights quickly yanked away one of the boxes as a startled scream rang out from the cart as a small black coated colt shuffled his way to the back of the cart.

“Urchin? What in blazes are you doing here?” called out Osmosis in slight confusion, the blue glow surrounding his horn slowly disappeared.

“Hehe, hey Professor. Fancy meetin you here?” chuckled the young colt as he gazed back at the two stallions.

“Now seriously Urchin, what’re you doing here? Why did you hide in the cart, where we’re going is dangerous.” Iron sights asked as he walked up to the colt as he stood up from the cart. “We’re going to have to take you back now, you’ve wasted a lot of our time” the rest of the group moving closer, the confused gaze of Featherjoy fell upon the colt.

“I know it’s dangerous, that’s why I came!” called out Urchin as he jumped down from the cart to stand beside Featherjoy “I.. I came to protect Feather’s. If it’s as bad as you say they she’ll need someone to look after her. Please don’t send me back.. I can help you all.” his voice becoming more and more panicked at the prospect of being sent back to Arlington.

“You.. You came to protect me? Why Urchin?” asked Featherjoy as bit of confusion slipped into her voice.

“I.. I don’t know, I just felt like I had too. Please don’t send my back, Sights.” pleaded the young colt to the others.

“I don’t know, we’ll lose a lot of time if we take him back. Can we really afford too?” asked Artifact.

“Tell you what, you lot get some rest and we’ll decide in the morning. Me and Urchin will take first watch and have a little chat.” Iron Sights said as he looked around the room at the others. “Don’t worry, Urchin. It’ll be okay”

“You sure sights? You’ve been pulling the cart all day.” asked the concerned voice of his sister as she walked up to him.

“Yeah, I’ll be alright for a few hours more. Now get some rest, I’ll wake you in a few hours.” smiled back the stallion as he nudged his sister away.

“Right, come on you. Lets have a little chat” said Iron Sights as he walked towards the campfire just outside the garage doors, sheepishly followed by Urchin as he smiled back at Featherjoy as she walked to the back of the garage with the others. The young gryphon returned the smile and waved goodbye to the black colt, as a light blush came over her feathered cheeks.


“So, Urchin. What’re we going to do with you?” asked Iron Sights as he sat down in front of the fire.

“What.. What do ya mean?” mumbled Urchin as he slowly lowered himself down near Iron Sights.

“I mean, why did you come in the first place? You know first hoof how dangerous the Wasteland is. You survived the attack on Arlington, you know what's out here.” said the stallion

“I.. Like I said, I don’t know. I just felt like I had to come and protect Feathers. I’ve had this strange feeling about her since I first met her when I ran into her and Finishing in town.” the young colt said as he looked down at his hooves.

“Is that so?” chuckled the stallion, a smile creeped onto his face.

“Yeah. What’s so funny?” asked Urchin, confusion covering his face.

“I think I know what’s got you so worked up and worried over her.” Iron Sights said, nodding to his small companion.

“Well... what, come on spit it out.” said Urchin as he jumped to his hooves.

“I think, my young friend, that you’ve got a thing for our feathered friend.” the stallion said, a small smile creeping onto the corner of his mouth.

“What? I. I don’t” the colt mumbled, glancing down at his hooves in an attempt to avoid the gaze of his companion.

“Yes you do, I saw you give her a little kiss before. It’s okay, it’s natural to feel like this.” replied Iron Sights. “It’s as good a reason to want to help someone as any. It’s pretty much the reason I’m here as well. I love my sister more than anything, we only really have each other out here. The others have become more like family to us as well, so I try my best to protect them all from harm."

“You saw that? I guess you’re right, I just haven’t felt the same since I met her and when she’s gone, I feel kinda... Well empty I guess. I just want to protect her and keep her safe.” said Urchin as he once again lowered himself back down.

“I know. I know you’ll do your best to keep her safe.” the stallion replied.

“Wait, that mean you’re not sending me back? I can stay and help you guys? Keep Feathers safe?” Urchin asked, a small smile covered his lips.

“I’ll speak with the others, but yeah. I think you’ll be able to stay. I think you’ve got good intentions towards Featherjoy and you’ll do your best to keep her safe.” started the stallion only to be interrupted by another joining them in the light of the campfire.

“I think you will as well” called out the voice of Finishing Touch as he made his way further into the light.

“Touch, you should be resting with the others.” stated Iron Sights as the smooze sat down by the campfire. “How much have you heard anyway?”

“Pretty much everything, I heard how you think you... like my daughter, Urchin. I don’t know much about that side of love, but I have seen it in two others before. I think I see the same look in you that those two mares had for one another.” started the smooze, his gaze slowly shifting from the dancing flame of the campfire to Urchin “I know you want to keep her safe and I’m going to trust you to, as we don’t know what's going to happen over the next few days.”

“Touch, everything’s going to be fine. We won’t lose you or anything. I promise.” interrupted Iron Sights.

“I hope you’re right Sights, but I need you to promise me something Urchin. Promise me that if anything happens to me, that you’ll protect her as much as you can.” asked finishing Touch, a serious look came over his face all of a sudden

“Ahh, Yeah I’ll do my best to protect her as I can. But why Mr Touch? What’s gonna happen?” he asked the smooze

“I can’t say. But something might have to be done to keep her safe. Thank you for your promise, Urchin. It means a lot and don’t worry. We won’t be sending you back to Arlington.” replied the smooze as he nodded to the young colt.

“Why don’t you run off and get some sleep, Urchin. Me and Touch need to talk about something.” said Iron Sights, glaring at Finishing Touch.

“Ermm, okay. Thanks for everything you two. See you in the morning.” the young colt said as he stood up and left the two, heading to the back of what was left of the garages, walking softly so to not wake the others. The slumbering forms of Artifact, Osmosis and Featherjoy soon came into view as he moved to the back garage. A small smile lifted the corner of his mouth as he moved next to the young sleeping gryphon, slowly lowering himself down nearby to get some rest, the muffled voices of Finishing Touch and Iron Sights provided a small lullaby ushering him off to happy dreams.

The campfire still roared around the two friends, it’s life far from over. A stark contrast to everything that surrounded it in the long abandoned garage, rust and time had taken it’s toll on the building and the remains of sky carriages that once would’ve ferried it’s occupants to wherever they deemed fit. Now sentenced only to play witness to the remains of Equestria and every once in awhile, a small break in the form of some company.

“Touch, what did you mean by what you just asked Urchin? Do you think something’s going to happen to you?” asked the dark gray stallion.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen Sights. But I’ll do what it takes to stop The Puppeteer from controlling me again. Even if that means sealing myself away again somehow.” said Finishing Touch as he stared straight into the fire.

“What, you can’t. Think of poor Featherjoy, she’d be heartbroken if you did that” pleaded Iron Sights, standing up and starting to make his way over to his friend.

“And if The Puppeteer gained control of me again? What would happen to her? To you and your sister? To everyone in the Wasteland?” called out the smooze, his voice rising in anger after each question. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself, closing his eyes as if deep in thought. “Sorry, Sights. I didn’t mean to shout at you, I’m just so scared of what might happen. I worry about her, about all of you if the worst would come to pass.”

“I know Touch, I know” said the pony, placing a foreleg over the gloopy shoulder of his friend. “Like we all said, we'll find a way to stop him and keep you free. I promise”

“I know. We’ll find away, I won’t abandon my daughter or you unless theres no other choice. But you have to promise me you won’t try and stop me if it comes to it.” replied Finishing, turning to gaze directly into the eyes of Iron Sights.

“No, I’m not going to promise you that.” the stallion said smiling. “Because we won’t need to. Between your amazing daughter and my sisters and the Professors smarts we'll find a way.”

“Okay, thanks Iron. If you put it like that I’m sure we’ll find a way.” Finishing said, a small smile creeping over his own mouth.

A loud yawn slipped from Iron Sights, just revealing how tired he actually was. “Oh, well I’m gonna get some sleep. You want me to wake one of the others or are you alright?”

“No, I’ll be fine thanks you. You get some rest.” Finishing said as he nudged his friend away to get some sleep. A few moments later he was alone again, just like he was for all that time under the museum. Once again the Voice’s words echoed in his mind, but he thought of how wrong they were. He had friends who loved him and more importantly he now had a daughter who he loved more than anything in the world. But it would seem like the smooze wasn’t destined to be left alone with his thoughts this night, as the sound of movement alerted him to the presence of another.

“Hello, who’s that?” queried the now slightly worried Finishing Touch, the light of the campfire not lighting enough to reveal his new guest.

“It’s me, dad.” came the voice of Featherjoy, as she attempted to rub some of the tiredness from her eyes.

“What’re you doing up, you should be asleep.” asked Finishing as he sat back down around the fire as the small gryphon sat right beside him.

“I don’t know, I just woke up. Everyone else is fast asleep, even Urchin is. He snores a little bit” chuckled the gryphon.

“Is that so? How do you feel about him stowing aboard and hiding from us, he say’s he’s come to keep you safe. Like some knight in shining armour from the old books you’ve gotten.” said the smooze jokingly.

“He.. He didn’t really just come to protect me did he?” she said, a small smile sprang to life on her beak as she started to play with her claws.

“Oh I think he did, he even says he likes you” Finishing continued, a smile of his own appeared on his face

“Wait, he does?” the smile on her face somehow got even bigger, until suddenly being snatched away and replaced by mocked seriousness. “No, I errr. He...” muttered the gryphon, lost in her own thoughts of Urchin’s feelings.

“Do you like him too, Featherjoy? Answer me truthfully please.” asked Finishing Touch.

“I.. I don’t know, I think I do. Yeah. He’s... Cute for a pony” she said quietly, as if she was scared of her own words.

“Good.” chuckled the smooze “I think he truly does care for you and want to protect you. I feel he’ll be joining us for the rest of this adventure of ours. Wherever it may lead”

“So he’s staying? Thats good, I kinda wanna get to know him more away from his friends, some of them can be a bit dumb” admitted Featherjoy, the smile returning to her face once again. “Dad, what do you think we’re going to find in the Everfree forest?”

“I don’t know Featherjoy, but I know we’ll find a way to end this and stop The Puppeteer once and for all. We’ve all of our friends around us, we’ll find a way.” the smooze said, more to convince himself than Featherjoy.

“Yeah, we’ll face this all together. Just like we have everything else. It’s been quite the journey so far hasn’t it, dad? From those pod things, to meeting the old alicorns and getting this blessing to meeting The Librarian and The... The Puppeteer. But we’ll stop him, we have to.” said Featherjoy as she leant against her father.

“Yes. It’s been quite the adventure so far, and it’s not over yet. Now, why don’t you get off to sleep again. I’ll be right here” Finishing Touch said, only to look down at the now slumbering form of Featherjoy. Chuckling to himself, he stroked the multi coloured feathers on her head as he gazed out, once again, to the remains of a land that once thrived on friendship and harmony with one another. But that was long gone now, now all that remained to mostly fear and distrust of others. Hopefully, soon that would change.


The next day dawned far too slowly for the smooze, with the sun starting it’s daily journey once again, so too would The Seekers of Truth. The light that the sun brought stirred the companions of Finishing Touch from their slumber and dreams.

“Morning, Touch.” came the voice of Osmosis as he stumbled his way towards the form of the smooze, only to be greeted by a single finger to the lips of Finishing Touch as he pointed to the small bundle of feathers sleeping soundly next to him.

“Please, be quiet Professor” whispered Finishing Touch “she joined me late last night and I want to give her a bit more sleep, we’ve got another long day ahead of us, I believe”

The sound of three more sets of hooves joined the two as Artifact, Iron sights and their newest member Urchin shuffled out from the back room, wiping the remaining tiredness from their eyes.

“I thought you were going to wake someone to take watch, Touch? You’re telling me you’ve been up all night?” asked Iron Sights softly, walking up to the remains of the campfire with this sister.

“Yes, I didn’t want to move and wake Featherjoy.” the father of the young gryphon answered, just as she mumbled something in her sleep and shuffled more into the side of Finishing Touch.

“Aww, would you look at that. So cute, I can see why you didn’t want to wake her.” chuckled Artifact as she and the others joined them by the campfire, now slowly being brought back to life by her brother.

“Now, we have something I think we need to talk about.” started Osmosis, glancing at Urchin.

“Oh that, I think he should stay with us. I think Touch is in agreement with me, we’d lose a lot of time that we can’t afford to by going back and I think he actually cares for Featherjoy.” said Iron Sights.

“But are you sure it’s safe, Sights? It was bad enough when we were just taking one child into the Everfree, but now two?” continued the Professor.

“I’ll look after him, teach him ways he can protect himself and others. I was about his age when I started to learn.” Iron Sights said, looking down at the colt. “How about it Urchin? Would you like that.”

“Ermm, yeah. that’d be great Mr Sights.” Urchin said, smiling back at the stallion.

“So, I guess thats that then. I’ll get the food for breakfast” the Professor said as he stood and moved back to the cart.

“So, Urchins staying with us?” yawned Featherjoy as she wiggled to sit up from her resting place against Finishing Touch, her feathers a bit ruffled and out of place.

“Yes, it would seem so.” said Finishing Touch

“Good.” the gryphon said as she smiled at Urchin, a small blush coming over his cheeks.

Soon after breakfast was consumed and the cart was once again loaded The Seekers of Truth, now with a new member continued their journey towards the Everfree forest and hopefully the way to end the threat of the Puppeteer once and for all.


“How come theres so many of these sky chariots here?” asked Urchin as he stared at the vast pile upon pile of stacked, long scrapped sky chariots. A graveyard for the once mighty vehicles that were capable of even defying gravity.

“Well, this I’d guess would be the old scrapyard. Any of these things that weren’t wanted by their owners anymore would simply just wait here to be recycled into something else. Probably something for the war effort, if that sign is anything to go by” replied Artifact as she pointed to a nearly destroyed and bullet ridden sign. ‘Ministry of Technology recycle yard No 25’ was all that was still left on the sign, the rest lost to weather and time.

“Shh, keep quiet. I don’t like the look of this place” quietly said Iron Sights as he tumbled forward with the cart.

“What’s wrong, Sights?” whispered Osmosis as he joined his friend at the front of the wagon.

“I don’t know, something just feels...” the stallion started, only to be caught off guard by a unicorn mare jumping out from behind a few ruined chariots in front of the group.

“Well, what do we have ‘ere!?” called out the red coated and spiked green maned mare. She wore what looked like cobbled together armour from the remains of several sky chariots. “Been a long time since we’ve had any guests, ain’t it boys?”

A laughing sound from either side of the caravan caught the group by surprise as two stallions also jumped out from behind the piles of chariots.

“Yeah, been a while, it has, boss” chuckled a blue coated and black maned earth pony stallion, wearing similar metal armour.

“Featherjoy, Urchin get by the cart.” called back Osmosis at the sight of the three new guests.

“Bloody hell, boss. What do you reckon the heck this thing is? Ain’t ever seen one of these before.” called out the other stallion, this one a yellow coated earth pony with a pink mane.as he pointed at Finishing Touch.

“Can’t say I know, Hatchet. But it looks like something you’d shit out after a bad bit o food!” laughed the mare, soon joined by the other two.

“What is it you want?” called out Iron Sights as he unhitched himself from the cart.

“Well, it’s simple. I wan’t what you have, by the looks of it you’ve got quite a bit in that cart. Plus that little gryphon will sell for a pretty cap at the slave market” called out the mare again, walking towards the group.

“What, I’ll never allow you to take her!” yelled out Finishing Touch.

“Oh, bloody hell. It can talk!” shouted out the yellow coated stallion, Hatchet.

“Look, just let us go. We don’t want any trouble.” called out Osmosis from the side.

“Oh, too late for that pretty boy. You ain’t goin anywhere, sweetcheeks” the mare taunted, as she levitated a badly damaged pistol from her holster, taking aim at Osmosis.

At this, all hell broke loose. Osmosis dived to the side of the cart as the mare pulled the trigger with her magic. The bullet missing its target and slamming into the side of the cart, taking a chunk out of its side. Iron Sights, at the sound of the shot leaving the chamber of the pistol sprang into action, clearing the small distance to the mare in two quick bounds and spinning round to deliver a quick buck to the side of the mares head. The mare seeing the stallion dodged out of the way at the last seconded but lost her footing and fell to the ground, blasting wildly as she fell.

The black coated stallion drew his own weapon, what seemed to have once been a hunting rifle, now in the last days of it’s life from poor repair and misuse took aim and fired a shot. The bullet, which may have not been it’s intended target struck Artifact in the side of the front leg, sending her barreling over a loud scream echoing over the small battle, the stallion laughing as he chambered another round.

“You bastard!” shouted out Osmosis at the sight of the stallion who’d just shot his friend flared his horn to life and began flinging bolts of magic at the black stallion, The sound of zapping electricity and ozone filling his nostrils as a few missed but most struck the stallion in the chest. Sending him tumbling and twitching to the ground. Osmosis walked up and fired a few more into the chest of the attacker for good measure and a bit for revenge for his friend.

Hatchet, the other yellow coated stallion took the new found confusion to grab a small, very rusty axe from his side and charge forward towards the trembling form of Featherjoy and Urchin as they both cowered from the chaos of the combat.

“Well, why do you just come with me little one? Then we might spare some of your friends.” Hatchet said, a crazed look in his eyes as he stared down at the two.

“No, you’ll never take her!” yelled Urchin as he moved to stand in front of Featherjoy, trying his best to block the towering stallion from getting to her.

“Oh, is that so? Get outta my way.” said hatchet as he slapped Urchin away with a forehoof, sending him flying over and landing in a heap away from Featherjoy with a cry of pain. “Now, you gonna come with me or what?”

“Don’t you hurt him!” yelled out Featherjoy, the sight of Urchin and the sound of the battle spurred the young gryphon to do what she had to to protect her friends, just as they were doing what they had to to protect her. Jumping as high as she could and flapping her wings to aid her, she latched onto the side of Hatchets face, slashing and cutting deep into his eye over and over again. The stallion screamed in pain as he struggled to free himself from the young gryphons attack.

“That’s it you little shit! I’m gonna kill you now!” He yelled as he managed to grab Featherjoy off of him, throwing her to the ground in front of the cart.

“No, you won’t.” called out Finishing Touch as he moved towards the stallion and flung out one of his arms the short distance to the stallion and wrapped his gloopy hand around his face, lifting him off the ground slightly so his legs waved in the air.

Hatchet soon brought his forehooves to his neck in a vain attempt at freeing himself from the attack of Finishing Touch, but soon the stallion stopped and all four of his legs fell limply to the side. The smooze then threw the now silent and still body to the side as hard as he could, slamming into a small pile of chariots with a bone shattering crunch.

“Dad! Why are they doing this? What going on, I’m so scared.” cried Featherjoy, now in tears from all the chaos and fear ran up to her father, Finishing Touch and embraced him in the biggest hug she could.

“It’s okay Featherjoy, I got you. You’re safe now” said Finishing Touch, nearly in tears himself for what he just had to do. He had once again ended the life of another, but this one had threatened his daughter. “Urchin, you okay?” he asked as he saw the black colt who stood up for his daughter against someone who could’ve easily killed him, showing his true intentions.

“Yea, I’m fine. My legs a bit sore, I've 'ad worse. You alright, Feathers?” asked Urchin as he walked up to the two others. At seeing her friend, Featherjoy jumped down from her father and landed next to him, also giving him a hug as she did.

“Urchin, thank you.” whispered Featherjoy as she stepped back from the hug, the two friends smiling at each other as Finishing Touch joined the two, a small smile on his own face.

Iron Sight’s now stood over the red mare, lying on the ground with his shotgun in his mouth aimed at her head. “You’ll never hurt anyone again. I hope it was worth it.” he said as he closed his eyes and then pulled the trigger. The blast of the shotgun rang out over the area. Holstering his shotgun he looked back to see the others. sighing happily that they’d been able to take the other two.

“Sights!” cried out Artifact in pain as she tried to stand up on three legs, but fell down to the ground again.

“Arty!” cried out Sights in reply as he ran as fast as he could over to his sister. “Stay still, it’s going to be okay, Arty. It’s gonna be okay. Professor, get the first aid kit from the cart. We should have some potions.” ordered the gray earth pony stallion as he looked over his sisters wound.

A few moments later, the Professor returned with the kit and some other medical supplies. “Stand aside, Sights. I’ve done this once or twice before.” said the professor as he flared his horn to life and washed to wound in alcohol, enticing a scream of a pain from his patient.

“Sorry Arty, but this is going to hurt. Sights, keep her focused on your voice” Osmosis said as he levitated up a pair of tweezers, he slowly moved them inside the wound in search of the bullet. Artifact once again screamed in pain from the Professor actions

“Arty, look at me! Remember that time when we were kids and you found your first book in that old abandoned library back home? How you thought it was going to be the find of the year. But all it turned out to be was an old record of names and who’d borrowed what book?” said the stallion, trying to keep his sisters mind of the pain that was racing through her.

“Yeah, mum and dad pretended it was really something for about a month” laughed Artifact as she tightened her grip on her brothers hooves.

“Yeah, they were so proud of you for finding it, they didn't want to break your heart.” Iron sights laughed along with his sister.

“Ahh, I think I’ve. Yes, I’ve got it!” called out Professor Osmosis as he removed the bullet from her leg. “here, drink this.” he said, quickly levitating over a red health potion to the lips of Artifact and helping her drink it all down. A few moments later the magic in the potion closed up the wound in her leg.

“Thanks, Professor” said Artifact as she slowly got to her hooves, giving him a quick hug but wincing in a bit of pain as she did.

“No worries, my darling. Get in the back of the cart. You need to get some rest.” Osmosis said, helping her to climb in the back and lie down for a rest.

“You lot okay?” asked Finishing Touch as he walked back round the cart with Featherjoy and a slightly limping Urchin. A sad look on his face as he stared at the ground, avoiding as much eye contact as he could.

“Yeah, we’re gonna be okay. The Professor managed to get the bullet out and she just needs a bit of rest. How about you three, you alright Urchin?” asked Iron sights as he moved towards the others

“Yeah, we’ll be okay I think. Urchin here was very brave, he stepped up as he said he would and protected Featherjoy.” said Finishing Touch, glancing down with a smile on his face to look at Urchin, still avoiding everyone eyes.

“No, no I didn’t. I just got knocked away and got myself hurt.” mumbled the young colt.

“No, you didn’t. You stood up to that stallion, if it wasn’t for you he would’ve grabbed me, Urchin. It was very brave of you.” Featherjoy said as she moved up to stand in front of the embarrassed colt, wrapping her arms around him in a big hug, much to the surprise of the colt. “Thank you.” Featherjoy said as she stepped back.

“I.. Errr...” blustered Urchin, once again a blush covering his cheeks. The sound of slight giggling filled the air from the others.

“I’m proud of you kid, you did good. Well, we should get going. We don’t know if theres anymore of them out here and we don’t want to be stuck here in the dark.” Iron sights said as he moved to the front of the cart, once again hitching himself up to it and slowly pulling away from what could’ve been a much worse outcome. But at least others won’t fall to the same fate that almost befell them.


Several days later, The Seekers of Truth arrived on the edge of the Serpent River. Drake mountain loomed in the distance and the Everfree forest awaited them, the secrets it holds taunting them all.

“Well, here we are. I guess we head that way according to the map.” said Artifact, the river flowing in front of them all.

“Yeah, lets get going. We aren’t going to find it just standing here.” replied Professor Osmosis as he started to head down the river, it’s water flowing giving a different tune for the Seekers to listen to compared to nothing but the wind flowing through the dead cities of the Wasteland. But soon the flowing stopped, as it something was controlling the waters, changing them to suit it’s whim.

“What in the...” started Osmosis, only to be interrupted by something bursting out of the waters. Waves crashed against the river bank as a giant green serpent rose out of the water, looming over the group.

“Featherjoy, Urchin. Behind the cart now!” shouted Iron Sights, as he stared in awe of the spectacle in front of him. The two quickly scurrying out of sight.

“So, it has come to pass.” boomed out the voice of the serpent, staring straight at Finishing Touch. “The Shadow has finally returned to finish it’s masters bidding. You three, are you in league with this Shadow?” continued the towering serpent.

“I am, or rather once was this Shadow of which you speak. But no longer am I a pawn of The Puppeteer. I am free of his control, but he is back and is aiming to try and control me once again.” called out Finishing Touch, as he moved to stand in front of the serpent. “These are my friends, I do not have any control over them, they join me in our attempt at stopping him."

“You mention the name of the one who’s bidding you once did with disdain, Shadow. But he tricked the Hallowed once. How do I know this isn’t a part of his plan?” the serpent replied, leaning over to get a closer look at the smooze. His deep, dark purple eyes seemed to stare straight through Finishing Touch, as if the green serpent was searching for any hints of his ancient enemies control.

“Because I am with him.” called out Featherjoy, walking from behind the cart, followed sheepishly by Urchin. “I.. I am Featherjoy The Eternal, Sixth and final blessed.”

The serpent’s eyes widened in shock upon seeing Featherjoy, bowing his head when she approached. “The final blessed has been found, what the Librarian said was true. If the Sixth has been found then...” the serpent said, lifting his gaze to stare at both Featherjoy and Touch. “Then the heart of the Shadow has been tempered by friendship. I never thought I’d see the day, I’ve been waiting so long.”

“Wait, you’ve been waiting? How old are you?” asked Artifact from the back of the cart.

“I’m sorry, I should introduce myself. I am Cytherean. the last guardian of the Shrine of the Eternal.” Cytherean declared to everyone, once again bowing at the end.

“I’m Featherjoy, this is my father, Finishing Touch." started Featherjoy as she pointed to the smooze. "And these are Artifact, and her brother Iron Sights, along with the Professor Osmosis and Urchin” introduced Featherjoy.

"You call him father, but this surely cannot be so?" asked Cytherean, a confused look crossing his face as he attempted to figure out this strange piece of information.

"We've been through many an adventure since we came together. I care for her more than any other I have known, so she is my daughter in all the ways that matter." said Finishing Touch, his voice firm and alive with the love he held for his daughter.

“I see, it is truly as the Librarian said then" the serpent said. "It is then my honour to meet the Hallowed Guard of The Eternal.” replied Cytherean once again bowing to the group.

“Wait, ‘Hallowed Guard’?” asked a slightly confused Iron Sights.

“Why yes, those who adventure and protect the Hallowed are known as the Hallowed Guard. For they are the best and brightest among the tribes. Did you not know this?” Cytherean asked.

“Well, no. It’s been a long time since there’s even been another Hallowed.” replied Artifact.

“How strange, I thought it would’ve been kept on.” the serpent said, scratching his chin.

“You mentioned the Shrine of the Eternal, do you know where it is?” asked Featherjoy, stepping closer to the guardian.

“Yes, I am it’s guardian but I do not truly know of its location. It was a secret known only those blessed by the the gods. But I can show you the way. Follow me” stated Cytherean. His massive form making waves as he turned and started to swim downstream, further into the Everfree forest.

“Can we trust this overgrown lizard? I find anything that big in the Wasteland normally tries to eat you first.” asked Iron Sights as he moved to the front of the group, gazing over his shoulder as the serpent swam away.

“I feel that we can. He knew who I was when I revealed myself and he also seemed to hate The Puppeteer as well when Touch mentioned him.” Featherjoy said as she jumped up onto the small cart in the middle of the group.

“Yes, while I feel that he doesn’t truly trust me as of yet, if he can help us find what we’re after here. Well I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt, but I also feel we don’t have much choice.” calmly stated the smooze.

“I’ve not read anything about him or any mention of anything like him in any of the books we’ve uncovered. But, I don’t know what to make of him at the moment. Lets see where he takes us and go from their.” said Artifact, looking at each of her friends in turn.

“Okay, we’ll all have to keep an eye out for anything strange here till we know we can trust him. Lets get going” stated Osmosis as he started to move slowly in the direction that their new friend went, soon followed by his friends.

The river lead the uncertain group further into the Everfree forest, darkness and despair seeping from every tree and fallen branch. Even the light from the midday sun seemingly falling prey to the horrors of the forest, with each step a feeling of lost hope and entered the mind of the smooze. Not knowing what awaited them scared him almost as much as what he knew he would have to do to keep this world and the ones he cared about most in it safe from himself.


Author's notes

Well I bet this has caught a couple of you by surprise! I must admit I've had this chapter pretty much done for... Well far too long now and after seeing a comment left I thought 'You know what, screw it. I'm gonna post it!' So here you go, now I'm not gonna promise I'm get more out but who knows. Stranger things have happened and I did manager to find my old note book with scribbles in it.... I just need to find away to read this scribbling I call handwriting...

Comments ( 2 )

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like? And before you ask, volrathxp doesn't never told me.

Woot! A comment that I left have revived a story? That is high level thread necromancy!

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