• Published 13th Nov 2013
  • 3,874 Views, 50 Comments

Applejack's Favourite Season - DarthLena

It's finally Fall, Applejack's favourite season, and Twilight had been looking forward to it as well.

  • ...


Twilight was trotting down a quiet dirt road covered in browning leaves, the wind has been picking up and had stripped the trees of their leaves. Twilight had been prepared for the chill, she brought a pink and purple scarf Rarity was kind enough to make for her, it matched her hair very well. Since Fall had reached Ponyville a few days ago, Twilight saw this as the perfect opportunity and excuse to spend more time with Applejack, not that they didn’t spend time together at all. Twilight had been having dinner with AJ and her family once a week for a couple of months, but Twilight wanted more time with her, and just her.

“Applejack?” Twilight called as she walked up to the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. Where is that pony? “APPLEJACK!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, but no pony responded. Twilight sighed and decided to start looking around, Applejack was around here somewhere.

“Howdy Twilight!” Applebloom chimed. Twilight jumped and let out a little yelp, she hadn’t heard Applebloom behind her, she should have a cutie mark in stealth, she seemed to be very good at sneaking up on ponies. “Sorry Miss. Twilight, didn’t mean to scare ya! Why yall lookin’ for Applejack?”

Twilight took a second to calm down before she replied, “Hey there Applebloom. I didn’t think anypony was home. Since AJ just finished the last harvest so I was wondering if she was free to.. um do something I guess. Have you seen her?”

“She went to town to buy somethin’, she’ll be back for dinner I reckon. HEY! Do you wanna stay for dinner too? Granny Smith made plenty, no pony would mind.” A bright smile beamed across Applebloom’s face as she waited for Twilight to say yes.

“Oh! We’ll I don’t know, I was..”

“PLEEEEEAAAASSSEEE!” Applebloom leant closer with her puppy dog eyes.

Awwh! Who could say no to that face? Twilight rolled her eyes “Alright. Do you think Applejack with be much longer?”

“Beats me. Come’on!” Applebloom grabbed Twilight with her hoof and will a gallop she pulled her toward the Apple house. Twilight struggled to keep her footing trying to keep up with Applebloom. She should work the fields with AJ next Summer, then she’d probably be able to keep up with a filly. Note to self; Cardio.

With the speed Applebloom was running, it didn’t take long for them to reach the house. While Twilight was stumbling and panting, trying to regain her breath, Applebloom skipped ahead to the dining room singing “Twilight’s staying for dinner! Twilight staying for dinner!”.

“That’s wonderful” Granny Smith said, she looked over to Bigmac. “We need another plate for Twilight.”

“Eeyup” he replied and reached into the cupboard for a plate. He walked over to the table and placed it in front a spare seat.

Twilight slowly walked into the dining room, still exhausted from the gallop. “Is.. it alright.. if I sit...” Twilight took a deeper breathe “Please?”

“Of course deary, ya can sit next to Applejack again.”

Twilight’s flank fell to the chair, she let out a satisfied sigh. “Thank you… Granny Smith. Dinner.. smells good.”

“Why thank you Miss. Twilight. I see Applebloom walked ya to the house. That was mighty nice ah her.” She placed a hoof on Appleblooms head and shuffled her hoof.

“Granny! Yer messin’ my mane up. STOP!” Applebloom exclaimed as she swatted Granny’s hoof away.

The front door to the house opened and AJ shouted, “ Howdy, I’m home!”. Twilight’s ears shot up.

“We’re in the dining room Applejack, dinners ready. Come get it before it’s cold” Granny shouted back.
Twilight turned her head to face the door to the dining room, she smiled as Applejack came into the room. When she saw Applejack had her saddlebags on she used her magic to lift the bags and placed them on the floor. AJ was a little startled, she wasn’t expecting the sudden help with her bag.

“Howdy there Twi, Thanks for the help. Applebloom asked yall to stay for dinner I’m assumin’.” Applejack took her seat next to Twilight, who’s face was a growing shade of red. “Since that’s why yall stayed for dinner last week, and the week before that.”

“Don’t forget the week before that!” Applebloom shouted. Twilight began to blush even more.

“Oh yeah, I almost forget, not that we mind a’course. I like it when ya stay for dinner.” AJ added.

Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but paused. She wanted to think before the words dribbled out, making her look like a foal. “Well.. we.. I was wondering, well since you’ve finished harvesting. You’ll probably have a lot of spare time, and I’m not doing anything..” Twilight rubbed her hoof on the back of her neck “We should, you know spend more time together.. if you want to, but you don’t have to, its not..”. Applejack stuck her hoof in Twilight mouth.

“Yer rambling sugarcube. Course I’d love to spend time with yall.” Applejack gave Twilight a welcoming smile, causing Twilight to blush even more. Twilight gave a little node and an ecstatic smile.

“Great! After dinner you should come to the Library. We could do something tonight.”

“Sounds like fun, I’ll get cleaned up first and then we can head on down to yer place.”


“Alright Twi, I’m just gunna get a quick bath. Yall might as well wait in my room. Since Granny Smith and Applebloom are goin’ to sleep. I won’t be long ah promise.”

“Take your time, it’s no bother.” Twilight smiled, she couldn't help but watch Applejack’s flank as she left for the bathroom. Okay Twilight, you've got this. It’s just like practising magic, except with words.. and questions.. and another pony… Who am I kidding! It’s nothing like practise! I can’t do this. AJ’s a friend… a good friend, one of my best friends. Well I suppose they’re all my best friends since I never had any back in Canterlot. What make a friend the best? How does why so easily assign that to anyone pony? Focus Twilight, Friendship lessons can wait, there aren't deadlines on those. But Rarity said that there are deadlines on this.. she sort of said that anyway… FOCUS! Applejack.. Library… Date that’s the goal!

Twilight slumped on Applejack's bed, she let out a sigh and looked around. Her eyes widened as she began to fully realise where she was. She was in Applejack’s room, it seemed a bit nosey but a quick look around might help her woo Applejack, the books she read had been somewhat helpful, but she’d never done this before and she could certainly use all the help she could get.

Twilight’s eyes started scanning the room, hunting for something informative. She looked over at the dresser, its was simple enough, a deep brown with silver handles either side of each draws. On top were a few trinkets, a hairbrush, hair bands, a picture frame. Wait, is that’s Applejack. Awwwwh! She’s so small and cute! These must been her parents... She’s has her mother’s eyes. Is that a horn? Applejack’s mother was a Unicorn, I had no idea... Well why would I? AJ doesn’t talk about her parents. Probably just too painful for her.

Twilight took a peek under the bed. Someponies put things there, Twilight thought there could be a chance Applejack might have as well. Twilight’s horn light up to light the area up, she could see in the back corner a horse shoe box. AhHA! Twilight took a moment to listen for Applejack, she could hear her in the bath, she had time for a quick peek. I really shouldn’t be so nosey… Just a quick peek! Twilight wrapped her magic around the box and brought it to the edge of the bed. She paused, she was trying to decide whether this was a sensible idea or not. A moment passed and she decided to open the box regardless. Oh Celestia! It’s a horn ring… its gorgeous! It’s must have been Applejack’s mothers. Twilight examined the ring more closely, it was a shiny silver, time had been kind to this ring, it still looked like it had been made yesterday. She took a closer look at the gem, it was a beautiful sapphire, the kind Rarity might be envious of. Applejack’s father clearly had good taste in fine jewellery.

The bathroom door opened, Twilight panicked. Applejack would be furious if she caught her with the box. She quickly closed it and levitated it back in place. Twilight jumped back on the bed and tried to act casual like she’d been there the whole time.

“Alright Twi, I’m all clean. We can leave whenever you want.” Applejack whispered as she walked into the room.

Twilight jumped off the bed. “Great! Let’s go now!”

“Whoa now sugarcube, lemme put ma hair up and then we’ll leave alright.”
Twilight began to blush, “Oh, of course. Sorry!”. She was beginning to get quite nervous, and it showed. Applejack is a simple pony, but she’s no foal. She could see Twilight was acting funny, but she didn't say anything, Twilight would tell her in her own time.

“All done sugarcube, lets go!” Applejack smiled at Twilight and took lead.


Applejack and Twilight were almost at the Library and it had already gone dark, the wind was very chilly. Summer was clearly over, and the leaves were being blown everywhere.

Applejack moved closer to Twilight, they were almost touching. “I sure do love this season Twi, how about you?”.

Twilight had a glazed look on her face, the kind you’d expect to see when she was reading or thinking too hard. The latter of the two in this situation. “Hmmm?” She said as she came back to reality.

“I said ‘I sure do love this season Twi, how about you?’ Your not usually this quiet Twi, you been actin’ funnier than a squirrel in a jar ah honey. What’s eatin’ at ya?” Applejack was worried, but she didn’t let it show.

Twilight opened her mouth, but didn’t speak. She let out a sigh and looked down at her hooves. Kicking leaves as she walked.

“Listen Twi, it’s alright that ya had a look at my mama’s weddin’ ring. I know you didn’t mean no harm.” Applejack gave Twilight a reassuring smile and a gentle nudge.

“How did…”

“I know ya better than ya think sugarcube, and you aint the first the go peekin’ neither.”

Twilight blushed and smiled. “Sorry AJ, I couldn’t help myself, it was a gorgeous wedding ring. But that’s not what’s bothering me.” Twilight lowered her head again and her smile turned to a frown.

Applejack lent into Twilight’s side, she nudged Twi’s neck with her muzzle. It made Twilight smile and her cheeks flushed a burning red. “Come’on sugarcube, you can tell me.” Twilight stayed silence, unsure of how to tell Applejack how she’d been feeling these last few months. “We’re almost at yer house Twi, why don’t ah make us some tea or somethin’ and when yer ready we can talk about whatever you want.”

Twilight looked in Applejack’s eyes and nodded. “That’s sounds wonderful. Can we gallop the rest of the way? It’s starting to get really cold.”

“Sure thing, let’s go!” Applejack sped ahead of Twilight and shout back to her, “Come’on slow poke, ah don’t wanna wait outside yer door in the cold!” Twilight burst into action to catch Applejack, she could still feel that gallop with Applebloom in her legs. Running was difficult to say the least, but she still managed to keep up with Applejacks pace, for a couple of minutes anyway.


Twilight was panting heavily again as she finally reached the Library door. Applejack was sat by the door waiting for her, “Took yer time sugarcube.” Twilight was so out of breath she didn’t even responded, she just gave an friendly glare and fell to the step outside the Library. Applejack couldn’t help but giggle, “Sorry sugarcube, but this was yer idea, and yall know how fast ah run” Applejack picked Twilight off the ground and helped her in the Library. “Let’s get you inside and laying down.”

Applejack saw a nice spot on the rug next to several tall stacks of books and the fireplace. All the lights were off and the fireplace had been recently put out, Spike had gone to bed just a while ago. “You just stay there sugarcube, I’ll get this wood alight and then I’ll make some tea.”. Twilight didn’t respond, she was so worn out that she’d already fallen asleep. Applejack sighed We’ll aint that just the darndest thing, course she’d fall asleep now. Well ah guess I’ll just sleep here with her, and she can tell me what’s up in the mornin.

Applejack snuck upstairs to get Twilight’s bedding for the two of them,. She didn’t want to wake Spike, so she tried as hard as she could to not make a sound. She grabbed the blanket and dragged it off the bed and down the stairs. She laid down on the rug and flung the blanket over Twilight and herself and shuffled over to keep Twilight warm. Not that she really needed to, the gallop to the Library warmed them both up quite well, but it might get colder in the night now that they were in Fall.

Applejack struggled to sleep, she was too worried about Twilight, it was unlike her to act the way she had tonight. Oh Twi, why’d you have ta go a fall asleep on me. Now I gotta stay awake all night worryin’ about ya. Least it looks like yer enjoy yer dreams, wish you’d stop drowlin’ on me though. Twilight had moved in her sleep, she’d had her head resting on Applejack's chest for almost an hour. AJ didn’t mind, she was comfortable, far more comfortable than perhaps she should be. Twi you sure do smell good, probably that fancy Canterlot shampoo ya use. Maybe it aint right to think like that ‘bout a friend... ah whom I kiddin’ I been fussin’ over you since ya showed me and Rainbow up at the runnin’ of the leaves last Fall. Why’d she gotta be so cute for?

Twilight began fidgeting and groaning, Applejack couldn’t make out what she was saying, but stayed as still as possible. She started blushing at the idea of Twilight waking up to them hugging, embarrassment quickly turned to panic when she thought Twilight might react negatively and they’d have a falling out. Gosh Darn it AJ, you gone and done it now, she’s gunna wake up and freak out.. huggin’ her in her sleep, I might as well be touchin’ her up.. what have ah got myself into!

Twilight wormed her way up Applejack’s chest, resting her head just under AJ’s chin. Applejack held her breath, desperate to make sure Twilight would stay asleep, she couldn’t stop her heart from pounding, she began to worry that might wake Twilight. Of course this only made the situation worse.

“Hnnngg… Applejack…” Twilight was talking in her sleep, only a whisper, but enough to for Applejack to hear.

Applejack whispered “T.. Twi, you awake?” Her panic subsided, maybe Twilight was awake and didn’t mind how close they were. But Twilight didn’t respond. All Applejack could do at this point was try to keep as quiet as possible, just in case Twilight spoke again or woke up.

“Applejack…” Twilight moaned her name again. It made Applejack's heart flutter. “I.. I..” Twilight went silence. Applejack waited patiently for Twilight to finish.

Come’on sugarcube, say somethin’...

“Appleja….” Twilight moaned. “I wan…I want”

Maybe ah should just wake her.. it’s got to be better than eavesdroppin’.

Twilight started to fidget again. Applejack kept as still as possible as Twilight wrapped her hoof around Applejack’s waist, hugging her with a tight grip and smiling as she nuzzle her face into AJ’s chest. Applejack was blushing furiously and her body started to heat up, she’d been dying to be this close to Twilight. If only Twilight were awake, then it would be perfect.

Twilight held Applejack for what seemed like hours to AJ, she’d spent the whole time trying to decide what to do. Come’on AJ, this aint yer first rodio. Why don’t ya just go with it, she aint gunna wake up, and it aint like yall are touchin’ her in… places. Pony up! Just a lil feel, aint no harm… oh Celestia what’s wrong with me. Why’s she have to be so gorgeous, smell so pretty.. what the hay, a quick feel and never again.. just a one off thing. I’ll just lie and say I was asleep, no ponies got to know the truth.

Applejack knew better, and she knew she’d feel guilty afterwards, but she couldn’t just lay there any longer. AJ looked down slowly, she wanted to make sure Twilight was still asleep. This is it AJ, just a touch, then nothin’.. just think of somethin’ else and sleep it off.

Applejack lifted her left hoof and slowly pushed against Twilight’s side, the sudden pressure made Twilight groan. Applejack’s heart skipped and she froze in place, fearing she might wake her. Once Twilight settled down Applejack started sliding her hoof down Twilight’s side, pacing herself so she didn’t wake Twilight and so she could enjoy it that much more. She was getting closer to Twilight’s cutie mark, her heart was pounding, this was it. It felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest. She pushed her hoof into Twilight’s flank, savouring every second as a wave of pleasure washed over her, Twilight’s rump was softer than she’d ever imagined, she didn’t want this moment to end.

“Applejack?” Twilight whispered. Applejack nearly had a heart attack! She took her hooves off of Twilight, hoping she’d be too disoriented to realise what woke her up. Shoot! SHOOT! Ohno ohno ohno! What was I thinkin’... please don’t freak out Twi!

Twilight’s head twisted side to side, she was trying to figure out where she was. Suddenly Twilight jumped from the floor and out of the blanket, fully aware of where she was, and who she’d been laying and dribbling on. “Applejack, I’m so sorry! I don’t… it didn’t… Oh! What have I done?!” Twilight started pace up and down the room, taking deep fractured breathes in a futile attempt to calm down.

“Twilight! It’s alright.”

“Are you crazy! How is any of this alright! Your one of my best friends and I was doing things while you were asleep…oh, you must hate me!”

“TWILIGHT!” Applejack screamed, good thing Spike is a heavy sleeper or that would have woke him up, only worsening the situation. Twilight instantly turned to face Applejack, desperately trying to hide her tears. Applejack got up and walk over to her, wrapping her hooves around her neck. Applejack stroked the back of Twilights neck and whispered into her ear. “It’s alright sugarcube, I liked it. In fact, it was ma fault you even woke up. I was touchin’ ya when I shoulda known better. If anypony should be mad, it’s you sugarcube, now stop yer cryin’...” Applejack broke the hug, she looked into Twilight’s eyes and wiped away her tears.

“You.. touched me?” Twilight asked with a quizzical look on her face.

“I did Twi, and I’m sorry. I just thought.. I shoulda said somethin’.. ah been feelin’ this way bout ya for a long time. I was scared yall wouldn’t like me back.”

“Really? You like me as more than just a friend, more than a best friend?”

“Yeah.. I do… look I can just go on home if ya don’t want to see me no more..” Applejack lowered her head and started to walk to the door, scuffing her hooves as she went.

Twilight turned to face AJ. “Wait" she called, but Applejack kept walking, trying to hold back the tears, she didn't want Twilight to see her like this. Twilight wasn't about to let this opportunity pass, she used her magic to grab Applejack's tail and pulled her rump to the floor.

Applejack let out a whelp as she bash her flank on the hard wood flooring. "Twilight! What were ya thinkin'?" Applejack's voice was like a knife, she hadn't meant to sound so mean, but the fall was quite painful. Even for a hardened pony like herself.

"Ohgosh, Applejack! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you... just please don't leave!"

"I can't be here sugarcube! Not after ah spilled ma heart out and yall don't even feel the same way." Applejack lowered her head and buried it in her hooves, trying to hide her tears from Twilight.

Twilight walked over to her, and nudged her rump, "Applejack, you didn't even let me reply."

"I could guess what yall were gunna say, so just don't make this harder than it already is.." The sadness was clear in Applejack's voices, Twilight needed to tell her how she felt before it was too late.

"I like you AJ..." Twilight started to blush. "I mean, I really like you... I think you gorgeous and hard working, and so smart, even though your knowledge base is limited, I know you're a smart pony... I don't want you to go, because I want you to stay with me. Please?"

Applejack raised her head and stood up, she wiped away her tears and smiled. "Ya think I'm smart? That's mighty kind of yall Twi, I shoulda given ya a chance to talk before I got all silly and tried to leave..."

Applejack took a few steps closer and asked, “Have ya ever kissed a mare before Twi?” Applejack had a sultry look on her face, she started leaning toward Twilight.

“N.. No, I’ve nev…” Applejack pushed her lips into Twilight’s, not given her a second to finish. AJ closed her eyes and pushed further into the kiss. Twilight was still in shock, not quite realising what was happening.

Applejack broke the kiss and stepped back from Twilight with a giddy smile that wouldn’t go away. Twilight was speechless, she tried to say something but her words were jumbled. Applejack had definitely taken her by surprise.

“Are you alright sugarcube? Ah hope ah didn’t make ya feel uncomfortable, just been wantin’ to do that for a long time” Applejack blushed and scuffed her hooves.

Twilight licked her lips, she could taste apple, her favourite, and she wanted more. Twilight jumped at Applejack and laid her on her back, she looked into Applejacks eyes and whispered “That was my first kiss… can we do it again?”. Applejack just nodded and closed her eyes.

Twilight pressed her lips against AJ’s, kissing slower than before, but deeper and for much longer. Applejack let out a moan as Twilight pushed her tongue against her lips, Applejack opened her mouth and they started playing with each others tongues. Hooves wrapped around Twilights neck, forcing her chest to meet with Applejack’s. Twilight’s hind legs started to shake, the excitement causing her to lose the strength in her legs. They collapsed and Twilight’s body was in full contact with Applejack's.

After a couple of minutes of snogging, Twilight broke the kiss panting and blushing like the Sun.

Twilight let out a giggle, “How was that?”

Applejack's smiled. “Yer sure you aint done this before?”

“No, never.” Twilight blushed, she was sure that was a compliment. “So I did a good job.”

Applejack started to laugh, “Awwh, yall are so cute. Course ya did a good job.”

Twilight slid from on top of AJ to laying at her side, resting her head on her chest. Her eye’s started to feel heavier than a stack of books. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, and Applejack soon followed.


Twilight’s eyes flickered open, she could her a foot tapping the wooden floor of the Library. She looked around to see what was making the nose, Spike had been standing over her and Applejack, with an unimpressed look on his face and arms folded in front of him.

“Spiiiike, hiii. This isn’t what it looks like…” A guilty smile bright across Twilight’s face.

Spike raised an eyebrow and said, “Really. Because it looks like you and Applejack are a little closer than normal.”

Twilight let out a defeating sigh, “Okay, so it’s exactly what it looks like.”

“Twilight, you can date whoever you want, but for the love of Celestia please don’t do it in the middle of the Library floor. I’m still a baby dragon you know, this lovey dovey stuff is gross!”

“Sorry Spike, I’ll be a little bit more careful next time.” Twilight smiled at Spike.

He rolled his eye’s and headed for the kitchen. “The Library opens in 15 minutes by the way”

The End :)

Author's Note:

I was bored, so I wrote this. I think it's cute. Not enough Twijacks out there.

First time writing a romance, hope its not lame. :P

*EDIT, I changed the confession a smidge, and by a smidge I mean a lot, I hope it's less lame.

*REEDIT, Mkay, so I got rid of a few "yall"s and replaced them with proper words like YER, YA and YOU, because Applejack. And JarofLemons was kind enough to go throw this and pick out all my grammar fails, I have fixed those too and Im confident this story doesn't need editing again xD because fuck me I can't be asked, give a girl some slack GAWD! :)

*REREEDIT! There is a bit where Spike is asleep and things get a little bit shouty, and someone commented on how that might wake him up, naturally I couldn't be bothered to changed 2 words and instead added an entire sentence so that the original 2 words could remain. FUN!

Comments ( 22 )

This was cute, but the confession scene didn't really resonate very well.

3482604 I would agree, I spent a while trying to get it right, but when I could only work on it at like 2am It's a tad hard to focus. It was just a short story anyway, I'll work harder on the next one I do.

You're right, the world does need some more TwiJack in it, and this was a nice little addition to a hopefully growing collection of TwiJack fics :twilightsmile:

I'd agree with Titty Drag up there. While this was very cute (never thought AJ would be the one to grab Twi's flank), my one only little pet peeve was the overuse of "y'all." I dunno, it seems to be more of a plural thing (you all) than a singular person- err, pony thing :rainbowwild: Not that it didn't take away from the story at all. Still a cute read to wake up to on a Wednesday morning.

3482713 I do doubt that Applejack would go touching somepony up, but I doubt even more that Twilight would even dare to do it. Plus AJ hasn't has much sleep and we do silly things went were tired and aroused, and that is how I'm going to justify that.

I also agree that I did overuse yall, but I was trying to get her cute accent across maybe a little too much, and really I just didn't think it would be that bad, and Id rather not go through the whole story changing it, so it can stay and I'll be more careful in the future.

Im glad you liked it, and cute it what I was aiming for. I'll probably write some more Twijacks because I love that pairing quite a lot, Flash Sentry is a lie! :twilightangry2:


I had no problems with AJ feeling up Twi's flank. I found it more funny than anything. Also sleepy Twi snuggling into another pony is best. Writing in Applejack's accent can be quite difficult sometimes, and it's hard to walk that line between not-enough-use and overuse. Besides the little overuse of "y'all," you did a fine job with AJ's dialogue, and again it didn't take away from the story so you're good.

Please do write more TwiJack. I'll be keeping my eye out for some new fics.

And yes, Flash Sentry is a lie (even though the name of the ship, "FlashLight," is simply hilarious).

Y'all means "you all"; if the statement can't be construed to apply to more than one person, it shouldn't be used. So if you're talking to a group of people, it's "y'all"; if you're talking to one person, but talking about them and a group of people, it is "y'all". If you're just talking to one person, it should be "you".


"How are you doing today?" -> Exactly what it sounds like
"How are y'all doing out at the farm?" -> How are things going for you and yours out at the farm (basically asking about your whole family, or everyone working out at the farm, even though you might only be addressing a single person at the time)
"How are y'all doing?" -> Something you would say to a group of two or more people while walking up to them on the street

Note also that "y'all" is a contraction (of you all), and as such should be spelled using an apostrophe.

3482759 As long as it didn't ruin the story I'm happy.
I don't much care for stories where Twilight takes the initiative in a confident manager when it comes to shipping, it really doesn't fit her character. I'll probably start on a new story next week, should be fun. :twilightsmile:

Ha Flashlight. xD

3482784 Okie dokie, I'll make sure I remember that. Just trying to hard to get her accent right that's all. :twilightblush:

Enjoyable, but there were a good few grammatical errors. Do you know of anyone willing to look your work over before releasing it for the sake of solving the issue? I'd do it, but I really don't like prereading. Takes way longer than I thought it would.

3482938 It's hard to proof read your own work, next time I'll get one of my friends to give me a hand.

Will you be making a sequel to this? I really enjoyed this alot.

3483586 I suppose I could. What would you like to see in a sequel?

A lot of the same stuff but with a continuing of the story line, like the same personalities of the ponies, the reactions, the cute moments, the awkward moments, stuff like that. I PM'd you the grammar problems and stuff like that because I hate it when people spam up the comments with that stuff. Back on topic, keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:

Spike is the only non-gay dude who would react like that, methinks. XD

*No SERIOUS Clop, just a short and cute story with some touchy feely and kissy kissy. If your not into that then you should be because its awesome.

Gasp, I'm not gonna get cooties from reading this, am I? :rainbowderp:

3485536 Honestly, I was so tired, I couldn't think of a better way to end the story :twilightblush:


Hey, it was a good ending!

This story is... nice. Nothing original, but still a good short. :twilightsmile::ajsmug:

3489221 Not lame is pretty much what I was aiming for.

3488895 Well that's good :twilightblush:

I am always a tad irritated by feelings seeming to be automatically reciprocated, but I thought it was funny that Applejack was feeling Twilight up. :rainbowlaugh:

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