• Published 19th Jan 2014
  • 5,243 Views, 58 Comments

Momma's baby boy - Will Atkinson

Applejack and her sister find a six year old colt in the barn dering a terrible thunder storm.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Momma's baby boy.
By. Will Atkinson

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville one of the most great plaices in Equestria one of the most famous places in Ponyville was Sweet Apple Acers here the element of honesty Applejack lived here with her brother Big Macintosh, her younger sister Applebloom, and her grandmother Granny Smith. On this particular day Applejack and her sister were finishing up the work at the farm from this years apple buck season when a rainbow color pegasus flew down to them.

"Hey Rainbow Dash what's up?" Asked Applejack.

"There is going to a big thunderstorm soon and I just came here to warn you." She said.

Applejack, Applebloom, and Rainbow Dash looked up at the sky and sure enough the pegasus ponies were pushing clouds for the thunderstorm for that day.

"Ok thanks for telling us Rainbow."." Said Applejack.

"You're welcome now I must go and tell everypony else about the storm."

And with that Rainbow Dash took off into the air to warn the other ponies about the incoming storm. As soon as Rainbow Dash was out of site Applejack looked at her younger sister.

"Well come on Applebloom we best get the last of the buckets of apples in the barn before the storm comes."

"Ok sis."

Just as they got the last bucket of apples in the barn the thunderstorm came.

(Flash, Flash, Ka-Koom)

A powerful rumble of thunder and flash of lightning made the barn shake and made Applebloom hide under her sister.

"Aw don't worry Applebloom." Applejack said stroking her sisters mane.

"Once we get inside of our house we will be fine ok?"

"O....okay sis." Said Applebloom still shaking a bit.

But before they started to head to the barn door Applebloom heard a rustling sound right behind her and her sister.

"Hey sis did you hear that rustling sound?"

As Applejack and Applebloom turned around and went towards where Applebloom heard the rustling sound they noticed that some apples were missing out of one of the baskets.

"Hey sis look somepony took some of our apples." Applebloom said.

"Your right sis somepony must be in here no doubt about it."

Just then they heard the rustling sound again, this made Applebloom scared.

"Sister I'm scared."

"Don't worry Applebloom I'm going to find out who is in here."

And with that Applejack went to the back of the barn to find the source of the rustling just then when Applejack made her way to where the apple family kept their hay stored she saw apple cores being thrown out of it.

("So the varmint is hiding in the hay.") Applejack said to herself.

As Applejack came closer to the hay pile she could hear crying that sounded like a little colt.

"Applebloom?" Asked Applejack softly.

"Yes sis what is it?"

"Get Big Mac and tell him to get a blanket."

"Why sis?"

"Because I think there's a little colt in this pile of hay."

After Applebloom heard her sister say that there was a little colt in the barn she quickly left the barn and went to the house to tell Macintosh about what she and Applejack found. When Applebloom left the barn Applejack went closer to the pile of hay and when she got closer another apple core flew out of the pile and almost hit her.

"Hello is anypony in there?" She asked.

Just then she saw two blue eyes peeking out of the pile of hay witch made her jump, and made the little colt to hide back into the hay. After Applejack regain her composure she walked back to the pile of hay that the little colt was in and with a soft voice she said.

"It's ok little one I'm not going to hurt you come on out please."

Just then she saw the little colts blue eyes again and this time Applejack smiled.

"Hi there little fella." Applejack said.

Just then another flash of lighting and a rumble of thunder made the colt rush out and rapped his hooves around Applejack's leg.

"Oh there, there now it's ok, it's only the storm outside dear there's nothing to be scared about." Applejack said stroking the little colts red and blue striped mane then she picked him up and started to cradle him in her hooves.

"Do you have a name little one?" She asked.

The colt didn't answer he just nodded his head. Just then Applejack noticed a locket on the cults neck when she looked at it, it had the name Bolt on it.

"Hmm Bolt."

When she said that the colt lifted his head up.

"So Bolt is your name huh?"

The colt didn't say anything he just smiled and nodded at Applejack.

"Well Bolt it's nice to meet you I'm Applejack" Applejack said with a smile on her muzzle.

Just then the colt layed his head down on Applejack's shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Suddenly Applejack heard her sister and her brother coming in the barn.

"AJ I got the blanket you wanted." Said Big Mac.

"Shhhh Big Mac he's sleeping." She said still cradling the colt in her hooves.

"Oh Applejack he is such a cute little colt." Applebloom said.

Applejack looked at the sleeping colt and looked at her sister and smiled.

"Yes he is." She said softly.

Then she looked at Macintosh and grabbed the blanket out of his teeth and wrapped it around the colt to keep him warm.

"There we go that should keep him warm until we get in to the house."

"Well come on AJ it's time for dinner and Granny Smith is waiting." Big Mac said as he and Applebloom left the barn.

Applejack stayed in the barn for a few more minutes just to make sure that Bolt was asleep. When she thought that he was definitely asleep she put him on her back still covered up in the blanket and then she set off to the house. As Applejack opened the door she saw her family sitting down at the table waiting for her.

"Oh you three didn't have to wait for me to eat."

"We know dear but you know I always like it if we eat together as a family." Said the old mare.

"You always say that Granny Smith." Said Applebloom.

"Well any way where is the little youngster at?" Granny Smith asked.

"He's right here on my back." Said Applejack as she pointed to the red blanket.

Just then Granny Smith got out of her chair and walked over to her granddaughter to see the little colt.

"Why Applejack he is the most precious thing I have ever seen, I mean look at his golden fur and his red and blue striped mane."

Before Applejack could answer Granny Smith took the little colt in her hooves and started up the stairs.

"Hey Granny Smith where are you taking Bolt?"

Granny Smith looked at her granddaughter.

"Bolt is that his name?" She asked.

"Yes it is Granny." Applejack said.

"Well I'm just going to take Bolt up here and put him in your bed if that's ok with you sugar?"

"I think that's a great idea and after I get done eating I'll wake him up and see if he wants anything to eat."

And with that Granny Smith continued up the stairs to put the little colt in Applejack's bed. When she got to Applejack's bedroom she opened her door and walked toward her bed. But before Granny Smith could lay Bolt down on the bed she felt him stir.

("Oh dear it looks like he's starting to wake up.") She said to herself.

Sure enough Bolt slowly opened his eyes and mumbled.


Then when he looked up to see Granny Smith he started to shake uncontrollably.

"Oh no dear don't be scared I'm Applejack's grandmother Granny Smith."

As soon as Granny Smith said this Bolt started to calm down. Then Granny Smith started to cradle him in her hooves.

"There now you see sugar? I'm not going to hurt you."

Just then Granny Smith heard Bolt's stomach growl.

"Are you Hungary little one?" She asked Bolt.

"Ye....yes ma'am I am."

"Well then let's go down stairs and get you something to eat."

Back in the kitchen Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Macintosh were just finishing up eating when they heard Granny Smith coming down the stairs but they also heard another pair of hooves coming down the stairs as well.

"Hey dears look who decided to join us for dinner." Granny Smith said looking at Bolt."

When Bolt appeared from behind Granny Smith Applebloom got off her seat and came toward him making him hide behind the old mare again.

"Oh don't be scared Bolt this is my granddaughter Applebloom she's really nice." The old mare said.

Just then Applebloom raised a hoof to where Bolt was hiding and said in a sweet voice.

"Hi Bolt my name is Applebloom it's very nice to meet you."

When Applebloom said those words Bolt slowly came up to the little filly and put his hoof up against Applebloom and said.

"H....hi Applebloom it's v....very n....nice t....to meet y....you."

Applebloom smiled at Bolt and then Big Mac stepped up and put a hoof out as well.

"Hello there young one my name is Big Macintosh but you can call me Big Mac for short."

Bolt smiled up at the big red stallion and shook his hoof as well.

"Well if we are done meeting Bolt lets get the little one some food." Said Applejack.

As Granny Smith, Applejack, Applebloom and Bolt sat down at the table Big Mac was in the kitchen making something for little Bolt.

"So Bolt how and why were you in our barn?" Asked Applejack.

When she said this Bolt's ears and head went down then in a soft voice he said.

"I'd rather not talk about it, it's not a very happy story."

"What do you mean Bolt?" Asked Applebloom.

Bolt looked up at the three farm ponies and started to cry. Applejack then slowly got out of her chair and came up to Bolt and hugged him.

"Shhhh it's ok sweetie you can tell us."

Bolt looked at Applejack and said.

"O....ok Miss Applejack I'll, I'll tell you and your family everything."

Just then before Bolt could tell his story Big Mac came in with Bolt's food.

"Here you go youngen I hope you like hay fries, dandelion and daisy sandwich, and apple juice." He said.

Bolt looked up at Big Mac and smiled.

"Thanks Big Mac."

"You are quite welcome Bolt."

Then Big Mac sat back down on his chair.

"So Bolt you were about to tell us why you were in our barn." Said Big Macintosh.

"Oh yeah well my story begins when my parents and I were camping for my sixth birthday before we came to Ponyville to live."

"Really where are you from Bolt?" Asked Applebloom.

"I'm from Apple Loosa."

"Apple Loosa do you know a pony named Braeburn?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes I do he use to bring us Apples every week. Why?"

"Well he's my cousin."

"Oh I didn't know that you and he were cousins he never told us."

"Well anyway sugar tell us what happen to you on your birthday." Said Granny Smith.

And this was the story that Bolt told them.

"It was about two days ago my dad Billy Hoof Feathers, my mom Caroline Hoof feathers, and I were camping ten miles out of Ponyville and we were having a wonderful time until that fateful day the last day on my camping birthday present.

Ponyville campsite
2 days ago.

Hey dad can I go and get some more fire wood?" Asked Bolt.

"Of course son but be careful."

"Don't worry dad I will."

Hoof Feathers watched as his son went to get fire wood.

"Hey honey where is Bolt?" Caroline said.

"He went to get some fire wood."

Caroline shook her head.

"I tell yea he is always willing to help."

Billy looked at his wife and nodded. Just then they heard their son screaming.

"BOLT!!" They screamed as they heard a loud roar of a bear in the distance.

"Oh no come on Caroline let's go." Billy said to his wife as they head off to save their son.

As they arrived at the place where they heard their son screaming they saw the bear getting ready to strike their son.

"BOLT!!!!" Screamed Caroline.

The bear heard the mares scream then he turned around and saw Billy and Caroline and started to charge at them.

"MOM, DAD LOOK OUT!!" Shouted Bolt.

As the bear reared up its claws Caroline and Billy dodged at him before he could sink its claws into them then Billy turned to his son still hiding behind a tree.

"Son listen to me very carefully I want you to run and go to Ponyville and stay there until we come and get you ok?"

When Bolt heard this he was shocked.

"But dad."

"No buts Bolt if we don't make it out of here alive at least you will be safe."

Bolt looked up at his father with tears in his eyes.

"O....ok dad I love you."

Billy looked at his son and smiled.

"I love you too son."

And with that Bolt ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. With his son gone Billy turned to the bear where it was about to kill his wife. Meanwhile as Bolt ran toward Ponyville he heard screaming behind him then reality set in to him his father and mother must of got killed by the bear but he didn't stop he just kept on running as fast as he could.

Sweet Apple Acers farm house
Present day.

"And then when I got to the outskirts of Ponyville I saw your barn and I decided to hide there and well I guess you know the rest of the story."

When Bolt was done with his story Applejack, Applebloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith looked at him with tears in their eyes.

"Oh sugar we're so sorry that happened to you." Said Applejack.

"Eeeyup we are." Said Big Mac.

Bolt looked up at the Apple family and said.

"Thanks but sometimes I think it's my fault that my mom and dad are dead."

When Applejack heard this she was shocked and came over to the weeping earth pony.

"Now you listen here sugarcube it is not your fault you hear me it is not your fault."

Applejack continued to hold Bolt until the young colt cried himself to sleep.

After that Applejack decided to let him sleep in the guest room right across from her room.

"Don't worry Bolt I'll take good care of you I promise."

As Applejack laid Bot in the bed he stired in his sleep.

"Goodnight momma." He whispered.

When Applejack heard this her heart melted and tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Oh Bolt I'm so sorry that this happen to you but don't worry when you meet Applebloom's and my friends you will be happy again."

And with that she left the guest room and went to sleep herself in her room across the hall by Bolt's room.