• Published 19th Jan 2014
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Momma's baby boy - Will Atkinson

Applejack and her sister find a six year old colt in the barn dering a terrible thunder storm.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Momma's Baby Boy
By: Will Atkinson

Chapter 4

As Celestia's sun rose, Bolt felt a hoof on his back.

"Bolt honey, It's time to wake up," Applejack said, in a calm, loving tone.

As soon as he heard his voice, Bolt slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh, good morning mom, is it time to get up already?"

"Yeah, sugarcube, it's time to get up and to get ready for school,"

"Ok, mom, I'll be right down,"

With that Applejack, kissed Bolt on the head and headed down stairs. After Applejack left, Bolt rubbed his eyes and slowly got up.

"Oh, I am stiff, stiff as an oak," he groaned.

He got up, went to the bathroom, and washed up as usual, and then started down the stairs, where his new family was waiting for him.

"Oh where is Bolt? He is going to be late for his first day of school," said Applejack.

"Now, now Aj, give the little one some time it only has been only five minutes since you woke him from his sleep," said Granny Smith.

just then they heard Bolt coming down the stairs.

"Well, here he comes now," said Applebloom.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

just then Bolt came into the kitchen.

"Good morning y'all," he said, with a little yawn.

"Good morning Bolt," they all said.

Just then Bolt smelled something good.

"Oh wow oatmeal my favorite."

"I knew you would like it Bolt," said Big Mac.

As Bolt was eating his food Applebloom said happily.

"So Bolt are you ready for your first day at school?"

"Yes Applebloom, I think I'm ready," said Bolt.

Just then they heard a knock on the door.

"Hey that must be Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo," said Applebloom.

"Go and finish your breakfast and I'll get the door," said Applejack.

As Applejack came to the door and opened it two familiar fillies gave their biggest smiles to Applejack and said together.


Applejack had to cover her ears.

"Hey Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, Applebloom and Bolt will be out in a minute they are finishing they're breakfast."

Just then Bolt and Applebloom came to the door.

"Hey Bolt and Applebloom, are you guys ready?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Yes we are," said Applebloom.

"And I can't wait to make new friends," said Bolt.

"Well don't worry Bolt you will have a great time, but you need to watch out for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," said Sweetie Bell.

Bolt was confused.

"Uh who is Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?" He asked.

The CMC's sighed and then Applebloom said.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon our two of the worse ponies you'll ever meet they have been bullying us ever since me, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo met."

"Ok you four I think it's time that you were on your way to school," said Applejack.

And with that the four fillies set off to school, while the were trotting to school Bolt asked.

"So guys what did Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, do to you?"

The CMC looked at Bolt, and then Scootaloo said to him.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, have been making our lives miserable like there was a time when we were in the news paper club, they've always tease us and call us names like blank flanks."

When Bolt heard this he was terrified.

"I can't believe that they did that to you guys."

"Tell me about it," said Applebloom.

"What about you Bolt? Did you have to face bullies at Apple Loosa?" Asked Sweetie Bell.

Bolt, looked at her and said.

"Yeah I have Sweetie Bell, but I never let their bullying bug me and I'm not gonna let those two fillies bully me on my first day of my new school."

The CMC smiled at Bolt, that he was not going to let Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon or any pony bully him. Then before they knew it they made it to the school and saw Miss. Cheerilee, the school teacher.

"Well hello girls," said Miss. Cheerilee.

"Hi Miss. Cheerilee," said the CMC.

Then Miss. Cheerilee saw Bolt, and asked.

"And who is this nice young colt?"

Applebloom smiled and said Miss. Cheerilee.

"This Miss. Cheerilee, is my adopted nephew Bolt."

After hearing that Cheerilee, smiled and said to Bolt.

"Well it's nice to meet you Bolt."

"And it's nice to meet you too Miss. Cheerilee," said Bolt.

Just then the bell rang to signal the start of school.

"Ok kids let's go inside, it's time for class to start," said Miss. Cheerilee.

Cheerilee walked inside and the four fillies followed her. When they were inside, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle went to their seats while Cheerilee placed a hoof on Bolt's shoulder. When the three Fillies made it to their seats, Cheerilee approached the class and made a motion to Bolt, telling him to follow her.

"Alright my little ponies let's settle down." Cheerilee said to the student's.

"Every pony we have a new student joining us today. This is Bolt, he is the adopted nephew of Applebloom, so please make him feel welcome." Cheerilee said before looking at Bolt.

"Bolt would you like to say something to the rest of the class?"

Bolt looked at the students and said in his most happy voice.

"Hello every pony it is very nice to meet you all."

After Bolt said that the class all smiled at him and then they all said to him.

"Hello Bolt, it's very nice to meet you too."

Cheerilee smiled and said to Bolt.

"Thank You Bolt, now go find your seat. You can sit anywhere you like."

Bolt looked around and saw a seat next to a pony with a two candy cane cutie mark. The filly smiled at Bot and said.

"Hello Bolt, I'm Twist."

Bolt smiled at Twist and said.

"Hello Twist it's very nice to meet you."

Twist smiled and then they heard Miss Cheerilee begin her lesson. As the lesson went on, the tiara wearing filly continued to glare at Bolt.

"So that little runt thinks he can steal my spotlight?"

The tiara wearing filly said to herself.

"Well I'll make sure that this will be his first day of school that he will never forget."

The tiara wearing filly had mischievous grin on her face as she watched the young colt listen to his teacher's every word. After a few hours it was time for lunch and recess. Bolt and the CMC all ate lunch happily. When they finished Twist trotted up to him.

"Hey Bolt, could you please push me on the swing?" Twist asked him with a smile on her face.

Bolt smiled right back at Twist and said.

"Sure I can Twist."

With that Twist and Bolt went outside with the others and headed for the swings. As Bolt pushed Twist, on the swing a voice rang out.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the nerd and the new blank flank."

"Yeah Diamond, those two look as if they were made for each other," said another voice.

Twist's face turned into an annoyed glare as she knew those two voices.

"What do you want Diamond Tiara? Can't you go annoy some pony else."

"I just wanted to talk to the new runt here." Diamond said cruelly as she looked at Bolt, who was looking at her with disapproving eyes.

Just then the CMC came to Twist and Bolt, but Diamond Tiara just laughed and said.

"Oh look the cutie mark losers have come too."

Diamond Tiara has always been cruel to the Cutie Mark Crusaders because they were not as rich as her, and also because they didn't have their cutie marks. Even when she wasn't picking on them she was snobby and rude towards every pony else. She was also spoiled and could get away with anything because of her father was one of the richest ponies in Ponyville.

"Why don't you just leave me and my friends alone," said Bolt, bravely.

"Why look here Silver, this blank flank has a little bit of a back bone in him," said Diamond Tiara, cruelly.

"Yeah," said Silver.

Silver Spoon always worked alongside of Diamond Tiara in tormenting the CMC.

"So runt I heard you were adopted by this blank flanks sister named Apple sack was it?" Diamond said, rudely.

When Applebloom heard what Diamond Tiara had just said about her sister, she said in an angry voice.

"Hey that's my sister your talking about and her name is Applejack and not Apple sack."

"Oh what ever she is still a loser anyway," said Diamond.

After that Bolt couldn't take anymore of Diamond Tiara's insult too his mother and his aunt Applebloom.

"Hey my adoptive mother is the best pony in the world so don't you say that she or any of my friends are losers."

But Diamond Tiara just brushed Bolt off and then said something that made Bolt lose it.

"Ha that may be great for you runt but what about your real parents huh?"

When Tiara said that Scootaloo, tried to stop her.

"Diamond Tiara, don't you dare."

"Don't I what? Say that the resin that Bolt is not with his real parents is because they never wanted him?" Diamond Tiara said, coldly.

When she said that Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Twist, and surprisingly even Silver Spoon gasped of what Diamond had just said.

"Um Tiara, don't you think that is going a little bit too far?" Silver Spoon asked.

Diamond looked at her friend and said.

"Don't worry Silvy, I know what I'm doing."

"No you don't Diamond, just leave Bolt alone," said Sweetie Bell.

But Diamond just pushed Sweetie Bell and said.

"Beat it blank flank this is between me and the new runt."

With that Diamond Tiara walked right up to Bolt, who was shaking right now but unknown to her he was shaking with anger.

"Well come on blank flank tell me where is your real family?" Diamond asked.

Bolt didn't say anything.

"Well you know what? I think I know where your family is. They didn't want you anymore so they abandon you because your nothing but a pathetic loser."

That comment that Diamond had just said to him was the last straw to take and with anger all built up inside of him, Bolt got up to Diamond Tiara's face and said in a voice that the CMC never heard coming form Bolt, before.

"How dare you, how dare you say that my parents abandon me."

Diamond Tiara tried to move away from Bolt, but he just kept on moving towards her saying.

"I'll have you know that my parents loved me very much, the only resin that I'm not with them anymore is because they were killed in a bear attack days ago on my birthday in the woods."

When Diamond hear that she wasn't teasing him anymore but before she could say anything else Bolt, continued to speak.

"And to top it off I spent like two to four days in the Sweet Apple Acres barn house until mom and Applebloom, found me during the thunderstorm that day."

This began to scare the CMC and Twist.

"Bolt please stop your scaring us," said Twist.

But Bolt didn't hear her, he was too angry at Diamond to even care then he said something to Diamond Tiara that shocked every pony.

"And finally Diamond Tiara, how would you feel if your parents died and ponies teased you about it huh?"

When Diamond hear that her hears folded and her eyes started to tear up.

"I thought so now why don't you and your sidekick leave us alone."

With that Bolt pushed Diamond Tiara, into the mud making every pony gasp then the fillies hear a voice ring out.


Every pony looked and their was Miss Cheerilee, holding a hoof to her mouth in shock of what Bolt just did. When Bolt saw Miss Cheerilee, he realized what he had done to Diamond Tiara, and then he backed up and ran off.

"Bolt please wait," said Applebloom, but it was too late Bolt was gone.

After Bolt ran of Miss Cheerilee, looked at the CMC and the others and asked.

"What happened here?"

The CMC and the other fillies didn't say anything they just looked a Diamond Tiara in disgust. Then Silver Spoon spoke up.

"Miss Cheerilee? Me and Diamond, was teasing Bolt."

Miss Cheerilee looked at Silver, and said.

"And that is why he pushed Diamond into the mud?"

Just then Diamond spoke up.

"Well not really Miss Cheerilee, you see I said bad things about Applejack, and then I said bad things about his real parents and then he lost it and pushed me in the mud."

When Miss Cheerilee, hared this she glared at Diamond and asked her.

"And what was it that you say to him about his parents?"

Diamond took a deep breath and said in a sad voice.

"I....I said that the resin that he was adopted was that they didn't want him anymore so they abandon him because he is nothing but a pathetic loser."

When Miss Cheerilee hear this she was horrified.

"Well Diamond, you really did it this time haven't you?" She asked the filly.

Diamond slowly shook her head yes.

"Well then when I find Bolt you are going to apologies to him and to Applejack, and not only that I'm going to have a long talk with your farther after school about this as well. But right now I'm going to find Bolt and bring him back here but first I'm going to have some pony to look after you kids before I do."

With that Miss Cheerilee looked around outside of the school yard and then she saw Big Mac pulling a big cart full of apples.

"Hey Big Mac, wait up."

Big Mac heard Miss Cheerilee, call to him and when he looked he saw her coming towered him.

"Well hi Miss Cheerilee, what's up?" Big Mac asked.

"Big Mac, I need your help," said Miss Cheerilee.

With that she explained what happened when she finished Big Mac looked at her horrified.

"Oh dear where's Bolt now?" Asked Big Mac.

"I don't know that's why I need your help. If you could watch my students I could look for Bolt," said Miss Cheerilee.

Big Mac looked at Miss Cheerilee, and smiled.

"Of course I can watch over the students while you look for Bolt, Miss Cheerilee."

When Miss Cheerilee heard that she smiled and hugged the big red stallion and said.

"Thanks Big Mac, I owe you one."

With that Cheerilee, kissed Big Mac and then left to find Bolt. As Big Mac, watch Cheerilee leave he was blushing so much that you couldn't tell if he was blushing or not. Then Big Mac, turned around and saw all of the students looked at him with lobe dub be eyes and then he nervously said.

"Uh, well then. *Cough* Anyway kids I need to take these apples to market so come on kids and follow me and when I'm done we will head back to the school."

The kids all except Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, cheered and with that they all followed him. As for Diamond Tiara, she was worried.

"Oh I hope Bolt, is alright," she said to herself.

Meanwhile Bolt, was on the bridge looking at his reflection in the water. He was thinking of what he said to Diamond Tiara and what he did to her.

"Oh dear, why did I do that? Now I'm a bully," said Bolt, as he threw a rock into the water.

just then he heard a voice.

"Hey Bolt."

When Bolt looked he saw Miss Cheerilee with a look of concern.

"Oh hi Miss Cheerilee," said Bolt, quietly.

Miss Cheerilee could see that Bolt, was not in the mood to talk but decided to talk to him anyway.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

Bolt just hung his head and said.

"Yeah sure."

With that Cheerilee came up to Bolt, and asked.

"Come on Bolt, tell me what's wrong?"

Bolt sighed and said.

"I think you know what's wrong with me Miss Cheerilee."

Miss Cheerilee, looked at him for a moment and then said to him.

"Ok you got me there Bolt, yes I do know what's wrong. Diamond said bad things about Applejack and your real parents."

After hearing that Bolt wrapped his hooves around Miss Cheerilee, and then he started to cry.

"Why Miss Cheerilee? Why did Diamond Tiara, say those things to me?"

Miss Cheerilee just shook her head and said to the young colt.

"I don't know Bolt, I mean Diamond has done a lot of things but this is the first time that she did anything like this."

Bolt continued to cry while Miss Cheerilee stroke his mane. After a few moments he stopped crying and said to Miss Cheerilee.

"Am I going to be in trouble for what I did to Diamond?"

Miss Cheerilee looked at him and said.

"Yes but not as much as Diamond is going to be."

"So how much trouble are we talking about here?" Asked Bolt.

Miss Cheerilee thought about it and said.

"For you Bolt, a week of detention and for Diamond Tiara a good two month long detention."

"I think that is fair Miss Cheerilee," said Bolt.

After hearing that Miss Cheerilee smiled and said to young colt.

"You are a kind soul Bolt, now let's head back to the school."

Bolt smiled and nodded and with that they set off back to the school.