• Published 15th Nov 2013
  • 2,798 Views, 143 Comments

Home - The Boss

After seven years, Shield Dasher is back on Equestrian Soil. Seven years since he left without saying goodbye to his adoptive parents, and his sister. Rainbow Dash.

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Surplus and Surprises

Getting through security had been easier than Shield had expected, at least these recruits were better trained than most. He had still be scrutinized more than he liked, but at least they were thorough. For Canterlot boys anyway. They still used spears, which struck him as odd. Contrary to popular belief the actual Equestrian Military had upgraded to crossbows and cannons nearly a decade ago. They still trained with swords and spears, but using them on the battlefield was viewed as a last resort. A resort that Shield had used many times during his tour of duty.

The armor the guards wore, as well as their stature, just seemed so old to him. It was most likely something to do with the nobles in Canterlot. They would care more about the guards’ style than they would his actual combat effectiveness.

“Shield.” Rainbow Dash shook him from his thoughts. “We’re here.” The pair stood in front of a closed door, it was elegantly decorated with gold insets and white paint. Shield eyed the door for a moment and suppressed a growl. Sunny had most likely paid or this with bits that could go to his fellow marines overseas. With the money it had taken to make the door they probably could afford enough fire powder to stock an entire artillery division. He shook off that anger though, he was here for his sister and he wouldn’t ruin it with one of his angry rants.

“Okay, so who am I meeting?” He asked, Dash smiled and looked at him.

“Well there’s Pinkie Pie, she’s random. Don’t try and figure her out or you’ll go insane.” She explained. “You’ll know her when you see her. Then there’s Fluttershy, she’s well…”

“Shy?” Shield finished.

“Yeah, again you should be able to recognise her pretty quick. Next is Applejack, she runs the orchard outside of town.” Shield looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Orange earth pony, blonde mane?” He asked, Dash blinked and nodded. “Met her on my way into town.” He stated. “Didn’t exactly go well.”

“Well, she didn’t say anything so I’m sure she’s cool with you.” Stated Dash. “Okay that leaves two, Twilight or…” She did air quotes with her hooves. “Princess Sparkle. She doesn’t like that though, so Twilight’s fine.” Shield nodded, making a mental note. “The last one is Rarity.” Shield perked up at that. “I take it you met her too?”

“Yeah, had a bit of a chat with her. Seemed alright to me.” He replied, shifting his weight a bit. “Okay, anyone else?”

“Well, there’s spike. He’s like Twilight’s little brother, though technically she hatched him so does that mean he’s her son too?” Dash trailed off.

“Wait? She hatched him?” Dash nodded. “Okay, whatever. I’m not gonna question alicorn biology.”

“No she… Nevermind, she can tell you herself. Lets just get in there.” Dash knocked on the door several times, Shield straightened up out of instinct. Despite his retirement, he still walked and talked like a soldier when it came to meeting new ponies. The door was encompassed in a lavender glow before it was pulled open. The smell of fresh cooked pastries wafted out and made Shield cringe. Instinctively he reached to where his right saddlebag would be to grab his gasmask, only to sigh in frustration as he found that it was not there.

Dash and Shield entered the room, the door closed behind them. Shield smiled a bit as he took in the decor, it was simple and utilitarian. Something he liked. A spiral staircase rose up to where the Princess’ bed was, on the floor was a table with papers organized neatly and books arranged alphabetically. The only real decorations were the bust of General Hurricane and the carpet on the floor. It was currently occupied by five mares and one lizard thing. They were playing a board game, which seemed like an odd activity for a princess. Shield actually found it rather endearing, she took time out of what had to be a busy schedule to play a game with her friends.

The Princess looked up from the board and spotted the two, a confused look came over her for a moment before she shrugged.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” She called out happily, the other mares looked up as well. Rarity was the first to spot Shield. He easily identified them, his military mind adding their names and faces to its memory.

“Hi Twilight.” Rainbow Dash replied, walking towards the group with Shield behind her. “I hope you don’t mind, he’s an old friend of mine.”

“Not at all! Make yourself at home…” Twilight replied, trailing off.

“Shield.” Shield finished the sentence for her before nodding to Rarity. “Miss Rarity, good to see you again.”

“The pleasure is mine, Sir Shield.” Rarity replied, she then looked at Rainbow Dash. “I didn’t think you two knew each other…” Rarity trailed off as Dash sat down with her friends. Shield looked around the room, searching for something in particular.

“Looking for something?” Twilight asked, he paused for a moment and shook his head.

“Nah, just a bit thirsty is all, ma’am. I’ll be fine.” He replied, still looking about. The princess nodded and went back to her game with her friends. His eye fell on a picture on the desk. The princess as a unicorn was standing next to a smiling Captain Shining Armor. The very sight of the stallion made Shield’s blood run hot. The princess knew the stallion that had extended his tour three times, the stallion that had kept him from his sister, the one responsible for so many of his friends deaths. He tore his eye off of the picture and instead looked at his sister, the smile on her face as she talked to her friends calmed the fire that had started.

Shield smiled genuinely and banished the thoughts of Shining Armor to the deepest part of his mind. He cantered over to his sister and sat down next to her, just listening to the way she addressed her friends. More importantly it was how she listened to her friends, she didn’t interrupt as much as when she was younger, and when she did it was for a legitimate reason. As the evening turned to night, Shield began to zone out.

”We need air support!” A voice echoed through his mind, Shield pushed it down into his mind aswell.

”Faust damn it! Cover the left flank!” The images started to come, the became clearer and clearer and were about to become real.

“Shield?” He was snapped back into reality by Rainbow Dash. “You okay? You kinda zoned out there for a bit.”

“Yeah… Yeah I’m fine.” Shield replied, slightly dazed. “Sorry, just thinking. What’d I miss?”

“I asked if you had any plans now that you’re back in town.” Rarity answered, Shield thought for a moment before the answer came to his mind.

“I had two idea’s really…” He explained, looking around the group. “I had a friend in the corps who got me a Surplus Dealer’s License before I retired. I was thinking of starting a surplus store, maybe. Just a thought.”

“What’s a surplus store?” Asked Applejack, the others looked at Twilight for an answer but she shrugged and gestured to Shield.

“Well, the Equestrian Military makes more supplies than it should sometimes. That supplies is called surplus. Surplus can be anything as big as airships to as small as tooth brushes.” Shield started. “For example, about a decade ago, they phased out the ballista and brought in the fire-bolt. Rather than destroy the ballistas, they sold them to collectors in auctions and such.”

“Oh, I get it!” Twilight exclaimed. “You buy the surplus from the government at auction then mark it up and sell it at retail!” Shield nodded and smiled. “But, who would by a ballista in Ponyville?”

“Well that was just an example. There’s all sorts of books, winter gear, farm equipment, hell I could probably get my hooves on some old fore-blades.” Shield answered, then sighed. “But before I can do that I need money, that’s where the other plan comes in.” The ponies in the room raised their eyebrows, Rainbow Dash especially. He hadn’t really said he wanted to do in detail, and that was something Dash desperately wanted to know.

“What’s that?” Applejack inquired.

“Well, not all of my time over there was spent in the trenches. During down time I started taking a class.” Shield said. “I ended up getting certified in Advanced Historical Instruction.”

“W-What’s that… If you, uh, don’t mind me asking…” Fluttershy asked, the girls looked at her and smiled. The timid pegasus rarely talked to strangers, it made them smile to see her come out of her shell.

“Teacher.” Shield said flatly. Rainbow Dash perked up at this.

“Shield, no offense, but you aren’t exactly good with foals.”

“I taught you to fly alright, didn’t I?” Shield shot back with a chuckle, the girls stay silent but started to question just how well Rainbow Dash and Shield knew each other. Dash sighed and nodded.

“Wait. You taught Rainbow Dash how to fly!?” Pinkie asked in a loud voice. Shield and Dash looked at each other, an unheard conversation seemed to pass between them before they looked back at the group.

“Yes.” They said simultaneously.

“That’s kinda why I brought Shield with me…” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “He’s… Well he’s my older brother. My parents adopted him before they had me.” The girls stared at the two in shock.

“W-What?” Twilight stammered, staring at Shield. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because…” Rainbow Dash began, but her words failed her. “Because…”

“Because she thought I was dead.” Shield finished her statement, he wasn’t sure if it was accurate but he didn’t care. The mares turned the attention away from his sister and onto him, he didn’t mind though. “She thought I died.”

“Why?” Fluttershy asked. “Why would she think you… d-d-died.”

“Sunny doesn’t like the public to know what goes on outside the borders, so she doesn’t let us send mail home.” Shield said with contempt. “Add that to extended tours and you can see where that can happen.”

“Extended tours? But my brother told me everypony comes home after a year.” Twilight asked.

“Well they don’t. At least not in my division.” Shield said bitterly. “Getting back to what we were here to talk about. That’s why she thought I was dead.” He looked at his sister for a moment before wrapping his wing around her. “But, I’m not dead, and I intend to spend as much time with my sister as possible.” The way Shield spoke seemed to quell anymore questions for the time being.

“So…” Pinkie said, breaking the silence. “A teacher?”

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. As always, comment, rate and fave if you like it.