• Published 15th Nov 2013
  • 2,798 Views, 143 Comments

Home - The Boss

After seven years, Shield Dasher is back on Equestrian Soil. Seven years since he left without saying goodbye to his adoptive parents, and his sister. Rainbow Dash.

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Side Chapter: Одной искры

Author's Note:

Little side chapter, to spice things up. Be advised, the main focus will remain on Shield and his 'acclimation' to civilian life.

The train station in Canterlot was packed with excited travelers, as it often was. Many of them were tourists from around the world, some were guards, and very few were immigrants. The grey stallion that snuck off the back of the train was none of these. He flexed his wings for a moment before adjusting his long jacket, a pair of dog tags dangled from his neck. Covering his short black mane was a grey ushanka, a red star adorned its front. On the star was a golden daisy as well as a sickle, crossed over each other.

The stallion took a moment to look around him, taking in the sights of the Equestrian capital city. He snorted, a smile came to his face. This was just as he had imagined, just as his comrade had told him. The arrogance in this city was palpable, to the point that he actually pitied these ponies.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Shouted a voice, the stallion turned to see a guard approaching him. “You’re not supposed to be back here, I need to see some identification.”

“Of course, comrade.” The stallion replied, holding up his dog tags. The stallion looked at them and scoffed.

“There’s no name on this! What do you think this is!?”

“A distraction.” The stallion punched the guard in the throat, the surprised guard stared at the stallion for a moment as his throat began to swell shut. The stallion gently pushed him, causing the guard to fall to the ground. As he fell, the stallion grabbed his dog tags. “One for me, and one for him.” The stallion said, stepping over the dying guard. “Equestria, she is a marvelous whore, isn’t she?” With that, the stallion’s wings opened and he took to the air. As he climbed, he spotted a small town in the distance. “I am coming, my dear friend. Just you wait.” He flew towards the eastern part of Canterlot, intent on seeing some family before taking off for his true goal.

As he flew, he saw the ponies milling about in the streets below, delightfully ignorant of what their nation was truly like. Of course, Josef Stallion had attempted the same tactic. But whereas he only had decades to build his facade, the solar tyrant had had centuries. The stallion shook his head, if only they knew. He passed by the palace, noting the guard placement. It was deplorable, there was hardly any true security. They may as well have had statues standing guard. He ascended higher, passing one of the tall towers. Surprisingly, he spotted a pony on the balcony. A white alicorn.

“Bucking cunt.” The stallion spat, glaring at her. His fluttering jacket must have caught her attention, because she looked at him. For the briefest moment, she saw his cutie mark. A crimson star with a white outline. Her eyes traveled to his, there was something in them that she couldn’t place. The stallion stopped flying, choosing to hover in place for a moment. He shook his head and spat, then continued on his way. The princess had managed to catch a glimpse of the hat on his head, and the memory of the symbol sent shivers down her spine.

The stallion flew over the fashion district next, arguably the economic heart of the city. He noted key structures, guard placements, and possible kill boxes. His gaze shifted to the military training ground, his comrade had informed him that it was also home to the cities armory. He hadn’t been told of the large hangers that sat on the edge of the base, or the large guard compliment they sported. When the stallion had seen what he wanted to see, he descended to the street in the eastern district. Instantly he felt at home. Stalliongradi’s milled about, selling their wares. The smell of fresh soup wafted through the streets.

The stallion trotted about for a bit, taking note of the guards in this part of the city. They treated his comrades like dogs, it infuriated him. Hopefully, his actions at the train station would draw some of them away. He stopped at a stall near a guard officer, perusing some of the wares available.

“Sir, a guard pony has been killed at the train station!” One of the officer’s underlings stated as he galloped towards the guard. “Princess Celestia has ordered us to send some of ours to investigate.”

“Very well, make sure we don’t send anyone too important.” The officer replied, the stallion shot him a quick glance before looking back at the wares. Most of it was junk, but one item stood out. A peaked Stalliongradi officer cap, he looked at the mare running the stall.

“Сколько для этого шляпе?” He asked, the mare looked at him. She was an older mare, most likely in her late sixties.

“Twenty bits.” She replied in Equish, the stallion raised an eye brow. “Was my husband’s before war. Sentimental value.” The stallion nodded and reached into his jacket.

“I see, well then. Here is thirty bits, and my condolences.” He placed a bag of bits on the table and took the hat. “I promise, no harm will come to this.” The mare smiled and took the bag.

“Thank you.” She replied. “Enjoy the sun’s glow.” The last part was tacked on, spat out like a rotten apple.

“Простите?” The stallion inquired, glancing over at the officer again. The officer had become significantly more interested.

“Эти солнечные свиней заставляют нас сказать эти слова.” The mare replied bitterly, the stallion glowered.

“I see. Well, I hope that it is nothing too serious.” He replied, disguising the conversation. The stallion took his ushanka from his head and stuffed it into one of his jacket pockets, then placed the peaked cap on his head. “Have a wonderful day, miss.” The stallion turned to leave and found himself face to face with the guard officer.

“Sir, I must ask you remove that hat.” He stated flatly.

“Why?” The stallion replied angrily. “Does it make you uncomfortable?”

“No, it is because all foreign military uniforms and accessories can only be worn by military personnel of said foreign military.” The guard grunted, a smug smile coming to his face.

“Ah, I see.” The stallion said, he reached into one of his jacket pockets and pulled out an old passport. Inside was a picture of the stallion wearing a hat similar to the one he wore at the time. “If you cannot read this, my name is Commissar Crimson Star. Retired of course.”

“Pretty young to be a commissar.” The guard shot back.

“Battlefield promotion.” Crimson Star said, annoyed. “Now if you’re done trying to intimidate me, I will be on my way.” He tried to walk away, but the guard laid a hoof on his shoulder. Crimson stopped mid stride. “I would recommend you remove your hoof, comrade.” He said, malice dripping from every syllable.

“I’m not your comrade, street trash.” The officer growled, Crimson closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose. During their conversation, he had noted that three more guards had arrived. They had positioned themselves around him in a circle. While it would appear intimidating to an average pony, it was a poor decision to surround a stalliongradi commando.

“So typical, of Celestia’s dogs, to resort to name calling.” Crimson said, brushing the officer’s hoof off of his shoulder. The guards glared at him. “Even more so, to lay a hoof upon an innocent stallion. I will take great pleasure in this.” Crimson removed his new cap and jacket and placed them on the stall. “Watch these for a moment?” He asked the mare, she nodded. The guards noticed something about the stallion, he was stronger than even their commander. The muscles had been concealed by the jacket. “So… Shall we begin?”

“Get him!” Ordered the officer. One of the guards, a unicorn, fired a bolt of parilizing magic at the stallion. Crimson dodged to the left, allowing the blast to hit the guard that had been standing behind him.

“Who’s side are you on, comrade?” Laughed the Stalliongradi. A pegasus tried to dive bomb him from the air, but slammed into the concrete. Crimson delivered a finishing blow to the guard’s skull, ending his life. The unicorn tried for a second shot, this time aiming to kill. There were similar results. His magic slammed into the third guard that had come to the fray, stopping his heart. Shocked by what he had done, he was an easy mark. Crimson delivered a punch to the throat, killing him as he had done to the other guard. The officer was shocked, the stallion turned and smiled at him. “What’s the matter, comrade? Afraid of a little trash?”

“I-I” Crimson delivered a blow to a nerve cluster, paralyzing the guard.

“You sicken me, your arrogance has gotten your colts killed.” He spat on the guard, then turned to the paralyzed guard that had been hit by the first magic blast. “I will leave you, and only you, alive. To let you think about how this…” He gestured to the dead guards. “and this…” He stomped on the paralyzed guard’s head. “is your fault.” Crimson turned to the stall and collected his things, the mare stood there silently. “Farewell, miss. Have a pleasant evening.” The mare nodded slowly, she had seen this kind of carnage before. She honestly didn’t care that it had happened to the guards, she hated them with a passion.


Crimson opened his wings and took to the sky, flying a few blocks before landing on a roof. He peered down off the ledge at a group of playing foals, one caught his attention. A light blue filly with a brown mane, she flew around with her friends and laughed as she played. The stallion smiled a sad smile, wishing he could be present. But war took precedent. He had escaped the now Equestrian controlled city-state of Stalliongrad for one purpose, win the war.

“Soon, my dear сладкий Жеребенок.” Crimson said, adjusting his cap. “Soon, I will return to you.” He opened his wings and took to the sky, flying towards the forest that bordered the small town in the distance. There, he would wait until the heat died down. Then he would find his comrade, he would make him remember what he had been forced to forget, and they would end the silent war that had raged across the world, once and for all.

Celestia would fall. The world would be free.