• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 6,792 Views, 313 Comments

The Trixie Treatment. - DerpyDitzyDerpyDo

Trixie and Applejack, the most and least honest ponies in all of Equestria. Two ponies who couldn't be more different and yet... they can't seem to get enough of one another.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Turning to Friends Part 2: Rarity edition

"My! Isn't this just the nicest of surprises! You know, darling, you and I don't spend nearly enough time together," Rarity took a blasé sip of her tea, "All pleasantries aside, I get the feeling you want to ask me something."

AJ sat stiffly on her chair. Her friend had brought out all her most expensive china and the farmer pony was too frightened of breaking anything to even lift a hoof. She simply wasn't much good at delicates and fineries.

"Well... uh... Ah don't really know how to say this... Ah need to ask ya somethin'," she wriggled awkwardly on her chair as she spoke.

"Absolutely anything, darling," Rarity dived into her usual repartee, wearing her generosity like a fine garment, "Name it and its yours. A new dress? Done! I've actually got my hooves on some green Saddle Arabian silk that would look simply divine with your beautiful orange fur!"

"No... not clothes... Ah jus' need-"

"You need me to foalsit the Cutie Mark Crusaders again? But I had them for all of last week," she sighed melodramatically, "Very well, Applejack. If you felt you had to come all the way out here just to ask me that then I suppose I could take them again."

"No... it's not that... Ah want-"

"Oh, thank goodness," Rarity laughed nervously, "Because I think another few nights of that might put me in the insane asylum. What then? Beauty tips?" she fluttered her eyelashes coquettishly, "Now I may be renown for my generosity but my beauty secrets don't come cheap."

"Ah think Ah'm in love!" blurted Applejack. This was the first time she had called it that. Even in the privacy of her own mind she had simply thought of it as a crush. Stunned at herself she sat in silence for a moment as Rarity stared at her, a smile playing on the corners of the unicorn's lips.

"Ooh, juicy," crooned Rarity, leaning on her hooves and smiling with open glee, "Romantic advice then. This is certainly a first. So... who's the lucky mare?"

The two were sitting together in the Carousel Boutique which Rarity had closed early for the day. A gentle snowfall was softly drifting down past the frosted panes of the shop window. Rarity's winter line was on display and every store ponyquinn was decked out in scarves, mufflers and sweaters in a myriad of colours and styles. Somewhere out there Trixie and Pinkie were up to goodness knows what. The group was to rendezvous at Sugarcube Corner in a while but before that Applejack needed some advice.

Talking to a pony who was less naive then Twilight didn't necessarily make explaining herself easier. AJ liked Rarity a lot and enjoyed her company but this was the member of her friendship circle that she had spent the least one-on-one time with. But still, Rarity was a pony who knew the ins and outs of love and Applejack was looking for somepony to tell her what she wanted to hear. That she was being an idiot, that she needed to control herself, stop ogling Trixie's flank and be a supportive friend.

"Trixie," mumbled Applejack.

Rarity blinked and then stared vacantly at her guest for a moment. She took a measured sip of her tea.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, darling, I must have misheard you. What did you say?"

Applejack was as red as the apples that adorned her flank, "The Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Oh, the magician?" said Rarity, nonchalantly, "Yes, I heard from Twilight that she was back in town."

The two sat in silence. No sound but the clinking of Rarity's spoon as she stirred her tea.

"And you say that you're in... love with her?" Rarity's eye twitched as she squeezed out the words but besides that her tone was calm and collected.

"Well... uh... maybe love is a bit too strong of a word... but then again maybe it isn't... Ah don't really know yet... Ah thought that Ah should come to you for some advice."

"May I say something before we begin?" Rarity asked, sweetly.



As Rarity squawked and screeched Applejack felt a wave of relief wash over her. The calm reaction that her confession had received was starting to be unnerving and it was somehow soothing to have her friend react in exactly the way she had expected. Rarity loved drama to a fault.

Finally the purple-maned mare managed to regain some semblance of control.

"Uh... and this might not be the best time to say this but Ah also invited her to live with me for a bit," AJ grinned sheepishly.


Rarity collapsed back into her chair, panting.

"Got it all out of yer system yet?" asked Applejack, carefully righting some of the china that Rarity had knocked over.

"Oh yes, thank you," Rarity poured herself another cup, "Do go on, darling. Tell me all about it."

"She's not the same as she was before. Trixie, Ah mean. The more we talked the more Ah understood. She wasn't jus' some arrogant vengeful show off. She's struggled her way up from the bottom of the barrel. She's had tougher times than most anypony Ah ever did meet. Sometimes Ah reckon that ridiculous pride was the only thing she had left. And we basically jus' up and took it from her. Smashed her life to bits. Now Ah think we can all have a chance at startin' a'fresh. She's a real sweetheart deep down and Ah think you'd see it like Ah do if you take the time to get to know her."

"We are talking about the same Trixie, right? Blue fur, unfashionable cape and hat? Talks in the third person?"

Applejack giggled, "Ah though that the weird speech patterns would start to work on mah nerves but really the more Ah hear it the more adorable it is."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"Heck yeah! She's cute as a button and not in a doin'-it-on-purpose kinda way. Real smart too. Funny. And pretty. Beautiful, really. Ah've always had a bit of a thing for dainty little mares. And caring. But not too caring. Willing to be doted on. Grateful for it but always in this lovable pretending-Ah'm-not-grateful-but-Ah-really-am way that makes me jus' wanna snuggle her till Ah-"

"Applejack you're drooling," said Rarity.

"Am not!" said AJ, wiping her mouth hurriedly.

"I'm joking," Rarity laughed and beamed warmly, "I wasn't sure if I could believe you when you said she'd changed but honestly I don't think I've ever seen you gush about somepony like this before. I suppose I could always give the oddball another chance, as long as there won't be any magical amulets involved. Now that I think about it you two would make an adorable couple. How long before you dazzle her with your... country charm?"

This was not what Applejack was looking for. Rarity was often inclined to emotional 180s and she had certainly wanted her to give Trixie a chance but she had hoping for a scolding about her new found affections.

"Dang it, Rarity! You're s'posed to be chewing me out!"

"What? Why?" she asked with genuine surprise.

"As it stands, Ah'm the only friend Trixie's got. Whaddaya think's gonna happen if things don't work out with her? Ah don't exactly have the best track record for long term relationships. Ah can't have that mare goin' off on her own again in a worse mood then before. She don't deserve to be alone and unhappy. Besides Ah don't even know if she's interested in mares anyway. Or even less a mare like me. This whole crush of mine is jus' askin' for trouble an' Ah know it."

Applejack trailed off as she saw the exasperated look on Rarity's face.

"Remind me again, Darling, didn't you write a letter to the Princess last week?" she asked, her voice dripping with mock sincerity.

"Uh... yeah?"

"And what was that letter about, again?" she asked sardonically.

"... It was about me not working mahself to the bone and sometimes puttin' mah own interests in front of other ponies ," said AJ reluctantly.

Rarity telekinetically swiped Applejack's hat and plopped it onto her own head.

"Hoo-wee, look et meeee, Ah'm Epplejeck! Ah ken't mayke the moves on any mare Ah wan't cos Ah'm too busy thinkin' about her feelin's and not busy enough thinkin' about mah own. Ah heven't had a serious relationship in a year cos Ah'm always worryin' 'bout mah brother and sister and family and werk and freends. Ah'd prob'ly be the purdiest mare in Equestria if Ah'd jus take Rarity's advice and come down to the spa once in a while," Rarity launched herself whole-heartedly into a comically poor imitation of her friend.

"Hey, gimme back my hat!"

"Ah'm Epplejeck and Ah don't seem to know that it's rude to wear a het indoors. Yeehaw!" Rarity playfully sidestepped her friend and pranced across the Boutique floor, laughing and twirling.

"Rarity stop playing the fool an' jus' listen to what Ah'm sayin'. Ah'm Trixie's only friend and-"

"Has she met Pinkie Pie yet?" asked Rarity, trying desperately to stay on the opposite side of the tea table from AJ.

"Yeah, they've spent the last few hours together. Why?"

"Then I have news for you," As Applejack leapt after her Rarity dived under the table, in as ladylike a way as she could, emerging from the other side she trotted across the room and examined herself in one of the wall mirror's, "If she's spent more than five minutes with Pinkie then you're not her only friend anymore. And if she really is as nice a mare as you say then after the rest of us get a chance to spend some real time with her she'll have a bunch more friends besides."

"Ah told you it's not... it's crazy... Ah mean... Ah don't even know if she'd be interested," Applejack was stumbling over herself.

"Darling, forgive me for being blunt but... you're Applejack. Everypony's interested. You can bend even the straightest of mares. All you need to do is ask and you never do," Rarity finally abandoned her improvised game of tag and gave Applejack her hat back, "I absolutely must get myself one of those hats. I think I'd cut a hole in mine for a horn though."

"So that's your advice then?" asked Applejack, angrily dusting of her hat.

"If you want her, she's yours for the taking. I guarantee it. Give her some of that Southern charm," Rarity tossed a wink AJ's way, "Now come on! Let's go see what she and Pinkie Pie have been up to. I'll even be your wingmare if you want."