• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 6,792 Views, 313 Comments

The Trixie Treatment. - DerpyDitzyDerpyDo

Trixie and Applejack, the most and least honest ponies in all of Equestria. Two ponies who couldn't be more different and yet... they can't seem to get enough of one another.

  • ...

Chapter 19: Just kiss already!

"Okay.... Twilight gave me a whole long list of do's and don'ts while yer still recovering," said Applejack as she folded up Trixie's cloak, placed her wizard hat on top of it, bundled the magician up in blankets and tucked her tightly into bed, "You're to avoid using magic fer a couple a' days, avoid strenuous activity and get some sleep."

The two had returned from Twilight's house in awkward silence. Applejack, for her part, still uncertain as to how much Trixie remembered of their mental journey together and slightly shaken by their final encounter with the Amulet. Trixie had seemed to be working up the courage to say something, occasionally glancing at AJ out of the corner of her eye, as they trotted together back to Sweet Apple Acres. Upon returning to the farm Applejack had tried to break the ice that had refrozen between them by busying herself pampering Trixie.

"So... uh... well Ah should prob'ly leave ya to get some sleep. Ah... Ah've got some chores to catch up on and all... uh... if ya need anything jus' holler and Ah'll come a runnin'. Anything at all," Applejack swallowed hard. Maintaining eye contact with Trixie was making her heart start thumping all over again.

Dang it, gal, yer stutterin' like a schoolfilly. Get yer darn priorities straight. Does it say "Kiss Trixie" on Twilight's list? No. No it sure as heck doesn't. Jus' go outside and help Mac with his chores. The cold air will help ya clear yer head.

"Trixie does need something," Trixie peeked out at AJ from her snug nest, "Company. Trixie wants to talk to you."

Applejack thought for a minute that her heart would jump out of her mouth and run right out the bedroom door.

"Uh... Ah... um... sure... Ah ... yeah, sure," deep breaths, Applejack. Keep it together, "We can talk for a bit but... you should really get some sleep. Ah mean... you didn't get much sleep last night."

"Neither did you," Trixie patted the bed next to her, inviting AJ to take a seat next to her on the bed.

Ask it. Ask the question. Come on, dagnabbit.

Applejack settled herself on the bed and took off her hat. After fidgeting with it for a few seconds she plopped it on the bedside table beside Trixie's, "How much... how much of that do you remember?" she finally managed.

"How much of what?" said Trixie, blinking back at her blankly.

Applejack stumbled hopelessly over her own tongue for a few seconds, "Of... of the whole... spell thing... Ah went inside yer head fer Celestia's sake!" AJ could feel her face growing hot.

"Oh... no... Trixie doesn't remember much at all. Everything just went black after Trixie closed her eyes and the next thing she knew she was walking home with you. Did you... maybe... see something... interesting in Trixie's head?" Trixie peeped a nervous and fleeting look at the earth pony settled next to her. She sounded almost hopeful.

"Well... Ah saw all sorts a weird stuff, to be honest," at this, Trixie blushed bright red and retreated under the covers, "Ah saw some kinda gloomy theatre type place. And there was a lotta times when it got really dark and Ah couldn't see. And... there was a whole pine forest in there with a rundown old house."

Trixie's head poked out from the blankets like a turtle emerging out of its shell.

"Oh... Trixie thought that when you said 'something weird' you meant..." Trixie flustered again and reconsidered, "Actually... never mind what Trixie thought. Trixie used to live in a house in a pine forest when she was still little, so maybe that's what you saw."

"Yeah, Ah know. You told me in the... when we talked in the forest in yer head... wow, Ah think it's only jus' hittin' me now how bizarre this whole mornin' has been for us."

Trixie still looked like she was working up the nerve to say something. Suddenly she struggled and kicked her way out of her duvet cocoon and turned to face AJ.

"Can Trixie be honest with you for a minute?" she asked, her mind seemingly made up.

"Can ya?" quipped AJ, chuckling gently. Trixie couldn't help but smile as well.

"Good question. Trixie often has difficulty... being honest. With you and with herself and with other ponies. But she feels... lighter now. So maybe... maybe Trixie can be honest with you this time. When Trixie heard that somepony would have to travel into her mind to help her she... she really wanted Applejack to be the one to do it. Do you know why?"

"Ah... uh... Ah could hazard a guess."

"Trixie didn't want anypony else to do it because... because she knew that anypony who went in there might find out certain... truths about the way Trixie felt about a particular new friend of hers... and..." Trixie trailed off.

Silence descended on the two once more, broken only by the sound of Apple Bloom and Granny Smith cheerfully doing dishes together downstairs.

Trixie shook her head and forced herself to continue, "Trixie is a coward so she thought that... maybe... Twilight's spell would be an easier way for Trixie to... tell Applejack how she felt. Did Trixie's plan work?"

"It... it did. Ah... you told me that you... that you love me," AJ swallowed hard, "Ah... Ah'm gonna assume you meant love in a... in a romantic sense."

Trixie nodded, her cheeks redder than a velvet curtain.

"Trixie felt terrible for thinking about you that way. Because you were being so kind and nice and Trixie was scared she was gonna end up ruining our friendship just when it was beginning. Trixie didn't want to end up alone again. But she didn't want to lie to you either. And Trixie didn't know if maybe... if maybe you felt the same way about Trixie."

"You didn't... know how Ah felt? Really? Ah kissed ya on the face! Ah didn't think Ah was doing a very good job of hiding mah feelings."

Trixie shuffled her hooves, "Trixie had her suspicions. But Twilight said you always act like a big sister for everypony so Trixie thought maybe you were... being sisterly."

"Ah wasn't..." Applejack wished she could run outside. Her face felt like a furnace. She wanted to bury her head in the snow, "Ah... Ah love ya too... or maybe it's too soon to say that... or maybe it isn't... Ah wanna be yer lover... if ye'll have me."

"You do?" Trixie stepped closer.

"Yeah... Ah've been havin' a real hard time keepin' myself under control... sometimes Ah jus' wanted to... grab ya and plunge my tongue into yer mouth," AJ was surprised that there wasn't a genuine column of steam rising off her head at that moment.

Trixie clambered back onto the bed. Her face inches from AJ's. Applejack could feel the warmth of her breath, "You could do that right now, you know... Trixie wouldn't think of stopping you..."

Applejack couldn't stop herself from licking her lips. Her mouth was so dry. Her eyes flitted frantically from Trixie's luscious lips to her piercing violet gaze.

"Ah... Ah..."

Their noses touched. It felt to Applejack like a bolt of lightning had struck her in the snout. But she didn't withdraw. She couldn't.

"We... we should take this a little slower... Ah mean Ah don't want it to all fall apart and for things to get awkward between us two because Ah don't exactly have the best track record for relationships and Ah really value our friendship and we really only jus' met... well we met a long time ago but that was different, Ah mean, the first two times didn't really count so maybe we should take it slow," stuttered Applejack.

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! And Trixie doesn't need to take things slow."

Applejack felt like she was floating. The room was spinning.

"But Ah..."

"No buts."

Their lips collided. Applejack felt all the tension that had been building over the past few days lift off her. She felt as if she had been walking around with a ten ton weight around her neck and now suddenly she was lighter than a pegasus filly. She leaned a little more weight behind the kiss when suddenly Trixie withdrew.

"Woah," Applejack toppled face first into Trixie's chest.

"Sorry... um... Trixie talks a big game but she hasn't really... got much kissing experience."

Applejack laughed heartily and edged herself in closer.

"Well, Ah reckon we can work on gettin' ya some experience. You'll be a real expert by the time the weekend rolls round. Now try and relax," Applejack plunged into a second attempt. Wrapping her arms around Trixie's slender shoulders, prying open the unicorns lips and sending her tongue on a diving expedition. The two were lost in the heat of the moment even as the snow fell outside. For the longest time the rest of the world seemed to melt away the sound of heavy breathing filled their ears. All of reality reduced to two tongues wrestling and caressing. Suddenly, the unicorn retreated once again.

Applejack giggled, "Don't tease me too much, sugarcube. Ah can't hold back for another second."

"Trixie thinks you're going to have to... we have company."

Applejack turned around. Apple Bloom was standing, slack jawed, staring at the two of them from the doorway. In a flash the filly had vanished. The two listened to her hoofsteps thundering down the hall.

"Granny Smith! Granny Smith! Big sis is kissin' that weirdo magician!" came the filly's cries.

"Ah knew it! Ah told ya! Dang it, Mac get in here! Yer sister's fallen prey to some unicorn's spell!" Granny Smith's shrill voice drifted through the house.

"Aw, heck," hissed AJ, "Uh... can we put this on pause fer a minute? Ah gotta go do some damage control."

Trixie laughed, "The Great and Powerful Trixie is always up for an encore," Applejack ran a hoof across her soft cheek and then took off after her sister.

"Apple Bloom you get yer butt back here or so help me-"

Trixie flopped back onto the bed and smiled. Not the arrogant sneer she wore when she was feeling insecure, not the forced grin she displayed when she wanted somepony to think that they hadn't managed to hurt her feelings but instead she had a real smile. A smile warm enough to carry her through the rest of winter. Today had been a good day.