• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 5,277 Views, 58 Comments

The Nightmare in the Moon - Omega Dracomancer

A human somehow finds himself in Equestria. At the same time, Nightmare Moon returns, looking for revenge. Their fates are intertwined, yet nopony can tell this. Can she overcome the Elements of Harmony, or will she be defeated once and for all?

  • ...

The Nightmare herself

"Man, Pinkie is so cute." I said, fixed on the episode I was watching.

The episode ended, then I started the next. "That one was better than finding a jug of milk in Canada." I said, "Or was it? Huh..."

I watched another episode, then looked outside. "Late." I got ready for bed, then fell asleep.

When I woke up it was much colder. I tried to find my blanket, but it seemed to have disappeared. I got up to look for another, then realized that I wasn't in my room anymore.

Shocking, really. Not like it was obvious or anything, no... Couldn't have been. Can't be a difference between a bed and the ground, can there? 'I'm an idiot.'

I looked around. I was in the middle of a dark forest. "I don't understand. Am I dreaming?" I looked around again. "Probably."

I started walking. 'This is a weird dream. So... I'm in control this time. When was the last time this happened? Oh well. Screw this, I'm out.'

I tried to wake myself, but it didn't work. Odd, because it usually does.

I reached an edge of the forest, and started seeing a castle, or what was left of a castle.

"Man, that's cool." I said.

There was a rope bridge over a cliff going to the castle. "This... kinda looks familiar."

I looked at the bridge. No way my fat ass was going over it. I looked back at the castle. Something about it started to bug me.

"Hey, wait a minute... Is that... Luna's castle?" I asked myself.

I looked at the bridge again. "I don't care whose castle it is, it isn't worth dying over. The hell is goin' on here? I've never had this kinda dream before. Is this..."

'Oh man, what if this was real? That would be awesome. Awesome to the max.'

"But... How? Why? Why do I even care? Now that... That is the real question. Guess there's nothing else to do but find somepony for help. That'd probably be best. Then again, it's the middle of the night. Some weird lookin' freak trudgin' out of the woods in the middle of the night. Yeah, that's a good way to make friends. Hey kids, ya wanna see a dead body?!"

I laughed at myself, then looked over the bridge again, half expecting something to be different. Nope.

"Maybe... Maybe I could cross it." I said.

I stepped on it. It creaked a little, but didn't break. I jumped a few times. "Better than it looks." I said.

I shrugged and walked across without a single rope snapping or board breaking. Lucky me.

I went in the castle. "Wow... This is... well it's unexpected is what it is."

"Who's there?" I heard. It was a girl's voice.

'Who the hell is that?' "Uh... Hi?"

"Who's there?" she asked again, angrier this time. I couldn't follow the voice to a source.

"I'm not here to cause trouble." I said, "Who are you?"

"I asked you first, now tell me."

"My name's Phil. Just Phil, I'm not important. I ain't gonna hurt ya."

"Hurt me? As if you could manage." she said with an obvious smugness.

I felt myself being lifted into the air. She pinned me against a wall, then she walked out from behind a statue.

"N-Nightmare Moon?!" I said in disbelief.

"So you know about me, child?" she asked, advancing on me.

"But... the Elements of Harmony! You're supposed to be..."

She laughed. "Destroyed? I'll never be destroyed, not even by those wretched Elements."

I noticed that her armor was tattered and broken, and she seemed to be exhausted. Regardless, she could still hold me in the air without any sign of struggle.

"But... What happened to Princess Luna?" I asked.

"Nothing, yet."

'Is she gonna spill her plan like every villain ever?'

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"Well, I don't really know. I just wanted to stay here until tomorrow. I wasn't gonna go to Ponyville at this hour. I'd probably terrify them all."



"Maybe you'll be of some use to me after all." she said.

"What makes you think I'll help you?"

Another evil laugh. "That's the best part." she said, casting a spell on me.

"Oh man, where am I?" I asked, rubbing my head. I suddenly realized where I left off. "Luna's castle!"

It was broad daylight outside. "Wait, I crossed the bridge, then..." I couldn't remember. "Oh well, ain't important."

I stood up. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Maybe that I was in Equestria. That might be a little out of the ordinary. Just a little.

I went back to the bridge and crossed over it again. As soon as I stepped on the ground again, I felt a small wave of exhaustion, then the bridge collapsed behind me.

"Dayum, that was close." I said, "Not goin' back there anytime soon."

I walked through the forest. It was actually pretty easy to navigate during the day.

I exited the forest near Fluttershy's house. The animals that were playing around scurried away from me.

Fluttershy took one look at me, squeaked and ran inside, her animals following after her. She looked out the window at me, shaking.

I smiled at her. "Hello."

She opened the door a little and said, "Y-You can talk?"

"Yep." I replied, "I'm sorry for asking, but can I have some food? Like an apple or something."

The door closed, then a few seconds later she opened it back up with an apple in her hoof. She slowly walked over to me, and almost freaked out again when I took it from her.

"I'm not that scary, am I?" I asked her.


"Am I?" I asked the apple, more seriously than one would typically talk to an apple.

"No, you're not scary." I said in a high-pitched voice, moving the apple around.

"See? The apple isn't afraid of me." I said, taking a bite.

She let out a nervous giggle.

"I'm Phil, what's your name?"

"F-F-Fluttersh-shy." she said.

"Thanks for the apple, Fluttershy."

"What are you?" she asked.

"I'm a human." I said.

"A human?" she said, "I've never heard of a human before."

She seemed curious about me, but I needed to get to Twilight.

"Hey, I'm in a bit of a jam at the moment." I said, "I got a big problem that I can't take care of myself. I was wondering if you know anypony who could help me. You seem busy, it would be rude to ask you."

"Well, my friend, Twilight Sparkle, might be able to help you. I can take you to her if you want."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary. Could you just tell me where she is?"

"Oh, ok."

She told me where Twilight's house was. I thanked her, then headed there, walking behind houses. Not really in public, but not really hidden either. I'm sure a few ponies saw me, but they pretty much acted like I wasn't there.

I knocked on her door, and Spike answered.

"Uh..." He backed away.

"Hello." I said, "Fluttershy told me that a Twilight Sparkle lived here. I need her help."

"Oh." He sounded kinda disappointed. "Twilight! Something's at the door for you!"

"Be there in a second!"

"So who are you supposed to be anyways?" he asked.

"Just call me Phil." I said, "You?"


"Alrighty then."

Twilight walked to the door. "Who are you?" she asked.

"Phil. Just Phil. You must be Twilight."

"That's right. Sorry if I'm being rude, but what are you?"

"I'm a human."

"A human? Where have I heard that word before?"

"I have a problem, and your friend Fluttershy told me that you could help." I said.

"You met Fluttershy?"

"Yep. Can we talk?"

"Come on in." she said, standing aside.

It was a little cluttered inside, but for the most part it was clean.

"I remember now!" she said, "Lyra told me about humans! But she said that there weren't any humans in Equestria."

"Yeah, that's kinda the problem." I said, "I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be back at my house, playing video games. I mean, the biggest question I have at this point is how I got here."

"I'm also curious about that. My friend said that humans don't even live in Equestria, or even on this world. It would take an incredible amount of magic power to bring one here. It's something that only the princesses would be capable of."


"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They rule Equestria. Speaking of, I should tell them that a human has come to Equestria. Spike!"

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." he said.

"So... What exactly do you need help with?" she asked.

"Just figuring out how I got here, and why, is really all I want at the moment."

"What about getting back home?"

"Nah, I'll stay in Equestria for a while." I said, "What harm could it do?"

"I suppose."

I felt another wave of exhaustion, then a book fell from a shelf near Twilight. She jumped a little, then sighed and put it back on the shelf.

"Are you ok?" she asked me.

I put my hand on my head. "Just tired. And my head kinda hurts. C... can I have some water?"

She nodded, then got a chair with her magic. "Go ahead and rest."

She walked into her kitchen. Another wave of exhaustion, then the sound of broken glass, and a yelp of shock.

"You... ok..." I asked, a little woozy.

I didn't hear what she said.

'So tired...'

Author's Note:

You know, because a human in Equestria story is the most original thing ever.
Well, that was chapter one. Thanks for reading. If you liked it, leave a review. If you didn't like it, leave a review.