• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 5,277 Views, 58 Comments

The Nightmare in the Moon - Omega Dracomancer

A human somehow finds himself in Equestria. At the same time, Nightmare Moon returns, looking for revenge. Their fates are intertwined, yet nopony can tell this. Can she overcome the Elements of Harmony, or will she be defeated once and for all?

  • ...

Super best friends

*Bit of a grey area here in terms of rating. Things were written that didn't need to be written, and I'm sure I crossed a line. A few times.

I spent the rest of the day in Canterlot, mostly talking with Luna and Celestia about what's been happening recently. Well, not so recently considering that I've been gone for a month.

After a huggy goodbye, which I would not leave without, I boarded the train and went back to Ponyville, just after the sun went down.

'I... need to talk to Pinkie. That's just... it needs to happen. Gosh, she is just so cute... What... could I say?'

I felt excited, but I was getting nervous again. Thankfully, not as much as before. I was still pretty happy, so that's a plus.

I laid on my seat and put my good hoof behind my head. 'How long is this gonna take to heal?'

'At least ten more days. At most, another month.'

'Alright. I'll just... plan accordingly.'

It was an inconvenience having a broken limb, but it didn't really bother me. Sure, it still hurt, but I was fine with it. Just a little while longer.

I fell asleep, and woke back up in the middle of the night.

'Huh? Why did I wake up? Stupid... head.'

I closed my eyes again, but just couldn't seem to fall asleep. I glanced at the clock. It seemed like it said that I've been sleeping for 4 or so hours, but it was hard to tell. I rolled over on my side.

I sighed, then sat up. I looked out the window.

Snow, and lots of it. Pretty.

I watched it snow for a while, momentarily wondering if it was gonna end soon. I liked snow.

Snow looked better at night than it did during the day. Couldn't say why. Maybe it was because it was white over a dark background. It just looked cool to me.

"I wish I could stay in Equestria forever. It's beautiful here. Und ze ponies are vunderbar. Will I have to go home one of these days? I hope not."

I thought about my life back home. I didn't come from a bad family, we weren't poor, there were no real problems whatsoever. The only thing wrong with me being home was me. I made my own problems. I already knew that, I just blamed everyone else. It couldn't be all my fault, can it? Boo, I'm cynical.

Here, I was free. I've made so many friends. I'm actually important here. I matter. At least, that's what I think. That's what I liked to think. Nyeh... thinking...

I laid down again, and managed to fall asleep.

I went to the bakery after I arrived.

'Ok, this... shouldn't be that hard. She's Pinkie. She's good like that. Alright... lets do this.'

I walked in.

"Hello, Pinkie."


She got me a cupcake. I nibbled on it.

"I, uh... I gotta talk to you about... uh... that thing I did. The last time I was here."

Her smile faded for a moment, then returned, same as before. She had a small blush on her face. "You kissed me."

I briefly glanced away. "Yeah."

She let out a tiny giggle.

"Y'know, I really like you."

"I can tell."

"You're fun and cute and nice and... I really like that about you. Heh... Sorry, I'm not a very romantic guy. I don't... really know what to say right now, so..."

I pressed my lips against hers again, pulling back again a few seconds later. My lips were tingling.

"That felt great."

"Maybe you should do it again."

I wrapped my arm around her back, and kissed her again. She put her hooves around my head.

I felt her pull back on me. I slowly walked forward, eyes closed.

She pulled back and let out a small giggle. I opened my eyes. She had rolled onto her back, and was on the ground. I crawled over her and kissed her again, standing over her.

I pulled away from her. "You taste like cotton candy."

"You taste like cupcakes."

I stared at her for a few more seconds, gazing into her big, beautiful eyes before reconnecting our lips for another kiss.

I started to move myself along the side of her face, then rounded her jawbone, kissing under her chin and down her neck. I licked up her neck, messing up her coat.

"That tickles..."

I kissed down her chest, and felt her place a hoof on the top of my head. She let out a cute little moan.

When I reached her stomach, her leg started kicking like a dog.

"Hey Pinkie! I gotta tell you so... What are you doing?"

I froze, hovering my head a few inches above her tummy.


"Hi, Rainbow..." I said awkwardly, lifting my head above the counter.

Pinkie popped her head over the counter with her typical cheery demeanor.

"Am... am I interrupting something?"



"Uh..." She took a few steps back. "I think I should go."


She let out a nervous chuckle and said, "Yeah... I think I'll tell you later." She ran out the door.

"That was a bit of a moodkiller." said Pinkie.

"We should go see what she wanted."


"I would've."

"I would've let you."

"Lets go."

'I have no words. I am at a loss for words. I can't even place how that made me feel.'

'Let me guess. A strange mixture of disgust and arousal?'

No answer. Nailed it. Not sure if I should be proud of that...

"Hey, you're still here!" said Pinkie.

"What... was that?"

"That depends, what did it look like?" asked Pinkie.

"It really looked like you two were about to... well, you know..."

"What do I know?"

"You know what I mean, Pinkie. I... didn't realize that you two were... together like that."

"So... what did you want to tell Pinkie?" I asked, trying to avoid the conversation altogether.

"Yeah, we were having fun. Unless you wanted to join."

"Uh... What?" And we're right back on it.

"What? Pinkie, that's... eww..."

I gave her an exaggerated sad face.

"I... I didn't mean... I... Well, I mean... you're not... uh..."

"She thinks you're cu-ute..." Pinkie said in a sing-song voice, almost on the brink of laughter.

"I do not!" She gave me an awkward look. "Alright, fine. You're... actually pretty good looking, but..."

"I can say the same about you."

She paused as if what I said startled her. "Uh... It's just that... we're friends... and..."

"Alright, alright. Enough from everypony. We can talk about this later if we really need to. So, what's up? What were ya here for?"

"I... can't remember anymore. I think... maybe I should go."

"You should get a cupcake before you leave. Speaking of, I never finished mine. I got... sidetracked by something. Hold on, I'll be back."

I went back in and grabbed my partially eaten cupcake.

"Yeah, cupcake." I looked at Rainbow, then Pinkie, and took a bite out of it. "Alright. I guess that's that."

"What's what?"


"I don't know. I thought something would happen if I said that."

"I can think of a few things that can happen." said Pinkie, leaning on me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go." she said quickly.

"Alright. See ya, then."

"Bye, Rainbow!"

She took off, and I looked to Pinkie. I smiled. She seemed different to me somehow. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but I liked it.

I laughed at our situation. "That was a little embarrassing."

"Just a little. Lets go back inside."

I followed her back into the store.

"You know, I think we should save the fun stuff until later." she said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, it's too early right now. It's more of night thing, anyways."

"I... guess." It went from a moment of instinct and passion to... something else. It didn't sit well with me. Doesn't matter, I liked spending time with her.

"I didn't expect you to do that."

"Me either."

I sat at a table, and she put another cupcake on it, then sat across from me.

I briefly looked away, thinking about something inconsequential. I grabbed the cupcake, and smiled at her as I took a bite.

"You know, we should do something sometime."

"We already were doing something until Rainbow showed up."

I shrugged, then leaned over the table and kissed her again. "I think I gotta go."

She still had a smile on her face. "Come back tonight. We'll have a sleepover!"


"Oh! Oh! And I can invite everypony else! It's gonna be so much fun!"

I just smiled and nodded, having lost track of what exactly we were talking about a while ago.

"Tell Twilight about it when you get the chance. She loves sleepovers!"

"Alright. I'll see ya tonight, then. Bye-bye, Pinks!"

"Bye, Philly! Wait a minute... Filly, Philly... It's the same!"


I left her store, and let out a sigh. We weren't just best friends anymore. More like... super best friends.

I went back to the library, smiling ecstatically.

"Yo, Twilight!"

"What is it?"

"Pinkie said that she's having a sleepover tonight, and told me to invite you. Doesn't that sound great?"

"That does sound pretty good."

"Sweet. See ya there."

I decided that I wasn't just going to be a boring lump on a log today. I took off and went to visit Vinyl.

I knocked on the door.

"Oh, hey man! It's been a while!"

"Sure has." I walked in.

"I heard that you went exploring in some cave somewhere. How'd that work out?"

"Lets see... broken arm, two broken ribs, dozens of scratches and bruises, and it turns out that what we were looking for didn't really exist. And what's more is that I was kept in a prison for a month while I recovered from broken-limb-itis syndrome."

"Aw man, that's terrible."

"Yeah, and things just kept going downhill from there up until about yesterday. I'm fine, though. I'm good."


"So anyways, did you make any new songs?"

"Yeah, I got a few done. I tried to make one with vocals, too. Well, you'll hear it."

"Alright, awesome!"

We both went downstairs. The system was almost unchanged from the last time I was here. There were two more speakers hooked up.

"Hey, I told you about my friend Octavia, right?" she asked as she turned on her system.

"The cellist?"

"Yeah. She's coming to Ponyville in a few days. You wanna meet her?"

"Alright. Sounds like fun. Just don't expect me to act all fancy around her."

"I didn't think you would."


"Well it's not like you're the fanciest of ponies, are you? You already smell like sweat."

"I always smell sweaty."

"Not really. Anyways, here's one of my newer songs."

She hit play, and awesomeness. If awesomeness was a verb... this. These ones were really great.

She paused it just at the end of a song. "Alright, this is the one where I tried singing, so don't laugh."


"And... It's not really dubstep, so..."

She hit play.

It started out with a slow, low pitched piano. Ponies and pianos! Cannot compute! A little bit in, she started singing. Her voice sounded beautiful.

The music increased in tempo, and more instruments were added. Drums and guitar, mostly. She gave off a long high note.

I looked to her, and could see her face turn a little red.

There was a gap where she stopped singing, and she picked up about half a minute later.

The song was two minutes long, my guess is because she didn't want to sing anymore.

She paused it.

"So? What do you think?"

"That was pretty good. I didn't know you had a voice like that."

"You aren't just saying that to be nice, are you?"

"Course not. I don't do that."

"So you really liked it?"

"Yeah. It was great. It was... Well, it was beautiful."

"Really?" I was making her blush even more.

"You... alright?"

"I guess I'm... kinda embarrassed. I haven't done that before."

"Eh. You're fine. I know I sure as hell couldn't do any better."

"Well... why don't you try? I still got my recording stuff set up."

"Alright. I guess I owe ya since you let me listen to this. Huh... I think... that I can remember a few songs. I just need to write down the lyrics before I start."

"Hold on, I'll be right back."

She went upstairs and came back with a stack of paper and a few pencils.

"Alright, cool."

I took it from her, then thought about some songs that I could remember. It's been... two... or maybe three months since I've been home. I think. Don't really know anomore.

"Alright... Animal I Have Become, I Have Everything About You, Time of Dying, Monster, Falling Inside the Black, Place for my Head, In the End, Numb, Noise Channel Rocker, Headstrong, For You, and Narcissistic Cannibal." I listed off songs that I knew just about all the lyrics. Mostly rock songs. Three Days Grace, Skillet, and Linkin Park.

I wrote down the names on a paper, then looked at them. I crossed out a few of them, then a few more.

Six songs left...

I started writing down the lyrics as I remembered them. Slowly, the songs came together. I dropped all but Place for my Head and Animal I have Become because I remembered them the most.

I chose the Three Days Grace song, but in the end, it doesn't even matter.

I read over the lyrics, re-read them, made a change after I remembered a line, made another change, and re-read it again.

"Alright, I think I got it."

"Well, you managed to kill about an hour. Let me see that." She took the paper and read it. "This is pretty weird."

"Meh. It's by my... second favorite artist. Third. Second? Whatever, I absolutely love them."

She gave me the paper. "Alright, step into that room right there. I'll get you started up."

"Play a drum beat or something." I tapped on the table to the beat of the song playing in my head. "Like that."

"Yeah, no prob."

I went in, and put on the headphones inside.

"Can you hear me?"

"Yep. You?"

"Got it."

The beat started playing. I read my paper one last time before I started to sing. About four minutes later, I walked back out. I managed to not trip myself up with the words, but I was off key a bunch of times. I'm always off key when I sing without music. Hell, I'm off key when I sing with the music.

"Ok, never doing that again."

"Actually, it was ok considering you just remembered the whole thing."

"Hehe, thanks. You haven't even heard the real version. It's freakin' amazing."

"Do you... mind if I use that recording for a song?"

"You were recording that? Yeah, ok. Go ahead."

"And... one more thing. There's also a camera in there, so all that dancing you did..."

"Oh... Delete it."

"Nah, I think I'll keep it. You know, for blackmailing purposes."

"I do enjoy blackmail... What time is it?"

"Around four, I think."

"Alright. I could stay a bit longer."

"You got somewhere to be?"

"Actually, yeah. I was gonna go see a few more of my friends, and then when it gets dark, I'm gonna be headed to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie's having a sleepover, and she's inviting a few of our friends. Wanna come with?"

"Nah. I'm good."

"Alright. Hey..." I got out my music player. "There's a... thing in here that has you testing out your recording stuff. You're just talking in it."


"Yeah. You know, when I came home, I was really nervous and stressed out. When I heard you talking... just normal talking... it calmed me down. So... thanks."

"Uh... You're... welcome. I guess. Do you want me to take it out?"

"No, it's fine. I do want you to put your new songs on it, though."

She took it from me and hooked it up. A few minutes later, she gave it back.


For the next hour or so, we listened to music, and talked about some songs. I decided that it was time to go, and gave her a surprise hug before I left.

"See ya later."

"Yeah. See ya."

Next, I went back to the bakery, just because I could.

"Hey Pinks, do you mind if I invite Lightning?"

"Good idea. Two stallions would make it better. It'll get boring with only one."

"Uh... Alright..." I still didn't understand her completely.

"Since you're going there already, can you tell Fluttershy about this?"

"Of course."

I pecked her on the nose before I took off to Fluttershy's place to finally ask where Lightning lived.

Turns out, he lived in Ponyville. I was way off. I don't think Montreal is even in Equestria. I told her about the sleepover before I left.

Such a cute widdle pony.

I walked through town for a while, getting lost twice before I made it to his street. "Alright... It should be around here... somewhere. There it is." I knocked on his door. "Lightning! Lightning, you home?"

He opened it. "Oh, hey man. It's been a while. How did it go?"

"It went fantastic. I got home in one piece, which is a positive thing."

"I'm sure it is. You... wanna come in?"

"Nah, maybe some other time. They didn't mess with ya, did they?"

"Nah. They knew better."

I nodded. "Alright. Hey, Pinkie's throwin' a sleepover tonight. I wanted to know if you wanted to show up. Fluttershy said she'd go."

"Fluttershy's going? Yeah, I'll be there. Sounds like fun."

"It's gonna be funtacular." I remembered what Pinkie said earlier, and decided to ignore the little voice in my head that said to tell him. Not Nightmare, the other little voice. The one that always tells me to burn stuff.

"When did you get back?"

"About... Three days ago. Maybe. Sorry I didn't get to ya sooner."

"I'm the one who should be apologizing. I left you there alone."

"Don't worry about it. I told you to go, remember? You needed to come back home before everypony freaked out. I couldn't go anywhere anyways."

"I still feel kinda bad about it."

"Yeah, well quit it."

"I don't think it works like that."

"It should. Whatever. I'll see ya later, buddy."

"Alright, I'll see ya there."

Next, I went to Lyra's house. It was great to see her again. I told her basically what I told Vinyl, that I got broked up a notch. Lyra was such a widdle sweetheart.

It was around seven by the time I got back to the bakery.

"I'm back. Lightning said he's in, and Twilight and Fluttershy are showing."

"I invited everypony else. For some reason, Rainbow didn't want to come, but I managed to persuade her."

"I wonder why."

"I don't know."

I was already fairly certain of the reason. "So when's everypony gonna get here?"

"Tonight." she cheerfully replied.


"C'mon, lets set some stuff up!"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

We got to work setting up the party. It was turning into less of a sleepover and more like a late party.

Twilight showed up first, and a little later, everypony else got here. Rainbow was the last to show.

"Good evenin', everypony! Glad you could all make it."

"Course! Ah wouldn't wanna miss one o' Pinkie's parties!"

"Same here."

"Great! Alright, you're gonna have to take over, Pinkie. I'm already out of things to say."

"You can't run out of things to say! What about cupcake? You can say cupcake."

"I've run out of relevant things to say."

"Cupcakes are always relevant!"

I gave her a look of realization, as if I had just been given the answer to every question in the universe.

She started talking to them, telling them about some things we could do for the next few hours. I stood next to her and smiled. I didn't care what we were gonna do. We were all together. Awesome. And honestly, I wasn't really interested in party games. I'm not really a party guy. I just liked being by all my friends.

Stop looking at me like that! I'm not creative enough to think of anything! Now lets all agree... to never be creative again.

I stood a little away from them to make sure they didn't bump into me. It would've probably hurt.

Most of the things that they did seemed pretty girly. I went over by Lightning.

"Having fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty fun. I haven't done this in a while."

"Yeah, me either."

"Hey Phil, what do humans usually do for sleepovers?" Pinkie asked me.

"Uhh... I don't know, really. I usually just sit around and play video games with my friends. I've heard of a few things, though. Truth or dare, some people play that. And... And... I can't remember anything else."

"Truth or dare is fun!"

"I'm in."

"Same here."

Fluttershy was the last to accept the offer after seeing that everypony else joined already.

We all sat in a circle. Pinkie went first. For a while, it was just silly stuff, like balancing a glass of water on their head.

"Phil, truth or dare?" Rarity asked me.


"Alright... Tell me, do you fancy anypony?"

"Yeah." I leaned to my side and kissed Pinkie. "Must've forgotten to mention that."

Everypony was staring at the two of us with absolutely shocked, almost horrified faces.

Pinkie started to laugh. "You all look silly!"

"Well... I... I guess... that answers that..."

"My turn. Rainbow, truth or dare?"

"D-dare..." She cleared her throat, and repeated herself. "Dare."

"Alright. I dare you to... let Rarity give you a makeover."

She gave me an evil glare. I glanced at Rarity.

"It's been quite a while since you've been given a makeover, Rainbow Dash." she said.

Pinkie started giggling. Rainbow sighed. "Alright, fine."

Rarity got out her kit, and got to work on her. Five minutes later, she pulled away, letting out a proud, "VoilĂ !"

She had lipstick, eyeliner, shadow, blush, everything, and she really hated it. She was so pwetty. Pinkie quickly pulled out a camera and snapped a picture. Rainbow jumped, then sighed, already knowing that she wasn't getting the picture away from her friend.

"Wow... That turned out pretty nicely."

"I hate you so much right now."

We went around again. When it got to Rainbow's turn again, she asked me. I knew she had something in store for me, but I was ready for anything.


Her face lit up with a huge smile. She started laughing, then contained herself before she quickly said, "I dare you to kiss Lightning!" She fell on the floor and burst out laughing again.

Ready for anything... except that. I looked at him, and he shook his head.

"What's your problem?" he asked her.

"Payback!" she cried out between giggles.

I glanced at him again, then at her. I paused for a few moments, then said, "What, like... on the lips?"


"Does it have to be on the lips?"

"Uh... I... I guess. Yeah. Yeah it does."


"What?" Rainbow sat up, quietly looking at me.

I shrugged. "I'd kiss a guy. I'm sure he doesn't want to, though."

"No, no I don't."

"Again... What?"

"Just look at this guy. Who wouldn't wanna kiss him?"

"Wow! It's amazing how awkward this just got." he said.


"I still wanna see it happen." said Pinkie, "Like, a lot."

I looked at him again.

"Not a chance!"

"Alright, pick something else." I said.

"No, she dared you to do it. Those are the rules." said Pinkie, giving my shoulder a light push.

At this point, I was getting bored of talking about it, so I decided to say something that was probably uncalled for. "What do you think, Fluttershy?"


If she wasn't blushing before, she was now. Tonight, she told us that they were together, and honestly, at least to me, the answer was a bit of a letdown considering how long they've been like this.

Truth or dare was probably a bad idea, but it was so fun.

"Oh, I don't know... Uh..." She paused for a while. "Y-yes?"

"That settles it!" exclaimed my favorite pink talking space-dog.

"Geez Pinkie... I like your energy today."

I looked at Lightning again.

He let out a groan. "Alright, fine."

Before he could move, I pressed my lips against his. I heard a loud click, and pulled away. He had a look of disgust on his face.

He wiped off his mouth. "Ewww... Give a guy a little warning next time. Sick..."

"Holy Celestia, he actually did it."

"I'm gonna go clean my mouth." Lightning left to the bathroom.

"Huh... I'd totally do that again."


"Yeah... yeah."

"Wait... Does that mean that you're..."

"Eh, a little. I guess."

"Wait, then... what about me?" asked Pinkie.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I would still do many, many, many things to you."


I laughed. The way she celebrated what I said in such a casual, innocent tone was hilarious to me.

"Well... Guess who's sleeping in different rooms tonight!" said Twilight.

"What? Who's sleeping where?" asked Lightning, walking back in the room, "What did I miss?"

"These two don't get to sleep in the same room because... well..."

"I caught the two of them trying to do something behind the counter this morning." said Rainbow.

"What, seriously?!"


"At this point, the only answer I think I'm allowed to give is yes." I said.

"But aren't you... a human? Isn't that a little weird?"

"Not to me."

"Me either!"

"Well, I think that's enough truth or dare for one night."

"I don't think I ever want to play this game again." said Rarity, "I feel unclean just sitting here."

"Heh. Sorry, everypony. I think I ruined it." I said.

"Gonna have to agree."

I shrugged, and wrapped my arm around Pinkie as I sat. She snuggled against me.

"Fun while it lasted."

Agreements all around.

"Hey, Lightning."


"Didn't mean anything."

"Yeah. No prob."

A few hours passed. Anytime they thought that I was getting a little too close to Pinkie, they pulled me away from her, sometimes with a force.

I glanced at the clock. 3:00 AM. Alright. At the moment, only three of us were still up. Lightning, Rainbow, Pinkie, and myself.

I was almost nodding off where I was standing. My eyelids felt heavy.

I shook my head. "Alright. I think it's time."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Lightning." said Rainbow.


"You take Pinkie to bed."

"But I wanna stay down here."

She looked at her for a few seconds, giving Pinkie a no-nonsense glare.

"Alright. Goodnight, Philly."

"Night, Pinks."

I looked at Rainbow as Pinkie and Lightning went upstairs. Two other ponies were down here, the rest were upstairs.

"Gute nacht, Rainbow."

"What? Nevermind. Night."

Author's Note:

I wanted to get this out on Thanksgiving so I could wish you all a happy turkey day, but I just kept writing, and I wasn't gonna be happy until it was done.

Personally, I think it was hilarious, creepy, and awesome at the same time.