• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 754 Views, 42 Comments

Rainy Day - Grape Crush

Rainbow Dash helps Pinkie get over a bad day. In more ways than one I might add.

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Chapter 3: Confrontation

Dash was very scared about what she was about to do. She in her own lustful self was about to knock on Pinkie's door in a sexy cheerleader outfit. Hoping to win her over in the way she looked rather than the way she wanted to.

"This is such a big mistake," she told herself. Frowning in her tight fitting outfit. "Pinkie doesn't realize how much I'm going through for her, hopefully she never does."

"Stay strong and quit being a scared little girl," she began scolding herself.

Slowly she knocked on Pinkie's door.

"Come in," said a sad Pinkie Pie.

Dash slowly opened the door, seeing Pinkie Pie lying down on her bed. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming this time.

"Pinkie..." Dash started but was cut off by Pinkie blushing.

"Rainbow, y-your outfit is s-so different," Pinkie said blushing.

"Do you like it?" Dash said fluttering her eyes.

"I-I love it," Pinkie said softly.

"Pinkie lets be serious now," Dash said, "I need to talk to you."

"Ok but don't expect much eye contact," Pinkie said with a wink.

"Pinkie I am tired of being a scared little girl, so I'm going to come out and say it..." Dash said. "Pinkie Pie you are the most beautiful and fun-loving mare I know a-and I want for you to call me your marefriend," Dash said. She half expected Pinkie to reject her.

Pinkie's eyes brimmed with tears as she smiled a mile long. She began to cry loudly and Dash went over to comfort her. Pinkie gave her a big kiss on the lips.

"Dashie you have no idea how long I have waited for you to say those words," Pinkie said half crying.

Rainbow Dash was the happiest pony alive. She hugged Pinkie very tight and never wanted to let go.

"Das-hie y-ou ar-e chok-ing me," Pinkie said coughing.

Dash lessened her force on her new marefriend. She began to think of things on the more naughty side.

"Hold yourself Dash, you just explained you loved her no need to rush too fast," Rainbow thought to herself. She began to think of why Pinkie was down in the first place. She began to tear up.

Pinkie was planning the party of the century as she called it. She invited everypony from all around to celebrate MY birthday. She had done so much for me and I couldn't keep a bunch of rain clouds away. Pinkie had been talking about it for a month and how she just HAD to have it outside.

I could have kept the clouds away if Twilight Sparkle hadn't kept me up so late. I was so tired and I just couldn't do it. Now here I am confessing to Pinkie that I love her and not even apologizing for my mistake.

"I'm so happy Dashie," Pinkie began dancing around the room. Moving at lightning speeds she cleaned herself up and cleaned her once messy room.

"Pinkie I still have to apologize for ruining the party you had planned for me," Rainbow said. She carefully said those words to not upset her as much as possible because she had just begun to bring Pinkie back to her former self.

"I wish Dashie would forgive herself," Pinkie thought. Pinkie then began to realize why Dash didn't forgive herself. "She is still wrapped up thinking that I'm still mad for ruining her own party," She realized.

"Dashie it is ok, see i'm happy now," Pinkie smiled.

Rainbow couldn't believe that Pinkie could recover from such a disaster so quickly. "Well she is Pinkie Pie after all," she smiled.

"What are you thinking about Dashie?" Pinkie asked. Hoping Dash would work up the courage to kiss her. "Besides she is my marefriend right?" she asked herself.

Dash shrugged not sure what to say. "Just thinking about the party," she said with a sigh. "Pinkie I wish I could feel better but I still believe that it is all my fault," Dash said. She laid down on Pinkie's bed and looked at Pinkie who was now bouncing around the room happily.

"Pinkie I have never said this because I don't really admire anyone except myself," Dash said, "however I admire how happy you can be in a bad situation."

Pinkie smiled and laid beside Rainbow and gently rubbed her mane. "After tonight Dash will not be sad anymore, I will make sure of it," Pinkie said with a smile.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will have a safe for work version and a unrated version. If you wish to see the unrated version check Rainy Day Unrated in my story list. WARNING: Contains mature sexual material.