• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 755 Views, 42 Comments

Rainy Day - Grape Crush

Rainbow Dash helps Pinkie get over a bad day. In more ways than one I might add.

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Chapter 5: Time For Explanation

Dash woke up with heavy breathing to her left. She took a second to realize what it was. "Wow Pinkie, way to take over the entire bed." Dash didn't even care though, she began to think of what exactly happened last night. All she could remember at the time was that she had been invited to Pinkie's room. Everything else was a blur. "Maybe that is a good thing". "Wait how can that be a good thing?". She continued to argue with herself and didn't realize Pinkie had started to get up.

"Hiya Dashie". Pinkie then began to jump crazily around the room shouting "Dashie remember us doing all those things?".

"Pinkie please, keep your voice down."

"Why Dashie?" Pinkie shouted over her own noise. "Are you to afraid to admit that we are marefriends?".

That hit home for Dash. She thought of what everypony would think of them being together. The more she thought, the more scenarios she came up with. Each of them worse and worse.

"Pinkie we need to talk about how we will tell each of our friends".


Dash couldn't think of a good answer besides that she was afraid of what they would think of them. "No, I will not let my fears come in between my relationship".

"Pinkie what do you think in your opinion our friends would say?". Dash made sure she said that slowly so she didn't end up changing the meaning she was looking for.

Pinkie paused carefully mulling this over. She began to think of a good thing each pony would say and a bad thing. Applejack would say as a good thing "Awe yall are so cute". Bad thing "I don't talk to anypony like yerselfs". Pinkie didn't think Applejack would say such a thing but after all crazy stuff happens all the time. Rarity wouldn't be that hard on the subject. Mostly because she kept a Pinkie promise with Rarity about her special mare. Fluttershy... Pinkie Pie laughed. Fluttershy would be the most understanding pony in the situation. Twilight... She was going to be the hard one.

"Pinkie?" Dash waved her hoof in Pinkie's face.

"Oh sorry Dashie"

"So are you going to answer my question?"

"Well Dashie I see that Rarity and Fluttershy really won't mind. Applejack may take awhile to get used to. Twilight could go either way depending on how she feels on the subject.

Dash thought of this. Pinkie was right about Rarity and Fluttershy not minding. However Applejack may not like the idea and Twilight is still a mystery on the subject.

"Yeah I'm still worried". Dash had many reasons to back up that sentence if needed.

"Give me one reason why your worried Dashie".

"I knew they would come in handy," Dash thought. "Well you see Pinkie if even one of our friends rejects our new relationship then we would be in a huge mess considering we may lose her as a friend". Dash didn't feel satisfied with her answer but it was the only correct answer she had. This however needed the correct answer due to the danger of the situation.

"Dashie you are right, we need to figure out a plan that will make certain that they will accept us."

Dash brainstormed for awhile thinking... Thinking... She was interrupted by Pinkie saying she has an idea. "Let me hear it Pinkie".

"Well if we could throw a party..."

"Pinkie let me stop you there." Dash realized this could be a mistake. "Parties are fun and all but how will that help us tell our friends the secret?"

"You didn't let me finish silly, we could through a party for just us six. Then we could slowly bring it up to Twilight and Applejack."

"What about Rarity and Fluttershy?"

"We could get them to help us with Twilight and Applejack if we tell them first. I'm sure they would have no reason not to help."

"Pinkie your idea is so crazy that it might just work," Dash smiled.

"Thank you... Thank you," Pinkie bowed having her idea recognized.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself there hotshot, you still need to set it up." Rainbow thought that Pinkie was going to yell at her for not volunteering to help.

"I know I will!" Pinkie said.

"First before you go running off and setting up, where will this take place? Dash had been thinking about that since Pinkie brought it up.

"Where?"... "Hmm," Pinkie seemed to be thinking hard. "Ah-hah, how about we have it at Twilights Library?"

"Well sure if you can convince her to let us have it there then I'm all for it."

"Good I'll go ask her right now," Pinkie said as she brushed her mane. "Dashie before I go..." Pinkie gave Dash a kiss.

"Thanks Pinkie," Dash said smiling. "By the way, what should I do while you are asking Twilight?

"Go to all of our friends house's,"

"Ok have fun," Dash said as she left the room.

"I'm going to go to Fluttershy's house first to get her out of the way." On her way, Dash noticed that there was a large grouping of ponies in a circle around something she couldn't make out at her height. "Maybe I should go investigate."

Rainbow flew down to see what all the fuss was about. Pushing her way through the crowd she saw that a pony was being attacked by another pony. Before Dash went into action she wondered why everypony just stood and watched instead of helping.

"Hey! I don't like the way you are treating her!" Dash yelled.

The attacker turned and faced who was speaking to him. He laughed hysterically at the sight of a multi-colored pony yelling at him.

"Oh yeah and what do you think you are going to do about it?" He yelled back.

"I might just have to make you wish you never touched that pony in the first place!"

While this was going on the pony that was being attacked slowly backed away.

"Where do you think your going little girl?" the pony yelled.

The other pony stopped. Scared for her life she stood where she was. Rainbow noticed she had a black eye and had a little bit of a limp. She wondered what this pony could have done to deserve what she had done to her.

"Maybe Silver Sun over here would like to explain why she is being treated like this," The boy pony said.

"I-I broke up with my coltfriend b-because I don't like colts anymore," Silver Sun said.

Rainbow became very angry with this stubborn pony. "So you are beating up a girl for breaking up with you?" She shouted. Rainbow had no idea why she had gotten involved but she hated this pony a lot.

"Yeah why not?" He retorted. He began to laugh again at the colored pony for becoming very angry at him.

Rainbow went up to him and slapped him so hard that he fell to the ground. She went close to his face and whispered, "Mess with her again, you will not live to see the next day, now apologize to her."

The pony got up and walked to Silver Sun and apologized saying that his emotions had gotten the better of him. Then he slowly walked away not looking back.

"Now that that's over I can go see Fluttershy." Before she could take off she heard a voice say "STOP".

Rainbow turned around to see Silver Sun running up to her.

"I wanted to thank you for your help back there".

"It was no big deal, but I'm busy so hopefully I see you around sometime but for now I have to go," Rainbow said as she took off. Leaving Silver Sun alone.

Comments ( 23 )

Do continue please

Maybe in a little while. I'm kinda busy with other stories. :pinkiesad2:

Well at least at some point

Well I trust you

Take all the time you need

Hey if you want in am never going to make a story of my own so if you want I have a title in my head and you can have it just mention me in the description the title is "a rainbow for you" all yours

Hmm, right now I'm trying to get my stories done. Maybe if I start a new one I'll use it. Thanks though!

3785366 hey I might actually use me ok sorry

I inspired myself

Great! I'll read it when you publish it! :pinkiehappy:

3787125 cool might be awhile

No problem, i'll be on this website for a few years :rainbowlaugh:!

3787343 well I will let you pre read it to know if it is good

Whenever that happens

Do you have "Mature" Settings turned on?

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