• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 2,816 Views, 251 Comments

Title Match - Zap Apple Smash

Trouble strikes Ponyville as a Voodoo practising Zebrony (and former friend of Trixie's) comes to town to settle a score. Lunaverse story.

  • ...


It was night time at the residency and all the Elements were gathered together to discuss what exactly they were going to do about Ponyville's newest visitor.

"So he wants you to wager your title and your knighthood in a duel?" Ditzy clarified. "Can you actually do that?"

"Well, yes and no." Cheerilee answered. "The precedent is there so you could in theory wager your title but our Knighthoods are tied to us being the Elements of Harmony so the only way that Trixie could lose her title would be if the Element of Magic deemed somepony else the new bearer."

"Then what’s the point in challenging Trixie for it then?" Carrot Top wondered.

"Well, I doubt that particular loophole in our Knighthoods is common knowledge." Trixie answered. "And I could still lose my title as Representative."

"But then wouldn't Luna take it off him and give it back to you?" Lyra asked.

"Well, the problem is that the same laws that make wagering a title in a duel legal also state that Luna can't reverse a title exchange unless the new title holder is deemed unfit for the position." Cheerilee replied. "Meaning that we would have to prove that he was unfit to be Representative before Luna could intervene."

"Can't we just throw his sorry flank in jail?" Raindrops emphasised her statement by banging one hoof into the other.

"What for?" Trixie responded. "He's already being billed for the window, I cut him off before he could make any legitimate threat and any proof of him writing the message as well as joking Big Mac and Pinkie is purely circumstantial."

"Isn't the fact that it was after he came to Ponyville that this stuff happened enough to have him investigated?" Carrot Top asked.

"Not really." Cheerilee explained. "The Visitor's Protection Act prevents individuals from being persecuted for a crime on the sole basis of their appearance into a town coinciding with when said crime occurred."

"Really?" Trixie asked. "Then why the buck was the town ready to lynch me when Corona came back?"

"Firstly, that was a different situation, it was more than just the fact of you being here that set them off. Secondly, that wasn't the law, that was an angry mob." The teacher then noticed the Representative rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "No Trixie, we are not getting an angry mob to lynch Galeb."

"Let's just keep our options open."

"Okay, I'm gonna play Discord’s advocate here." Lyra said. "Why not just face Galeb in the duel, whip his sorry flank and be done with it."

"Thought of it but I’m not going to risk it." Trixie replied. "Canterlot style magic duels may be fairly harmless with the two unicorns just trying to one up each other but a Neigh Orleans style magic duel is only called that because magic is allowed. In reality it’s an anything goes brawl that ends when one combatant is unable to continue."

"And you think you may lose?" Carrot Top asked.

"I think that he has had a lot more time to prepare." Trixie answered. "And even if I asked for a month off, he still would have an advantage."

"So what do we do then?" Raindrops asked.

"We keep an eye on him." Cheerilee answered. "So far he has been careful but he didn't come all this way just to stand around. Once he makes a move, we'll be able to counter him."

Trixie sighed. "I hate playing defensive, but it's the best plan we have."

After a bit more deliberating, the Elements decided to call it a night. In the end Trixie and Ditzy were the last ones remaining.

"Sorry to pull you away from Dinky like this." Trixie said.

"That's okay, she's at a sleepover with a friend." The mail mare replied. "So how are you holding up?"

"Oh you know. Just somepony else out to settle a score." Trixie replied almost dismissively. "It ain't exactly new territory for me."

"But you said that he was a friend." The mail mare said sympathetically. "That's never nice."

At first Trixie was going to just brush it off but the look on Ditzy's face made her decide otherwise.

"It is what it is." She replied finally. "I've had friendships that have ended on spectacularly bad terms but this was the first time that I actually ended it."

"But you didn't have a choice." Ditzy argued.

"Of course I had a choice." Trixie replied. "I chose Princess Luna and my morals over my friendship with Bantu and Galeb. And now, right or wrong, Ponyville may be stuck paying for my choice, which I'm really sorry about."

"You’re not the one who started it." Ditzy replied.

"Maybe not." Trixie replied. "But I sure as heck will finish it."

It was late at night. The town was quiet as everypony were asleep. All except for a Zebrony up to no good. After making sure that the coast was clear, he snuck over to a fountain he had observed as being popular with the residents of ponyville looking to get a quick drink.

He pulled out a small pouch of powder and poured its contents into the fountain. As he pocketed the now empty bag and headed off to set up his other schemes, he let out a chuckle.

“Rest while you can, Lulamoon, because tomorrow is going to be fun.”

The next day was another deceptively pleasant looking one. All of the Elements (with the exception of Ditzy and Raindrops who had to work) had met outside the Residency to go on 'Galeb patrol'. They decided to start at the market district due to the higher density of ponies.

"Everything looks alright." Carrot Top commented.

Trixie did a double take when she noticed a big red mare selling apples.

"I thought you were going to cure Pinkie and Big Mac."

"I tried," Carrot Top explained. "It worked on Pinkie but it turns out Big Mac is allergic to one of the key ingredients of the cure. I’m looking into an alternative but he may just have to wait for the effects to wear off naturally."

"You'd think he'd wouldn't be out in public." The representative commented.

"This is Big Mac we're talking about." Cheerilee replied. "Nothing short of physical injury or a family emergency is going to get him to stop working. The official story is that Big Mac was called away on urgent business and their cousin, 'Red Gala' come in to help cover."

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Red Gala?"

"It was either that or Macerana."

"Good call."

"WOOOOOO!" a voice shouted nearby. "FLOWERS RULE!"



The elements turned to see what was causing the noise. They were shocked to see that it was the Flower Trio.


"PANSIES RULE!" Daisy yelled.

"PANSY POWER!!" Rose finished.

Despite being slightly disturbed by the display, Cheerilee still felt the need to approach them.

"Are you three alr..."



"BUCK YEAH FLOWERS!" Rose replied.

"CHECK IT!!" Lily exclaimed. "SHE HAS FLOWERS ON HER BUTT!!"


Cheerilee paused. "I know there's something wrong with you three...but I'm still taking the compliment."

Trixie turned to a nearby pony. "Any idea what happened to them?"

"I don't know." Cherry Berry answered. "I saw them drinking from that fountain and then soon they were acting like this."

Carrot Top went over to said fountain and gave the water an inquisitive sniff.

"Not sure what it is but there is definitely something in this water." She stated

"You’re pretty good at this." Lyra remarked.

"A good nose is an invaluable tool to a farmer."

"So we know that it's something in the water." Trixie said. "Now we just need to figure out what it is and who else drank from the fountain."

They then noticed Caramel running for some reason. That reason became clear when he was tackled to the ground by Silver Script.


Trixie used her magic pull the irate pegasus off of the Caramel just as Poste Haste came running in.

"Thank goodness," Post Haste said. "I was scared somepony wouldn’t stop him in time."

"What happened?" Cheerilee asked.

"I don't know." Post Haste replied. "He started out fine and then his temper went from righteous to hair trigger."

"Sorry about that." Silver Script said, having seemingly calmed down a bit. "My angry button seems to be a little closer to the service than usual today." He then noticed something. "HEY YOU! YES YOU! YOU BETTER NOT BE TAKING THAT SHODDILY WRAPPED PACKAGE TO THE POST OFFICE TO SEND!!!"

Trixie maintained her hold on the postmaster. "Well luckily he isn't swinging his bat around."

"Luck has nothing to do with it." Post Haste replied. "Ditzy confiscated Love & Tolerance when she noticed something was off. She was about to come get you when Silver Script chased after Mr Cheapskate over there."

"Hey!" Caramel said indignantly. "It was an honest mistake."

Post Haste rolled his eyes. "It stops being an honest mistake when you try to do it more than five times. Then it's just trying to cheat the system."

"Alright, alright." Trixie interrupted. "Posthaste, You let Ditzy know that we have Silver Script and that we know what might be causing this. Carrot Top, start trying to figure out a way to reverse whatever happened to these ponies. I'll be back to help you as soon we're finished finding all the ponies that were affected."

"Ms Trixie!" The representative turned and saw Dinky approaching them accompanied by the four rams that Trixie recognised as Ponyville's resident Baabaashop Quartet. "Something's wrong with Woolliam and his friends."

"Really?" Trixie asked. "They look fine."

"Show her." Dinky encouraged.

At that they started singing.

Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,
So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want,
So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
I wanna, huh I wanna, huh I wanna, huh I wanna, huh I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha

Cheerilee had to close Trixie's mouth for her.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this." Lyra said as she led the rams away.

"What else can go wrong today?" Trixie asked in dismay.

Galeb was finally getting some shuteye after what he thought of as a highly productive night. His dozing however was interrupted by the poking of little hooves. He opened his eyes and saw a young filly with a red mane and big pink bow staring at him.

“Are ya a hobo?” She asked.


“Then why are ya sleeping on a park bench?”

“Because I didn’t have anywhere else to sleep last night.”

“Doesn’t that technically make ya a hobo?”

He glared at the filly. “Listen, I was up late last night and I'm really tired. How about you go annoy someone else.”

“Jeez, no need to get grumpy at me cause yer a hobo.”

Galeb turned over and tried to go back to sleep as the filly walked away. He then promptly stood back up.

“Screw it,” he said as he pulled out his case from under the bench. “I’m not letting her get away with calling me a hobo.”

Turns out that the answer to Trixie's question was the balcony of the retirement home collapsing, a tourist wagon speeding out of control and almost heading off a cliff as well as a supposed snake sighting almost causing a stampede. Fortunately, with timely assistance from ponies like Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the elements were able to able to prevent any pony getting hurt.

"So do you think Galeb is behind all of this?" Cheerilee asked

"I'm sure of it." Trixie replied. "This much bad luck, even in Ponyville, is not normal."

"Anything we can pin on him yet?"

"Nothing yet."

"Well we better think of something fast because..." Cheerilee's voice trailed off as she noticed Apple Bloom nearby carrying a strange Heart Shaped flower. With her teacher sense tingling she decided to investigate. Trixie, to her credit, didn't seem to question this.

She finally came to a back alley where Apple Bloom seemed to be busy with something. When the young filly noticed the teacher she suddenly stood to attention.

"Hi Ms Cheerilee! Ms Trixie!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, suddenly appearing to be very nervous. "What are ya'll doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." The teacher responded. "What's that behind your back?"

"What's what?" The young filly said in attempts to sound innocent.

"Apple Bloom!" The tone in Cheerilee's voice let the young filly know that there was no room for arguments.

Reluctantly, Apple Bloom stepped aside, reveal a mixing bowl, various plants and herbs as well sheet of paper. On closer inspection, it was a set of instructions to make a potion called "Instant Cutie Mark".

"Where did you get this?" Cheerilee demanded.

"I was just playing in town when it dropped in front of me." Apple Bloom explained. "It was destiny."

"Sure is," Trixie commented. "If you spell destiny G-A-L-E-B."

Apple Bloom tilted her head slightly. "That's not how ya spell destiny."

"Apple Bloom, I don't know what I'm more disappointed about." Cheerilee said. "The fact that you would do something this reckless or the fact that you would try to cheat your way to something that is meant the natural progression of every young pony."

"But I want it nooooow!" Apple Bloom whined.

"That's enough!" Cheerilee scolded. "Pick up your things, we're going to go have a talk with your family about this."

Apple Bloom didn't look happy to hear that but knew better than to argue.

"We better do something about Galeb." Cheerilee whispered to the Representative before heading off. "Because I'm starting to reconsider my view on the lynching suggestion."

Trixie followed the two out of the alley. As she watched the two earth ponies leave, the representative stood there as she tried think of the best course of attack.

At that moment, inspiration struck. Trixie did a sharp turn and headed to the town hall.

Maybe there was a card she could play.

Galeb was sitting at an outside table, enjoying a hay smoothie when he was approached by Trixie, who did not look pleased.

"Lulamoon." He greeted, clearly looking pleased with himself.

"You know, when you challenge somepony to a duel and that pony refuses, you are supposed to accept it and move on. You don't turn your anger towards their town."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Galeb was doing an incredibly bad job at feigning ignorance. "And even if I did, remember I tried to keep this matter between the two of us, you're the one that refused to settle this face to face."

Trixie gaped at Galeb. "That's like wildly swinging a stick as you approach a pony and then blaming them if they get hit."

The Zebrony raised an eyebrow. "As much as I would like to swing a stick at you for what you did, I was perfectly honourable when I laid out my challenge and I have been nothing but respectful of your refusal."

"From what I hear, that is highly debatable."

Galeb turned his head slightly and saw an older looking mare with a grey mane and a fancy looking collar.

"And you are?"

Ivory Scroll glared at the Zebrony "The Mayor of the town you have been disturbing. The Representative has brought me up to speed on what you have been up to since coming to town."

The blue Zebrony rolled his eyes. "As 'unbiased' as I'm sure her report of me was, if you could prove that I was behind these occurrences, I'd already be in shackles." Galeb mockingly showed his fore hooves to prove his point.

"Maybe not." Trixie replied. "But the mayor and I have been talking and we found a solution."

The representative pulled out a piece of paper and laid it on the table.

"This is an official trespass notice." The mayor stated. "You are to vacate Ponyville effective immediately."

Galeb scoffed. "You can't do that."

"Actually we can." The mayor replied. "Not only have you damaged government property and acted hostile towards the Representative but you also have not given a legitimate reason for being here. That combined with the recent incidents as well as your history with the Representative may not be enough to charge you for any wrongdoing, but it is more than enough to demand your removal for the sake of public safety." She pushed the notice closer to the Zebrony. "Since there are no trains running today, the representative and I will personally escort you out of town."

"And if I refuse?" Galeb asked.

"Then we're going to call the guards in and have them drag you out of Ponyville." Trixie replied. "Your choice."

When presented with such appetising alternatives, Galeb let himself be escorted out of town. He however was not going quietly.

"And so yet again you let the law do your dirty work." Galeb said. "Was it this easy when you sold out my brother to win favour in Canterlot?"

"You know what? Enough." Trixie said, finally fed up. "Let's put this into perspective. I helped put your brother away for a crime that he actually committed. In your little revenge trip, you've poison joked two ponies, warped the mood of several more, turned a ram quartet falsetto, contaminated a fountain, tricked a filly into making a concoction that would have done who knows what to her and almost got over a dozen ponies killed! How is anypony supposed to feel sympathy for your side?"

"I don't have to justify myself you." Galeb replied venomously.

"Maybe not." The mayor answered. "But set hoof in Ponyville again and you'll be justifying yourself in court."

"Yes, you've made that perfectly clear." Galeb replied. "But don't think this changes anything."

"Here we are." Trixie said. "The town boundary. Time for you to go."

"Not quite." Ivory Scroll said. "Section 37 clearly states that once issued with a trespass notice a town official is free to use as much force as they deem necessary to vacate said trespassing individual."

"So?" Galeb asked.

The mayor then promptly decked the zebrony with an uppercut to the jaw, knocking him off his hooves and over the boundary line.

"So don't let me catch you in my town again." She answered. "NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

To his credit, when Galeb was finally able to pick himself up, he staggered away fairly quickly. The mayor watched him go for minute and when she was satisfied that he was heading in the right direction, she turned to head back to town only to notice the representative gaping at her.

"Three time North Everfree Middle-Weight Boxing Champion." She explained as she started to walk back. "Been years since I've been in the ring but I still try to keep in shape."

Trixie went with the most logical response. "Uh huh."

It took a few more steps before the representative was able to say something a little more coherent. "Thanks for your help. Sorry you had to get involved."

"Not at all. While I appreciate the work you and the other elements do, as Mayor I have a responsibility to this town."

"Still, it's not right that the town got brought into this squabble."

"Galeb was the one who involved the town, not you." Ivory Scroll replied. "And while I do appreciate you taking responsibility for this, know that I don't blame you."

When the two mares arrived near town hall, they saw Lyra was still busy with the ram quartet.

"Any progress?" Trixie asked

"Loads." Lyra responded happily. "Take a listen."

At that ram quartet started singing.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.

"Woolliam actually has really good range but he gets sloppy if he speeds up so I'm starting them off on something slower until they adjust." Lyra explained, she then saw Trixie face hoof. "What?"

Once he was certain that he was a safe distance from the mad mayor, Galeb turned back in the direction of Ponyville.

“You may have won this round Lulamoon but mark my words, round three shall be mine!”

He was about to get to work when he realised that his case of supplies was still in Ponyville.


It was then that he noticed a mule standing nearby with a raised eyebrow.

“Are you okay?” the mule asked.

Galeb let out a sigh. "To be honest, today hasn't really gone the way I expected it to."

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it."

Author's Note:

Just to be clear. Galeb was only able to be issued with a trespass notice because he didn't live or work within Ponyville or the area around it. Getting rid of an actual resident is not this easy and in fact, I doubt any of the Ponyville officials would have the power to do it.

Also, if there hadn't been just cause for trespassing Galeb, both Ivory Scroll and Trixie could get into serious trouble for it which is why trespassing not a card officials play often.