• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 2,816 Views, 251 Comments

Title Match - Zap Apple Smash

Trouble strikes Ponyville as a Voodoo practising Zebrony (and former friend of Trixie's) comes to town to settle a score. Lunaverse story.

  • ...

Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Raindrops lifted Trixie onto her back. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

Trixie continued to cry quietly into Raindrops’ mane as the weather mare carried her back to town. Ditzy flew over top, gently rubbing Trixie’s back to offer comfort. About halfway back the tears stopped but Raindrops carried her all the way back to the residency.

Carrot Top had separated early on to get some supplies from her farm. She made it back shortly after the rest of the group and made a beeline for the kitchen.

Cheerilee and Lyra removed her cape and hat while Ditzy got a fire going. They then sat the representative down on the couch and lay a blanket over her as Lyra and Ditzy sat to either side of her.

Any protests Trixie might have given were incomprehensible. While she looked better than when she had been at the crossroads, she was still a few shades paler than normal and, despite her efforts to hide it, was quivering. Ditzy draped a comforting wing over her friend.

“How are you feeling?” the mailmare asked.

“Honestly?” Trixie sighed. “I don’t know.”

Carrot Top came in with a steaming cup of tea on a tray.

“Here you go.” She said as she placed the tray in front of Trixie. “This should help.”

“Thank you.” Trixie said quietly. Her face became strained as she tried to lift with her magic. When she failed to even light up her horn she settled on lifting the cup with her hooves. They were shaking so violently that the cup almost slipped out of her grip. Luckily, Lyra stepped in with her magic to help keep it stable.

Raindrops took Carrot Top to the side.

“I’m worried.” The pegasus stated. “That was an intense duel but Trixie wasn’t even this rattled when we dealt with Corona. Should we maybe take her to the hospital?”

“Would anypony there be skilled in dealing with voodoo victims?” Carrot Top asked rhetorically. “Besides the clinic staff evacuated with the rest of the town, they won’t be set up again until sometime tomorrow. And that tea there has chamomile and lavender to help with nerves as well as my personal blend of curative herbs in case that smoke Galeb used had something extra in it.”

The weather pony paused. “And you have your own personal blend for something like that because…?”

“Let’s just say I once learned a valuable lesson about double checking wild mushrooms before eating them.” Carrot Top replied. “For now the best thing to do is keep an eye on her and if she gets worse we’ll go get help.”

“You know I’m rattled, not deaf.” the representative stated.

Ditzy turned to Cheerilee. “You're sure Pokey and the Mayor can handle Galeb?”

Cheerilee nodded. “Pokey said he was going to call in help from the Apple family to help stay on top of the situation.”

“ARGH!” Galeb yelled in anguish as both Applejack and Red Gala sat on him. “POLICE BRUTALITY! POLICE BRUTALITY!”

“We done told ya.” Applejack said. “It ain’t police brutality when we ain’t the police.”

“Eeyup.” Red Gala added.

“So, mind telling me how Galeb pulled off that last attack?” Cheerilee asked. “I thought you said you couldn’t break a pact.”

“You can’t.” The blue unicorn answered. “The deal was that if I won he wouldn’t harm anyone or anything in Ponyville.”


“So we weren’t in Ponyville when he attacked me.” Trixie explained. “Pacts follow the letter, not the spirit, of the agreement.”

“Doesn’t that mean he could still come after you when you're not in Ponyville?” Lyra asked.

“My concern was protecting the town.” The magician replied.

“So you don’t think this is over?” Raindrops asked.

“No.” Trixie stated. “This won’t be over until Galeb decides that it's over.”

“So how will we get him to do that?”

Trixie didn’t answer and instead put her hooves together in contemplation. She stayed in that position for at least a minute.

“I realise that this doesn’t really help but I just wanted to say that that Alicorn trick was really cool. Also, if you plan to do another mass Trixie music number, I’d be happy to help with the harmony…” Lyra trailed off when she realised Trixie wasn’t responding. “She’s fallen asleep hasn’t she?”

“I think so.” Cheerilee replied. “Help me get her to bed.”

Morning came and the guards arrived to collect Galeb from the town hall. Once Galeb was secured in chains and all his personal effects were confiscated, they escorted him to the train station. As they arrived to the platform they were greeted by a haggard looking Trixie.

“Can I have a moment?” The representative asked.

After taking a moment to make sure the restraints were secure, the guards nodded and walked off the platform.

“Here to gloat about your victory?" Galeb sneered.

"Somepony I once called a friend tried to kill me. I don't consider that a victory."

"Well, in my defence you did bite me and call me a hate-filled revenge monkey."

"You tried to set me on fire." The unicorn replied. "There is no defence for that."

The Zebrony didn't respond right away. When he spoke again he kept his tone neutral. "What do you want?"

Trixie suppressed a sigh. While she realized an apology would have been unlikely, she had still been hoping for… something.

"Look, I'm just going to bite the bit and ask: could we not be enemies?"

The Voodoo-wielding miscreant blinked twice.


"Galeb, this retribution cycle we have going on isn't really going to get us anywhere. I mean, you do something to make me miserable, I do something to stop you that ends up making you even madder at me. At this rate somepony is going to end up being hurt." Trixie explained. "Now I'm willing to put this all behind me and I ask that you do the same."

"It's easy for you to say that." The Zebrony shot back. "You're not the one being shipped off to prison."

"You're right, it is easy." Trixie agreed. "What's also easy is writing a letter to the Princess telling her that you're a threat to national security and ask that you be thrown in the deepest hole we can find."

Galeb's eyes narrowed slightly at that. "Is that a threat?"

"It's a dash of reality, something you sometimes forget about." Trixie countered. "You seemed so intent on being my enemy that you seem to forget what that entails. You have the ability to be a major pain in my flank if you want to but you're still just one zebrony. I have my friends, this town and the law itself on my side. Trust me when I say that I'm just not worth the effort."

"And the fact that I hate you is just a technicality?" Galeb asked mockingly.

"Exactly, it is your equestrian-given right to hate whoever and whatever you want but that doesn't mean you have to be my enemy. I hate the Dusk Shine series of books but that doesn't mean I try to destroy every copy I come across."

The blue mare held out her hoof in a diplomatic gesture. "So you can either continue being my enemy, which hasn’t really gone that well for you, or we can call a truce and I can try to pull some strings to make your sentence more comfortable. Your choice."

The zebrony looked at Trixie skeptically before finally giving a shrug.

"I'll think about it." He answered.

Trixie smiled, it wasn't an official cease fire but it showed promise.

"Though tell me one thing," Galeb started. "How close was I to beating you in the duel?"

Trixie paused for a moment and then shrugged. She closed the distance between them.

"Well, between you and me." She lowered her voice to whisper. "Not close enough."

Galeb gaped as the representative then walked away without another word.

"Touché Lulamoon, touché."

The guards loaded Galeb onto the train, taking him to the train car that contained the holding cell. Galeb entered the cell and made himself comfortable on the cot as the cell door was slammed shut. He was going to try to get some shut-eye but was interrupted by the sound of a hoof tapping on the metal bars of the cell window.

He opened his eyes and saw one of Trixie’s friends, the jasmine pegasus, standing there, glaring at him.

“What do you want?”

“I just wanted to tell you something before you left. And no, Trixie doesn’t know I’m doing this. I just thought you should know that I don’t like you. And pact or no pact, if you ever mess with my friend again then I will personally double the number of joints in your skeleton, and that’s only after the other knights are through with you. Clear?” Raindrops said with an angry snort.

“How is that even physically possi… oh.” Realisation hit Galeb like a sack of bricks. “Yeah, clear.”

The hovering mare snorted once more before turning and leaving.

The zebrony sat in his cell on the train. Once the guards had been sure that he was secure they had left Galeb alone to stew. His attempt to sleep had been thwarted by the rattling of the traincar. It had barely been 10 minutes and he was already starting to get a little stir crazy.

"Oh come on!" He yelled out to deaf ears. "If you're keeping me locked in here at least give me something to pass the time!"

"If your confinement is causing you irritation, then perhaps I can offer you liberation."

A cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows. This caught Galeb's attention.

"Who are you?"

"Somepony that you did impress, with the talent that you possess."

The figure lowered their hood, revealing themselves to be a zebra mare.

"Your skill in the duel made me pause, for I believe you would be a great help to our cause."

The zebrony raised an eyebrow. "Your cause?"

"To correct the actions for which Luna must atone and to the get the rightful princess on the throne."

At that moment the pieces fell into place in Galeb's mind.

"There had been rumours about a zebra that had gone off the deep end and was serving Corona." The Zebrony paused. "Zatara, was it?"

"Zecora is my name," she said in mild irritation. "Though misinformation is most likely to blame."

"I don't mean to be crass. But if you keep on rhyming you can kiss my...ARGH!!" Galeb was cut off by Zecora swatting him on his injured nose. "NOT THE FACE AGAIN!!"

"If all you say is in jest, then your silence would be for the best."

Galeb glared at the Zebra.

"It's hard not to jest about the idea of you coming to me for help." He gestured his cell. "This isn't exactly the winner's circle."

"The fact that you lost I can not deny." Zecora agreed. "But your skills managed to catch my eye."

The stallion raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

“You showed resourcefulness, talent and precision.” She complimented. “What you lacked is proper vision.”


"Your voodoo skills had your enemy in your grip, what you needed was proper leadership."

"And that is where you've lost me." Galeb stated. "I barely get along with the current government. Do you honestly think I would want to live somewhere ruled by a pony known as the 'Tyrant Sun'?"

"Queen Celestia is her name." The zebra's voice took on a warning tone. "And you shall call her the same."

"Her first act back was to demand the surrender of Canterlot." Galeb continued. "Now that city can turn to dust for all I care but how long before she sets her sights on the other cities, like Neigh Orleans?"

"Don't be so harsh when she's...only trying to protect her little ponies."

"Four things." Galeb began. "Un, that was incredibly forced. Deux, I would rather be unprotected than give up my freedom. Trois, how is holding ponies hostage in a cage of fire considered protecting them? Et Quatre, what happens if she decides that in the interest of keeping them safe she decides to make Equestria a pony only state? Then what would happen to me and my family? I may not like Luna for putting my brother in jail but at least I know where I stand as a citizen."

"Before your resolve you harden, remember the ruler could grant your brother a pardon."

The Zebrony actually paused at this. He had to admit there was some truth to what Zecora was saying, if he helped Corona gain the throne, he could barter his brother's release and negotiate protection for all Zebronies. And yet...

"I may hate her choice of a student, but Luna is, and always has been, a good and fair ruler, and while I may be willing to break the law, I draw the line at treason, especially since the success of your coup d'etat seems like a bad gamble to me."

Zecora stared at Galeb, then let out a sigh. "Though my disappointment I must voice, it is ultimately your choice."

Galeb paused. "Yeah I guess it is." He seemed to be genuinely surprised by this himself. "Though if you let me out I promise not to..." he trailed off when he realised Zecora was gone.

"I still can't believe that jerkwad got only a few years with the chance of early release." Raindrops fumed. "He deserved at least a couple of decades."

It had been a few days since the duel and Trixie had just gotten word of Galeb’s trial. Raindrops had stopped by to deliver some weather reports so she had brought her up to speed.

"Well, they couldn't make most of the charges stick since we couldn’t prove any of his actions aside from attacking me after the duel." Trixie explained. "He also plead guilty to reduce the sentence further."

“Yeah I get that, still doesn’t mean I like it.” Raindrops responded as she gave the letter another read. “And what’s this about them taking your advice under consideration?”

Trixie paused, “I may have made some 'suggestions' regarding Galebs incarceration.”

Raindrops raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask for her to elaborate. After a brief farewell, she flew off to return to the weather station.

Later that evening, Trixie put away the last of the documents she had been distracting herself with. She sighed and walked to the hall closet, beginning to rummage in the back shelves. Finally, she pulled out a small box.

Once certain she was alone, she opened it, revealing trinkets from her childhood she hadn’t looked at in a while.

Including an old purple scarf.

“Those who spend too much time in the past end up living there.”

Trixie looked up and standing in the doorway was an all too familiar elderly Zebrony mare.

“Hello, child.”


Trixie raced forward and wrapped her hooves around the elderly mare. The two stood there for a moment, enjoying the embrace.

“You’re quivering.” Zelime stated.

“Well, on the one hoof, it’s really good to see you. On the other hoof, I’m hugging a voodoo Queen whose two grandsons are in prison because of me.”

The zebrony let out a good natured chuckle.

“Firstly child, I’m not a voodoo queen. I’m THE Voodoo Queen. Secondly, it was my grandsons' own actions that lead them down this path, not yours.”

Trixie let out a sigh as she disengaged from the hug. “Doesn’t mean that don’t I feel bad about doing that to you.”

“You know what the purpose of Voodoo truly is? Freedom to follow your own destiny.” Zelime explained. “While it saddens me that their journey has taken them down this route, I have faith that it will lead them to their true destiny.”

Trixie blinked once. “That’s...a really spiritual way to look at this.”

“Believe me, it’s the only thing keeping me from finding the prison where they’re being held and dealing with them personally. A few years of night terrors might do them a world of good.” The elder replied, then she seemed to notice Trixie’s cape. “You know, Quartermoon would be so glad to see you wearing that.”

Trixie glanced down at it. “Yeah, you know, just doing my bit to keep my grandfather’s legacy alive.”

Zelime touched Trixie’s cheek affectionately. “Child, you’re not keeping his legacy alive. You are his legacy. And he would be so proud of the mare you have become.”

A single tear fell down Trixie’s cheek. “Thank you.” She said as she quickly wiped it away. “So what brings you to town?”

“Well my main reason was to see you but also to pick up Galeb’s effects and clean up any of his remaining messes. I trust you have secured his supplies.”

The unicorn rubbed her hooves nervously. “Well, you see, I have this friend, who is seriously into herbology, and you know how hard it is to get a hold of certain ingredients...so I was wondering...if maybe…”

Zelime silenced the representative with a raised hoof. “As they say, to the victor goes the spoils. Just promise me she’ll be careful.”

“Trust me, she won’t do anything that I wouldn’t do.”

“That doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.” The voodoo queen pulled out a long thin box and gave it to Trixie. “Here.”

She looked at the box. “What’s this?”

“Think of it as a late graduation present.”

Curious, Trixie placed the box on her desk and opened it, revealing a single phoenix feather, with a tiny bit of the tip cut off.

“No, I can’t accept this…” Trixie trailed off when she noticed that Zelime had vanished. She then saw a note with the feather.

You have a bright future, make the most of it.

This brought a smile to her face but also reminded her of something else. She went to a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper.

She hadn’t told anypony but when she had been surrounded by the soul fire, she had seen something, or least an image of something. The problem was that, unlike her first time gazing into soul fire, she hadn’t had time to focus on the image and the recollection of what she had seen was hampered by the state she was in after the duel.

When she was finally able to put the image to paper, the end result looked like a misshapen weasel with horns.

She stared at the image, hoping to get some clarity, but ultimately stuck the picture back in the drawer.

That was an aspect of the future she would deal with at a later date.

Her thoughts were interrupted by sound of a toilet flushing.

Trixie raced to the sound and arrived in time to see Zelime to stepping out of the bathroom.

"Sorry deary, at my age you can't keep it in long.” The Zebrony stated. “Kind of ruins the mystique I know but that's life. Take care."

She then calmly walked out the front door, leaving Trixie there, dumbfounded.

Galeb was lead to his cell by a guard on each side.

"It's bad enough I'm stuck in this place," the Zebrony grumbled. "Do I really need to be naked as well? This is just demeaning."

The guards remained as stoic as ever but it was clear that they were glad to soon be rid of him. Once they had him in his cell they almost smiled as they shut the door on him.


Galeb turned to face his cell mate.

"Look, I don't know what sort of newcomer hazing you had in mind but I'll tell you now..." he trailed off when he realised who he was sharing a cell with.

"Hello, little brother."

Author's Note:

Major thanks has to go Dmgtitan for his help with writing the last few chapters and developing the zebrony culture, my two wonderful editors Lemielan & Wolfstorm56 and to ShadowLDrago for helping me with the French parts. You guys helped take this story to a whole other level.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.