• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 10,354 Views, 80 Comments

The Ice Pony and the Dragon - Wildcard25

When Spike is abducted by a pony of ice, the girls must travel to the frozen lands to save him before he decides to never come home.

  • ...

A Dragon's life

The day started out like any other typical day in Ponyville. At Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was looking through some books as per usual, as Spike came over carrying a mountain of books with extra quills and ink, "I got everything you asked for, Twilight." he groaned feeling ready to lose balance.

Twilight used her magic to take the load off him, "Thanks, Spike."

Spike spoke seeing the more books piled around her desk than per the norm, "Looks like being princess now you'll have your hooves full even more for sure."

"I know, that's why I have to be on schedule and make sure everything is in tact." Twilight explained to her number one assistant.

"Just don't overdo it or you'll burn yourself out." Spike warned her.

"I'll be ok, Spike," Twilight replied, "Princess Celestia has faith I can do this and I have no intention of disappointing her."

Suddenly the door opened and Twilight and Spike's closest friends entered the library, "Good morning, Twilight," Rarity greeted her and looked to Spike, "And good morning to you too, Spike." Spike waved with a little blush on his face.

"Oh, morning girls." Twilight greeted them.

"What brings you all here?" Spike asked.

"Well we thought we could treat Twilight to something to eat," Fluttershy began sounding positive, only to switch to her shy nature, "You know if she wants to, that is."

"Well unfortunately Twi does have a lot to do." Spike replied.

"Oh I see." Fluttershy answered meekly.

"Actually I think I can squeeze in a little time before I get to work." Twilight admitted putting bright looks on her friends faces.

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered as she pulled Twilight into a headlock, "We knew you'd always have time for your bestest friends."

"That's Twilight for you." Spike reminded her.

"Hey Spike, why don't you join us?" Rainbow Dash offered.

"Yes, you're more than welcomed." Rarity agreed.

Spike smiled but remembered he has work that need his attention, "Love to, but can't. I still have some stuff around here to take care of."

"Oh come on," Pinkie beckoned him, "All work and no play makes me a dull pony."

"Like I said I have stuff to take care of." he replied.

"Sorry about this, Spike." Twilight apologized.

"Oh no it's ok, Twilight. Somepony's gotta keep the place in shape for you after all." Spike explained with a forced smile.

"Well suit yourself sugarcube." Applejack said as the six left the library. Once they left, Spike's forced smile faded and he looked down sighing.

Meanwhile far from Ponyville and Canterlot. In the arctic reigns of Equestria past the Crystal Empire, stood a large palace made from solid ice on top of a mountain. Patrolling around the palace were windigos, while on the ground level were living snow unicorn and pegasi guards wearing ice armor.

Inside the castle, resting on a throne of solid ice was an alicorn. This alicorn appeared to be about the same height as the Moon's Princess Luna if not a bit taller. Her coat was icy blue, her mane and tail were white with specks of blue, her eyes were the color of turquoise gems, and her cutie mark was that of a big snowflake. She wore a large necklace with snowflakes lining it, and a diadem with a large snowflake on top. The alicorn looked around her throne room sighing, "It gets so cold and lonely up here for me," she looked at her windigo subjects above her, "No offense boys, but you don't make for the best of company."

The windigos looked at her oddly as she continued, "But I suppose you and my guards are all I have," she then turned to a snow unicorn guard, "You there!"

The snow unicorn guard presented himself, "Yes your highness?"

"Bring me my mirror. I wish to see what goes on in Equestria." she ordered.

"Yes your highness." he galloped off.

He returned using his magic to levitate a crystalized mirror before her. She looked into it and began chanting, "Mirror of Ice and Snow, show me all I want to know!" The mirror started warping until parts of Equestria were showing up ranging from the Crystal Empire, the Badlands, Canterlot, and Ponyville, "Hmm. I have not gazed at Ponyvile for a while. Show me the residences," she ordered as she started seeing multiple Ponyville inhabitants going about their daily lives, "Ah such simple folk. Going about their lives to their fullest without a care. Last time I looked upon this place, it was no more than a trading post," she said seeing the library, "Now this was my favorite spot. I wonder who runs it now?" she used her magic on the mirror seeing the inside of Golden Oaks and how tidy it looked, "Such tidiness, whoever lives there must be an absolute neat freak." she theorized until she heard a voice.

"Gotta keep this place in perfect shape for Twilight when she gets back." she looked seeing Spike was cleaning the place up.

"What's this, a dragon?" she gasped, "And a child one at that. It's rare to see one at this stage, since most dragons grow so quickly. But what would a dragon being doing living in a place like Ponyville?" she continued to watch Spike in interest.

Spike continued cleaning, until the place was spotless. He plopped into his basket bet looking pooped, "Finally I'm done."

"A dragon child doing menial labor?" the alicorn asked herself, before looking at Spike seeing his eyes looked filled with loneliness and neglect, "I know that look. It's the same look I used to bear," she put a hoof to the glass mirror, before looking at the windigos, "You two! Go to Ponyville and find out more about this dragon."

The windigos bowed their heads before taking off. She turned her head to a Pegasi guard, "Be on standby. I may need you and your troops later."

"Yes, your excellency." he nodded.

She then turned to the unicorn guards, "And you return to your posts," she ordered, and they bowed before taking off. The alicorn looked to Spike's image in her mirror, "Young dragon, what are you?"

Back at the library, Spike went to the fridge and fished out a sandwich and began eating to himself. He looked up at Owlowiscious who was on a perch, "Can I say something to you, Owlowiscious?"


"You, you're the one I'm talking too!" Spike called in agitation.


Spike sighed, but continued anyway, "Sometimes I wonder if I let others push me around and exploit my services?" The owl flew down and patted his head with his wing, "Yes I know Twilight and the others care about me, but sometimes I feel like I'm asked to do too much."


"I know you fill in for me during nighttime, but the day lasts even longer for me," he replied as he laid back on his basket, "Even though I love this job, there's only so much I can take."

Unaware to him, the windigos were watching him from the library window. Though they fed off fighting and hatred, they could still feel the emotions he was experiencing. Nodding to each other they flew off, but spotted Twilight and the girls below having lunch at a table. They noticed the six and recalled their last encounter during Hearth's Warming Eve. They continued flying off making sure they weren't spotted.

Meanwhile the girls were below enjoying their lunch and were discussing amongst themselves, "Man this is good." Rainbow said as she took a bite out of a sandwich.

"Delicious." Pinkie smiled as she had a cupcake.

"Girls, I feel bad for leaving Spike at the library." Fluttershy said in worry.

"You heard him, Fluttershy. He has a job to do." Rainbow said like it was nothing.

"But still even Spike needs his breaks from work." Fluttershy noted, while Rainbow couldn't hide her agreement.

"Agreed, Spike has done so much for all of us out of the goodness of his little dragon heart." Rarity stated.

"And he don't even ask for anything in return. He might the humblest fella I ever knew." Applejack put in.

"Yeah Spike has done a lot for me and the rest of you. Normally I just thank him on a job well done. You don't think I've been pushing him too hard do you?" Twilight asked in worry.

"Well you kinda do make him carry stuff past what limit even he can manage." Rainbow answered bluntly.

Twilight sighed knowing how right she was, until an idea popped into her head, "I know, we should do something for Spike that shows how much we all really appreciate him as both a helper and a friend."

"Ooh you mean like throw him a party?!" Pinkie asked frantically.

Twilight smiled, "Yes that's perfect."

"We can do it tomorrow." Fluttershy suggested.

"And let's make it a surprise one!' Pinkie added.

"Oh the darling is sure to love it." Rarity cheered as they all started planning.

Meanwhile, the windigos returned to their mistress, "Well what did you find?" she asked as one of them leaned in and whispered into her ear.

She smiled before calling for the pegasi, "Guards!"

Her snow Pegasi entered, "Yes your majesty?"

The alicorn stood up from her throne, "Go to Ponyville and bring me the dragon called Spike. To cover your trail, create a storm to keep the ponies busy." she ordered.

"As you wish." they took off.

She then turned to her snow unicorn guards, "Half of you prepare a room for him, and the rest of you prepare a feast."

"Yes your highness." the nodded and took off.

The alicorn turned to the windigos, "You did well," she complimented them. The windigos accepted their praise before taking off. She thought to herself, 'Fear not little Spike. You shall never be lonely again.'