• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 10,342 Views, 80 Comments

The Ice Pony and the Dragon - Wildcard25

When Spike is abducted by a pony of ice, the girls must travel to the frozen lands to save him before he decides to never come home.

  • ...

Thawing Ice

The very next morning, the girls were all awakened by a snow unicorn guard, "Rise and shine everypony!"

As the girls woke up, Applejack yawned and stretched her forehooves, "I got to say that was a mighty fine sleep."

"Indeed." Rarity said as she removed her night mask.

"Glad it wasn't as cold in here because of all the ice." Rainbow said as she stretched her wings.

Meanwhile in Spike's room, the young dragon woke up with a smile on his face, "I know what I have to do."

Suddenly the unicorn guard entered the room and spoke, "Spike, her majesty the queen requests your company."

"I understand." Spike answered knowing he would be called by her. So Spike walked with the guard to Gwyneira's room.

Later, the mane six had been rounded up to the throne room, "I sure hope Spike's in a better mood than last night." Fluttershy said in worry as the rest were.

"I think he'll be fine." Twilight answered confidently thanks to their pep talk last night.

Just then, the snow pegasi guards blew fanfare on their bugles. Spike had arrived and went to the girls as Gwyneira came to her throne, "Her highness, Queen Gwyneira." a snow unicorn guard introduced.

Spike bowed followed by the others not wanting to made another bad impression, "Good morning everypony, and what a glorious morning it is!" Neira beamed with joy. She then looked at Spike, "Well Spike, have you decided on your answer?"

"I have. I thought long and hard about it." Spike admitted truthfully.

"Decided what?" A.J asked puzzled along with the others.

"I gave Spike a choice to either return to Ponyville with all of you or stay here with me." the queen explained.

"WHAT?!" The girls minus Twilight asked in shock.

"I know it sounds outrageous, but I thought this all through the night." Spike explained.

"And what have you decided?" Fluttershy asked in concern as the others listened.

Spike took a deep breath and spoke, "I've decided to stay with Geyneira!"

"WHAT?!" all six of the girls gasped.

"Wait a minute!" Pinkie Pie began reaching to the side grabbing a glass of water and drank it, only to spit it out in shock.

"Spike, you really want to stay here?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Yes, Twilight. Gwyneira needs me here. Probably even more than all of you." he explained.

"Oh, Spikey-Wikey." Rarity gasped with tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry everypony, but that's my decision." Spike answered.

"So then this is goodbye?" Rainbow asked in concern.

Spike shook his head, "No. I promise to visit you all every chance I have."

Twilight spoke up, "Well Spike, I said I'd support your choice. And if this is really what you want, then I won't stop you. And neither will they." she motioned to the others.

As the six walked back to their room to get their things, Neira ans Spike were alone. The queen spoke to him, "You made the right choice, Spike."

"Yes, now I can be with you." he answered with a smile.

Neira whispered to him, "And once they're gone, I shall see to it you are recognized as the Snow King."

Spike hugged her, "Thank you, Neira." Neira smiled as she nuzzled him, while Spike's scales were starting to look bluish.

Later Pinkie was allowed to throw a going away party for Spike in the ballroom, "Oh Ponyville just won't be the same without Spike." Rarity sighed.

"I hear ya." Applejack agreed.

"He's always been there for us whenever we'd need help." Fluttershy put in while deep in sorrow for a friend not returning.

"Are you really sure about letting him stay here, Twi?" Rainbow asked the princess.

"I am, Rainbow," Twilight answered truthfully.

"But how will you get your letters to and from Princess Celestia?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"Simple. Owlowiscious will be my carrier," Twilight answered but sighed, "Still it won't be the same." Fluttershy in response hugged her friend.

Suddenly she noticed something blue in Twilight's hair, "Hey isn't this a dragon scale?" she took it out as Twilight used her magic to levitate it and saw it was blue.

"This has to be Spike's," Twilight deduced, "But why is it blue?"

"Maybe it's a dried up scale." Applejack suggested.

Twilight inspected it, "Hardly. Spike's scales when dried up don't look like this." suddenly her horn touched it and Twilight gasped as her magic started showing her a vision of Spike standing before Gwyneira.

"Good morning, Neira." Spike greeted her.

"And a good morning to you too, Spike," she greeted him sweetly, "I want you to know whatever choice you make today I will respect it."

Spike smiled and hugged her, "Thank you, Neia."

The alicorn laid her head onto his back and answered, "Oh no, Spike. Thank you." her horn glowed as the magic entered his body making him a little dizzy.

"Oh what was that?" Spike asked while trying to regains his senses.

"You just had a big of a dizzy spell, but I corrected it." she answered him.

"Oh thanks." Spike replied.

"Don't mention it." she smiled as she saw Spike's back side was slowly turning blue.

Twilight gasped as she snapped out of it, "Twilight?" the girls asked in concern.

Twilight announced, "Spike's been brainwashed!"

"Brainwashed?" Rainbow asked puzzled at her friends outburst.

"Gwyneira put a spell on Spike to make him choose to stay with her, and his body is slowly turning blue." Twilight explained in worry.

"That explains the blue scale." Applejack realized it with the others.

"So this party was for nothing?" Pinkie gasped in horror.

"Yes." Twilight answered.

Pinkie pouted, "Well that's not right!"

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked the girls in concern.

"What we should've done when we arrived." Rainbow answered while getting ready for some action.

"Right. We need to get Spike out of here," Twilight began, " But first I need to find out what spell Gwyneira had cast on him."

"How're ya gonna do that?" Applejack asked her.

"I need to get to the library and find the book she was using." Twilight answered.

"Then let's do it!" Rainbow called as they hurried off.

Meanwhile, Spike was lying on a huge pillow with Gwyneira doting over him. A she did she thought, 'Though this is not what I would do, I can't risk losing my friend.'

Spike looked up at her, "Oh Neira, you're the best friend a dragon could have."

"As you are to me," Neira smiled. She looked at Spike whose tail and torso were already blue, while his legs and head were slowly changing, and his spines were turning a darker shade of blue. She thought once again, 'Once his scales become full blue he'll become a snow dragon.'

"Neira," Spike broke her out of her thoughts as he laid his right claw on her face, making her blush, "I-I love you."

Neira smiled as tears started forming in her eyes, "I love you too." they started puckering and moving in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by a knock at the chamber door.

"Your majesty!"

Neira let out an exasperated sigh at the rotten timing and spoke to Spike, "Please excuse me, darling. I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting." he answered as, Neira walked outside and spoke to her guard.

"What is it?" she asked in annoyance.

"I hate to report but the ponies are heading for your library." he answered in guilt.

"What? Have they caught on?" she asked herself before turning back to her guard, "Alert all the guards, don't let them near my library!" the guard nodded and took off, as she thought, 'I will not let them get in my way.' she walked back into her room as spike spoke up seeing her worried look.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Neira smiled at him, "Now sweetie. Everything's ok," she kissed his forehead with her horn glowing, "Just take a long rest Spike. You need your energy for later." she used her magic on Spike.

"Ok." Spike yawned as he fell into a deep slumber while curling up.

Neira smiled and spoke softly to him, "Soon it will be just us, Spike."

Meanwhile, the girls were rushing through the palace, while fending off against the guards, "Keep moving everypony!" Applejack ordered.

"How much further?" Pinkie asked as she bounced around, while avoiding the guards.

"It's up ahead!' Twilight answered as she saw it straight ahead.

Suddenly dropping before them was the snow monster from before, "It's him again!" Fluttershy gasped in fright.

"I thought we saw the last of him." Rarity spoke up in equal shock.

"Guess he wants another helping." Rainbow said with a smirk.

Fluttershy spoke to Twilight, "I'll see if I can stall it again."

"Go get him, Fluttershy!" Rainbow smirked at her friend.

So Fluttershy flew back up to the snow monster, "I see you got up from your tree have you?" she asked the creature who answered with a roar like before, "But you still haven't learned any manners." she frowned.

"Come on girls!" Rainbow ordered as they went past the creature that was being distracted by Fluttershy.

"I see I'm still going to have to teach you some more lessons about manners." Fluttershy said putting on her stare face.

The group saw the door to the library, and multiple guards blocking it's entry, "How're we going to get past them?" Rarity asked.

"I got this." Pinkie said, as she rolled out her party cannon.

"How the hay did you get that here?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret," Pinkie smiled and turned to the guards coming right at her, while readying her cannon, "Say hello to my little friend!" It started firing confetti and streamers at the guards blinding them. The group entered as Rainbow blocked the door.

"Hurry and look for that book!" The pegasus ordered.

Twilight looked seeing the queen's library was about as big as the one in Canterlot's castle, "This could take awhile." she said nervously.

"But we don't have a while, Twi." Applejack reminded her.

Twilight tried remembering the book she saw through the memory, "I'm looking for a book with the title Spells of the Mind."

"The girls started looking, until Rarity gasped, "I found it!" she used her magic to levitate it down from the shelf.

Twilight levitated it over and looked through it, "It should be somewhere in here."

There was pounding on the door as a guard called, "Open up, you are all under arrest!"

Rainbow and AJ held the door as Twilight found the spell, "Here it is!" she read it out loud, "To reverse the spell, only a warm act of love can thaw the heart."

'What does that mean?" Pinkie asked feeling puzzled.

Twilight explained, "The spell she used on his was a freeze like spell that is slowly turning his body and his heart as cold as ice. Only something warm and overwhelming to it can melt the ice inside him."

"And how're we gonna get that?" Applejack asked opened to suggestions.

Twilight thought about it until she looked at Rarity, "Rarity you can help."

"Me, darling?" Rarity asked in surprise.

"You care about Spike, don't you?" the princess asked.

"Of course I do, darling." the unicorn answered.

"Then you may be the only one who can thaw the coldness in Spike's heart." Twilight stated.

Suddenly they saw ice forming on the door, and it burst opened knocking Rainbow and Applejack back to the others as Neira entered with her guards, "You six have overstayed your welcome." the queen frowned at them.

"Oh we'll be leaving, once take Spike with us!" Rainbow shot at her.

"Didn't you girls hear him? He made up his mind." she reminded them.

Twilight frowned as she threw the spell book to the ground before the queen, "His choice was not his own, thanks to you using this on him!"

Neira glared at them and spoke firmly, "How did you catch on?"

"I found a blue scale on me, and when my magic checked it I saw all you did." Twilight answered.

"We knew we couldn't have trusted ya!" Applejack declared.

Gwyneira suddenly spoke in the Royal Canterlot tone as he magic activated, "I could not risk my only friend leaving me!"

"You got the wrong idea about friendship!" Twilight spoke up to her.

"What?" Neira gasped at her words.

"It's sad what happened to you, but I think being in isolation has warped your way of thinking." Twilight lectured her.

"I don't think reasoning with her is going to make it better." Rainbow warned Twilight.

Twilight looked at the queen and answered her friend, "Even so, she has to remember that friendship isn't made by false words and trickery. Spike trusted and believed in you, and you repay him by brainwashing him?"

As Twilight lectured the queen, Neira was torn between the words used against her and her actions towards Spike. Before she could respond a windigo whispered into her ear, "What?" she looked around seeing only five ponies, "Where's the sixth pony?"

They suddenly heard the snow monsters roar, and it cam barreling through the halls with Fluttershy on its head knocking away the guards and the queen, "Fluttershy!" the girls gasped.

The timid pegasus smiled, "I made a new friend." the patted the creature's head as he cooed.

"Come on!" Twilight ordered as they galloped off.

Rarity and Twilight were using their magic to hone in on the queen's magic that was surrounding Spike. Twilight looked ahead at a room, "Come on, her magic essence is right behind that door!" Twilight called as they opened the door.

"Spike!" they called and suddenly saw Spike sleeping on the giant pillow with his whole body turned blue.

Rarity shook her head in disbelief while crying, "Spikey-Wikey!"

"Is he?" Applejack asked in worry as the others were.

Rarity looked him over, "He's still alive, but if he turns any bluer..." Rarity didn't bother finishing her sentence as she leaned into the dragon thinking, 'Oh Spike. I never did give you a proper answer to your confession. But I will when we get home!' she kissed his lips passionately. As she did the blueness on Spike's body started retreating and turning back to his normal purple color.

Suddenly Gwyneira who after she and her guards recovered galloped to Spike's room to stop them, started gasping and breathing hard as if she was in pain. The windigos watched and seemed to be smirking to themselves, as Twilight herself noticed while seeing them outside the room,"Why do they look happy their leader's in pain?" she asked herself.

When Rarity's and Spike's lips parted, Spike's body was back to normal and he awoken from his icy sleepy slumber, "Ugh, what-what happened? Rarity, what's going on?"

Rarity's eyes brightened with joy as she hugged Spike tightly, "Oh Spikey-Wikey, you're back!"

"Yes, I'm back," Spike chuckled before asking, "Where have I been?"

Pinkie began explaining, "Well Gwyneira put a spell on you to make you want to stay with her, and then we discovered it was slowly turning your body blue, but Rarity fixed you by kissing you and now you're back to normal." she grinned.

"Wait, Rarity... kissed me?" he looked at the unicorn who was blushing sheepishly. Spike let out a groan, "I missed it!" he suddenly looked outside the room seeing Gwyneira in pain, "Neira!" he called before rushing over, with Twilight unable to stop him. He skidded to a halt before her, "Neira?"

Gwyneira looked up at Spike with sorrow and guilt, "I'm sorry, Spike. I just didn't want to be alone anymore." she said as her tears fell and turned into pearls.

"Pearls?" Spike gasped as he picked them up.

Rarity noticed them and was shocked as well, "She cried pearls?"

Spike spoke to the weakened queen, "Neira, is what Pinkie said true?" he asked wanting to hear the truth from her.

Neira unable to lie anymore confessed, "Yes, Spike. It's true."

"But why?" he gasped in shock at her actions.

"I was desperate, Spike," she began, "Twilight was right about me. Being in isolation for so long has warped my judgment and thinking. I just don't think I can handle being alone anymore." she cried.

Spike held onto her, "But you'll never be alone, Neira. Never." he comforted her.

Neira cried as she tried to wrap her forehooves around him, only for a breezy wind to blow Spike back and landed by the girls. Spike got up and they saw the windigos approaching, "You bested the magic of our queen." one began.

"We should thank you for doing our job for us." another stated.

"What're you talking about?" Rainbow asked not liking what they were saying.

"For years we've had to serve under this halfbreed merely by order of our ruler years ago." the lead windigo explained as Neira looked up at them sadly.

"You're talking about her father?" Spike asked them as the lead snorted in response.

"That fool? Ha! We got rid of him the night she was born. You see we had failed to freeze you ponies all those years ago so his father came up with a back up by using a halfbreed. With luck that mare Prism Light was lost in the snow and he binded her to his son."

Another continued, "But the fool had grown fond of his pony bride and to an extension his little freak of a foal!"

Applejack frowned at their words of belittlement, "There's nothing wrong with being fond of those you care for."

"Love is what made him weak, and a weak ruler isn't fit to rule at all!" the lead windigo bellowed.

"Once she came of age and harnessed her power, she sought us out and incorporated us under her wing." another explained.

"She had grown too powerful, even more than us. We could never make a successful attempt to overpower her." a third spoke.

"That is until she saw you." the first said motioning to Spike.

"Me?" he asked in confusion.

"Yes, she grew fascinated by you and the life you were leading." the lead answered.

"We knew she would grow softhearted the more she spent time with you." the second noted.

"And now that she's been weakened from the spell on Spike breaking, you're going to try and overthrow her?" Twilight asked about their plan.

"Hardly," the lead answered, "Her pain, her misery, and anger is now at its peak and it strengthens us by the second!"

"And with our new strength we will take hold of this kingdom and cover Equestria in an endless winter!" another bellowed.

"But what about Spring and Summer?" Fluttershy asked in shock.

"Will be nothing more than a memory." the lead answered with no hint of guilt.

The windigos attacked the snow pony guards and the snow creature that broke down into bits of snow with no more life in them. Fluttershy was in tears at the snow monster's lifeless remains, "Her guards are weak thanks to her." one of the windigos said.

"We're not gonna let you get away with this!" Rainbow called as she and the others took a stand to protect Neira.

"And how pray tell do you intend to stop us?" a windigo asked in amusement.

Twilight answered as they donned their elements of harmony, "With our elements of harmony of course," she turned to Spike, "Spike, protect Gwyneira."

Spike nodded and did so, while Neira looked up in confusion, "Why? Why don't you hate me now?"

Spike answered her, "Because what you did, you did out of loneliness," Spike wiped her tears away and smiled at her as he continued, "And you're still my friend no matter what."

Gwyneira was shocked after everything Spike was still her friend. She then grew a determined look, "Well if you're willing to give me a chance, I won't let it go to waste," she got to her hooves a little weakly as the group saw her, "Bearers of the elements of harmony!" she announced as she concentrated all of her magic, "Take my magic and use it to stop the windigos!"

"What? Neira, what will happen to you if you transfer all your magic to them?" Spike asked in worry.

Gwyneira smiled and answered, "It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is protecting Equestria from theses beasts of hatred." he magic flew to the ponies and were added to the elements of harmony.

Spike watched as her magic empowered his friends. They looked at each other and nodded before activating their elements. The six began to glow with a bluish white aura as a large snowflake image appeared behind them. The windigos gasped as Twilight spoke up, "You windigos will never cover Equestria in eternal winter!" They launched a magical blast at the windigos that glowed like a heart. The powerful blast ended up driving them off and out of the palace. They flew far past the ice palace and the mountains until they were out of sight.

With the windigos gone, the girls powered their magic down. They heard a thud, and looked seeing Gwyneira had fallen to the ground, with Spike shaking her, "Neira! Neira, wake up!" he pleaded.

Neira's eyes opened a little as she smiled at the sight of Spike, "Spike, you and your friends are ok."

"What about you?" Rainbow asked in concern.

"I don't think I have enough energy left." she admitted.

"None left?" Fluttershy gasped in worry.

"Why'd ya do it after all we said about you?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Because you were right about me. Isolation changed me for the worse," she admitted, "Consider what I did as my apology to you all." she smiled.

"We forgive you," Pinkie started and turned to the girls, "Right girls?"

"Well I suppose." Rainbow admitted a little unsure before they eyeballed her and she smiled signaling she was messing with them.

"Of course we do." Fluttershy said happily.

"I wished we could've gotten on better terms." Twilight told the queen in guilt.

"So do I," the queen smiled, "And once again I'm sorry for kidnapping Spike," she looked to Spike and saw he was crying, "Spike, please don't cry."

"How can I not?" he asked in shock at her plead, "You finally made peace with my friends, and now you don't have too much time left."

The girls looked at the alicorn who spoke to them, "Girls do me two favors will you? One see to it my memory and legend gains a happy one."

"And so we shall." Rarity promised as the girls nodded in agreement.

"And finally, take care of Spike. I'd hate to see anything happen to my one true friend." she finished.

Twilight smiled and answered, "Don't worry Gwyneira, we'll all take good care of Spike, as he has also done for us."

Neira smiled in response. Spike looked to the girls as Neira's breaths were getting slower, "We're not gonna leave her here are we?"

Twilight hugged him, "Don't worry we'll take her back to Canterlot with us." she promised.

Suddenly they felt droplets of water fall on them from the ceiling which only meant one thing, "The palace is melting!" A.J called.

"We got to get out of here!" Twilight ordered.

"But we can't leave without her." Spike motioned to Gwyneira.

"What do we do?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

Suddenly their elements began to glow as Twilight spoke, "Our elements." Because they still had some spare magic from Gwyneira they were able to teleport out of the palace and a bit of magic from their elements flew from them and into Gwyneira.

The group watched from afar as the palace melted completely, "There it goes." Pinkie said.

Spike looked at Neira and saw she was glowing, "What's happening to her?"

They watched as Neira was getting younger and younger until she was an infant filly, "She's shrunk." Pinkie gasped.

"How did this happen?" Rarity asked the girls.

"I guess when she used up her magic she lost her more powerful form like Princess Luna." Twilight theorized.

Spike picked the filly up and saw the new her. Her mane and tail gained four colors being pink, green, red, and white, while her eyes color remained the same, but her coat became a lighter blue like the sky. The filly looked at them tilting her head in confusion, "Looks like she doesn't remember us too well in this state." Twilight noted.

"We better bring her to Princess Celestia right away." Rarity suggested as she used her magic to bring out a blanket from her bag to wrap the filly in to keep her warm.

Spike held the filly and spoke to her, "Don't worry Neira, you're gonna be all right." he promised. The filly looked at the dragon and smiled.

Later that day after a journey back to Canterlot, at the castle the filly was looking at all the windows as Celestia spoke to the group with Luna at her side, "I'm glad to see you're all ok. Especially you, Spike."

"Yeah, though I wish the same was said for her." Spike said motioning to Neira.

"Do not fear, Spike. Eventually she will regain her powers and age again." Luna promised him.

"But how long will that take?" Twilight asked curiously.

"We are not sure, but we do know this time Gwyneira will be good as new." Celestia assured them.

"Yeah, I wished it didn't have to come down to this." Spike sighed.

Celestia smiled and comforted him, "Spike, you did a wonderful thing by becoming Gwyneira's friend. You gave her a ray of hope."

"And now a part of her magic resides in the elements themselves, meaning she is a part of all of you now." Luna explained to the six.

The filly trotted to up Spike smiling. Smiling back, Spike opened his arms up and she went to him in an embrace, "What's going to happen to her now?" Fluttershy asked the royal sisters.

"Well unfortunately Luna and I are too busy to be able to take care of a single filly like her." Celestia began as he sister took it from there.

"But we found two who would be perfect to take care of her." Luna said as the door opened.

They looked at the doorway as who should enter but Shining Armor and Cadence, "Shining Armor! Cadence!" Twilight cheered as she galloped over to the two.

"Twily!" Shining nuzzled his sister happily.

Twilight stood before Cadence as they began their trademark greeting, "Sunshine Sunshine Ladybugs Awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" they laughed as Twilight began, "Princess Celestia called you two here?"

"Yes, when we heard what happened we came right over." Cadence explained.

"So where is the little one?" Shining asked as Spike brought the filly over for the two to see.

Cadence gasped, "Shining Armor, she's beautiful." she ticked the filly's chin.

"She sure is." Shining smiled in agreement.

Neira looked at the two and Spike spoke to her, "Neira, this is Shining Armor and Cadence. They're going to take good care of you I promise," Neira smiled and nodded as he looked to the two, "You will look after her won't you?"

"You bet we will, Spike." Shining promised his surrogate little brother.

"She'll be the perfect chance to experience real parenthood for us." Cadence added.

Celestia spoke up, "And once she comes back of age we shall reinstate her as princess of the seasons."

Rainbow started patting the filly's head as she giggled, "Awesome that way Twilight won't be the last new princess anymore, she'll be a superior."

Pinkie started speaking frantically, "Oh I better start planning some parties! There's a party for Shining Armor and Cadence for adopting Neira, then there will be her princess party, oh I'm bursting with so many plans!"

"Easy sugarcube," AJ calmed her, "One thing at a time."

Pinkie calmed down and remembered the most important party, "Oh and we still have to do Spike's Thank you/Welcome home party!"

"Of course." Twilight giggled at her friend's excitement.

Spike cheered, "Awesome!" he looked at Neira, "Don't worry I'll be sure and visit you every chance I get."

Neira smiled and took everypony by surprise as she spoke, "Spike!" she nuzzled him. They were all surprised at her first word, especially Spike, but smiled as he hugged her.

That night the big time party for Spike, Neira, and Shining Armor and Cadence was held. Spike was so happy that he was home and was being once again appreciated for not only how hard he works for his friends, but for always being their friend, and most importantly their family. Through the partying, Rarity walked to Spike, "Spike, can we talk outside?"

Spike hearing that looked to Twilight who nodded to accept her request, "Sure Rarity," he said as the two walked out to the balcony of the castle and looked up at the starlit sky with Luna's moon above them, "So what'd you want to talk about?"

"About us actually." she began.

Spike realizing what she was getting at smiled and spoke, "I do as well. You really helped save me today."

Rarity smiled, "I know, but only a true warmth act of love could have broken it. The kind I gave you in my kiss," Spike smiled as she continued, "Spike about about what happened that time. I should have given you a proper answer. And now's the time for that. Spike, I love you." she batted her eyes at him.

Spike blushed as he smiled happily, "I love you too, Rarity." he hugged her as she hugged him back. He then remembered something, "Oh yeah, Rarity. As a thanks for snapping me out of it, I want you to have these." he held out two pearls.

"Spike, are these?" she gasped.

"Yeah. The pearls Neira cried up. I feel you should have them." he placed them in her hoof.

A smile grew on Rarity's face, "Oh my little Spikey-Wikey. Thank you so much!" she pulled the dragon into a real kiss that he happily returned. When they parted they continued to smile warmly at each other as their eyes gazed into each others.

Suddenly Pinkie popped in, "Come on you guys, we're getting ready to play pin the tail on the pony!" The two looked to each other and chuckled before following the party pony back inside where they would continue to party, until they were pooped.

Author's Note:

There you go guys. Happy Holidays everyone!

Comments ( 34 )

Wow. All of that happened in one chapter? And it was still good, and not very rushed?? Good job. Any chance of seeing a sequel?

I can't say it, but RD can.

not bad but was hopeing for more of a Spike X Snow pony thing ya know

I was kind of hoping for a SpikeXGwyneira.:fluttercry: But all and all this was a pretty good story.:pinkiehappy: I hope to see more Spike stories from you.

I loved this story, thank you for writing it.:twilightsmile:
it truly was a sad but great story.
The last Chapter seemed a little ruched but it was still good.
There were some minor mistakes but other already pointed them out.
I was afraid that she would have been destroyed, she was a very drawing character.
I like that you made Spike a hero and that in the end every thing worked out.

Good luck in the future and I wish you the best of luck.

This was a great and touching story. I'm glad that Twilight and the others finally came to respect and appreciate Spike, and actually become his friends in the end. Also, with Neira being adopted by Cadence and Shining Armor. :pinkiehappy:

Have another woman's tears as a sign of my affection. Brilliant.

3654994 But I thought that it was pleasing to a woman to bring them the tears of another woman. It shows that you would make another woman cry for her! And really isn't that what true love is? Making other women cry at never being able to be with your man?


The snow queen? :rainbowhuh: I did see frozen, loved it.

But the snow queen?

I'm looking it up.

4849886 Be wary, for there are several versions of it. (And funnily enough the names of some of the characters from 'Frozen' make up the author's name. Specifically Hans, Kristoff, Anna, and Sven. 'Hans Christian Anderson.' Bad pun I know, but these days ya take what you can get.)

4850071 which one is the original?

4850081 Well, the book obviously, but I haven't read it (never came up I'm sorry to say). I originally saw a 1957 Soviet dubbed version when I was a kid that was pretty fair. Sailor Moon based an adaptation on one of the movies in '94 there was a British adaptation in '95, and the BBC did a live action/CG take on it in '05. (Thank you, Wikipedia!) In 2002, Hallmark came up with an adaption of it (Which I saw a bit of it and it looked promising). However, the premise of the story still remains relatively unchanged; just some details get altered, left out, or added on to.

I must say Spike, that's the strangest gift you could give to someone :rainbowlaugh:

You know what I enjoyed that, think I'll give it a wee fav :twilightsmile:

4851122 " Oh hey. I love you and you saved me from being turned to snow so here, the crystallized tears of the snow queen."

That seems like a perfectly normal gift for a loved one. What kind of dragon wouldn't give the crystallized tears to his special sompony? Especailly after she just saved his life

Hasbro should make an episode oh wait screw that! They should make a MLP film like this!

so... i see a prominent Rarity tag here.... Is this a Sparity?

Comment posted by DARKPHANTOM13 deleted Aug 31st, 2014

4930005 Sorry about that but you have to admit it's a good song. Try watching this video, it might help. At least it took me a while to stop watching it.

4840917 That's called familial love. True love DOES NOT have to be romantic. Oh, and did I mention how there are four kinds of love?

Honestly? I liked your idea of the story. Really, it showed creativity. However...it sorely lacks for want of improving. You could have drawn out the story a bit and improved upon some of the narrative quality. Overall, I give it a 5 out of 10, as it stands. (If you'd like a more detailed explanation, feel free to reply to this comment or PM me. :pinkiesmile:)

This was.........weak I'm disappointing might as well put crossover tag in since this ripped off frozen:ajbemused::facehoof:

That was a n-ice story. Get it?

6932938 In a sense yes, but more on the line of the Frozen version

Hmm... I feel like the story was a bit rushed. I also would have expected some sort of more worry and inner-conflict coming from Rarity leading up to the end. All in all I give it 4 mustaches out of 5 :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Now that was lovely.

Aww...it's a Sparity...

I was honestly expecting a ship between the Queen and Spike....I kinda feel sad now...

Pinkie "say hello to my little friend"........really pinkie...really

You need a better cover for this book. Do you want me to design a proper cover for you?

8551326 If you can I'd like to see it

How's it coming with that cover?

"How the hay did you get that here?" Applejack asked in confusion.

Don’t question it it’s pinkie pie

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