• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,898 Views, 49 Comments

Nopony - Just_A_Nopony

When the dark creatures called Heartless attack, Fluttershy is cornered and her heart is stolen. But where Fluttershy falls, a new pony rises in her place...

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Darkness. Everywhere. All around me, consuming the Light. It enshrouds me, contains me, it IS me.

Screams echoed through the night, and fires raged among the expanse of a small town.

I can feel the Darkness pulsing around me, shifting, expanding, seeking to destroy the burning the Light. The Light beyond the door.

A mint-green mare was slashed by a black creature and vanished into a puff of darkness, as a glowing heart floated into the air, before becoming enshrouded in shadows. It took the shape of a small creature, identical to the first, before slipping away, in search of more prey.

But Darkness is born from Light, and bright Lights cast dark Shadows. One cannot exist without each other, but neither can stand each other. Light seeks to burn away the Darkness, and Darkness seeks to consume the light. The two forces create and destroy each other, in an eternal rave of balance.

A butter yellow pegasus dashed down Ponyville’s main road, fleeing from the shadows; living shadows, capable of doing… something to ponies. Killing them, capturing them, the mare didn't know; but it didn't matter. What does matter is that she gets away from th- RUN RUN RUN RUN, THERE BEHIND! HER RUN RUN RUN!

The Darkness… is soothing… its quiet… but I don’t belong here. I have… friends… family? I don’t remember. The Darkness… so peaceful… it would be so easy to just submit, to sleep in eternal Darkness…

A group of small conical red creature with a small yellow hat and a strange, black heart-shaped emblem across its chest floated along in the air. It's red body pointed out and up, when it reached the creatures tiny black head and glowing yellow eyes, becoming raggedy like a worn coat. As they turned a corner, a pair of ponies and their infants screamed in terror at the sight of them. The floating black creatures begin to shake before launching a barrage of fireballs out of the tips of their hats right at the gingerbread house the ponies were fleeing from. The fireballs missed the ponies, igniting the building instead as the creatures gave chase to the fleeing pair.

But… no… I don’t… I can’t… I won’t… I… will… be… free…

The pegasus backed into a corner, as the monsters surrounded her. Legs quivering, and wings firmly plastered to her sides, it was all the pegasus could do to prevent from passing out in fear. Slowly backing up, she bumped up against something; a wall, preventing her from fleeing. As she turns her head back to the oncoming creatures, she saw a cloaked pony, standing not inches from her. Glowing, demonic red eyes peer at her from under a black hood, blocking all view to the pony’s face. Shaking in terror, the pegasus; Fluttershy, Element of Kindness did the only reasonable thing; she passed out.

I… won’t… I will… not give in… to the Darkness… but I can’t… fight… it…

Laughter, the horns of trains, the cheerful voices of ponies, and the lapping sound of waves filled the small town of Sunrise. Built upon levels of cliffs the town's buildings were made up of either light yellow, bright orange or dark black, with many sharp corners and metal fences, covered in posters and littered with gates to the surprisingly clean sewers underneath the town. Boards of wood ran from building to building, upon which ponies walked across to place to place and covering the many alleyways in shadows. A giant clock tower overlooked a large marketplace at the west side of Sunrise. And the never moving sun reflected light off the two enormous bells hanging from opposite sides of the clock tower. Connected to the craggy island by massive iron bridges with trams running across them were six smaller islands, with the largest acting as a dock for the small city.

Hidden in the shadows of one of the many unremarkable alleyways was a butter yellow pegasus with a long pink mane was splayed across the ground and three pure white butterfly's on her flank. Slowly but surely, she began to come to, struggling to get to her hooves. When she regained her balance she stood still, only making the slightest of movements a body makes, and slowly looking around with a blank expression on her face.

Her ears flickered towards an odd swirling sound, as a black pool of darkness appeared in the air. Out of this “door” came a black-cloaked pony, roughly twice the size of the mare. He had a grey horn peeking from under his hood, and two similarly colored wings were folded at his sides.

Walking forward, he gazed down at the pegasus with glowing red eyes for many minutes "Do you know who you are?" His voice was slow but powerful, silky yet tough, with a neutral tone.

The mare responded with a slight shake of her head.

"Do you know who you are?" his voice turned curious, with a hint of humor.

Again, the mare just barely shook her head.

“Do you want to know?” the stallion asked. His horn glowed red for the briefest moment, creating shimmering red letters in the air before the mare. FLUTTERSHY. “You can’t feel anything. You can’t have feelings. But do you want to have meaning?”

The pegasus gave an almost indiscernible nod, her face still emotionless and pointed ever so slightly towards the ground. With another flicker of magic from the stallion, the red words began to circle the mare, blurring into a red ring. And then, in a flash of light, a large X floated above the mare’s face, with only the letters H, Y, and S remaining. The letters slowly floated down to the X, and lined themselves up into a name.

“Hyxs” she whispered “my name… is Hyxs”

An malicious grin appeared on the stallions muzzle “A new you” he said “I am Kajex, your Superior. You will answer to me and anypony else I deem to be in a significant member. Welcome Hyxs” Kajex walked back the way he came, opening a Door of Darkness in front of him “To the Organization”

“… Yes... Superior” Hyxs said trotting after him through the door. As the door vanished, a white stallion peeked his head into the now-empty alley way. After a moment of observation, he snorted and walked off.

Author's Note:

This story will ignore season 4 until I get around to watching all of season 4 (when its released on Netflix) but I probably won't mention it to much. Please leave any feedback and sorry for a huge wait in-between me announcing me writing this (for those few who knew that) and me actually getting down and writing it.