• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,899 Views, 49 Comments

Nopony - Just_A_Nopony

When the dark creatures called Heartless attack, Fluttershy is cornered and her heart is stolen. But where Fluttershy falls, a new pony rises in her place...

  • ...

Hard Work

A Shadow flitted through the sewers of Twilight Town, along the river of dirty sewer water. Pipes dumped sewage and trash from the town above into the flowing stream. The Shadow followed many twists and turns before arriving in a large central room, where the rushing filth water poured into a dark chasm, with no bottom in sight or sound. A metal grate was positioned slightly above the hole with wooden planks reaching from the many tunnels paths. Atop this grate were two cloaked ponies, battling a large and powerful Heartless. It was the call of this Boss Heartless that had attracted the Shadow, and many others as well. Nocturnes of fiery red, a taller and more bipedal Heartless with sharp red claws, pointy boots, a metal helmet, and the Heartless emblem on its dark blue chest; Soldier Heartless.

The Boss Heartless currently engaged with the two ponies was immobile, as it rose up out of a round garbage can. It's body was made of patches of black, dark green, and purple garbage, with a Heartless emblem on its chest. It didn't have a head, as its yellow eyes and fanged mouth were positioned around the emblem on the center of its chest, and two thick arms reached out of the side with three sharp red claws. As the Shadow approached the battle, the Trash Compactor Heartless lashed out with its spiked tongue and whipped one of the two ponies. He was blasted back by the force and landed right atop the approaching Shadow, crushing it under his hooves as he landed gracefully.

"I'm okay!" Chamtax lowered the knives he held in his wings he had used to block the attack. Lashing out his feathery appendages, a barrage of fire-colored, diamond-shaped kunai flew at the disgusting Heartless. The Trash Compactor brought up it's arms to block the knives, but they sunk into its defense, exploding into a wave of fire, washing over the Heartless. As the fire cleared, the Heartless saw Hyxs placing her rifle right on its emblem, and pull the trigger. A large hole was ripped through its chest and as the Trash Compactor died it shook around, launching foul-smelling pieces of rotten food and plastic everywhere.

"Ewww!" Hyxs wiped a old banana peel from off her face as she brought her rifle around with a careless precision and fired three rounds into ground in front of the approaching weaker Heartless. From where the pink beams landed, deadly vines bloomed and smashed the group into smoke.

It had been nearly two weeks since Hyxs' initiation into Organization 13, and during that time she had grown more comfortable as a Nopony and more powerful her own strength. Over the days past she and Chamtax had gone on several missions for the Organization, all consisting of battling Heartless in Twilight Town. And afterwards they had gotten Sea Salt Ice Cream!

"Speaking of, lets go get some ice cream!" Chamtx picked up one of his knives, an orange throwing weapon with fire designs lapping at the edges and the Nopony symbol written on the black cloth grip; his Fire Starters. He suddenly spontaneously combusted and went out a moment later as he burned the trash covering him, but causing the stench to double in strength. He turned and sheepishly grinned at Hyxs' frown.

"We both smell, and you want to get ice cream?" Hyxs asked, her quiet voice, laced with sarcasm, echoing through the tunnels.

"Yah, its nothing a good air dry won't clear out. There's no need for a... Whats with that look?" Hyxs walked towards Chamtx with a determined expression. "Hey, no, now back- Arggh! NO YOU WON"T MAKE MEKHRAG!" Hyxs grasped Chamtx by the ear and dragged him through a Corridor of Darkness, ending back up in the Common Room.

"You are going right into the bathroom and taking a bath until you don't smell like a dumpster, mister!" Chamtx desperately tried escape Hyxs grasp but failed when he turned and caught a face full of her mysterious Stare, a power she had discovered in her muddled mind buried in her memories. With a whimper Chamtx followed after Hyxs towards the door out of the Common Room.

Behind them, Therax and two other ponies were sitting on a couch, with one of the two ponies sitting upside down. The first of the two ponies was Doxfrue, The Thunder Paladin and number VI of the Organization. She was a yellow pegasus with a long neon blue mane that had dual equally bright green stripes running through it in a ponytail, with eyes the same neon blue as her hair. She wasn't wearing her coat currently, so her color bleached shield cutie mark was visible. She was the one currently upside down on the couch, but watched as the pony next to her fell onto the ground, rolling in laughter.

The stallion on the floor was called Xulbe, one of the two new additions to the Organization in the past week. The Silent Rain was a blue pegasus with a part brown, and part blue (the same color as his coat) mane cut in a common stallion style, and had sky-blue eyes. "WHIPPED!" he managed to choke out. His cutie mark depicted by his crest was a storm cloud, with a music note atop it in a different shade of white.

"Shut it cloud-brain!" Chamtx barked out and pulled away from Hyxs' psychic grasp.

"Watch'a say to me fire-tongue!?" The two leaped at each other and got face to face, their wings spread out as they stared furiously at each other. Or as much 'fury' a Nopony can conjure up.



"ARGH!!" Both stallions cried out simultaneously as they were pulled away from each other, their ears grasped by the two mares present. The two ladies looked at each other before nodding and dragging their respective partners away; Doxfrue and Xulbe back to the couch and Hyxs and Chamtx out of the Common Room. Therax watched the whole procedure with an faint amused smile.

Several hallways later, Hyxs was struggling to force Chamtx into a large bath. It didn't help he was fighting against it like a cat, but Hyxs was eventually able to force him into the water.

"Now clean up, and don't come out until you smell clean again. Its for you own good." Hyxs left the disgruntled pyro in the tub before going to her own bath. One furious scrubbing later, Hyxs made her way to the Grey Area, where Unlax looked out the window at the translucent heart shaped moon. She turned as Hyxs entered.

"You and Chamtx have completed your mission I assume?"

"Yes. The Trash Compactor Heartless in Twilight Town has been destroyed." Hyxs reached into her coat and handed Unlax a scroll of paper. The midnight Alicorn read the scroll for a brief moment before sending it somewhere in a flash of blue fire.

"Good. Tomorrow you will be joining Therax and Moxbras on a special mission. The details will be given to you then, but until so, do as you like. Thou- ahem, you are dismissed." Hyxs quickly left the icy mare's presence. Another twist and turn of hallways Hyxs seemed to have mastered, she had returned to the Common Room to find Therax holding Chamtx and Xulbe back from each other again. They were attempting to attack each other with their hooves and yelling out insults all the while.





"Alright, no more of this." Therax growled and slammed the two opposites head's together, then throwing them to either side of the room. Noponies are abnormally resilient, so the forceful blow was little more than bump for them.

"Oh my, are you alright?" Hyxs flew over to Chamtx who climbed quickly back to his hooves. Across the room Xulbe got back up, and the two would have charged right back at each other had it not been a loud strumming to come floating down the hallway.

Everypony present, save Xulbe, grew a worried expression.

"Everypony for themselves!" Doxfrue yelled before leaping through a Corridor, the others doing the same not seconds later.

"Nobody!" Therax's voice echoed through the room.

"WASSUP DUDE!! LETS ROCK!" A light blue zebra with the common grey stripes of his kind slid into the room and a unnaturally large mow-hawk, playing a indiscernible tune on an electric guitar shaped like the Nopony symbol. This was Liqenxelas, Number IX of the Organization, The Sound of Wind. A wild zebra with a tendency for shouting, obliterating eardrums, and being a nuisance. "YOU LOOK READY TO PARTY!! LETS GGGGOOOAA!!1!" He screamed.

Xulbe gulped. "Help..."


The next day- or night, or it could even be dawn for all Hyxs knew. The World That Never Was' sky never changed, save for the reorganization of the stars every so often into different patterns. Hyxs was wandering through a enormous, vibrant colored greenhouse that was dotted with flowers of many variety's, and with a multitude of wildlife roaming around. Inhabited by bunnies, birds, bears, fish, bees, with a river running straight through it. An entire ecosystem built inside the castle not to long after Hyxs joined the Organization; though the animals were still getting accustomed to their new surroundings.

Hyxs was quietly chatting with a family of white bunnies, but was startled by a sudden voice from behind her. "Are you enjoying the garden Number X?"

"Eeek!" Hyxs leaped around to face Kajex, the grey Alicorn having approached without a sound. The bunnies fled from his presence and the domed forest fell silent. "O-oh, yes I do."

"No you do not." Hyxs blinked looked away shyly, rubbing her forearm. "You cannot feel. You cannot like. You merely remember what it is like to do so."

"Ye, yes that is true. I can't really, feel, Noponies can't..." Hyxs descended into a whisper as she talked. An awkward silence descended between the two as Kajex just stared at Hyxs with a unreadable expression for several minutes.

"Hehehe, HAHAHAHA, Oh I am blind. I didn't even realize... You're special Hyxs... VERY special..." The Superior chuckled with an amount of false emotion he had never displayed before. He turned and strolled away and out of the garden, leaving a confused Nopony behind. "You mission is soon; don't disappoint me."

"Oh yes, I do need to meet up with Therax and Moxbras... Oh I hope I'm not late!" Hyxs flew out of the forest as the animals began to return from their hiding, only for the yellow pegasus to return quickly. "Oh, and I'll help you with your new home Mr. Puff as soon as I get back." Hyxs said this with a smile to one of the bunnies she had been talking to earlier, before rushing out again.

After YET ANOTHER SERIES OF WHITE AND SILVER HALLWAYS, Hyxs arrived in the Grey Area where Therax and Moxbras awaited her. Moxbras was a unicorn stallion that had been recruited only three days after Hyxs, though apparently he had been around longer than her, hiding in Twilight Town before being discovered. He was grey with a smoky black mane, blood red eyes and the crest on his chains was a jagged crystal shape. His title and number was The Arctic Emperor, number XI of the Organization.

"Ah, and it seems like the third member of our group is here, so if you would be considerate as to enlighten us on our goals Therax?" The unicorn's voice was husky and grating, yet slimy and smooth at the same time.

"Our mission is destroy powerful Heartless at Twilight Town Graveyard, on Ghost Ship off island coast. No information on Heartless known, except very dangerous." Therax read from a mission descriptive before shoving it into one of his coat pockets. "Let go."

A Corridor of Darkness was opened by Moxbras and the group traveled through. On the other side was Twilight Town at night, the moon glowing high in the sky. They were standing on the beach of one of the six islands that surrounded Twilight Town, the one known as Grave Island. It was called this because it served as the towns graveyard, which was covered in a light layer of fog behind the Noponies. Off the coast islands crashed into a rock was a aged shipwreck, a carrack ship.

Not seconds after the three arrived a pack of Heartless appeared through their own Corridors, several Shadows, some Soldiers, and a quartet of a ice variety of the Red Nocturne, the Blue Rhapsody. The two equines summoned their weapons, Hyxs' Rosebush and Moxbras summoned a large Buster Sword. The sword was made of light ice, with random splotches of a darker blue floating inside. The edges had small teeth made of white Nopony symbols while the guard was made of pitch black snow that somehow was solid as stone. This sword was called the Frozen Crown, and Moxbras wielded it with deadly efficiency as he demolished the Shadows with a quick swipe. Hyxs brought her rifle up, balancing on her rear hooves as she nestled it into the crook of her shoulder and fired blasts at the Blue Rhapsodys, only half of whom managed to dodge and return fire. Hyxs merely swept the balls of ice magic with her gun causing them to pop, before returning fire.

Meanwhile Therax had wrapped his paws in simple boxing tape, and casually awaited the Soldiers that had appeared to approach him. He slammed his fist down onto ones head, crushing it with his strength. The Diamond Dog picked up another two and slammed them together repeatedly until they dissipated before deflecting the kicks of two more Soldiers, grabbing them by their legs and using the Heartless as clubs to bash the last three Soldiers to smoke. The hearts of the Heartless (ironic, I know) floated off into the sky before disappearing.

"Lets move." Moxbras trotted over to the water and touched his sword to it, forming a bridge of ice to the ship. As the group made their way across the water, more Blue Rhapsodys and some Red Nocturnes, as well as a yellow variety of the small flying Heartless, the Yellow Opera appeared in a ring around the three. They fired a barrage of magic fire, ice and lightning at the three Noponies, but Moxbras reacted quickly but creating a shield of black frost around them. Hyxs retaliated by shooting a especially large blast straight upwards, where it exploded into several more blasts that rained down on the Heartless surrounding them and wiping them out. The group reached the Ghost Ship, climbing onto the deck.

"So um, wheres the Heartless?" Hyxs asked as they looked around for sign any of their target. But before they could search the rest of the ship, the swooshing noise accompanying a Corridor sounded out, and a anthropomorphic Heartless came appeared by the wheel. It had the same body as a Soldier, with the pony-sized body, the rounded bipedal features, and the blue coloration. Only this one wore a large blue coat and a pirate captains hat with the Heartless emblem on it with a cutlass at its hip. The Captain grasped the broken wheel of the Ghost Ship as Darkness began to pour out of its hands, covering the ship.

"Guess that it!" Therax shouted as the wreckage began to shift and shake, groaning and creaking as it pulled itself off the rock it was crashed onto and began to fix itself. The wood mended and changed to a purple color, with silver accenting the entire ship. Uncountable cannon ports and the weapons used through them crowded through the sides, and the sail flew down bearing the Heartless emblem. All across the Dark Ship several Pirate Heartless, with the same anthropomorphic body found in many Heartless, except with yellow and brown shorts and boots, and orange sash around its waist, and a red bandanna with an eye patch and a spiral. Some were carrying large strange cutlasses, while others wielded flintlock rifles.

"Oh my, that's alot of Heartless" Hyxs looked around at the swarm of Heartless clambering upon the ship. Nocturnes, Rhapsodys and Operas flew above the trio, joined by a green type Hyxs hadn't seen before.

"And we are Noponies-" Moxbras started before he was cut off.

"Nobodies!" Therax glared at Moxbras before bringing his paws up into a boxers stance.

"... Nobodies, yes. But these Heartless don't stand a ch- AHHH!" The Captain Heartless raised its hand, and a powerful gust of wind threw the Noponies- (Therax sneezed) from the deck of the ship back to the rock the craft had just escaped. The two males crashed onto the stone, but Hyxs managed to right herself with her wings. The Dark Ship began to circle the three and its cannons opened fire, unleashing spheres of Darkness at the rock. Moxbras formed a magic shield of frost again, but it shattered under the constant fire. Therax slammed his foot onto the ground and several chunks of rock floated up in front of him, which he used to destroy the oncoming blasts. Hyxs did the same by firing at them with her rifle, and Moxbras launched chunks of ice.

Therax summoned a large chunk of rock and gemstones before launching it at one of the cannons, which was blocked up by the projectile as the Organization members followed in his actions. Three more cannons were taken out by ice and lashing vines. Hyxs fired a dark green blast from Rosebush that landed on the deck of the Dark Ship, creating a large flower bud that bloomed, releasing a pack of Timberwolves from within. The wolves attack the Heartless, causing chaos for the Pirates aboard while Moxbras formed a giant blade of ice around his Frozen Crown, and brought it down on the ship, severely damaging it.

The flying ranged Heartless released their elemental attacks, while the Green Requiems healed the ship and the Heartless. A cannon shot crashed at Therax's feet, exploding and sending him flying into the water.

"CAN'T SWIM!! CAN'T SWIM!!!" The Howling Mountain shrieked as he struggled in the water. Moxbras froze the water around him, allowing him to get out of the water... Only for another sphere of Darkness to crash into the ice and send Therax back into the waters. Moxbras was nailed in the face by fire balls like the only girl at a party and flew back, crashing and creating a crater in the rock, rendered unconscious.

"Oh dear..." Hyxs whispered as all the Heartless turned towards her, alone on the rock. She whimpered and flew up into the air, the spire underneath her destroyed by a storm of incoming attacks. She swerved and dogged, trying to avoid the dark and elemental energies soaring through the sky.

The whistling noise of a blade cutting through air caught Hyxs' ear through the explosions and spells. A simple but elegant naginata caught the pegasus mare's eye and she watched it travel in slow motion to stab right through the Captain Heartless' head and stick him to the mast. The pole had a black and white checkered pattern as its grip, and the blade was made of a gold metal that seemed to glow with an ethereal light that caused the Heartless to back away from it. Attached to a small ring at the end was a long chain reaching back to the beach. The chain tightened before something began to pull itself to the ship from the beach.

"THE RAPE-COLT COMTH! AND FROM HIS LIPS FLOWED THE SONG OF THE SIREN!!" A snow white Earth Pony was pulling himself across the water by the chain. The chain was connected to a kind of magic grappling device on his left forearm, or so Hyxs assumed as the chain seemed to vanish into the colts arm. The stallion had a neon green mane and tail that seemed to glow, with a cutie mark of an outline of a heart, wings, and a crown the same color as his windswept mane hanging over one eye. The white stallion crashed into the Dark Ship's mast, and pulled his naginata out of the Captains face. The Captain fell to the deck only for the stallion to bring his weapon down straight through the Heartless, slicing it in half and destroying it. Rearing up on his rear legs, the stallion spun his naginata in front of him and stabbed it forwards through some of the Pirate Heartless. He charged forward sending Heartless flying to all sides as he broke through a door and vanished into the ships bowels.

Several minutes of explosions and crashes from within the boat later, the Dark Ship began to crack and break apart, the darkness pouring off it like paint. The stallion broke out of the center and wrapped his grappling hook around Hyxs' leg, who was still floating in the air above watching the giant Heartless with interest. He ran up the mast, and swung himself off the sinking ship (again), under Hyxs and launching himself onto the broken ice bridge previously built by Moxbras. His momentum sent the mysterious combatant sliding down the ice and back to the beach.

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a scorpion!" The stallion dash out of Hyxs' sight as he reached the island. Moxbras had awoken just in time to witness the stallions exit.

"... What. What was that." Were the Arctic Emperor only words.

"SWEET MAKER WHY WON'T YOU TWO HELP MEEEE!!!" Therax screamed like a little girl still struggling to stay afloat.


It was one charred unicorn, one wet dog, and a relatively unscathed pegasus that returned to The Castle That Never Was. Two of the three were drained and tired, while Therax was just wet and miserable. Unlax and Chamtx were awaiting the trio, the latter sprawled out on the couch asleep.

"Well? Did you defeat the Heartless?" questioned Unlax.

"Not exactly. A strange pony came and defeated the Heartless as we were... recovering from attacks, and left seconds after." Moxbras replied. "He was a skilled spear wielder, and I believe he might still be on the world."

"I see. You failed in you mission, though the news you bring is interesting. If he is a warrior powerful enough to take out a Heartless of that capacity, we may have to approach him as to prevent him from interfering with our plans. You are all dismissed." Therax quickly left the Grey Area, while Moxbras went at a slower pace. Hyxs trotted over to Chamtx and poked his sleeping form. "Hyxs."

"Yes ma'am?" Hyxs squeaked under Unlax's icy glare.

"When Chamtx awakens tell him he is to find this stallion and neutralize him tomorrow as his mission." Unlax glared at Hyxs for a second longer before turning and leaving the room.

Hyxs poked Chamtx again several times before sighing and scooping him up onto her back. She traveled through a Corridor of Darkness, to tired to make her her way through the maze of hallways, into his tower room. The entire room was covered in random posters for movie and bands, and filled with piles of candles and matches. The bed was most of everything, and in its place was a pile of pillows and blankets. Hyxs dropped Chamtx into the center of the pile, where he pulled pillows and blankets around him, a small smile growing across his face. Hyxs stared down at him for a couple moments before vanishing into a Corridor.


"Ohhh, streeeeeeetttchhh!" Chamtx blinked his eyes as he woke from his nest of comfyness. As he stood up, something fell down off his chest. Looking at it, he picked up a wrapped bar of Sea Salt Ice Cream. He grinned and opened it, ready for the surprise delicious treat.

"Ahhh, its melted... Om nom non.!"

Author's Note:

Originally, I was going to change the name of Twilight Town, cause I changed the layout, with the islands and how it spirals up and such. But I decided to leave the name be. Though the island isn't that tall, it just reaches about halfway of the clockface... And if any hardcore fans are confused why the heart came out of the Heartless Hyxs destroyed, the Organization weapons send the Hearts from defeated Heartless to the World That Never Was for their ultimate plan, instead of having a Keyblader doing it. Just so you know. And another thing I feel like sharing is that five times while writing this I wrote 'ice cream' instead of whatever I was supposed to be writing, which was weird.

Xulbe = Blue Sparks (OC of Blue Sparks)
Doxfrue = Foudre The Thunder Paladin
Liqenxelas (Li-ken-xe-las) = Qilleensa
Moxbras = Sombra
Mr. Puff = Cthulhu

[Edited by milestails16]

Comments ( 17 )

*Reads the last part or the Author note*
"Wait, Cthulhu???"
Anyway, chapter seemed to go pretty well, and I see you decided to go with Xulbe instead of Praxsk.
On a side note, what number is he? (It wasn't mentioned...)
Still see grammatical errors here and there but hey, the story is readable so that passes I guess.
And I see you added Sombra which is nice. :D
Also, I see that you mostly have Pegasi among the current members so far... Though not everyone has been introduced yet so there'll probably be other species.
As for Hyxs' powers, I think they're kinda OP... I mean, she can spawn Timberwolves?
Though now thinking about it... Let's say that her rifle actually shoots 'seeds' of whatever plant she wants...
Huh, guess that does make sense but damn is she packing a lot of fire power!
Lastly, basing off of what we discussed about Xulbe's personality it looks like despite how much he and Chamtx argue they're actually pretty good friends... Maybe...
Purely speculation.
Can't wait to see what happens next! :D

so, sombra's a nopony? OK! :pinkiehappy:

Yah, I kinda thought they could have a Natsu/Grey relationship, like there friends but they constantly go head to head. And my friend who normally does my edits is busy with his own stuff. Also, I choose Xulbe over Praxsk because Praxsk is Spark + X and I already have a guy who's name is sparks redone.

Oh, and hes number XII

I edited the latest chapter (hopefully)

Oh! I get it, that makes sense.
Alright, sounds good to me. :D
And number XII, huh? cool.

Thanks for pointing that out :pinkiesmile:

while i was reading i thought xulbe was my oc cause spoiler to anyone else you said you'd use my oc not complaining me just being stupid:derpytongue2:

Next time. I still got some members to introduce.

Spoilers, Spoilers, SPOILERS SPOILERS (cause I don't know how to do the thing with the black bar over words so I'm writing this)

Your OC is named Norxh

Probably. I don't think I'll use Unlax beyond this story.

i just realised that moxbras is sombras nobody and the sombra we see in the show is a heartless:rainbowderp:

Two things before I read:
Is this story dead, Or just on a Hiatus
Two, A spectacular pun:
:moustache: Who are you?
:yay: Nopony special.

Is this going to be continued?

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