• Member Since 15th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


A phantom of shadows and darkness that wander this site in search of Spike fanfics. May the darkness be with you.

Comments ( 89 )

I've never seen this shipping before. Kudos:moustache:

The hell. .... MOAR

Ok so I was reading at the end and said to myself man the next chapter or 2 is gonna be great.. till i realized this was marked as completed. It can't be THis leaves so much open for more to come. PLEASEGIVE M E MOLRE

You need someone to proof read, but all in all pretty good
I agree you should add to this.

I lold so hard when he said princess of pop...

How 'bout considering a Spike and Rarity fan fic? Your works are in my "bad ass stories" folder.

I kinda want more Spike x Sapphire. This was pretty good. Though your grammar needs to be improved. Other than that, great job :pinkiehappy:

Your fictions disgust me...

I have lost much faith in this fandom this day, and I doubt it will ever be restored.

3884091 Than why did you bother reading it?:ajbemused:

I didn't. The moment I saw this monstrosity, I hated it. I have never read such filth, and I never will!!!

3890961 That's CAPTAIN Hazama to you. But then again, I'm just with the Intelligence Department

then you are plain stupid, want to be disgusted by it? fine... your problem
but do that only after you had read it and then find it disgusting, not before and just assume it is

You WANT me to read this disgusting trash?!

What is WRONG with you?!

why yes my "dear" sir... i want you to read the story before you deem it trash.
from my point of view, after i've read it... i want more, sorry to see it as one shot.

care to explain why it is "trash" in your opinion?


It is filth! Garbage! Pornography typed by the hands and read by the eyes of those who, they themselves, cannot get laid! To read such disgusting, insolent, vile garbage... I would be mad to consider it... And so should you.

So you just don't like clopfic in general. ... Well. ... your missing good things.

Clopfics aren't just for clop. Some like this have a good story With some extra in them in the form of mature content.
It doesn't make it trash.

Read it first
Then judge it
Not before

3884091 You write clop, but find it disgusting. Well then, carry on.


You use can use fancy words, but your argument makes no sense. There's simply far too much unfair generational, crass assumptions and general bias in your statements. When you yourself have written Mature sex and gore stories, I don't understand how you can swallow the unmistakable hypocrisy and claim that this fanfiction should be revered as the 'most disgusting, insolent, vile garbage' anyone had ever written, that the author, and all other authors who write fics like these, are incapable of 'getting laid', that other readers should be ashamed to read it—there is no factual basis for these claims.

You're welcome to have your opinion, but if you're not going to back it up with facts, then you cannot thrust your opinion in other people's faces as if, it too, is a fact.

Because it is not.

I genuinely want to see more SpikexSapphire. Clop or not.

Yes, keep arguing, delicious morsel...

For you, by arguing with me, have already lost.


I'm happy to argue with trolls. That way we can both leave feeling better about ourselves.

The issue here is that you don't actually have anything relevant to reply to my comment with. So this 'argument' dried up pretty quickly. :unsuresweetie:

I don't really care.

I'm done with this. I have left my opinion, and that was all I needed... then you all had to argue it! You bronies are all the same: You just can't let something die, can you?


Just what? :rainbowderp:

Just what!? :rainbowlaugh:

Where has logic gone to? Why is sense and reason dead? Why are you writing fanfiction on a My Little Pony site and then somehow suggesting that you're not a brony? Just...

So many questions, and no sensible answers. :rainbowlaugh:

Do I need a reason? perhaps your confusion entertains me. Maybe you are too ignorant to understand. I will not discuss this further.


Very well. We shall cease discussions on your terms. :moustache:

3902020 Thanks for defending me dude. I was just going to ignore him but thanks. You deserve a Spike.:moustache:

3902431 Dude like the fan fic a lot.:pinkiehappy:

3901900 and you need to get a life if all your enjoyment comes from being a troll to those who truly don't deserve it. I mean people like DARKPHANTOM put there names on the line for stories like these in the hopes that others will enjoy them.:trollestia:

3902431 keep doin what your doin.

Heh. I like "What if?" stories and this certainly fits the bill. Why not have Spike x Shappire? Spike gets all the ladies anyway I say.

Jokes aside. Loved this story, clop or not I'd love to see a continuation. A future installent where Spiken introduces all his friends his girl friend. I just want to see a reaction from all of them. I bet I'd be a right laugh!



Then we shall agree to disagree.


This. So much THIS.

Hell, there's a second story in it, even if there is no clop. There's the thing of Spike and Sapphire going public--can you say jealousy, Rarity? Though probably not, since she's started dating Fancy Pants. However, there was the story in a story that it looks like it was Spike who played matchmaker; he actually talked to Fancy and got him to start dating Rarity. And of course Fancy already knows that Spike already has a marefriend in Sapphire (though legally underage at that moment), so the two of them took two birds with one stone: Spike gets Fancy to start dating Rarity, which would cause Rarity to "dump" Spike because of his crush, leaving Spike completely free and in the clear to date Sapphire Shores. Rarity gets to date a Canterlot stallion who also shows that the feelings go both ways. And only Sapphire, Fancy, Spike, Bouncer, and a few other choice ponies will know the truth and not be anypony the wiser.

Even better, I wonder how anypony else would react to it. How would it go? Just a article in the tabloids like "Sapphire's new Scaly Knight" or "The Rumors are True: The Pony of Pop and the Dragon Prince in Long-Term Relationship!!" Or maybe Spike invites Twilight and the others, including Rarity to Canterlot so that he could show them his "new" marefriend. I could definitely see Pinkie and RD going completely insane about this because it would be Sapphire Shores the celebrity, Twilight going all "Why haven't I seen this before?! :twilightangry2:" because of it, AJ and Fluttershy either speechless or indifferent (they either don't care or just had a hunch), and Rarity would have several faces because she realized that it wasn't her dumping Spike, but rather Spike dumped her before and he just had to play his part until it was time to bring his courtship with Sapphire to light.

3917978 I agree with Rainbow Dask having her mind blown by the fact Spike dating a celeberity. :rainbowhuh: Also Pinkie Pie just having their mind blown before Pinkie announces a party celebrating their "newly" united love. :pinkiehappy: *Cough*

I see Twilight stunned and thinking that her all but blood related little brother is a relationship. Then fainting. :twilightsheepish:

I see Fluttershy being quiet, acting shy as usual but being happy for Spike. :yay: I see Applejack giving him a pat on the back. :ajsmug:

To me Rarity would be torn between still feeling bad from letting him down :raritydespair: or squeeing over his newly revealed relationship. :raritystarry:

I doubt Spike would ever tell his friends he deceived them, especially Rarity it would make it seem he used her. He too classy to do that. :moustache:

I love the idea that Spike is dating pr going for somepony pother than Rarity. I like the ideas of RarityXSpike Fics but I love a little change of pace.

this was a pretty sweet read; so, thx :twilightsmile:. altho every time u metioned sapph bein t pony of pop i kept thinkin of micheal jackson oddly enough :rainbowhuh: but, otherwise if there is any moar ideas with this pair then please write them eventually :yay:

Just re-read this story and I have to say it is really good, just like I remember. I do have to say I wish you would continue it. I feel it could be a series about a young drake that is dating the most famous pop stars in the world. It would be great to see him tell his family, to see her visit, to see them "try" to go on a normal date lol. There could be so many funny (and sexy) moments to still be had between these two.:moustache:

4175722 I'm thinking I might but I have a lot of stories right now, if I do it will be slow going.

When it comes to Spike making his relationship with Sapphire public, the only other pony that Spike should tell is .......Pinkie. :pinkiegasp:

Yes, Pinkie. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I know that Spike has told Fancypants and Bouncer that he's Sapphire's boyfriend, but there were other reasons for it---Spike told Fancypants because Fancypants was crushing on Rarity and Spike wanted to get that bombshell over ther before other problems happen. And Bouncer is Ms. Shores' bodyguard. Enough said.

Why I say Pinkie though? Simple. She will make a Pinkie Promise to Spike to keep the relationship secret, and we know how serious she is with Pinkie Promises. Applejack can't lie to save her own life; Rainbow and Rarity are gossip queens; Twilight would make a thesis about it and tell Princess Celesta. Fluttershy---I think the secret will be safe with her as well, however she will spill the beans with a little bit of pressure. (RD and Rarity again).

got a note saying this updated.. PLEASE tell me it did.

4537772 Mistake, don't worry though it's on its way. Just waiting on my editor.

You are right. I recived a Mail saying IT Was updated.

4538027 I am editing the chapter he had posted. could you guys please be patient? I had sent him and unfinished edit of the newest chapter and am working as fast as I can so it can be up. just please be patient.

4538049 Its cool just wanted to MAKE SURE it was a new chapter coming out and not a I updated it a little bit so you got a update on it thing.

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