• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 11,561 Views, 144 Comments

A Narrow Scope - Comet Burst

Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris each have a Royal Guard who is devoutly loyal to them. The only problem is that they both have trouble around the opposite sex.

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Chapter 1

It took a while before Celestia was completely happy with the room. Everything was set up in just the right way. Roses hung from the glass smooth marble pillars that reached up to the roof above. Vases filled with wildflowers lined the royal red carpet that led to a wonderfully crafted gilded mahogany table with two seats. Upon the table was a simple white runner and a glowing silver tea set complete with some biscuits and cookies for later. The stained glass shone brightly with the sun beaming behind them, illuminating the room with a welcoming soft orange and deep magenta colors. The room was awfully impressive, even for the castle that it resided in.

"There," she whispered to herself, "Perfect."

Her horn stopped glowing as a couple loose wildflowers finally stayed in place. She was being particularly obsessive over the decor of the room, something most ponies found odd. The Sun Princess was usually busy worrying about the affairs of her nation, going over official documents or overseeing the defenses of Equestria, but today there was none of that. All meetings had been cancelled for the day and everything that wasn't a national emergency was delayed until tomorrow. She had specifically instructed her servants to decorate this room and to bring the mirror from her chambers down to the main hallway before they left for the day.

Princess Luna was unaware of what was happening, mostly because she snored loud enough that nopony could outshout her, and would remain blissfully unaware as per Celestia's instructions. She would raise the moon and go about her business, completely oblivious to what her sister was doing. In fact, almost nopony outside of those who had set up the room and moved the mirror even knew about this. This was Celestia's secret and to be privy to it, one had to have tightly sealed lips. None were tighter than her loyal guard, Celestial Sky.

The Royal Guardspony was an enigma of sorts to those who saw him. He was a stallion, slightly taller than others, but pretty normal. He had a noble set of rich chocolate brown eyes, along with the standard charcoal gray pelt all unicorn guards had. His mane was silvery white, almost like the marble in the hall. He hardly ever spoke to anypony outside of the Princess, Captain Shining Armor and his direct superior officer, so most ponies thought he was a mute or that he had taken a vow of silence. Of course, Celestial Sky wasn't a mute or a fanatic, he just disliked talking, especially to mares.

While it was easy for him to talk to Princess Celestia when she initiated, other mares, like the maids or the Princess's personal assistants, had never heard him speak more than one or two words. He always looked uncomfortable when they stood too close to him, sometimes even moving away from them entirely. Celestia had asked him about his behavior towards the mares after hearing he had even left a room when it was just the two of them and he resisted for a bit before answering her. While he had no quarrel with any mare he had ever met, he was always quite nervous around them.

With the stallion population in Equestria the lowest it had been in years, most stallions seized the chance to pick from any mare they wanted. Celestial Sky, however, had confided in the Princess that, while the mares were pretty, one never seemed to blow him away. He had tons of mares he saw every day, but not a single one had ever convinced him to approach her. He told her he was waiting for the right one and, slowly but surely, the Princess thought about his predicament and formed her own solution which involved what was to transpire today.

With her plan in mind, along with plenty of other things, she smiled as she swept her gleaming magenta eyes through the room once more, triple checking the room. Satisfied, she turned to see her loyal guard standing resolutely still at the doorway along with a few other ponies. After dismissing the rest for the night, she turned to her guard and smiled warmly.

"I am very glad you decided to stay here tonight," she spoke.

Celestial Sky nodded his head quickly and saluted her.

"It is my duty and an honor to protect you tonight, Princess," he spoke swiftly.

The Solar Princess smiled to him before tossing back her flowing rainbow mane and trotted through the doorway, her guard following her instantly. The two trotted through the hallways of the castle, making their way towards the entrance hall before Celestial Night spoke up.

"If I may, your highness, it seems you are expecting company of the highest caliber tonight."

Princess Celestia giggled a bit at that, amused with how long it took her guard to notice that.

"Yes, I am," she replied sweetly.

"I do not wish to intrude, but who are you entertaining tonight?" he queried.

"Oh, just a friend," Princess Celestia replied instantly, "A very good friend."

Celestial Sky refrained from talking anymore, not wishing to pry into her majesty's business further. It did feel a bit odd for the Solar Princess to be expecting a friend and to be hiding it from everypony. It wasn't like this would be strange, but then again, she had ordered the whole castle be off duty for tonight and had even kept her sister in the dark. Whoever this friend was, it was a very special and very secret friend.

When the two ponies made it to the entrance hall, they saw Princess Celesia's personal mirror standing straight up in the middle of the carpet. It was another wonderfully crafted piece of furniture, a mirror of perfect sheen held by the loving embrace of polished rosewood. The frame was carved to resemble a large and flowery vine with expertly crafted flowers of every sort gracing the woos every foot or so.

Princess Celestia approached the mirror with Celestial Sky in tow and stared into her own reflection, gazing at the flawless image of herself. A small smile began to cross her face and her eyes became half lidded, much to Celestial Sky's bewilderment. He began to think of an old pony's tale about a pool of water that duplicated the pony who entered it and wondered if this mirror did the same thing. Before he could reach a conclusion on the matter, Princess Celestia spoke.

"It has been too long, my friend. It is good to see you," she cooed.

Celestial Sky's eyes snapped forward to the mirror as he searched for who she was talking to. His jaw nearly hit the floor as he did so, because where Celestia's reflection should have been stood another pony.

He kinda reminded Celestial Sky of Princess Celestia, but much more.... masculine. The stallion that smiled back the same way to the Solar Princess was tall, easily as tall if not taller than the Princess. His mane was aglow with the radiant colors of the sunset, brilliant reds, oranges and a little bit of purple. His mane even had a thin line run straight down to his cheek and wrap around his jawline, a perfectly trimmed beard.

Just looking at the stallion, Celestial Sky could sense an aura of power, wisdom and dignity about him. He practically dripped it in his voice as he spoke to Princess Celestia.

"Ah, I could say the same," his deep, rich voice answered, "I had almost forgotten just how radiant you look."

"And I, you," Princess Celestia responded with the faintest trace of a blush.

The stallion seemed to gain even more confidence from the flattery as his grin became a tad bit wider, showing off his pearly white teeth a bit.

"I do so look forward to our meetings every year, Princess. May I come in?"

"On one condition," Princess Celestia responded, "Did you bring her?"

Celestial Sky's mind whirled with activity as he watched the scene unfold before him. Apparently, somepony lived in Princess Celestia's mirror, a very handsome stallion who radiated just like her, and was even flirting with her a bit. Now she was asking if he had brought 'her', whoever that was. How many ponies lived in that mirror that he had seen hundreds of times?!

The stallion's smile only widened as he spoke.

"Yes, I do have Lieutenant Starry Sky with me. Do you have your Lieutenant Celestial Sky with you?"

Celestial Sky nearly broke his composure at the mention of his rank and name. This pony knew about him?!

"Why, of course," Princess Celestia spoke, "I was the one who arranged this after all."

She added a small giggle at the end of that while Celestial Sky's mind blew a gasket. She had planned this?!

"Well then, I would say that we are ready to begin our yearly meeting," the stallion said.

"Indeed," Princess Celestia answered.

As soon as she finished speaking, Princess Celestia extended a hoof to the mirror and the stallion mirrored her moves perfectly. The spot where both of their hooves were touching began to shimmer and ripple, making the glass look more like water. Once the whole mirror was moving, Princess Celestia backed away from it as the stallion walked forward through the mirror.

Celestial Sky's mind couldn't take anymore of this. The stallion had just walked through a mirror and was now standing about three feet from him! As a unicorn, Celestial Sky was used to seeing some inexplicable things, but this was beyond strange. Once the majestic pony was through, it was easy to see he was an alicorn, just like Princess Celestia. His large wings were tightly pressed to his sides, just underneath the glowing gold armor he wore. His large horn split the well groomed front of his mane, making him look more regal.

As he stepped through, Celestial Sky noticed another pony follow him. His heart nearly stopped as he saw her, sending chills throughout his rigid body. She was a smaller mare, a little less tall than the mares he saw on a daily basis. She had a set of wonderfully colored brown eyes, reminding him of the color of teak wood. Her mane was a brilliant snowy white which contrasted against her marble gray coat. She wore a very well made set of armor almost identical to his from the helmet to the plates on her back.

As he was looking her over, Celestial Sky locked eyes with the mare, who froze instantly. They both stared directly at each other until the mare's eyes began exploring Celestial's own body before coming back to them. Unseen by either of them, both Princess Celestia and the stallion watched the two guards with some well hidden amusement.

"I think you were right about this, Tia," the stallion whispered to her.

"I'm always right, Solly," she hissed back to him playfully.

The two alicorns watched their guards stare at each other for a few more seconds before Princess Celestia cleared her throat, causing both Celestial Sky and Starry Sky to nearly leap two feet into the air. Both guards saluted as crisply as they could before the two alicorns turned and began to walk down the hallway. Celestial Sky made a point of being on the side Princess Celestia was on while Starry Sky gravitated heavily to the stallion's side.

"I am so glad you could visit, Solly! It has been far too long since we last met," Princess Celestia stated brightly, breaking the silence that had crept up on them.

The stallion's eyes flicked over towards Celestia, a smug smile coming to his face.

"The pleasure is all mine, Tia!" he responded a little more enthusiastically than before, "Thank you for hosting this year's dimensional relationship meeting."

Behind the two alicorns, the guards were busy still eyeing each other up. They each maintained a very crucial four pace step behind their respective charges, marching perfectly in sync with each other. Celestial Sky watched this Starry Sky like a hawk, making sure to keep himself in rhythm with her every step. As he did, he noticed she had the same kind of stance he had, a held back demeanor so Celestial Sky would be at a disadvantage if he made a move on the stallion or her.

He kinda liked that. It was smart, efficient and it made her figure stand out a little more.

As they continued to watch each other, the group approached the big golden doors that led to the room Princess Celestia had spent hours preparing.

"Speaking of which," the stallion continued as Princess Celestia opened the doors, "We will conduct the next talk in private. You two may wait outside till we are done."

As the stallion trotted past Princess Celestia into the room, he shot her a small wink. The Solar Princess smiled smugly a bit at him as she followed.

"By the way," she started, poking her head out of the door, "This isn't an 'official' meeting. Take off the armor, be social!"

She shot Celestial Sky a small smile and ducked her head inside the door, leaving two very wide eyed ponies staring at the door as it shut. A very stern silence ensued as the mare and stallion stood resolutely still, unwilling to look at each other. Eventually, though, Celestial Sky twitched his eyes towards Starry Sky, seeing her glace at him for a split second before returning her eyes to the door.

For some reason, Celestial Sky found that incredibly cute. So cute, his gaze didn't return to the door like it should have. Instead, he continued to stare at the mare next to him for a minute before she dared to look back at him. Something must have caught her eye, because her gaze fixated on him the same way his was on her.

Inside the room, both rulers stood still, waiting for something. Through a bit of magical prowess, Prince Solaris had made it to where both ponies could see what was transpiring outside. So far, neither guard had done much of anything, which made them nervous.

"So... this is not good?" Prince Solaris asked with a slight questioning look.

Princess Celestia pursed her lips before having an idea.

Outside the room, both Celestial Sky and Starry Sky snapped to attention as a shout rocked the room.

"That's an order!" both voices echoed from behind the door.

Looking away from the door, Celestial Sky scrunched up his lips nervously as his eyes peered back over to Starry Sky. Much to his surprise, she had an almost similar expression on her face. Knowing not to disobey a direct order from his Princess, Celestial Sky felt his magic activate and the metal plating running down his back lifted off of him. As he did so, Starry Sky's armor began to levitate away as well, revealing a good portion of her body.

Instinctively, Celestial Sky's eyes swept across her body, though he didn't want them to. Her charcoal gray coat covered every inch of her, letting him know that was her natural color. Her tail was the same brilliant snowy white as her mane, but what really floored him was what was on her flank. A cutie mark of a telescope surrounded by two planets, one green and one purple, resided there.

The exact same one that was on his flank.

Celestial Sky felt his jaw drop finally as he stared at it, completely unaware that hers had as well. She was not only cute, but she even had the same freaking cutie mark as him. Unable to resist any longer, Celestial Sky turned to Starry Sky, who did the same. They locked eyes with each other and said nothing as the silence wrapped around them.

Finally, Celestial Sky mustered up his courage to say something.

"Your cutie mark is a..." he began.

"Uh huh," Starry Sky responded before he could finish.

"And your coat color is..."

"Uh huh."

"And you are a..."

"Uh huh."

With all of his questions answered, Celestial Sky couldn't think of anything else to say. This Starry Sky was a Lieutenant, had the same coat color and cutie mark and was cute. He could only wonder what she thought of him, because he was suddenly very interested in her.

"Do you like..."


"Have you done..."


"Do you want to...."


Celestial Sky fell silent again as he stared at the mare, wondering just how she knew what he was going to ask. Before he could question it, his face lit up.

"I'm okay with this," he stated happily.

Inside the room, the window outside dropped and Solaris turned to Celestia, who was smiling very smugly.

"How did you know they would get along so well?" he asked in a bemused tone.

"Isn't it obvious?" she replied, "We did when we first met."

Solaris smiled at the princess, wondering why his female self was so smart.

"So, shall we begin our meeting?"

Princess Celestia wasted no time in trotting over to the table at the center of the room, planting her plot on a velvety cushion.

"Well, let's start with out interdimensional trading," she started, "We need to make sure nopony finds out about where our extra shipments of apples are going. The Apple family here has started to ask questions."

"If I may say so," Prince Solaris intervened, "This won't be going on for much longer. The Apples on my side have finally cured their orchards of the Barkworm problem and have begun to harvest them again."

Princess Celestia smiled at that, relived.

"Well, I am very happy to hear that. I will personally thank the chemist here who invented the repellent I gave you."

"I would like to as well," Prince Solaris stated proudly.