• Published 29th Dec 2013
  • 11,562 Views, 144 Comments

A Narrow Scope - Comet Burst

Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris each have a Royal Guard who is devoutly loyal to them. The only problem is that they both have trouble around the opposite sex.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"So, what has been happening on your side of the mirror?"

Princess Celestia smiled over to Prince Solaris as he joined her at the beautiful mahogany table. The handsome stallion flicked his eyes towards her and smirked as he planted his royal rear into a velvet cushion. It was comfy for him, even though he didn't know it was stuffed with twice the amount of cotton and feathers than Celestia's. The table was a little short for him, making him have to look almost straight down to see what was laid out before him.

On the table was a wonderfully crafted silver cup and saucer, decorated with imprints of the sun and moon. Solaris let out a small snort of amusement as he levitated the cup with his magic, noting the sun was both Celestia's and his own coolie mark, or cutie mark as it was called in this dimension.

"Oh, nothing out of the ordinary," he spoke calmly as he set the teacup back down, "Your student's idea of finding a hobby for Eris was quite effective. She hasn't repainted the castle to polka dots in three weeks."

Princess Celestia gave a small laugh at that.

"And your student had quite the right idea of how to reform Discord. I wasn't sure he would change that easily when presented with kindness, but he seems to be in much better spirits now."

"It's amazing what having a friend will do, especially if she's a mare," Solaris mused.

"And you would know this how?" Celestia asked teasingly.

Solaris merely grinned at her before replying.

"I do have other friends than just you, Tia,"

Celestia laughed again as Solaris joined her, each amused by a joke nopony but them would understand.

"Oh my," Celestia spoke as her horn began to glow, "We really must get Luna and your brother to join us one time."

Solaris looked up a bit as a hoof came up to tap on his chin.

"Artemis?" he queried, "I am not sure that would be wise."

"Oh?" Celestia responded as the teapot on the table rose into the air, "And why would that be?"

"Artemis is, how do you say, a little preoccupied at the moment,"

"Don't tell me he went and did it?"

"He did."

Celestia's jaw dropped as her magenta eyes stared into Solaris's green ones, searching for any sign that Solaris was toying with her.

"Artemis actually went outside?"


Celestia squealed happily as the teapot tilted over Solaris's cup, pouring the steaming contents gracefully. The tea itself had a rich red color, indicating this was from Celestia's personal stock. Though the Solar Princess was giddy, the tea never spilled or shook in response to her. Once the cup was full, the teapot righted itself and drifted back to Celestia.

"My, that is spectacular news! He has finally gotten over his fear of what ponies will think of him!"

"My thoughts exactly," Solaris stated proudly as he levitated his cup.

Once Celestia's own cup was filled with the same tea, she lifted hers and smiled to him.

"To our dear younger siblings," she proclaimed with a smile.

"To them," Solaris agreed.

Both alicorns wasted no time in taking a sip out of their cups, allowing the steaming liquid to wash over their tongues. The tea itself was a wonderful blend of several spices and leaves, some from Celestia's dimension and some from Solaris's. It had a very distinguished taste of earthy materials, but there was a latent sweetness to the beverage.

After taking a rather long drink, Solaris set his cup down, pleased with how this meeting was going. The last meeting in his castle had nearly been a disaster due to a rather large bullfrog stampede that Eris had caused, leading to an early awakening of Prince Artemis. The ensuing name calling match nearly collapsed the tower on the western wall due to the sheer volume. It was pretty minor by comparison to other events, but it was enough to make Solaris utterly embarrassed in front of Celestia.

As the Sun Prince sat and stared into his tea, Celestia gave a satisfied sigh as she set down her empty cup. The beverage was quite delicious by comparison to other teas found around her Equestria, causing some ponies to believe that she hated tea when she cringed at the taste. Her horn glowed again as a small cookie levitated from the tray containing the tea set.

"So, how do you think our guards are doing, Solly?" she asked politely.

Solaris brought a hoof up and scratched his chin, thinking.

"I suppose they are doing fine. I've never seen Lieutenant Starry Sky so enraptured by anypony like that before."

Celestia nodded, her illustrious mane rippling gently as she did.

"If I may ask, how did you know that they would react like that?" Solaris queried, "I would never have guessed they would have taken to each other so quickly."

Celestia let out a soft laugh before she explained.

"Well, it dawned on me from past experiences. In particular, when we first met."

Solaris paled a bit before looking down slightly.

"Ah, that."

Celestia smirked a bit before continuing.

"I seem to recall you pleading with me to come out on a date with you and how I was the most ravishing pony you had ever laid eyes on."

Solaris put a hoof to his forehead, remembering all of that.

"To be fair, though," Celestia continued, "I was honestly considering taking you up on that offer, especially since you were so charming. Luckily for both of us, we discovered the truth before anything happened."

"Yes, that was quite fortunate," Solaris agreed, lifting his head up, "I now shudder at what I was hoping to do back then."

Celestia gave another laugh and Solaris finally smiled.

"Imagine if we did go through with something back then," he continued, "We would literally be courting ourselves. Is there even a word for that?"

"Narcissism, I presume," Celestia responded lightheartedly, "The act of falling in love with one's self."

"Something my niece and your nephew seem to manifest," Solaris slyly jabbed.

The two alicorn's laughed for a few seconds before it died down. Still smiling at each other, both Solaris and Celestia lost themselves in conversation of past experiences, retelling events like when both Luna and Artemis tried to bond with Philomena and Scorcher after their return, only to come back with smoking manes and bad tempers.

Outside the room, both Celestial Sky and Starry Sky sat on their haunches, unsure of what to do. Both of their charges had ordered them to be social, but they were still on duty, meaning most forms of socializing were out of the picture. They had spoken for a bit before the conversation had turned awkward, especially after Celestial Sky had stupidly said that he thought Starry Sky was incredibly pretty. While she didn't voice it, Starry Sky thought Celestial was extremely handsome.

So, with nothing left to do other than to wait for their lieges to come out from their meeting, the two ponies sat in silence, wondering just what to say to each other.

"Hey," Celestial Sky finally spoke, "What is your home like?"

Starry Sky looked over to him, a questioning expression gracing her face.

"What do you mean?" she asked pointedly, "My 'home' home or my homeland?"

"Your homeland. Is it peaceful?"

Starry Sky gave a small snort at that.

"Peaceful? You don't know what I would give for peace and quiet like this every day."

"Oh?" Celestial Sky answered, "What do you mean by that?"

"You would not believe the pressure of being a Royal Guard," she lamented before looking over to him, "Well, okay, maybe you do, but it's so difficult where I come from."

"What's wrong with your home?" Celestial Sky asked with concern.

"The whole place is in an uproar for most of the year. We have to pacify a riot about a sport's team every other weekend, we have to deal with Eris on a daily basis and then there's the pressure to settle down with a stallion since the mare population is declining."

"Wow, sounds rough. The most we get here is the occasional disaster when mane styling products don't arrive on time. The whole city goes into panic mode and hoards the stuff."

Much to his relief, Starry Sky let out a small laugh at that, causing Celestial Sky to grin a bit.

"I'm surprised there's pressure to settle down where you're from. I'm always told that we can have our pick due to the overwhelming number of mares here," he said nonchalantly.

That must have triggered something, because Starry Sky spun to him with a determined look.

"What did you say?" she asked pointedly.

"What? All I said was there are an overwhelming number of mares here..."

"Seriously? A city full of mares?"

"Not just a city. The whole country has a skewed mare to stallion ratio."

"Wow," Starry Sky said with awe, her brown eyes twinkling, "That sounds like heaven."

"Yeah, until you realize just how small you feel knowing you are expected to be this macho savior of mares or the dreamcolt they spend their lives waiting for."

Starry Sky remained silent after that. She had secretly hoped for her own dream stallion to come and sweep her off her hooves one day, so mentioning that to Celestial Sky seemed like a bad idea. Celestial Sky, however, mentally cursed himself for saying that, knowing it made him sound like a stuck up jerk. In pure desperation, he tried to change the subject.

"So, do you know any good spells?"

Starry Sky shot him another questioning glance, causing Celestial Sky's grin to become awkward.

"I know a few. Why?"

"Well, since our charges are busy, I figured it might be fun to do something."

Starry Sky's eyes narrowed a bit at him before a large grin broke her stern facial expression.

"I got one for you!" she nearly shouted as she rose to her hooves.

Her horn glowed with a soft green aura as her armor began to levitate. Celestial Sky rose to his hooves as well just as her armor started to attach itself to her.

"Uh, I think they wanted us not to wear our armor..." Celeatial Sky stated lamely.

"That's the thing," Starry Sky said excitedly as her armor snapped into place, "You need the armor to make it work!"

Celestial Sky blinked twice uncomprehendingly as Starry's armor finished positioning itself. She turned to him, brown eyes gleaming, and smiled.

"Come on! Get your armor on!"

"Uh... okay...." Celestial Sky mumbled as his horn glowed with a slightly brighter green aura.

As his armor clicked into place, Starry Sky took up a defensive position, placing her hooves apart to give her the least recoil from this spell. Her gleaming eyes instantly switched from the friendly look Celestial Sky was fond of to a harsh glare. Her smile wiped itself away into a determined frown. She went from cute and friendly to angry and stoic in less than three seconds.

As Celestial Sky watched her, he saw her horn begin to glow green again as a small orb of light gathered at the tip of it. His eyes widened as the orb grew bigger and, when it was about the size of a ping pong ball, she gave an angry shout and sent the orb flying into a nearby pillar. The pillar exploded into a cloud of smoke as debris shot from it, but thankfully both ponies were far enough away.

As Starry Sky breathed heavily, pleased with herself, a small bit of laughter filled the air. Turning her gaze to Celestial, she saw an amused grin on his face poorly hidden by his forehoof.

"And just what is so funny about that?" she almost demanded.

Celestial Sky pointed a hoof towards the pillar, causing Starry to turn around. The pillar was still upright and solid, but there was a minuscule crater where her spell had hit. Unhappy, she turned to him with a pout on her face.

"I still don't see what is so funny," she said tersely.

Lowering his hoof, Celestial Sky took a small breath before talking.

"It's just that, well, that was a weak spell."

"Of course it was weak! I didn't want to destroy that pillar!"

"You still could've done more damage than that."

Starry Sky narrowed her eyes and moved her face to within a few inches of his.

"Then why don't you show me how strong yours is?" she challenged.

"And then Eris said to Artemis, 'What do you mean I got away unscathed?! I was burping glitter for three days!'"

Celestia let out a huge unsophisticated laugh as Solaris's own laugh rumbled throughout the room. While the conversation had started at some pleasant moments from their first few meetings, it had shifted to funny moments from each pony's respective universes.

"I can't believe Eris would actually eat his mane like that!"

Solaris wiped away a tear before replying.

"Oh, that's not the worst she's done to him. You remember the last time she painted the castle polka dots?"

"You mentioned it happened a week before she ate his mane."

"Well, nopony told him this, but she actually arranged them to say something when you looked at it a certain way."

Celestia leaned in, her eyes twinkling.

"What did it say?"

"It said, 'Forget the moon, Artemis's flank controls the tides!'"

As the two ponies roared with laughter again, they respective headpieces fell off of them. Celestia's slipped off her head as she threw it back and Solaris's fell to the floor as he leaned forward, gasping for air.

After a rather large explosion, Celestial Sky smiled confidently as the dust cleared, revealing half of the pillar was blown away.

"And that, my dear Starry, is how you properly cast that spell."

"Oh yeah?" she stated harshly, "Watch this."

It took both alicorn's almost half an hour to finish the tea and the meeting, but both were quite pleased with how events had turned out. While they had discussed business at the beginning, they always ended it on a light and cheery note by discussing personal matters.

"I'd say today's aggressive negotiations were a great success, Tia!" the Solar Prince stated with a bit of amusement in his voice as his helmet levitated back to its rightful place.

"Agreed, Solly. A nicely heated exchange. I'd even say politically enjoyable," Celestia replied as she placed her tiara back into her mane.

Solaris smirked a bit at that before saying, "You know, if anypony heard that, they would assume we meant something a little more physical."

"Good thing nopony can hear us," Celestia replied in an amused tone.

Together, the two alicorns started to walk off to the imposing doors on the other side of the room when Celestia spoke up.

"So Solly, should we schedule our next meeting..."

She never got to finish the sentence because, as Solaris opened the doors for them, two bright green orbs of light flew right in front of them. Both Solaris and Celestia's pupils shrank as the sound of power charging filled the air right before a deafening explosion rocked the room.


Both alicorns coughed violently as a massive cloud of dust and smoke kicked up in front of them. Once the cloud had cleared, both Solaris and Celestia looked opposite ways, their pristine coats and armor soiled and their flowing manes alight with a small green fire.

At opposite sides of the room, Celesital Sky and Starry Sky glared daggers at each other amid the ruins of the formerly glorious hallway. All the marble pillars were broken in certain places, some having fallen to the floor completely. The singed remains of the roses hung like limp noodles as the barely clung to the marble, as if pleading for help. The wonderfully polished floors were now riddled with scorch marks, indicating quite a struggle had taken place.

Both Celestia and Solaris turned to each other, a shocked expression on each of their faces.

"Maybe without the guards?" Celestia offered.


"Are you sure you do not want help repairing the hallway, Tia?" Solaris asked with concern in his voice, "I feel partly responsible for this."

Princess Celestia smiled to him at that.

"I am very sure. Your own castle probably needs you more now, especially if Eris and Artemis are at it again."

"How is it that those two always cause mischief in my castle, but Discord and Luna never do here?"

As the two alicorns conversed, Celestial Sky stood near one of the few remaining marble pillars, resolutely still and eyes forward. While he pretended not to notice, his gaze was on Starry Sky, who stood next to the mirror. Her armor was singed and dented in some spots, but Celestial Sky thought she looked even cuter than before.

The whole fight they had wasn't really out of malice or dislike of each other. Rather, it was a contest of strength that had gotten a bit out of control. The spell they both used required them to be in a battle focused mindset, which made them look like they were quite angry with one another. In truth, both Celestial Sky and Starry Sky were still friends.

As Celestial Sky watched Starry, both Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris said their goodbyes. As both Solaris and Starry Sky went through the mirror, Celestial Sky felt a small pit form in his stomach. Starry really was a sweet and cool mare, one he would have liked to get to know better. Then, by complete coincidence, Celestial saw Starry turn her gaze towards him and wink before she disappeared into the mirror.

Once the two were gone, Princess Celestia strode gracefully over to Celestial Sky, a sad expression gracing her face.

"I'm terribly sorry about what happened today, Lieutenant. I honestly thought the two of you would get along much better than you did."

Celestial Sky tilted his head before speaking.

"What do you mean, Princess? We got along great!"

Comments ( 67 )
KMCA #1 · Dec 31st, 2013 · · ·

huh, that was good timing, I just closed my browser and re-opened it

Leave it to soldiers to get in an "I can make a bigger boom than you" fight

-grins- Bored soldiers do stupid things. Thats why we have Sergeants..


Someone needs to make a 1-up video about that...

Marksman: My .50 calibre M82A1 can blow bodies to pieces.

Anti-Tank: My Javelin anti-tank rockets can blow up a tank.

Tank Driver: My main cannon can blow up a house.

B-52 or B-2 Pilot: Boys, one of strafes can level an entire district.

DARPA: We have the MOAB that makes all of your crap look like a fluffy rabbit...

Russian Engineers: Boooooooooooooooo, we have the FOAB. That's a real man's bomb!

President & Nuclear Committee: Psh, peasants. We can level the entire world dozens of times over with our nuclear ICBM's.

Russians: We have more nukes than you...

P&NC: Do not!

R: Do too!

*argument ensues over who can blow the world up the most times*

3709327 Please... The aliens obviously have it in the bag. They've got cow abduction, crop circles, and FBI confusion. Its a no brainer!

awww, you're NOT having Solaris and Celestia dating? BOO.

No, it's not "incest." They would have to be completely genetically distinct in order to be gender-opposites (the differences between x and y chromosomes would require that Celestia have an entire half-chromosome more DNA coding than he does--- which means that ironically they would have to be LESS alike, genetically, to be more alike physically and mentally.)

And if they can't bring themselves to date one another, why would they consent to having their two lonely guards meeting each other?

And I would think Luna/Artemis would take one look at how Solaris and Celestia get along, despite their protestations, and say "get over it."

And with their respective, quite serious gender-demographic problems, why aren't they actively shipping ponies back and forth across the mirror to level it? This is just a crumb of a much bigger story. Complete? Not by a long shot!

Very good story, though i would like more, i do see how it is left to the imagination to finish the story.

Thank you for the link! The cover art is what brought me here in the first place. Though... does the artist know this is on here?

3709434 I'm such a fan of that story & Trotsworth's R63 artwork, that's why I commissioned it. :D

Comment posted by Scope_Guard_Pony deleted Dec 31st, 2013
Comment posted by Scope_Guard_Pony deleted Dec 31st, 2013

3710101 The artist? No. ... At least not until he reads his comments section. The person who commissioned the comic? That's me, although I was unaware of it until someone in a Skype chat I'm on brought it to my attention.

Ah, the 'no, watch this' theory. And the 'big boom' theory. Such a great story, will there be moar?:fluttershysad:

I'd like to say I wasn't expecting it, but... spoilers in the 1st chapter comments.
Well, in conclusion... this had a ton of ways you could have taken it. Too bad it's finished.
I enjoyed it
But, found this.

again, they respective headpices fell off them


Well, in feral horses the gender ratio of foals is pretty much equal, and it's only among adults that it skews toward a female majority. It isn't completely understood why, but it probably has something to do with competition among the males and perhaps a form of reproductive selection, where resources tend to be allocated more toward females than males due to simply not needing a lot of males for reproductive success of a herd. In a civilized pony society, I would actually expect this to be mitigated, and I find the fanon assumption that females actually do outnumber males to be spurious, for while we may not see a lot of males that doesn't mean they aren't there (just like in many animations for males we tend to see more males as main characters and in the background than females... we just don't notice it that much because our society views male as an uninteresting "default" and females as more attention worthy for being "the other"... even for other females). Of course, for the sake of this story let's just assume some other external factor has caused a gender disparity, and apparently it's something rather recent (though it could simply be a statistical fluke since just because the chances are 50/50 doesn't mean that the outcome will be that in the short term, after all). Regardless, assuming pony sex genes are anything like other mammals', the chances of the birth of either gender ought to be about equal under normal circumstances.

The only thing with cross-dimensional breeding that I could see, especially with a situation like this, is that the sex genes, themselves, may be completely different in order to get exact duplicates of the ponies of the original universe but opposite genders. The reason I say this is that the commonly accepted explanation of alternate universes is that they form when any random event occurs that could result in more than one outcome. Of course, this is really referring to stuff at the quantum level, but narratively we can use it to mean that an alternate universe should branch from the main one through one single event being different, and any differences in outcome from their, no matter how drastic, can generally be traced right back to that one event. The problem with the concept of a completely gender swapped universe is that it requires every single conception to be a new branching event, so instead of one alternate universe, you really have trillions for each time a gender outcome could be different. In order to simplify this, my suggestion would be that the single branching event could have occurred very early in Equestria's evolutionary history. Basically, back when the X and Y chromosomes (or the R63 world's equivalent) first popped up in their single celled ancestors, the mechanics developed differently so that all those subsequent offspring that would have been male would be female and vice versa. This is also why I said that it's possible that cross dimensional ponies might be incapable of crossbreeding. While they may seem the same due to convergent evolution (as despite their different sex genes they developed in near-identical conditions), they actually split from their common ancestor's back in their early history. If they possess sex genes that are completely different, any offspring they may attempt to have could end up with any severity of chromosomal disorder depending on how they interact. Of course, if you think about it, in order for it to be a truly single branching event, the very mechanics of sexual reproduction may need to be reversed as well. It wouldn't make sense for the same gene combinations to occur if an individual who is male in one universe created millions of gametes for a conception while the female version created one. What if in the R63 universe's mares actually create millions of eggs and the stallion shoots one dedicated sperm out? This is getting in a bit deep, of course, but I think you can see where I was coming from.

The phrase "Jamie wants BIG BOOM!" comes to mind. Ah, nothing better than a little cross-dimensional competition to stoke the fires of love.:heart:


"Coolie mark?"

At first I thought that was a bit racist, before realizing you meant "cool"

Coolie being an archaic term for a Chinese laborer.

Very nice chapter again.^^

Well, that went quite well.

Ah, yes, the key difference between males and females: the time investment of reproduction. Guys can "fire and forget," but women need to gestate. Thus, in a society with far more male members, that means incredible pressure to get to babymaking, while the inverse simply encourages the sowing of wild oats.

In any case, a most enjoyable little drabble. I hope you build on this, especially if the two Skies try to reach their counterparts again.

Well, I imagine that stallions would be horrified to call them 'cutie' marks in a male dominated world, but if it came across as racist, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know Coolie meant that.:pinkiesad2:

3710979 In my headcanon it's just "marks".

So Eris is Discord right?

I didn't think anyone did in this day and age.

It depends. Some stories have Discord and Eris as gender opposites, while others have Eris as Discord's daughter.


Oh, I am the biggest peasant of them all. How could I forget the aliens!? :raritycry:

Fun story but man... I wish it wasn't complete :raritycry:

Perhaps a sequel? :rainbowwild:

Step 1: Find a girl who also happens to be your best friend.

Step 2: Take action before you have time to think. You'll never be able to do something stupid if you have time to second guess yourself. I found that blurting out what you have to say works best.

Step 3: Don't turn back. If you've already begun saying something and then stop, you look like a bigger fool than if you'd just finished your sentence. Go through with it.

But in all seriousness, best friends should get married.

Interdimensional relations are complicated it seems.

3712397 The more I look around, the more I'm convinced love requires a lack of forethought. :/

Not meant to be an insult to others, just my displeasure towards the subject.

I mean hell, technically my parents got married within 26 hours of first meeting each other in person, and here they are at least 15+ years later still happily together.

I agree, for sure. However, there's not a lot forethought required to have a best friend either."

What I mean by best friends should get married isn't that we should plan out our friendships for it or anything.

I think of it like this: If two people spend immeasurable amounts of time together doing things they both love and rarely get into fights, then why shouldn't they get married? People who are steadfast best friends, tested through thick and thin and always there for each other. That's the definition of a true friend. That's what anyone could ever want out of what is essentially a soul mate.

That sounds... like an incredibly complicated way of making sure that the universes remain in balance

Oh the headcanon explodes with possibilities...

But I digest. The best part about this story is the best part of all your stories: you made me friends with these ponies in just a few thousand words. Again.

Well written, would like more of this universe with Luna and Artimus

More of Universe 63. This story proves that you can do these stories well. I hope you do more.

So, any chance of having more stories along this line?

More? Please? :pinkiehappy:

This was awesome! :pinkiehappy:

3701714 But then this begs the question... what would an offspring of one sperm and one egg that have the exact same genes as each other? Is it possible?

Various sperm cells and various eggs don't all have the same genetic combinations, or else siblings would all look exactly alike. I think it would be possible for them to have a child that looks similar to the parent of the same gender, but not quite alike.

That's how I'd like a date to end, personally.
Violently, and in high spirits.


I think it just would be really really strange sex

Lol, I will give you one Internet for being the first to find that.

Technically that doesn't mean they can't exist, but rather that they can't be perfect copies of each other.

Well, at least not unless evolution got rather inventive with what the reproductive system can and can not do in one of them...


I didn't think you meant to follow the comic so...well...LITERALLY. I did like the expansion on it though, just wishing that there was more. A LOT more.

But alas, twas not meant to be. :raritydespair:

3722638 Looool

3710501 +1

You say it;s complete but you'll keep adding chapters and chapters :P

I, and I think many others, want to see more with Celestial and Starry.

soooo.....sequel is in the works we can assume

3742094 Hey! I keep my options as wide as i can get.

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