• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 675 Views, 5 Comments

Lost In Everfree - Dr_Cranberry

Twilight and AJ go out and find the strange happenings in the everyfree. But theres only one way out

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Green ooze

It was busy, bustling day in ponyville. The sun was shining and the breeze was just right for the day. But soon something would happen to change two ponies lives forever. Twilight sparkle was working on her book collection and sorting them evenly when suddenly Rainbow Dash crashed into her window knocking down all the books in her collection. Twilight opened the window and saw Rainbow Dash talking very fast at a pace she couldn't even comprehend. "Therewasatree at the everfree forestthenitstartingoozingsomegreenoozeandi-" The blue pegasus was cut off by Twilight putting her hoof in Rainbow Dash's mouth. "When I let go you will talk normally. Understand?" Twilight spoke calmly. Rainbow Dash nodded and Twilight took her foot out of Rainbows mouth. "Well twilight--You see there was a few trees in the everfree border that started oozing green ooze. I went to go out and get fluttershy but when I did she was no where to be seen. Angel said that she knew about the green ooze and went to see if she could stop it. But she--Erm never came back." Rainbow Explained to twilight. "When did you last see fluttershy?" twilight asked. "Back when she got trained by Iron will. But that was a few weeks ago and hes long gone now." Rainbow Exclaimed. "Well then---I think we'll just have to go check out this green ooze ourselves.

Twilight walked up to the trees in the everfree border and saw them oozing. "Huh" Twilight said as she examined the green glowing ooze. Twilight tried to touch it and it suddenly burned her hoof and she took it away. "Ow!!" Twilight yelped as she pulled her hoof back and sucked on it. "Told you!" Rainbow dash said. Twilight took out a DNA Identifier to see if it has any reconizable DNA. She took out a tooth pick and put it into the green ooze then put it into the DNA Identifier before it burned through the tooth pick. She scanned it and the only DNA it had was acid DNA and some un-reconizable DNA that looked like paranormal DNA. Suddenly the tooth pick burst out in flame and burned the whole DNA Identifier and then let out a loud squeal. Twilight and Rainbow Covered their ears then suddenly a giant Tentacle came out when the sound ended and grabbed twilight. Twilight then screamed in agony it also grabbed rainbow dash and was flinging them around. Twilight suddenly used a spell that she learned that could burn through anything and it burned through the tentacle. She heard a loud screech then she got dropped like a rock and fell face first. Rainbow Dash however got pulled back into the everfree with such force it would give a child whiplash. Twilight stood up and couldn't believe it. Her friend got sucked away and she was a sitting duck. Suddenly tons of ponies came out and started a commotion.

Ponys were panicking, Screaming, and some of them were looting. Through all the commotion Twilight ran to AppleJack as fast as possible. Suddenly she smelled smoke. In the commotion a fire broke out and ponyville was starting to go into a riot. Soon she heard sirens of riot control coming and fire control on the way. When she arrived at Applejacks home she knocked on her door and Applejack Busted through the door with such force twilight got knocked back onto her back. "Twi I heard." Applejack said as she stepped out of the door with a satchel on full of first aid kits and pills. She also had a grappling hook on and a sword attached to the satchel. As twilight got up on her feet she told Applejack what happened to rainbow dash and also asked her if she would help her. "Sure---But Twi the thing is... is that when we get in there I lead and you follow my every foot step. Im familiar with the everfree and its tricky pathways. If your not careful enough you can chip a tooth or break a bone and maybe even die." Applejack Explained. "Okay---I agree." Twilight said and they shook on it and then started heading toward the everfree forest.