• Member Since 13th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2012



Strange happenings have been happening in ponyville. Ponies have been going missing, Strange goo has been oozing from the trees, and even zecora is no where to be found. Something strange is going on in the Everfree forest and twilight sparkle and Applejack want to go out and find out whats behind it. But what they will soon find is a mess of emotions and forced romance between them.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 5 )

Just reading the description here, haven't read the story, but "forced romance"?
Does that mean rape or some type of magic forcing them together?

My curiosity is peaked. Will read.

366245 Chapter 3 is up so go ahead and read! I tried not to over do it. :scootangel:

I see.

The romance only lasted for a paragraph though.

366458 Yeah. I tried not to over do it with the romance very much. >_>

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