• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 4,707 Views, 35 Comments

Twilight Goes to Dalaran - Leila Drake

Twilight Sparkle, the princess mage of Equestria, is stranded on a foreign world. Her hopes lie on a mysterious city in the sky and her new, strange friends.

  • ...

Level 2 - No Way Back

Dear Earthmother!

Tak could not believe his eyes. This creature was not only capable of speech but of arcane magic, too. That made it superior to many sentient species. It had moved the herbs with such ease that it would have embarrassed even a blood elf. That pony really was something else.

It would probably not hurt to ask the Spirit of Fire once again to help him, this time with a thin shield, barely visible, to protect him in case she attacked him.

He was glad about his decision when the creature's horn glowed again. The aura expanded until she was completely encompassed by it, then it dissipated.

Nothing else happened. She just looked at him expectantly.

"Um. What was that?" asked Tak.

"Yes, it worked!" cheered Twilight. "So you can understand me now?"

Tak slightly shook his head to make sure the fumes had not done any damage to his brain.

"You don't? Aw, what could I have done wrong? I am sure I cast the right translation spell on myself..."

"No, no, I am just... having trouble... um. Excuse me, what kind of creature are you?" asked Tak.

Twilight eyes widened with realization. "Oh. I... I am a pony. An alicorn. My name is Twilight Sparkle and I'm afraid I got... very lost. Where am I?"

"You are in the Barrens. This is not a very safe place but I guess you already figured that out by now... Wait a moment. Did you say, 'Twilight'?!"

"Yes," said Twilight, "is that an uncommon name here?"

Maybe I should have thought of an alias, she thought. I need to add that to my list. Then she remembered her saddlebags were gone.

Tak grinned. "Something like that. If I were you, I would think of a cover name that does not contain the word 'Twilight' for as long as you are here. Not that it's not a pretty name", he added when the alicorn's ears flattened.

"It's just that there have been certain... people who took that name and meant to destroy the world so... well, as I said, it's not the safest name to go by right now." He grinned again, this time more friendly.

"Oh. All right, then you can call me... Star Dust", she said as she glanced at her Cutie Mark.

"Nice to meet you, Star Dust. I am Tak Rivermane of the Bloodhoof Clan. And I am glad you seem to be unharmed. Those roots are a killer. Once they got you in their grip..."

"...Yes." Twilight smiled. "Thank you."

She poked at the ground. "It's a pity I lost my saddlebags. All of my notes are gone now."

"I'm sorry, I did not see any bag with you. You must have lost it in the fight."

Twilight nodded. "Probably. But thanks again." She stood up shakily.

"Whoa, wait", said Tak. "You can't have recovered yet. You've been out for an entire day!"

"A Day?! Oh no, there is no chance the portal stayed open this long! Now I am stuck on this world forever!"

Tak's heart filled with pity as he saw the alicorn sit down in despair. She shook hard, trying to cover up her sobs, but in vain.

"My friends... my family... Princess Celestia... I am never going to s-see them again..." She curled up and started crying for real now.

"I am so sorry", said Tak. "If I had known..."

Twilight raised her head. Tears were streaming down her face. "It's not your fault. It's all mine. Why didn't I put up a beacon or send an object through the portal first to make sure it was safe? How could I have insisted on going alone? I... I..."

"Shh", said Tak and sat next to her. At first, this beautiful alicorn had seemed so sure - but now that her friends were out of reach she seemed to shrink like a flower without water.

The tauren recognized that look in her eyes. It was the look he had seen in too many eyes, too many times. The last time it had been in the eyes of his father as Tak had told him he would become a merchant, trading herbs for gold, beyond the Barrens in the biggest city of the Horde, Orgrimmar. He had meant well but his father had disapproved. To the old tauren, the Barrens were equal to death. The problem was, he would most likely be right.

Tak sighed and hugged Twilight carefully, trying to comfort her without intimidating her.

After a while the sobbing stopped and Twilight looked up.

"Sorry", she said and tried to smile. "I didn't mean to break down like that."

"It's all right", Tak reassured her. "How about we try and get some proper food and shelter? There is a small outpost not far from here. Then we can think of a solution for your problem. Are you sure you can walk by yourself?"

"I think I can."

Twilight stood up and brushed a bit of dust off her fur. "Let's go."

- - -

As they quietly but steadily made their way uphill, passing dry bushes and the occasional tree, Tak watched Twilight from the corner of his eye. He had trouble understanding how this small creature could be so trusting to a complete stranger. At the same time, he felt honored. His family did not depend on him. If he went missing, only his customers in Orgrimmar would know.

This alicorn, however, seemed to share a strong bond with her friends and missed them. She tried to hide it now but Tak had seen her breakdown so he knew. Though her current situation was obviously terrible, he still envied her a bit.

The sun was close to the horizon now. Tak estimated it would be down in a quarter of an hour. But they had been lucky – nobody had crossed his and Twilight's path. He would be able to sleep in a tent this night.

Tak tried not to think about his financial problem. His gold was gone and Twilight had eaten some of his herbs. At this rate, he would have to hunt in order to make it to the city.


Twilight eyed the big minotaur – Tauren, she reminded herself – as they walked up a mountain. He seemed to know pretty well where they were. Maybe he really could help her to get home. It was hard for her to admit, but Twilight knew that she needed rest, if only for a night. Then she would try and figure out a way to open a portal.

Goodness, she was still not used to how tall he was. Now and then she had to flap her wings to keep up. When she did, he stopped for a moment, then, when he was sure she was all right, he resumed his pace.

- - -

When night fell, Tak led Twilight into a tauren camp on the hill. It reminded her of a buffalo camp except the tauren seemed to own better equipment. All of them wore light to heavy armor and bore weapons of different kinds. Twilight recognized hammers like Tak's, spears, swords, bows and axes. There were other weapons not familiar to her like small versions of Pinkie Pie's party cannon though Twilight suspected that their ammunition was more harmful to creatures. She shuddered.

Everything was so big!

I want to go home so badly right now, she thought.

Tak seemed to sense her discomfort. He tried to hide her with his body and after talking to a female tauren who held a decorated staff – maybe some kind of leader, Twilight thought – he led her into one of the five big tents.

They went to sleep next to a small campfire, protected by the tauren guards outside.