• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 4,710 Views, 35 Comments

Twilight Goes to Dalaran - Leila Drake

Twilight Sparkle, the princess mage of Equestria, is stranded on a foreign world. Her hopes lie on a mysterious city in the sky and her new, strange friends.

  • ...

Level 7 - A Taste of Friendship

Tak groaned.

"How much did you hear?", asked Twilight with a small voice.

"All of it."

"Oh, Priest, I am so sorry-"

"Shut up."

Twilight closed her mouth, ears flattened.

Priest sat down next to them. He poked at the fire. "Can't help it. I'm rotting. So yeah."

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Twilight asked, "Would it be okay if I cast a spell on you?"

Priest stopped poking the fire, still looking at it. "What kind."

The alicorn started scribbling notes on her scroll as she mumbled some words, then replied, "An anti-smell spell? Oh dear Luna, that sounds so cheesy..."

"Why not. As long as stopping the smell is all it does." He shrugged, a popping sound that make Twilight cringe inwardly. "If it sucks, I'll ask the light to cleanse it." He stood up and faced Twilight, his face unreadable.

Twilight's horn fired up as she squinted her eyes and lowered her head in concentration. A purple spark of magic expanded at the tip of her horn until it hit Priest. When he was completely surrounded by the light, it glowed brighter for a moment, then it faded away.

She raised her head, panting.

Priest looked at his hands, then at Twilight. "There's no difference."

"Yes, there is", said Tak and Twilight in unison. They broke into laughter, even Priest grinned a bit.

"Thank you, Star Dust", he said, serious once again.

"Y-You're welcome", replied the alicorn. "But my name is Twilight Sparkle."

He nodded. "Twilight. I can see why you are so humble. Someone with your abilities would be envied by many."

Twilight blushed. "I don't mean to make others envious."

"I believe you", said Priest. "So I might change my mind."

"About what?", asked Tak.

"Nevermind", mumbled Priest.

- - -

They made their way along the coast until they could see a lighthouse from afar. Then Tak led them north and soon they discovered a broad path. As they followed it, the red and grey earth started to show green patches of grass until the entire ground was coverd by juicy, healthy pastures. Animals grazed on it. Elephant-like creatures with woolly fur and giant tusks, deer and other peaceful inhabitants of the tundra showed themselves.

Twilight smiled as she drew in the air. It was much clearer than the air of the beach which had borne the stench of death, foul mist and decay. The sky was clear as well and even though it was still cold, the ground felt warmer with each hour. Beautiful colours painted the atmosphere above, like a curtain made of rainbows. Twilight sighed and thought of Rainbow Dash. She would have been amazed by the silent spectacle.

"How come the earth is this warm?", asked Twilight. "Shouldn't it be as cold as the air?"

Tak smiled. "We are getting closer to the geysers."

Priest nodded solemnly. "Good", he said. "I want to wash my robe. Cold water never does the trick."

Twilight's eyes widened with curiosity. "Are you saying there are hot currents of water below the surface?"

"Exactly", nodded Tak. "This means another day and we – get behind that rock!"

They hurried behind a long pillar of stone and ducked under a thorny bush. Priest hissed a curse when his ragged robe got torn even more.

A few moments later, three horses ran past them. Twilight threw a look at the humans riding them. Tak had explained to her that they looked like elves, except elf ears were longer than humans' and they rode birds instead of horses. She wondered how it was possible to ride a bird unless it was as big as a cow.

The humans wore heavy armor and seemed to be in a big hurry as they passed by them. Tak urged Priest and Twilight to be as quiet as possible but that was not even necessary – fifteen seconds later the riders were already out of sight.

"Whatever that was", said Tak, scratching his back, "I bet it's not good. Did you see the one in the middle was unarmed? Those were Alliance couriers. I suggest we make haste until we get to Taunka'le."

Priest gazed at Tak. "Then go faster."

Tak frowned. "Be careful what you are saying, Forsaken. I don't take orders from the deceased."

"It was a suggestion", emphasized Priest. "Should have known you wouldn't get that though."

"It's not what I get, it's what you can't keep to yourself."

"What are you implying? Spit it out", snarled Priest.

"Um, guys", said Twilight.

"Why? You been away from Undercity too long to figure it out by yourself?"

"What the – I don't give a shit about politics, you insensitive grazer", spat Priest, standing up.

"That's not a surprise. Otherwise you woulda stayed in your grave!"

"Guys, listen", demanded Twilight.

"Oh you blasted – what is your deal? Isn't it the same shit everywhere we go?!"

"Well, maybe that's exactly it! If YOU ever-"

"Guys!!", shouted Twilight, unfurling her wings in a gesture of authority.

Both of them were inches away from each other, Tak's hands crackling with magic fire, Priest with a look in his eyes that would have made an orc shrink away in terror.

Twilight sternly looked at the tauren, then the undead, not caring about their menacing air in the slightest. "What in the world is going on with you two? Didn't we get along just fine until now? Please stop shouting at each other and just tell me what your problem is!"

The fire in Tak's hand died. His tail twitched a little. "I – I don't know, I just – he insulted me! Twice! I won't allow the likes of him to get any dirt on my honor!"

"'The likes of me'?", hissed Priest. "See, that's what I mean. You don't give a crap about my people, do you? It's not as if I chose to get raised from the dead, thank you very much!"

Both stared at each other.

Twilight said, "Well. I think I might have a solution."

"What", said Priest.

She smiled a little. "You could apologize."

As they opened their mouths to protest, Twilight said, "Shush! Both of you. I can see that there are hard feelings on both sides... but are they really personal? It didn't really sound like that to me! We only just met after all. Are you sure you want it to end like this? Because I know I don't. We saved each other's lives, laughed together and... and... you are going at each other's throats as if all of that didn't count anymore and..." She sniffed, unable to keep talking, but her pleading eyes said enough.

Tak raised a brow and pointed his hammer at Twilight. "Did you just shush us?"

Priest narrowed his eyes. "She did."

"Nobody's ever shushed me before", said Tak.

"Me neither. Especially not a... purple pony mage that's not even... half as tall as me." He coughed dryly.

Tak stared at the ground and gestured half-heartedly. "Look, I am-"

"Shut up and forget it", snapped Priest. "I started the blaming routine."

Twilight's ears perked up.

"Hm. That's good enough for me", grunted Tak and nodded.

They stared at each other awkwardly.

"Then let's get moving before I get all sappy", said Priest. He turned around and started walking again.

Tak and Twilight followed him.

Confused, Twilight whispered to Tak, "Was that an apology?"

Tak threw a glance down at Twilight. "You shushed me."

"Yes", she said. "Yes, I did."

"But you didn't take any sides. How did you do that?"

Twilight smiled. "We are friends, Tak. We helped each other and were there for each other, all three of us. And I care about you. I just wanted both of you to remember that. I thought maybe then you wouldn't be so angry anymore."

"I guess it worked", said Tak. "Weird."