• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 1,341 Views, 13 Comments

Power Ponies in Hostess Ads - Grenazers

Six short stories involving the Power Ponies saving the day y using Hotess products.

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Masked Matter-Horn

Masked Matter-Horn in The Mane Course

In a abandon warehouse, located in the harbour of Maretropolis. Two ponies were engaged in battle. The hero Masked Matter-Horn was flying around and blasting out various beams from her horn. The opponent she was up against is none other then the Mane-iac.

Using her extending tentacle like mane, the villain evaded the heroine's attack and return with a couple of swings of her own.

Eventually Mane-iac got close enought to Matter-Horn that she completely wrapped her up in with her green mane.

“Ha ha ha!” She laughed. “Foolish mare, you shouldn't have face me alone.”

Using her mane, the villain pulled a lever. All of a sudden a large water tank filled with sharks appeared from the floor.

“Because now you'll be the mane course for these hungry sharks!” The villain said as she laughed again.

OK Matter-Horn think, I need to come up with something quick or else I'll be fish food. The heroine said in her thoughts. Wait a second, that's it!

Struggling in her restraint, Masked Matter-Horn pushed something out of her pocket.

The super-villain notice dropped item and turn her head to face it. When saw the item her eyes quickly widen.

“Is that a Hostess Cupcake?” She asked while using her mane to point at it.

“That's right Mane-iac, its a Hostess Cupcake.” The heroine confirmed. “The cupcake is made up of rich chocolate and filled with white cream that are just heavily. Combine those two together and your taste buds will feel like they're walking on clouds.”

The Mane-iac listen in to the Matter-Horn's speech and slowly losing her focus. She shook her head rapidely and refocus her attention to the heroine

“Ha ha ha! Nice try hero, but it will take more then a cupcake to distract me!”

The Mane-iac then release her hold on the hero and awaited the sound of splashing water and the screams of being eaten alive.

However, the villain didn't here either of those noise. Turning her head again, she was shocked that her mane was still holding the heroine.

“Ha, you said that the cupcakes doesn't distract you, but your mane says otherwise.”

Turning her head once again, Mane-iac was shocked a second time. Her mane ignored her control and is slowly moving towards the Hostess Cupcake.
“What? Nooo!” She yelled. “I command you to obey me!”

The Mane-iac's mane continued to ignore her orders. Seeing this as perfect opportunity, Masked Matter-Horn broke through her restraint and blasted the villain, rendering her unconscious.

Half an hour later, the police arrived and took the villain to jail.

“Good work Matter-Horn, you really showed her” Said a police officer.

“Well I wouldn't have done without the help of my delicious little friend here.” She held the Hostess Cupcake in her hoof.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Cupcakes.

Masked Matter-Horn in Back to the Future

In the secret headquarters of the Power Ponies, two occupants were just sitting around and reading. The heroine Matter-Horn was reading old records of the team, while Hum Drum was reading comics.

“Hum Drum did you know that this team was founded by a one pony?” Matter-Horn said.

“Really?” He responded. “Who was the guy?”

“The guy's name was Power Pony, he was Maretropolis first ever superhero.” She then showed the picture of Power Pony, who was an alicorn. “Our team was named after him in his honour.”

“Boy this guy was something, huh?”

“He sure was, this guy was a one pony team. He could fly, move super fast, super strength, heat vision, ice breath, and many more powers.”

“Geez this guy was amazing, what happened to him?”

Matter-Horn then frowned. “He died during his battle against Darkside, while he managed to defeat him and save the city, it cost him his life.”

“Wow that's a downer.” Hum Drum said. “If only we could turn back time and help the guy out.”

An idea struck her. “That's it Hum Drum, you're a genius!”

“I am?” Before he could ask, the Masked Matter-Horn channel a spell and she instantly disappeared.

The Masked Matter-Horn has used a time travelling spell, she then sent herself 15 years into the past, the exact date when Power Pony fought against Darkside.

When she reappeared the mare found herself standing in a destroyed city of Maretropolis. In front of her was Power Pony fighting against a large dark alicorn, presumably Darkside.

Behind the two, is large portal with swarms of Parasprite coming out and spreading into the ruined city.
Seeing this as a perfect opportunity, Matter-Horn took out a couple of Hostess Twinkies she kept in her pocket and fling them at Darkside.

The soft spongy Twinkies splatter over the dark alicorn's face, causing him to be temporarily blind.

“What is this?” The dark menacing alicorn shouted as he tried to wipe away the Twinkies.

Power Pony took advantage of his opponents distraction and blasted with his horn. Darkside was pushed further to his portal.

He was about to return with an attack of his own, but was suddenly interrupted by something. Turns out that his parasprites has smell the aroma of the Twinkies and started to swarm all over Darkside's face.

This caused Darkside to move even further back to the portal, leaving himself for another attack. Power Pony charged up his horn and fire it the dark alicorn, blasting him straight into the portal, which closed shortly after he entered.

Seeing that her goal was done, Matter-Horn cast the spell to sent her back to the future.

Humdrum was just sitting in his chair reading, when suddenly he hears a loud sound of magical popping coming from behind.

“Hum Drum I'm back!” The mare announced.

“OK, um where did you go?” He asked.

“I went back in time and saw the moment when Power Pony was about to die.”

This earned her a confused look from the little sidekick.

“Matter-Horn what are you talking about?” He questioned. “Power Pony isn't dead.”

“Yeah not after what I did.”She stated. “So where is he?”

“He's at the Maretropolis retirement home.”

“Well then let's go and meet him!” She then used her magic and drag Hum Drum with her.

“But we already visited him yesterday!” He complained while.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Twinkies.

BONUS (Warning not related to Hostess)

"So I'm getting paid for this?" Asked Applejack.

That's right Applejack, now say your lines.

"Alright ahem, Howdy y'all my name is Applejack and I endorse this cereal, Applejacks."

Good now take a bit of the cereal and eat it."

"Alrighty then. " She then used the spoon to pick up a few and bring it to her mouth. She chewed them for a bit until she stopped. The mare then proceed to spit the content out of her mouth.

"What the hay! This doesn't taste like apples at all."

It not suppose to Applejack, it's cinnamon.

"Then why call it Applejacks?"

That's just how it is alright.

"Forget this I'm out of here." She stormed of.

Great now how I'm gonna finish this?

"Hey can do this one?" Rainbow Dash asked.

No Rainbow Dash you're doing the Skittles one.

"Oh come one, that things embarrassing."

How so?

"Taste the rainbow, really?"

Don't blame me, blame the people who came up with that.

Author's Note:

Finally the last one, hoped you guys enjoyed them in the past few days.