• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 5,369 Views, 136 Comments

Trixie's Return - LightningBass94

Trixie returns to Ponyville again, but why is she here?

  • ...

The Argument

Trixie had never experienced something so wonderful. She felt better than ever. She wasn't sore. Her unsightly bruise and scar had met untimely ends. She could breath. She could pounce Twilight with the biggest hug she'd ever recieved, and she did just that. The fatigued alicorn nearly toppled over, but managed to stabilize herself with an outstretched wing. "Thank you!" Trixie called out, muffled slightly by the purple fur in her muzzle, "Trixie thanks you so much! She has never had anything done for her so-" She searched for the proper word for a second, "Magnificent!"

Twilight guiltily returned the hug for several -awkward- moments before gently pushing the mare off her. She had to confront Trixie now. This could not go on. As much as she had enjoyed getting to know her former foe, despite the occasion, this had been going on now for a week! Trixie was afraid to leave the library. That much, Twilight couldn't blame her for; however, she, too, was afraid to invite anyone in or allow her to roam around the library on her own and unsupervised. For an entire week now, she had been cooped up in the library against her will as if she were imprisoned for helping a defenseless mare. Spike did all the grocery shopping. She had not seen her friends, afraid of Trixie's reaction to any of them, especially Rainbow. The library had been closed, and she knew there were several citizens, such as Cheerily, who would be very disgruntled about that; the extra work that this would, no doubt, cause was not something she wanted to think about. "Trixie, I- I've been wondering," The alicorn sighed. "Just tell her to leave! No, no, that would be impossibly rude. I actually enjoy her company a bit, rough around the edges she may be. She does have nice edges. Wait, that's not the way ponies say that, and WAIT! Where in the hay did that come from?" She shook her head to rid the thoughts and continued, "Why did you come back to Ponyville after all this time?" She was only beating around the bush a little, right?

Trixie sighed and looked down at the floorboards, she brought one forehoof up to scratch at the opposite leg nervously. "Trix- I suppose I should tell you, considering," She trailed off, still staring at the groung beneath her.

"Considering what?" Twilight asked, encouragingly. She was curious now. She had to know.

"Considering," Trixie started up again. "I was going to ask for your assistance in the matter, regardless. I had hoped to apologize," she paused with another sigh, She really didn't want to do this. After what had happened and a week of solitude in fear she may be attacked again, she had completely changed her mind. "To the entire town."




"Absolutely not!"

"Why not?"

"It was a terrible idea!"

"Oh, so the Great and Powerful Trixie has terrible ideas now?"

"It was a mistake to think that Trixie would need to lower herself to an apology!"

"Oh really?"


"Why is it such a bad idea for you to apologize?" Sarcasm was evident in the Alicorn's tone.

"The Ponyvillians don't deserve an apology from somepony as great and powerful as moi!"

"And why is that?"

The two had been going at it for a solid ten minutes. Spike, disturbed from his work, stacking shelves, had begun to watch the two. Trixie sat on her haunches in the middle of the room, her back facing Twilight defiantly. Twilight, on the other hand, had just begun to circle Trixie as they argued, like a lion preparing to pounce upon her prey. "Trixie will not apologize to them after the way they treated her. She did nothing to them, recently, yet she was attacked!"

"That wasn't even all the town! They were just some local ruffians, a couple shop owners from the market, and- well, Rainbow Dash."

"Do not even get Trixie started on," She poured venom over the last word, "Her!"

"Trixie, Rainbow is a good pony. She didn't mean to do what she did. She was extremely upset and wanted to apologize right away, but she couldn't!" Twilight's voice got slightly angrier as she defended her friend, though she did not sympathize with her friend's actions.

"Oh?" The blue unicorn replied, raising an eyebrow, "Then where is she now? Why have I not heard such an apology?"

"For the very same reason you haven't left this Celestia-damned library!" Twilight yelled, her voice jumping an octave or two.

" And what's that supposed to mean?" Trixie retorted.

"I was afriaid of this!" Twilight huffed, "In full scale!"

"She's been asking about you every day at the market," Spike calmly called from the couch. The two mares froze and stared at the baby dragon. He didn't even give them a glance. He had a file, apparently dulling his claws with it. He blew gently on his claws and elaborated, "She seemed pretty worried about you, in fact she seems to be losing sleep over it. It doesn't look like she's had much of an appetite either," He glanced at Trixie with a smile. "If you expect the Ponyvillians to give you another chance, you need to be willing to give them another chance too. The circle's gotta' be cut somewhere, right?"

The mares stared in awe at the nonchalant dragon, jaws open. They came to their sense and looked at each other apologetically. "Right," Trixie was the first to speak. Spike got up and walked into the kitchen for something. "Well, apologies are in order. Twilight, Trixie needs your help, as a friend."

Author's Note:

Very, very short chapter, but it was mostly just to bridge the last chapter to the next, which I'm hoping will ease some of the complaints and also, perhaps, be my longest chapter yet.